
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · 漫画同人
77 Chs

Chapter 32 - Investigation Results

After nearly being blown up by a genin, a few weeks went by quickly with Kumo squads coming to attack before retreating. During which their behavior was very strange since their attacks reminded Kagami of a child pushing the limits of their parents to get a new toy. So given a task, Kagami and Mira set off to investigate.

Their investigation was uneventful as they split up to search and gather information. So by the time they returned to camp, they completed their investigation in little over a week. The results were less than satisfying nor really explained Kumo's attitude.

It has turned out that Kumo is in talks with Iwa hence most of Kumo main forces were along the Kumo and Iwa border. However, the Raikage also wanted to gain some benefits from the Land of Fire after learning about the Nine Tails riot. So, after gathering the information and organizing it, Raikage is just invading to test the water to debate if he can gain anything or not.

"Does Kumogakure really have enough manpower to do this?" Mira grumbled as she ate an apple.

Currently taking a rest, Kagami and Mira were sitting on a couple of tree branches. Laying on his side as he propped up his head as he looked at Mira across from him. Kagami just gave out a light shrug as he didn't know.

"Do you think another full out war is going to occur?" Mira asked.

"I doubt it, however small scale conflicts like this are another story." Kagami yawned.

"Did you hear that the teen we brought back tried to become a missing-nin?" Mira changed topics.

Kagami shook his head as he didn't hear this piece of news. It did, however, give him a small laugh the more he thought about it. Since the teen that nearly blew them up wasn't very skilled.

"Apparently his punishment of cleaning the camp for a month was below him and his skills. So he tried to run away and become a missing-nin. However, he was captured fairly quickly as the bag he had his stuff in had a hole and he basically announced his goal while leaving." Mira giggled as she held her laughter.

Kagami rolled his eyes as he didn't understand where most of these missing-nin got the idea of making it big if they left their village. Most of them barely can qualify as a chunin upon leaving, and tend to slack off thinking they are big stuff so most genin can take them out. Of course, there are a few special exceptions and one such example is Akatsuki.

An organization that houses so many S-rank criminals that besides some funds holding them back could totally wreck a bunch of havoc across the continent. Besides Nagato and Konan who can't really be considered missing-nin, each has the skills and strength making it difficult for most to deal with one of them.

"Hey Kagami, can you teach me Magnet Release?" Mira asked suddenly.

"Why? Aren't you learning about Blaze and Lava release at the moment." Kagami became interested as he sat up.

Mira let out a sigh seeing his excitement, since she compared Kagami's previous state to the one now. The previous one was like a lazy bum from the Nara clan, while the one now was an excited puppy who is rapidly wagging his tail.


The next day Kagami was busy hopping around collecting various forms of sand. Each with different properties since he didn't know which one would correspond with Mira. Hence a variety of magnetic sand was needed for testing.

However, while he was collecting sand, he was also thinking hard as he ran through countless lines of codes in his head. He had to figure out how to use this nature transformation or more specifically figure out how to teach Mira. Since magnet release was a strange nature transformation as one more or less created a magnetic field to manipulate sand.

'Thinking of magnetic fields. I wonder if I can create a high pressure space, then wouldn't I be able to create diamonds or other gems?' Kagami thought to himself.

Then a different idea hit him, 'Why go through that effort? Couldn't I just research crystal release and modify it to directly create gems that way?'

Different ideas began to flow into his head as he marked it on his to-do list. Which got him excited as an idea of creating a diamond golem popped into his head. Since how cool would it be to ride on top of a giant pile of diamonds.

'Bad Kagami, you need to focus on the task at hand. Sand, must collect sand.' Kagami went back to collecting sand.


A while later in the field that was designated as a training field for the camp. Kagami faced Mira who looked dumbfounded at the dozen piles of sand before her. Since most piles were a different color from the rest.

"Let's begin, but first we must find which sand reacts to you the best." Kagami said as he gestured with two fingers and the dozen or so sand lifted up off the ground.

Mira just stared blankly for a moment, "When did you learn magnet release?"

"Does it matter?" Kagami asked. 'I shouldn't say I spent half the night and most of today collecting the sand to learn the basic control of it, should I.'

"Ok, so what should I do?" Mira said as her mouth twitched as the urge to beat him emerged in her heart.

Clearly she knew him for too long and could tell he just spent at most a day learning this. Yet, she spent nearly two weeks trying to learn it by herself with little success. However, while she felt her pride as a genius crack, she was also amazed at his talent. Since, he seems to easily pick up the basics of elemental kekkei genkais.

"Magnet release is more so creating a magnetic field to manipulate the sand or more specifically the metal in the sand." Kagami answered. "To use magnet release, we are more or less guiding where the sand is going and what form it should take."

Under Kagami control, the piles of sand began to turn into various models of Mira showing off the twelve basic hand seals. Then gestured for Mira to tap one and found it harder than steel. Yet, she knew it was just made of grains of sand.

After putting the sand back in place, for the rest of the day, Kagami helped Mira find the sand that reacts most for her. In the end, as the day was about to end, it was discovered to be black iron sand similar to the Third Kazekage.

Thanks for Reading.

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