
Naruto Six eye sharingan

NARUTO pov You know this all time you know what I am but still can't break me Even with out my memory I still play with With power of these eye I bring peace

Zombage · 奇幻
1 Chs

Chapter - 1

Third pov

The sound of heavy breathing could be heard through the dark streets of Konohagakure. The person had been running hard for a long time. He was just sleeping in his apartment dreaming of ramen when they kicked in his door. He shot out of bed and attempted to escape. One of those attackers saw him and launched a kunai at him. The small knife was still lodged into his shoulder. He stopped for a second but knew that he could not stay for long.

What had he done to deserve such treatment from this village? He was born here just like everyone else, yet he was singled out. His own village cursed his existence, and he did not know why. He had done nothing wrong. He was just a five year of a boy who had a dream of being Hokage. Why did they hate him so much? He heard the voices of his attackers and began to Move when someone appeared in front of him.

"There you are, you little demon!" the Man snarled. He kicked him in the chest, driving the air out of his little body. He hit the wall with such an impact that he spat up blood. He struggled to stand, but his attention was to the Mob that finally caught up to him.

"Please," he begged. "I've done nothing wrong."

*Nothing wrong it said, you've killed our loved ones. Shouted one

"I've lost my son because of you. Another shouted.

"You should have been killed the day that you born

One man take out a knife out of his pokect  and yelled we finish what 4th start

They stabed boy multiple time and leave him in his pool of blood  to die

Naruto pov

The golder haired boy was having trouble with reasoning.

I mean, he closed his eyes a while ago but he couldn't get himself into the world of dreams... even if he was tired for life.

At first, he attributed the insomnia to not wanting

anyone sneaking on him.

But after a while, he just gave up on worrying about his energy; it didn't matter anyway... sleep or awake everything he saw, was pitch black.

He still worried about why he could feel the warmth of the sun burning him thought... but well, maybe it was the trauma or whatever.

Right now, all he was sure about it's that his body was hurting... He even wondered if he'll actually die this time.

Well, at least no one was comming to save him.

that's for sure...


Hold up!

Had he just felt something?

Okay, this was creepy but he needed to be stronger than that.

He slowly opened his ocean eyes and...

He was seeing again!!!

Well... it's was weird because his sight didn't Match any street of Konoha... at all. This place was more like a big and creepy Maze.

He thought it was best to walk around for a while, but the more he wandered the more he thought this was weird... He didn't remember dragging himself into a river, but somehow there was water surrounding him.

Maybe he died already? Who knows.

Suddenly he could hear a yawn; but it was so loud, it resonated in all of the... Maze? that had to come from someone right? so, he  decided to run towards that.

"I'm starting to think this is actually the after life dattebayo." The blondie started Mumbling to himself, as he admired how the water didn't Make sound when he walked over it.

I mean, the blondo had his reasons to think this as the after life, he literally didn't feel any pain!  And his scars were gone?!? This was just crazy.

He reached the room where the yawn came from, finding himself in front a hugeeeeeee... cage? He didn't know what that was, but well, it looked like a prison and it had some weird paper

attached to it, so he called it: 'the prison with some paper attached to it.'

Uhhhhhh, the after life was just getting weirder and weirder...

What the hell before he finished a voice came

So, my keeper finally decided to show up?'

The kid froze... In the Middle of the darkness that formed the prison, he could spot a blood-ish eye watching him, staring into his soul.

Okay... he sure didn't expect a eye in cage with an incredible demonic voice to be here in the afterlife, but death didn't have to make sense right

'You're not dead dammit!!!'

The roar made the kid freeze again, did an eye just read his thoughts?!? Eyes could do that??!?!

The blondo just knew the thing looked pissed, and he probably shouldn't piss an eye in a cage. since it was scary as hell...

Ok, I get it I'm not dead. the kid thought, since he assumed the other could read his mind...

'What's going on then?' he asked, trying to stay as calm as he could to see if he understood anything.

'Heh, you seem smart... find it out yourself.' said the voice, trying to sound... scary? as it mocked him.

Screw not pissing that eye!! What was that even supposed to Mean?!?

How am I supposed to know what's going on, if I am not dead  The blondo started, building up some courage, you see.. he was a kid with pride and he wouldn't allow himself to be Mocked by whatever that thing was.

'In any case YOU, should know what's going on The kid continued bravely, forgetting all of his fears and pointing an accusing finger towards the red eye.

The darkness took over that cage again, as the eye disappeared and a small laugh could be heard.

Was that thing laughing at him?!

'You've got some courage I'll give you that the voice made it's presence again, still having the leftovers of the previous laugh... the blondo even imagined the creature, cleaning an anime tear

while he said that.

...We're in your Mindscape' The creature

continued, getting a little bit more serious in the process; as the eye opened again and stared into

the kid's actions.

'My what!?' The child said a little bit astonished. 'Why are we in My Mind? I mean I could get why I here, but what about YOU?' The whiskered boy started rambling angrily.

He didn't want to sound harsh but he also didn'tlike the idea of someone else being his My Mind... or Maybe he just became crazy, and obtained a doble personality or something...

However, he didn't have more time to make More crazy theories, when something stepped into the light.

The blondo unconsciously let out a small gasp.

And how to blame him? He was literally

witnessing the Most Majestic thing he had ever seen.

The creature had immaculate fur that danced between a cherry-ish tone and a summer orange; as the light that came from who knows where reflected in the , Making the kitsune look like a beautiful sunset painting... And if you looked

further, you could spot nine fluffy tails, that were Moving around trying to intimidate.

Yes, the creature was very huggable if you asked the child.

Oh and, there were two eyes now staring into the child's soul... two bloody colored soul-Mirrors that looked at the human with nothing but hatred.

The blondo couldn't help to notice this as he lowered his head with a little bit of sorrow, hatred wasn't a god thing for anyone you know...

'You should show Me More respect you brat! The creature said/yelled replacing the Mockingness in his voice with some annoyance... Making the kid take a step backwards. Its not like I'm here because I want to... so stop complaining. 'Yep.

He sure was pissed.

Why are you here then?' The kid asked, dying of curiosity but being careful of not making angrier the nine-tailed creature.

'Because I was sealed here duh.' The gigantic beast stated as if it was obvious. However, it sighed when it saw the kid tilting his head in confusion.

I'm the great Kyubi no Kitsune!! The one that attacked Konoha 4 years ago and the fear of all the village!!' His demonic voice grew angrier with every single word it pronounced.

The naruto opened his eyes widely, as

realization hit him in the face...

'It... Makes sense, you're the demon they

talk about The Mortal concluded in a

evaluating-the-situation tone and the kyubi let out a frustrated yet angry grown at this.

The kid looked at the fox again, and the he lowered his head quickly.

Sorry... I didn't Meant to The child... apologized?

when he realized what he just called the bijū.

However, said kitsune looked shocked for some reason and the child started panicking. Did he say something wrong?! He chuckled from nervousness, this was awkward...

So.. what's your name?' The child gave the beast the brightest smile he could afford, as if with that he could destroy that awkward tension.

'My what- 'But it didn't make effect since the bijū just looked even more astonished.

The way you're called duh. The child Mocked the other out of nervousness.

'I won't believe that your name is kyubi since it literally means "nine tails" and... I don't think you're really named after what you are. He added quickly, but still a little bit more sure of himself.

'It's like calling me human!! He chuckled kindly as his fears and worries vanished away.

'I mean, you could do it, but I'll be weird,

dattebayo! The child finished, giving the

brightest smile he could afford again... but this time it was sincere and not out of nervousness.

However, the only thing written in the kyubis face was shock, and the blondo really couldn't understand why anymore...

But before he got an answer to anything...

'W-WHAT'S HAPPENING??' The kid yelled desperately, seeing how his hands and feet became transparent.

Don't panic you are just waking up he stated in his dark but sleepy voice kyubi stated

But I don't get your name naruto said In a worried voice

Kurama kid  kyubi said in a little happiness voice

Well see you later Kurama and with this word Naruto faded

When Naruto faded Kurama start taking his abnormal sleep

(Abnormal because how can someone sleep soo long )

Naruto (in real world )

I open my eyes and see a white celling

I understand where I am  he realese a heavy sigh

Now It s not hard to understand what happens he is in hospital and only person who care about him is hokage jiji

Hokage enter in the room he feel  dissopinted not about village he is dissopinted because he is not able to take care of Naruto he realese a heavy sigh and move toward the naruto

Hey jiji Naruto said in a relief voice

Hokage was a little shock because Naruto tell without seeing

Naruto how you tell it's me when you have bandage on all over your face

Naruto was a little confuse but then he feel weird because he doesn't open his eyes and see everything like he has bakugo 360° vision in closed eyes

Who else vist me jiji it is only you who can visit naruto stated in a cheerful voice

Ok Naruto after you discharge we have a new home for you are you sure you able to manage to live alone saindiman hokage said in a worried tune

Not to worried about me jiji it is better then the stare by soo many people

I will a 100% sure jiji I am able to live alone he said in his cheerful voice but inside there was a tornado of thought of his new vision and Kurama it is too much for  a single day with soo much suprises  but he didn't want to bother his jiji

Surotobi see the worried face of the boy but don't want him to bother

After some minutes later a nurse came and remove Naruto bandages

Naruto if needed something told me tomorrow we visit your new house I give you monthly allowance until you became genie  hokage said and start moving towards the gate but stopped by a sudden voice

It is the voice of Naruto

Jiji can you provide me books of dojutsu and clans

He was confused why the book demanded  such a thing I think it is due to masscare of uchiha clan

He sighed in relief . Tomorrow we will give you your book and he leaved the room

*The next day

The day was not so long naruto say in a light voice

Flashback back recap

Naruto and hokage visit his new appartment and it take 2 hours to set up then Naruto get his requested books

Their are so many. Clans books but I only get hyuga , uchia , nara

He tried to find about if he belongs to some clan or not but unable to find anything about it

I read almost every because clan don't want to share much info special hyugas

I learn about dojutsu too

Their are 2 know dojutsu in Konohagakure

Bakugan - It gives you power too see chakra coils of someone and give you a very large of all 360°

In start think I have bakugan but later I find I see even with closed eyes and my are blue

Next is sharingan  it allows you too see in slo-mo and allow you to copy all Jujutsu by only seeing

It is cool but I this something is about my eyes it might be some new dojutsu so I keep the secret as long as possible

I find some facts about my eyes

They have 360° ability of bakugan

They  absorb some different kinds of chakra which I say negative chakra

I name my eyes six eyes

I know I am not too much creative I named is six eye because

I am able to see all 4 direction and up and down so their 6 direction while naming them Kurama say I am too lack of creativity and he study my negative chakra so I understand what is it

Flashback recap end

It is going too be hard naruto said in heavy voice

Their are still 3 months in starting of academic he must learn about his eyes as much as possible

The six eye a strong dojutsu maybe

Well it is hard too even understand Kurama yesterday and it fell like we are talking for year

The one day I unlock every secret of your power six eyes

With this naruto sleep peacefully

The peacefull which is not taken by years now he knows his goal he became strongest hokage


Hello friends do you like my story

Actually I am reading a lot of fanfriction

Be happy and don't forget to vote and follow I need it

Zombagecreators' thoughts