
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · 漫画同人
191 Chs

Chapter 12: Still working on it 

Chapter 12: Still working on it 

Malik sat in his office on the 3rd floor of his house, after checking in on Sakura and Ino who were still asleep in on of his rooms. 

"What am I going to do?" Malik said to no one. 

He pulled up his Hunters Mark information about Shisui: 

Scrolling past most of it until he found what he wanted: 

Shisui Uchiha 

Malik: Love:25 – Lust(-5) 

"Negative five, I've never seen that before, should I be worried about that?" he asked himself. 

"Worried about what?" Shisui said apparently appearing from nowhere. 

"Sweet Christmas!" Malik said while almost falling out of his chair. 

"How did you get in here?" Malik asks here 

"Through your window and then I walked through your door, you should probably tell your staff to start locking the windows and doors, someone could easily murder you, it doesn't help that your soft and weak." Shisui answered. 

" umm . . . Thank you for telling me that Sui im going to be sleeping "great" later," Malik declared. 

"You're Welcome and why Sui," she said as she gave him a small smile. 

Shisui Uchiha 

Malik: Love:30 – Lust(-5) 

("Why . . . how did that help") Malik thought, " Because it's cute, short and easy butI wonder if Itachi is like this too, I bet his even worse". 

"He?", she said "Itachi is a girl." she stated if a straight face. 

"WHAT . . . but I didn't . . . how . . . could . . . WHAT?" she said while a notification popped up on his phone. 

[High Tier Quest: Make every member of the Akatsuki fall in love with you: 

Bonus points for temporary members like Orochimaru] 

{Note from the Goddess: This was going to be a surprise but I gender swapped all the male members of the Akatsuki for you, But Shisui went and spoiled it. Anyway, good luck.} 


Shisui watched Malik his attention pulled to a small glass device he was holding. His Face going through several emotions. 

Lifting his face to meet hers he askes "I'll be back, come find me later, I need a hot second." he says as he leaves. 


As the first rays of the sun began to peek over the horizon, the sound of soft footsteps echoed in the chamber. Malik turned, his heart pounding in his chest. It was Shisui, her figure silhouetted against the faint morning light. 

She was dressed in civilian clothes now, a stark contrast to the traditional Uchiha outfit she had been wearing earlier. Her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, and her eyes, though still holding that familiar spark, seemed softer, more at peace. 

"I've made up my mind," she said, her voice steady. She met Malik's gaze, a determined look in her eyes. "I'll work with you, Malik." 

Relief washed over Malik, and he let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Thank you, Shisui," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Together, we can face whatever comes our way, now let's go shopping." 


As Malik and Shisui make their way to the marketplace, the hustle and bustle of early morning vendors and customers fill the air. The scent of fresh produce and baked goods wafts through the streets, and the sound of merchants calling out their wares creates a lively atmosphere. 


Malik, with his silver tongue skill, expertly negotiates prices and haggles with vendors, much to Shisui's amusement. He picks out various outfits for Shisui to try on, ranging from simple tunics and trousers to more elaborate kimonos and dresses. 

As Shisui tries on each outfit, Malik can't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. She looks stunning in everything she wears, and he knows that no one would ever suspect she's a Uchiha clan member (probably). Shisui gracefully glides out of the changing room, her movements as fluid as water. The kimono she wears is a beautiful shade of deep blue, adorned with intricate patterns of silver and white. It brings out the color of her eyes, making them sparkle like stars in the night sky. Malik can't help but stare in awe, taken aback by her beauty. 

"What do you think?" Shisui asks, a small smile playing on her lips. 

Malik stammers, trying to find the right words. "Y-you look amazing, Shisui. Absolutely stunning." 

Shisui's smile grows wider, and she twirls around, the fabric of her kimono flowing around her like a cloud. "Thank you, Malik. You have great taste." As Shisui continues to twirl, a vendor nearby calls out to the pair, offering freshly baked pastries filled with sweet red bean paste. The smell is intoxicating, and Malik's stomach growls in response. He purchases a few for the pair to share, and they find a quiet corner to enjoy their treats. 

The pastries are warm and delicious, the sweetness of the bean paste complementing the flaky crust perfectly. As they eat, Malik notices Shisui looking at every person with a suspect's glare. "How about we could to the more expensive part of town to buy you something special, maybe even some underwear," he says with a wink. Shisui raises an eyebrow at Malik's suggestion, but the idea of exploring the more expensive part of town piques her interest. She nods in agreement, and the two of them finish their pastries before setting off towards the wealthier district. 

As they walk, the streets become cleaner and more well-maintained. The buildings are taller and more grandiose, with intricate carvings and detailed paintings adorning their walls. The people walking by are dressed in finer clothes, and there's a sense of elegance in the air. 

Malik leads Shisui to a high-end clothing store, where the shopkeepers greet them with warm smiles. He explains to the staff that they're looking for something special for Shisui, and they quickly usher the pair to the back of the store. A shopkeeper, an older woman with a kind smile and graceful demeanor, presents Shisui with an array of elegant outfits. Each one is more extravagant than the last, made from the finest silk and adorned with intricate embroidery. Shisui's eyes widen with delight as she sees the beautiful selection. 


Meanwhile, Malik notices a display of fine jewelry and is drawn to a stunning necklace. It features a large sapphire pendant, surrounded by smaller diamonds and set on a delicate gold chain. The deep blue color of the sapphire matches Shisui's eyes perfectly, and Malik can't resist the urge to purchase it for her. 

As Shisui tries on the outfits, Malik approaches the shopkeeper and asks about the necklace. Malik with a smile decided, " Fuck it, I'm rich and buy her all of them". Shisui whispers to Malik tickling his ear, "Should you be doing all of this, aren't we trying to stay low profile?" Looking at her with a smile Malik says, "Don't worry about the Old man, he has no reason to suspect that your alive, and even if he were putting spys on me, they probably wouldn't be focusing on my company, either way, one of my abilities prevents me from being unnoticed." Shisui takes a long look at Malik,"One day you're going to tell me who you really are." she says. "I tell you when we're married, now pick out of underwear, and follow me into the changing room, I need to see theses on you." he answers. The shopkeeper beams at Malik's enthusiasm and begins to gather the necklaces he admired. As she places them in a velvet-lined box, she remarks, "These are some of our finest pieces, sir. I'm sure the young lady will love them." 

Meanwhile, Shisui has found a stunning set of silk undergarments, embroidered with delicate cherry blossoms. She holds them up, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Do you think these would look good on me?" she asks, biting her lower lip coyly. 

Malik feels his heart race at the sight of Shisui holding up the underwear. He clears his throat, trying to compose himself. "I-I think they would look great on you," he stammers, taking the box of necklaces from the shopkeeper. 

Shisui Uchiha 

Malik: Love:(50) – Lust(10) 

As Malik follows Shisui into the changing room, he can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He has never been in this situation before, and he's not sure what to do or say. 


Shisui gracefully slips out of her kimono, revealing her toned body and the lacy undergarments she's trying on. Malik's breath hitches in his throat as he takes in her beauty. He quickly averts his gaze, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. 

"What do you think?" Shisui asks, turning around so Malik can see the full effect. The undergarments fit her perfectly, accentuating her curves and making her look even more alluring. Her big breasts jiggled freely. 

Malik stammers, trying to find the right words. "Y-you look amazing, Shisui. Absolutely stunning." Malic notices her wild untamed bush showing through her panties, pubic hair sticking out from its side, a treasure trail of hair leading up her toned stomach to her bellybutton. As Shisui continues to model the undergarments for Malik, he can't help but feel his face growing hot. He quickly averts his gaze, trying to maintain some level of composure. But it's difficult, especially when Shisui moves in a way that causes the fabric to stretch and cling to her body, highlighting her curves and the tantalizing glimpse of skin beneath. 

Malik takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He carefully places the box of necklaces on a nearby table and approaches Shisui. "Here, let me help you with that," he says, reaching out to adjust the straps of the undergarments. 

As he does so, his fingers brush against Shisui's skin, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. He quickly pulls his hand away, but the damage is done. "Don't stop now," Shisui says to him grabbing his hands. 

Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, Malik takes a deep breath and continues to adjust the straps of Shisui's undergarments. His fingers brush against her soft skin, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. As he works, he can't help but notice the way Shisui's breathing has changed, becoming shallow and quick. 

"There, all set," Malik says, taking a step back to admire his handiwork. Shisui looks absolutely stunning in the undergarments, and the necklaces he purchased for her add an extra touch of elegance and refinement. 

Shisui turns to face Malik, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Thank you, Malik. These are all beautiful, and I can't wait to wear them." She steps closer to him, her body just inches away from his. "I have an idea." 

" Shisui's voice is low and sultry, her breath hot against Malik's skin. She reaches down and gently touches his cheek, her fingers tracing a line down to his jaw. "Why don't we try on some of these necklaces together?" she suggests, her eyes locked onto his. 

Malik feels his heart race at Shisui's suggestion. He nods, unable to find his voice. Shisui selects one of the necklaces, the sapphire pendant glinting in the light. She steps behind Malik and fastens it around his neck. As she does so, her body presses against his, and he can feel the heat radiating off of her. 

Once the necklace is in place, Shisui steps back and admires her handiwork. "You look amazing," she says, her voice filled with admiration. Shisui takes a step back, her eyes roaming over Malik's outfit. The necklace looks stunning against his collarbones, and the delicate gold chain contrasts nicely with his dark skin. She can't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction at how well he pulls off the elegant look. 


"You look like royalty," Shisui says, her voice filled with admiration. "I could get used to seeing you like this." 

Malik blushes at Shisui's compliment, feeling self-conscious but happy all the same. He reaches up to touch the pendant, feeling the cool weight of the sapphire against his skin. 

"Thank you," he says, smiling at Shisui. "I feel pretty ridiculous, but I have to admit, I do feel pretty good." 

Shisui chuckles, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She steps closer to Malik, her hand reaching up to adjust the necklace slightly. "You look handsome, not ridiculous," she reassures him, her voice soft and sincere. 

As they continue to admire the necklaces and each other, the shopkeeper approaches them with a polite cough. "Excuse me, sir and madam, but I couldn't help but notice how lovely you both look. If you're interested, I have some matching earrings that would go perfectly with that necklace." She gestures to the sapphire necklace that Malik is wearing. 

Malik looks at Shisui, raising an eyebrow in question. Shisui nods, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Why not? Let's see what they have." 

The shopkeeper beams, pleased with their interest. 

She rummages through a nearby display case and produces a pair of elegant earrings, the sapphires matching the pendant exactly. She holds them up for Shisui and Malik to see, and they both nod in approval. 


"Those are perfect," Shisui says, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 

The shopkeeper smiles and carefully places the earrings in a velvet-lined box, handing it to Malik. "Here you are, sir. I hope you and the young lady enjoy them." 

Malik takes the box, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you, we will." 

He turns to Shisui, holding out the box. "Shall we try these on as well?" 

Shisui nods eagerly, taking the box from him. Together, they sit down at a nearby table, and Malik helps Shisui put on the earrings. 

As Malik fastens the earrings onto Shisui's earlobes, her eyes light up with excitement. The sapphires sparkle in the lamplight, perfectly matching the pendant around Malik's neck. 


"Wow, they look amazing on you!" Malik exclaims, taking a step back to admire Shisui's new accessories. 

Shisui beams with pride, running her fingers over the delicate earrings. "Thank you, Malik. They're perfect." 

The two of them spend some time admiring each other's new jewelry, feeling a sense of satisfaction and happiness wash over them. The shopkeeper gives Malik a knowing smile, happy to have helped him find such beautiful pieces. 

As they prepare to leave the shop, Shisui takes Malik's hand and gives it a squeeze. "Thank you for this," she says softly. He smiles, ("I guess someone as talented as her never got to experience this") he thought to himself. 

"I'm glad we could do this together," Malik replies, squeezing her hand back. "It's a moment I won't forget." 

The two of them make their way out of the shop, their hands still intertwined. As they walk down the busy street, they can't help but feel a sense of joy and contentment. The sun is shining, the air is warm, and they are together. 

After a while, they come across a small park nestled between the buildings. It's quiet and secluded, a perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Shisui suggests they take a break and sit on a nearby bench. 

As they sit down, Malik notices a group of children playing in the distance. They're laughing and running around, their faces full of joy. "Next time, if your more bold I might let you see me naked," she says. "Girl you're playing with my heartstrings!" he says. 

Shisui giggles at Malik's response, her cheeks flushing a light pink. "Well, I didn't mean right now," she says, teasingly. "But maybe someday, if you're lucky." 

Malik's heart races at the thought, but he tries to play it cool. "I'll hold you to that," he says, grinning. 

As they sit in the park, watching the children play and feeling the warmth of the sun on their skin, Malik can't help but feel grateful for this moment. He looks over at Shisui, her hair catching the light and her eyes sparkling with happiness. 

He takes her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. "Thank you for today," he says, sincerely. "I really needed this." 

Shisui looks at him, her expression softening. "I'm glad we could do this together, but it won't always be like this." She says her face losing all its joy. Feeling that mood had changed she stands up, "We should head back home," Shisui's sudden change in demeanor catches Malik off guard, and he can't help but feel a pang of disappointment. He had been enjoying this moment with her, and now it seems like it's over. But he doesn't want to push her, so he simply nods and stands up as well. 


Together, they make thier way back to the main street and Malik somehow hails a passing carriage. The ride back to the house is quiet, and he can sense that Shisui is lost in her thoughts. He resists the urge to ask her what's wrong, knowing that she'll open up when she's ready. 

As the carriage pulls up to your lodgings, he helps Shisui down and leads her inside. Malik can see the exhaustion etched into her face, and he suggests that she take a bath and get some rest. 

Shisui nods, offering him a small smile as she heads up to her room. Malik watches her go, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside. He's happy that they were able to spend this special day with her, but he can't shake the feeling that something is bothering her. 

As the evening wears on, he finds yourself unable to focus on anything but Shisui. He decides to check on her, gently knocking on her door. There's no answer, so he gently pushes it open. 

Malik finds Shisui sitting in the bathtub, her eyes closed and her head resting against the rim. The water is still, and you can see the tension in her shoulders. He approaches her slowly, not wanting to startle her. "hmmmm" she says while looking up at him. "I can be bold," he says smile, he strips, climbs into the bathtub and lowers his head into the water, pushing his face into her hairy pussy. 

Malik isn't very experienced but he tries to pleasure her. As Malik's face approaches Shisui's intimate area, she tenses up, surprised by his sudden action. However, she quickly relaxes and lets out a soft sigh as she feels his lips on her skin. He explores her body with his mouth, trying different techniques to please her. Shisui responds positively, running her fingers through his hair and moaning softly. 

Despite his lack of experience, Malik is eager to learn and make Shisui feel good. He takes his time, listening to her reactions and adjusting his approach accordingly. The water in the bathtub ripples around them, adding an intimate and sensual atmosphere to their encounter. 

After a while, Shisui's moans become louder and more frequent. She grabs onto the edges of the bathtub, her body trembling with pleasure. Malik can feel her muscles tensing up, and he knows she's close. He continues to pleasure her, his tongue moving in rhythm with her breathing. Shisui's moans reach a fever pitch, and she cries out his name as she reaches her climax. 


Malik feels a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction wash over him as he feels her body relax in the water. He gently pulls away, resting his head on her shoulder. Shisui turns to face him, her eyes shining with gratitude and affection. She cups his face in her hands and presses a soft kiss to his lips. 

"Thank you, Malik," she whispers, her voice filled with emotion. "That was amazing." 

Malik smiles, feeling his heart swell with happiness. He wraps his arms around her, holding her close as they sit in the bathtub. 

Shisui Uchiha 

Malik: Love:(65) – Lust(44) Points gained (400) 

here for a good time, not a long time

BlackPolarcreators' thoughts