
Naruto:All for One

Story is be rewritten new Synopsis will be updated after new release I do not own MHA or Naruto only my oc

Jesterkeitt · 漫画同人
49 Chs

Battle for the Hidden Grass

The Hidden Grass village was on high alert, as all the genin on patrol were missing, also there was still no word from the border patrol. The village issued a village-wide order to all civilians to stay at home and gathered all the remaining ninja outside the center of the village.

After taking the count, they found that they were missing forty of their Genin, which was a significant amount. While one of the twenty Jonin was missing since the end of the high-level meeting, all the Chunin were accounted for.

The elders decided that the enemy couldn't be in any of the heavily populated areas and formed a team consisting of ten Jonin, twenty Chunin, and thirty Genin to search the poor region. They instructed the remaining ninja to stay put at the village center.

Meanwhile, Kurogiri had just finished absorbing half the chakra in his spiritual space. The changes to his body and power were tremendous. His height, muscle mass, and hair had all grown, making him go from being three and a half feet tall to four and a half feet.

Kurogiri felt fantastic, as absorbing the chakra had strengthened his All for One quirk, which in turn increased the abilities of others. He then activated the search quirk, which now allowed him to feel slightly over half the village.

With the newly upgraded quirk, Kurogiri was able to sense the ninja in the center of the village, as well as the large squad of sixty ninja on the way. The search function also allowed him to gauge the amount of chakra each person contained, thus allowing him to guess their strength.

Kurogiri created ten clones and had them hide in shadows all over the area. He then used his black quirk to get into the shadow of the pile of bodies, waiting for the ninja to show up. Using his clone with Rin, Kurogiri warned her of the battle about to come.

Back in the basement of the hospital, Rin was startled when Kurogiri's message came through to her head. His clone informed Rin that the original was about to take on a squad of ninja and that she should go home to her daughter. Rin couldn't help but ask where the fight would take place. The Kurogiri clone then told her it would be in the abandoned side of town.

Upon hearing this, Rin became terrified because that's where she and her daughter lived, so she warned Kurogiri about the danger. Kurogiri's clone asked for Rin's address, and after getting the information, the original Kurogiri created another clone to pick up Rin's daughter.

As Kurogiri waited for the squad to show up, the first of the Jonin arrived on the scene. The Jonin were so shocked by the pile of bodies that they just stopped, allowing the rest of the squad to catch up.

As the squad made their way to the pile, the Chunin and Genin spread out in the area to check for clues. Meanwhile, the Kurogiri clone that was sent to get Rin's daughter made it to the house and used permeation to get inside.

When five-year-old Uzumaki Karin saw the creature phase into her house, she was about to scream until a message came to her mind. The message told Karin that her mother had sent the creature to get her out of the area because a fight was about to break out.

Karin, being smart for a five-year-old, asked for some proof that her mother had sent him. Kurogiri's clone told Karin about her mother's description and treatment in the village. He then added that he was going to change the village and free her mother from the torture she was going through.

Remembering all the times her mom had come home with new bite marks and still worked hard to give Karin a better life, she asked if he was really going to change the village and free her mother from torture.

The Kurogiri clone displayed an example of his healing ability, and seeing that Karin was convinced that he wasn't going to take advantage of her mother or herself, she quickly came to terms and made her way over to him.

The clone lifted her in a princess carry outside the house and used a combination of One for All, Whirlwind, and Float to launch quickly into the sky in hopes of not being seen.

In order to provide cover, Kurogiri ordered his Nomu to attack the ninjas near the pile, as they were getting close to the invisible beings anyway. The Nomus were able to use their quirks to attack the nearest ninja, catching them all off guard and causing severe injuries to four Jonin.

Upon noticing large footprints on the ground but not seeing anything, the Jonin were able to deduce that the enemy was invisible. At that time, Kurogiri ordered his clones to use permeation to phase into the ground.

They shot out the ground using smokescreen to cover the area, causing the ninja to panic because they were unable to tell how many enemies were in the village. The clone of Kurogiri quickly attacked and drained the genin, as they had less chakra and were easier targets.

Meanwhile, Kurogiri used his Sense Quirk to knock out twenty chunin quite swiftly using his One For All speed. He decided to drain them later. By the time his clone had finished draining the genin, he was already standing beside the pile of unconscious ninja, as the smoke removed the shadow.

As one of the Jonin used wind-style jutsu to clear out the smoke, the remaining six Jonin finally saw the creature from the bingo book. Before they could react, Kurogiri used One For All, Smoke Screen, and Whirlwind to rush the six Jonin while ordering the Nomus to attack two of them each.

The Nomus took down two Jonin because they couldn't be seen, and only the engine Nomu could be heard coming. Kurogiri then used black whip to grab the confused and frightened ninja.

The Nomus knocked the Jonins in the head, causing them to fall unconscious. Kurogiri then ordered his clone to gather all the bodies of the pass-out ninja and bring them to the pile.

All of the fighting and the smoke screen were heard and observed by the ninja in the center of the village. After waiting for ten minutes and not seeing a single person return, the ninja in the center of the village understood that the situation was more significant than they thought.

They assumed that an enemy village must have sent a real strong squad. Consequently, deciding that negotiations might be in order, the elders had the rest of the ninja surrounding them as they made their way to abandon.

Meanwhile, Karin and Kurogiri clone in the sky were just above the hospital, using the strengthened permeation to cover Karin, and dived down into the hospital dropping all the way to the basement. Many people in the hospital caught a glimpse of something black falling through the building all the way down.

The hospital staff knew not to try and confront the enemy and began evacuating the staff and patients. As no one noticed Kurogiri clone moving to the basement, Rin was neither warned nor informed about the situation happening in the hospital.

As Rin saw the figure that had dropped through the roof, she was shocked but happy as she realized it was another Kurogiri and her daughter. Knowing that Kurogiri was already fighting and with all the tremors happening, Rin was quite nervous.

Kurogiri was waiting for the rest of the village ninjas, who he could feel through his search were making their way towards his location. He felt that the rest of the village ninjas were on their way, so Kurogiri had his clones warn Rin and Karin to stay put and that he was about to finish this.

After passing on the message, Kurogiri released all his clones as he planned to use the clone ultimate technique. When the group of ninjas arrived at the battle scene, the first thing they noticed was a pile of all their ninja stacked up there.

In front of the pile was the creature from the previous bingo book, but from the looks of it, they saw it was even bigger than stated before. They realized they weren't dealing with an enemy ninja village but a creature. The elders were frightened, but some of them were greedy for its power.

After exchanging glances with each other, the elders decided that they weren't going to negotiate with a creature, no matter how smart it is. If anything, they believed this to be a plot set up by Konoha, but they decided they would catch this creature and study it in Hozuki prison. Before they could do anything, the creature in front of them released twenty clones, facing off against the group.

The elders wanted to laugh, but seeing the pile of bodies could only take this seriously. They decided that they had been in a standoff long enough and yelled at the creature for attacking their village, promising that by the end of the day, it would be their property.

Kurogiri, hearing the elders boasting about catching him, couldn't help but laugh at the audacity of these old men in this world. Figuring that responding was pointless, Kurogiri had all his clones combine to form a twenty-five-foot-tall version of himself.

The ninjas were taken aback when the clone fused and formed a larger version of the creature and prepared to attack them. Kurogiri had the clone attack by grabbing and swallowing the ninjas, causing them to get stuck in the creature and unable to move. While the giant clone was attacking, the two invisible Nomus also attacked the ninjas, nearly sending them towards the clone to be caught.

The elders were completely terrified because all their ninjas were being taken down, and they could swear that there were invisible enemies attacking the giant. Before the elders could do anything, Kurogiri had already used permeation to get closer to them.

Figuring that these were the leading figures in the country, Kurogiri used half cold to freeze the elders in a block of ice. Kurogiri figured if they died from that, they were not important to begin with, and since they were responsible for Rin's treatment, they would die regardless.

Figuring that he could leave the rest to his clone, Kurogiri decided to make his way over to Rin and her daughter. The best way to get their loyalty was for them to see him free them from their torment up close.

As Kurogiri walked away, his giant clone in conjunction with the invisible Nomus were making quick work of the remaining ninjas. After all the ninjas were stuck in the giant clone, the clone then proceeded to eat the pile of unconscious ninjas to trap them completely.

And with the capture of all the remaining ninjas in the village, the hidden grass ninja village was done for and now Kurogiri can replace it with his own.