"Hail, Hydra." The Emerald-eyed boy intoned, cold and emotionless. Just like a perfect soldier should. They'd done their best to turn him into an unstoppable force. Their uprising was sure to be swift and smooth. Unfortunately for Hydra, another power has already dug it's claw into the boy. A power higher than even gods. The power of a Gamer. Cold/Unstable Harry, Gamer Harry, Alive!Potters, Alive Voldemort, Smut?
Cold emerald eyes stared at the sniveling man, not flinching as a flash of magic sliced through the man's neck, decapitating him cleanly.
His first kill. And he didn't feel a thing.
A grim silence followed, spreading through the room ominously. Only to be soon broken by the slow sound of clapping that echoed across the blank room.
"Well done, Harry." The voice was warm and sweet as honey, in stark contrast to the chilling hand that came to rest upon his shoulder. "Very well indeed."
The seven year old boy finally turned from the headless body, his stone cold eyes moving from the dripping fountain of blood to the man beside him.
"Hail hydra." He intoned with a nod, and his... handler, returned it with a smile.
Moments later he was sent back to his room, his job done with the same perfection as always.
The room was pure white; the walls, the floor, the ceiling...he might as well be in the middle of nowhere. Even the lone wooden door was painted white.
And there was not a single thing present in the room save for a blanket and a small pillow, both, or course, white.
Harry didn't complain. He couldn't, really. For the only place with a sliver of privacy for him was under it.
Soon, he was lying under the blanket, making sure to cover his head completely. Then, and only then, did he allow his Gamer's mind to deactivate.
[Gamer's Mind: Deactivated]
A torrent of emotions assulted him the next second. His heart clenched with hollowness as he replayed the memory of his first kill in his mind again and again.
He understood death. The finality of ending a life was not lost on him. Hydra made sure he knew exactly what he was doing when he ended the man's life. His handler had given him the task to familiarise himself with the man on a personal level for an entire week.
Only when he understood exactly what he was doing, was he finally ordered to kill.
The pain, the grief, the hatred and anger, the disgust that followed...
It was amazing. The rush of chaos spreading through his mind.
Harry absolutely loved it. It was the only thing that made him feel alive anymore.
He would keep the gamer's mind on for a long period of time, doing the horrible things he was ordered to do with not a single flinch, and when he was finally in the only spot of privacy available to him, he would let lose.
And the tornado of emotions that always followed...they were wonderful. Breathtaking. Even if they caused him the world of pain, made him curse his life...
He still enjoyed them.
Lying under the darkness of his blanket, with the whirlwind of emotions as company. It made him feel...not alone. It was his brief break from reality. Dark and exciting.
Unfortunately, they never lasted long. Even with the gamer's mind shut off, the Hydra had done an excellent job in not just suppressing his emotions, but also eliminating them.
Logical thinking was deeply ingrained in Harry's mind. Cold and calculating, brutal in it's efficiency, his mind was trained to eliminate weakness such as emotions...unless they benifited him in some way. The Gamer's mind was the only thing that saved even a semblance of his former self.
Still, they never stayed for long.
And when his emotions left him alone again, hollow and spent, he simply opened his status to pass the time till his sleep caught up to him.
Harry Potter
Age: 7
Race: Wizard
Level: 10
Mana: 170/170
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 80/80
Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Dexterity: 8
Vitality: 7
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 16
Points: 10
He'd just grown a level, finally hitting lvl 10. Most likely from killing the man..
It wasn't much, but it was a start. From what he'd observed, most of the muscled bodyguards were around Lvl 15-25. And the highest being he had ever 'observed' was Lvl 50...but that was the winter Soldier. He was in a league of his own.
Harry wasn't Powerful, he knew. Not in the sense the winter Soldier was. Highly skilled? Yes. But powerful? No. He was simply too young for that. He couldn't bend steel like he had seen the Soldier do. Couldn't run at 30-40 miles per hour. But what Harry did have, was his skills and his magical abilities.
And of course, his beloved system that made him a gamer.
Combat Skills–
Unarmed Combat (Lvl 51)
Melee Combat (Lvl 65)
Marksmanship (Lvl 68)
Magical Skills–
Mana Manipulation (Lvl 30)
Linguistic Skills–
English (Lvl 70)
Sign Language (Lvl 48)
Other Skills–
Swimming (Lvl 30)
Acting (Lvl 38)
Sneaking (Lvl 55)
Information Gathering (Lvl 47)
He still had a long way to go according to his system, but he was already considered one of the best marksman in this entire facility. Atleast with a handgun. He could only conclude that his system had some higher standards.
Harry had no doubts that one day he will surpass even the winter Soldier. It was simply logical. The system was all he needed to be powerful. It enabled him to progress at a pace unprecedented by any other human.
In mere three years he'd become one of the deadliest assassins in hydra, no matter how inexperienced...plus now that he knew killing made him level up faster, he could only conclude that his progress will be even more rapid.
With that, and the distribution of his extra points, he will be powerful. Powerful enough to gain his freedom.
His time will come, and the hydra shall pay in blood. They may have helped him lay a solid foundation for his skillset, and helped him realise his potential...but they shall pay; for putting him through hell, breaking and reshaping his being.
They will pay. Failure was simply out of question.
Revenge... he'd often wondered what that felt like.
Soon he won't have to. Soon he would know for certain.
One year later:
"Today is an important test for you, harry." Agent Johnson said with a 'kind' smile. He'd already learned how fake it was.
Cold logic of his gamer's mind tried to unravel his handlers words but he came up short.
"The test?" Harry asked, the voice dead even to his own ears.
"Indeed." The agent smile."What we have been preparing you for. You will not disappoint me, yes?"
The deluded agent still thought that he cared about him. He wondered if the man will be surprised when his knife lodges inside his brain.
"This one will do as commanded." Harry replied instead, his words lacking any emotions.
It won't do to give away the hatred he harboured so soon. The gamer's mind helped him quite a bit in this regard.
"Very good." The unremarkable man petted his head. "I know you will survive. You have my faith."
Absently, he wondered if today was the opportune day. A test that could threaten his survival was rare. There were very few things that could kill him here, so logically he was most likely being sent on another mission. And this time, he will be ready, looking for his chance...
Perhaps today is the day.
The agent suddenly started covering his head under a visionless mask, forcing him to resist the natural reaction to twist apart the man's fingers.
"Do not struggle." His handler muttered as he started to lead him out.
Just a minute later harry confirmed that wherever the man was taking him, he'd never been before. He may not be able to see, but walking the same path for four years makes you notice the difference when you suddenly diverge from it. Even if you are, literally, blind.
They must have entered some room, for he soon heard the sound of doors closing behind them.
"In here." The agent said, guiding him to some kind of...seat? Metallic suit? Coffin? He couldn't know.
The man pushed him down, strapping his arms and legs with some kind of...belt? Cold metallic belt... before finally removing the eyeless mask from his face.
Vision returned to him, and he quickly took in the metallic box that he was inside of. He found his arms and legs tightly wrapped to some cylindrical tubes, stuck to a device behind him that he couldn't see.
Agent Johnson started shutting the lid, plunging him into darkness as the metallic box was closed.
Another experiment perhaps? Most likely. A strange test to be sure, but he had come to expect anything and everything from the hydra. It was a shame that he will get no chance to escape though.
Oh well, better luck next time.
The box began vibrating around him, and he could barely hear the muffled sound of conversation outside.
"...are ready.." The Agent seemed to say, though harry couldn't be sure because his world abruptly started getting...translucent.
Or, he realised, his vision of the world around him began changing. The darkness remained constant, but it's cause changed from a lack of light to a lack of... consciousness.
And soon he was plunged into the tight grasp of sleep, trusting his gamer's mind and body to protect him from anything.
'...Freak...Freak...Freak...' the words resounded in his mind.
'Please,' A four year old Harry begged. 'I'm sorry. I will never...'
Do you wish to be The Gamer?
'..Please. I will never accept it! I'm not a freak!'
Do you wish to be The Gamer?
'No! Go away! I'm not a freak!'
'But you are, are you not?' Another Harry whispered. The voice was older, wiser. Cold but soothing. 'They always said you were. What's the harm in accepting it? You are a freak, and always will be.'
Accept it.
Do you wish to be The Gamer?
Accept it!
Do you wish to be The Gamer?
The two Harrys combined.
'...Fine. I don't care. I'm a freak anyway. What's the harm in saying yes?'
Do you wish to be The Gamer?
'Yes. Yes, I wish to be the gamer.'
He laughed, free and sharp. 'Yes, I am. I'm a freak. And I love it.'
He woke up with a constant ringing in his ears, his veins were hot, lava burning throughout his body as he blinked to clear away the dreams.
What were they though? He was already starting to forget. Something...the gamer?
The memory suddenly cleared, clicking in place. Yes, now he remembered. His memories of the Dursleys. He'd once thought the reason for their hatred was the system. That they somehow knew about its existence, it being the reason for his 'freakishness'. And thus, he had denied the msg everytime it flashed in front of his eyes.
A foolish mistake. He should have accepted it a long time ago. Perhaps he could've been strong enough to resist getting kidnapped by the Hydra.
Or perhaps it was for the better. No matter how much he hated this organisation, he had to admit that their training was effective.
What 8 year old could claim to be able to kill a man barehanded? What child could think the way he did? The awareness that he'd cultivated, the way he spoke, the way he thought, the way he moved, the skills that he'd perfected...Yes, the hydra were effective. Combined with his system? He was deadly.
"Harry, reply!" The voice cut through his thoughts as the metallic lid was banged from outside. "What do you feel?"
He stayed quite for a few seconds, scanning himself. "Hot, sir. My body is burning up."
"That's good, hold on tight." The agent replied. "Commence the next phase!"
He did not know what was happening, but he trusted his gamer's body to survive any experiment. As long as he was alive, a simple 8 hours of sleep will always push his body back to its peak.
He noticed the change in his body at once. The hottness...as if he had high fever. And it kept on increasing. He could feel the heat in his bones and blood, could feel his veins burning up...so much so that it started hurting.
"Fifty percent and no changes. Keep going!" Agent Johnson hollered outside.
The fire burnt into his eyes, making his entire head throb in pain. His pain tolerance was commendable, but even he had to grit his teeth as pure agony shot up through his body.
What were they doing? Surely they will not kill him? Was he not too vital for them?
But perhaps he had misjudged them, because his torment seemed to keep Increasing, slowly but steadily.
"Seventy percent and conscious! Keep going!"
His head split apart in two, his blood boiled like lava, his entire body spasmed in agony. The scream that leapt out of his throat was shocking. He couldn't remember the last time he'd screamed. But the pain simply kept on increasing.
"Stop!" He bellowed out, trying to jerk out of his constraints. "Stop Now! Please!"
"Ninety percent! Keep going, we are almost there!"
These bastards...
His pain gave birth to rage, not letting them be suppressed by the gamer's mind.
And as the world around him started flickering again, the rage bled into a new dose of hatred.
The last thing he saw were simple flashes of msg.
Adapting to super soldier serum...
[Gamer's Body]– 1% and increasing...
[Gamer's Mind]– 1% and increasing...
...and then he was plunged back to the land of unconsciousness.
"The experiment was a success. Harry Dursley is the first child in existence to become a super soldier. Further effects will need to be observed, as well as the change in his magic. But rest assured, he will be a fine addition to our cause, an ace in the hole that Shield will never expect."
"That's a load of bull." A different voice scoffed. "Your boy is sick in the head. Have you ever seen the way he looks at us?"
"I assure you, Harry is completely under control. He has been carefully shaped to feel a strong connection with myself. My words may as well be laws for him."
"Laws can be broken, Agent seventeen. And I'm afraid that your charge will show you soon how easily it can be done."
"I assure yo–"
"Enough." The first voice dominated the both. "You will begin training the boy in magical arts while keeping a close eye to note any discrepancy in his behaviour. This has been our biggest success in the last decade. Do not waste it."
"You got it, boss."
"Yes, sir."