
Mystic Matriarch: The saga of dominance and misunderstanding

In a gritty underworld where power and loyalty reign supreme, Isabella "viper" Yslat emerges as a formidable force in this magic based male dominated mafia. Cunning, strategic, unapologetically fierce. The once, a war orphan rose through the name of a fallen mafia group, earning the respect of allies and striking fear into the hearts of rivals. But she hides something precious, what is her secret?

underwearloafer · 奇幻言情
7 Chs

Chapter 7: Romance, now?

Elsa's mind has stopped working, she is about to scream through sheer excitement but a gust of wind blows and Isabella, in the blink of an eye, covers her lips.

Her hardened yet soft-looking hands over her lips, as she watches up.

Her perfectly hearted-shaped lips draw bees into her luscious reddish pink lips, her nose, and her almond eyes, positive canthal hilt.

Elsa is stunned.

Isabella's sweat dripping from her face. Isabella smiles a bit and makes a sign to shut up. Her natural odor, like pheromones to the ants, makes you want to follow her eternal like a lap dog.

Thank god, Elsa stopped and didn't scream. Now, What should I say to Elsa? 

I feel her warmth on my hands. Every second passes by, and a puff of warm air breezes my palm. Her skin is warmer than before, her mana circulation is s little bit unbalanced.

She is completely silent now. She must be weirded out, but this is caused by me. So, I need to check on her myself.

She is backing up but I need to check her fever.

I grab her by the waist and pull her in.

She is trying to say something but it is not important now. I asked her to calm down with a lower voice with fingertips on her puffy lips.

It is quite soft.

Isabella doesn't move for a second, staring at her lips. Elsa's temperature is rising more with her doe eyes, she cannot resist but becomes very submissive.

Elsa cannot speak, her voice isn't coming out. But Elsa's look causes her to snap out of the situation.

Wait, what am I thinking?

I shift my torso around her mouth, to check the temperature of her forehead. It is pretty hot, enough for a high fever. She must have taken a longer shift, after the attack.

And the fever is rising.

I caress her forehead covered by messy purple hair.

To get a better temperature read, I must touch her forehead with mine.

Elsa cannot control her own body anymore. It is very hard for her to even cooperate with her own body. To avoid unnecessary acts, Elsa tries to back up a little bit. Elsa's fingers are trembling, her whole body even.

It feels hotter every second that passes by.

"Matriarch is getting a little too close, but how can I complain?

She isn't like that.

She is my true and only master." Elsa tries to calm her down and back a little bit.

Like a slithering viper ready to devour its prey, her pretty long arms go around else's waist. Isabella also looks embarrassed.

Elsa puts her palm around Isabella's arm slowly to take control.

"Matriarch I am fin-" Elsa tries to speak.

Isabella's sudden hand placement on her mouth makes her surprised.

"Matriarch, why is she so bold today?

But her face is so pretty, I cannot resist whatever she is doing to me."

Elsa sinks her hands on her bedsheets, her face blushing too much, almost delusional about the things that might come after that development.

"Why is putting her hands on my lips for such a long interval?

She is staring so hard at me right now, I can't take it anymore."

Elsa is getting hotter and hotter, instead of helping Elsa, It seems to worsen it.

Elsa's serotonin is on top of the roof.

As she thought it couldn't get any worse. Suddenly, Isabella plays with her messy hair, removing some of the purple hair on her forehead. Elsa can't contain herself.

Her body shows some reactions to such a stimulus.

Isabella goes near Elsa's face.

"Is she finally admitting her love to me?

I'm getting a kiss now!" Elsa thought while strengthing herself for the kiss.

Elsa looks at Isabella's Lips, trembling as they come near her as each second ticks by.

Elsa's growing heartbeat makes her very hot.

"It's getting close. I'm getting kissed." Elsa is completely maddened by her intoxicating scent and makes an awkward face by squeezing her lips.

The cold breeze goes outside, the moon is out now. Elsa's heartbeat echoes through the room, maybe it has touched Isabella's heart.

Isabella goes near and touches her forehead with the forehead of Elsa.

Oh, She is very sick. I mean she is getting hotter and hotter every moment passes by.

And Why is she puckering her lips?

'Is anything wrong, Elsa?' I pulled my head a bit far away.

Elsa doesn't move, it is very embarrassing for her.

Elsa is freaking out inside," She wasn't going to kiss me???"

Elsa takes a long breath and says, "Since I've come this far, might as well do it."

What are going to do, Elsa?

Isabella is genuinely confused.

Your fever is rising Elsa, I will get you the medicine.

Isabella tries to take the medicine from the far away standing desk but Elsa pulls her in and lays her in the bed.

"E-Elsa, What are you doing to me?" I asked Elsa but she is completely focused on something else. Her mouth seems to be drooling a bit, and her eyes pupils are completely dilated.

I try to go away by swaying her away but she isn't determined to let me go.

She put her hands on my waist, and something ran through my body, butterflies on my chest. What is Elsa doing?

Elsa goes while caressing my body, "Matriarch, are you here for me and me only?"

W-well of course, Elsa. Since your fever is rising, I will get you the medicine.

Elsa looks sad. She whispered, ' Matriarch, I don't think I have control over myself. Since I don't have enough time left, my hunch is screaming.

So, please, let me kiss you a goodnight.'

E-Elsa, W-what do you mean?

You need time to

Elsa suddenly covered my mouth.

"Matriarch, forgive me but I think I've been in love with you for a long time.

Ragna told me he also liked you since you paid so little attention to him, I thought you liked me instead."

Elsa goes in for a kiss as she forwards but Isabella looks away avoiding the kiss.

I turned my head away rejecting Elsa.

I am not Isabella, I am Elizabeth and I have no feelings for her. Maybe, Isabella has some feelings for her, but I don't. I turn to her face for a second slowly, she looks to be holding back tears.

"Elsa, I cannot accept it." After hearing those words uttered from Isabella's mouth, she slowly backs away sitting side to Isabella.

Elsa speaks in a low tone, "Why can't you pretend to be in love with me for one day?"

Elsa seems to be shedding tears a bit to the side but Isabella cannot comfort her.

Elsa speaks, "What about that day?

Did you forget the promise that you would grant me any wish if we succeed?"

Isabella looks away avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

Sister made a promise? Their bond must have been long ago formed.

That stupid--

Elsa tries to touch Isabella on the side but looks back at it. It also seems lonely like it used to.

Maybe I am-



Footsteps can be heard outside. Both of them go silent.

Instead of the sound going away, it creeps nearly. It has a melodic Walking style too, it must be an administrator, who can it be?

The footsteps stop right at the doorstep of Elsa's room. Isabella looks terrified.

She looks back, and Elsa is gone.

What? Where did she go now?

Shouldn't you protect--

The doorknobs creak and it opens slowly, revealing a pale skin and red eyes shining brightly due to the moonlight.

Mrs.Rose with her black attire walks in, her eyes are glowing, with her canine tooth showing itself out of her mouth.

Is she drooling right now?

What-- I look back to get some help from Elsa, but she is gone.

I tried to talk to her.

"Mrs. Ro-Rose, what brings you here?"

Rose steps ahead and ahead slowly and slowly, and Bam!

She jumps straight right in,

She pushes me to the sheets.

Isabella sinks a little bit on that bouncy bed. It is harder for them to get away, Mrs. Rose is quite sensitive when it comes to Isabella.

Isabella tries to calm her down,

"Isn't it dawn already, Rose?


Maybe come tomorrow, alright?"

Mrs. Rose speaks in a higher tone than before, something glitchy sounds can be heard.

"Isabella, You said you will be giving me a lot of blood, the previous month.

I did and was well-behaved, didn't I?

Two people on a single night, what is the sister's relationship with her co-workers?

I can't handle this. Mafia work isn't for me.

Isabella is screaming inside but she maintains her cool.

"Yeah, Yeah of course. You did good, Mrs.Rose"

Isabella tries to calm her down and slowly gets up closing her face nearer to Rose.

Rose again pushes her, "Call me rosé, call me by my real name.

I am already-



Rose seems to be blushing like high school children talking to each other who just got into a relationship.

Isabella raises her eyebrows.

Isabella is so stressed today. The person she was trying to help, suddenly confessed and cried while she was trying to comfort her.

Now a vampire lady is trying to take her blood. But she has to comply, her identity cannot be revealed.

Certainly, I can help you create a romantic scene. Here's a romantic moment between Rose and Isabella:

The moon cast a gentle glow over the room where Rose and Isabella were around. It was a quiet night, with the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

Rose turned to face Isabella, her eyes locking onto Isabella's intense gaze.

The tension between them had been building for centuries, and now, under the moonlit sky, it was impossible to deny the passion that had grown through Rose.

But Isabella was panting and scared even.

Rose reached out, her hand caressing Isabella's cheek softly. Her fingers traced the contours of Isabella's face, sending shivers down her spine. Rose leaned into the touch, her heart pounding in anticipation.

Isabella's lips hovered just inches from Rose's, their warm breaths mingling in the cool night air.

Time seemed to stand still as they inched closer, drawn together by an irresistible magnetic force.

"What? Wasn't It supposed to be a bite to the neck? Why is she coming near to my mouth as well?"

Isabella is very confused and awkward right now but she cannot deny such a beautiful doll-like lady.

Seeing Isabella hesitant, Rose brushes her hair to the side.

"Is something wrong?

Is my form uncomfortable? I can be a male if you want now."

Isabella looked at Rose's eyes without hesitation, it was surprising news for her.

She was aware but not that much about vampires, they were always a mystery.

"For you, Isa. I can be comfortable in any form."

Rose responds as she looks at Isabella's eyes amused herself. Rose speaks again "Do you want me to change?" but confused Isabella instinctively shakes her head.

"Rosé, aren't you supposed to be taking my blood from the neck?" Isabella's questions make her fall back.

Rosé smirked.

"I need your saliva as well, the blood wasn't enough for me, Isa.

The contract doesn't say that but I do."

Isabella believes such bland lies and agrees while looking dumbfounded.

Rosé looks at her while containing her laugh.

"Was she this dumb?

Anyways it's my benefit." thought Rose as she looked over to Isabella looking convinced and taking her time to prepare for her kiss.

It's wholesome how Isabella is secretly wiping her lips and blowing her mouth to check her breath. Her hands are twitching.

But suddenly her hands are touched by a rose and she looks ahead in surprise.

Rose clenches her hands and pulls her in.

Finally, their lips met in a tender, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that held the weight of centuries, a kiss that conveyed all the unspoken emotions and desires that had been hidden for so long.

Their kiss was filled with longing, love, and an unbreakable connection that transcended time itself.

As they pulled away, their foreheads touched, and they gazed into each other's eyes, lost in the depth of their shared emotion.

At that moment, under the watchful gaze of the moon, Rose knew she was in love with a mortal.

She could never leave her now.