
My Yandere Villainess

My family is renowned as the Family Of Heroes. My brother, sister, mother, and father- All of them are few of the greatest heroes of today's era. But although I awakened my superpower already, I chose to not tell my family. Why, you ask? Because my goal is to not become the best Hero, but to become the best Villain in history! ...Or that was, until I tried to challenge one of the strongest Superhero. After I defeated her, she fell in love with me?! Now she won't leave my side! Also, she's so much more scarier and insane than me!

BrimRock · 都市
1 Chs

1. Mistake

It all started 2 years back. I was barely getting through the family dinner when a thought crossed my mind.

'I should try doing something evil!' 

It all started with that single thought. 

You see, I come from the family of heroes. 

My elder sister, much like my mother, can turn a whole city into white ash with her Ice powers.

My elder brothers can crack a moon with a single punch. Although they are not at the level where my father is– who can literally destroy a planet with a flick of his finger– they are still considered powerhouses.

My point is, my family is well respected. But despite having unimaginable powers, all of them are fucking goodey two shoes! 

They can conquer the whole world! Yet they do nothing of that sort! 

And then they tried to make me walk the same path as them. They asked me to join the Hero Academy when I awakened my powers.

So when I awakened my powers, I hid them from my family. I don't wanna be a Hero! I don't even like children! Imagine a hero not liking children! 

So I concealed my powers from them. 

But the thing is, I started feeling left out after a while. They would talk about Hero Villain stuff all day long and I had no interest in that area.

But one day, a thought crossed my mind.

'If I don't like being a Hero, should I try being a Villain? Yes, I should try doing something evil!'

It was just a curiosity but it turns out, doing even the smallest of things like cutting in lines, stealing cash from ATMs and stuff like that, gave me an almost euphoric feeling!

I had no childhood trauma. I had no issues with my life. I had no environmental problems. I was not 'molded' into this.

At that point I realised, I was born for this! I was born to become evil for the sake of being evil! 

"Did you hear about him, that villain?" Shaking me out of my daze was Adrian's voice.

"By that you mean, Joker?" Chris replied with a confirmation question.

"Ah yes, I've heard of him! He's the new talk of the town!" Eva replied with an energetic nod.

Those were my siblings. Adrian and Chris were twins by birth with the former being a minute older.

Both of them were big, bulky dudes with red hair and orange gradient eyes. They were almost identical if not for Chris being a little taller.

Then there was Eva, my elder sister. She had snowy white hair and deep blue eyes, just like my mother and I. She's a huge superhero fanatic despite being one herself.

"Yes, he's a nasty dude. I heard he can copy the powers of others." James Light, my father commented.

"Even without his ability to copy powers, I've heard he's quite strong with only brute force." Elizabeth Light, my mother replied.

My father was a huge man with a big frame, even bulkier than my brothers, with exactly the same features as them. Even their powers were the same. 

It won't be a stretch to say that my father was the older version of my brothers.

My mother was a beauty in her mid thirties. She too had snowy white hair and deep merlot eyes like my sister, but unlike the latter, who was quite slim, she was pretty curvaceous even at her age.

All signs of aging on her face and body were stopped as if she was frozen in time. Another perk of her power.

Currently we were having dinner and as usual they were talking about their Hero and Villain stuff.

After the day I've turned into a villain, these talks have been fun. They weren't boring now and although I still don't participate, I can understand most of what they talk about.

Today, however, I just had to participate. Why? Because the villain they were talking about was me.

"Ah, I've heard of him too! So, what do you guys think? Can you beat him individually?" 

For a second there was an awkward silence. Everyone sat at this huge dining table looking at me as if I had spoken for the first time.

After a minute of silence, my sister began to reply.

"Wow, Leo! You're finally taking interest in superheroes! Good for you-" 

But before she could complete her sentence, my brothers chimed in.

"Of course I can!" 

"I can easily win!" 

Almost in sync, both of them said. It made me arch my eyebrows at them. They thought I was impressed while I knew they were bluffing.

No way. With my blessing they could ever hope to defeat me. 

Though, they don't know that. For them, I was just their powerless, fragile little brother.

"Well, I don't know about your brothers but all I need is just a punch to end him." 

The one who said that was my father, and he wasn't wrong. A punch from him and I would die. Unless, I copy his blessing first.

"And I could just stop all the movements of the particles in his body. At best, I just need a touch. At worst, I'll have to turn a whole city into white ash." My mother boasted.

And she wasn't wrong either. Again, unless I copy her powers first. 

"Haha! I believe you all can do it!" I ended this topic with a smile before I got up from my place. "Anyway, thank you for the food. I'll go to bed now." 

Without saying much, I left the dining hall and spiralled up the stairs to my bedroom.

Although I didn't let it show on my face, I was thinking of something. 

This little family talk made me wonder something. What if…

I try to challenge the strongest Hero with her own blessing?

comment and tell me whether I should continue on this idea?

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