
My Yandere girls in Marvel

It tells the story of an MC who has transmigrated in the Marvel/MCU world. With his loli-shaped system, he and that loli grow strong together in a dangerous world where there are super villains, mutants, aliens, gods and other races living in space. But this is not the kind of Shounen MC who only thinks about increasing his powers. This is a laid-back MC with action, comedy, and romance from the yandere heroines that surround him. Not only are there famous heroines from Marvel/MCU, but there are also heroines from the second dimension who will surprise the MC because it looks like the world he transmigrated to has deeper water than he thought. For example. Seeing a huge train that can travel in space without the help of rails and that seems to come from another universe. MC: Damn, why is a cosmic train here? Although I knew the Astral Express could cross universes, but this... Himeko: Excuse me, mister. Can you get into the carriage for a moment? I'd like to exchange information and make a deal with you. MC: ...is the tea from the other universe good? Himeko: Tea? Yes, we have the best of several worlds. MC: Okay, then let's talk over tea. MC: Just the two of us. Himeko: Eh, okay mister, please follow me to my private office. Jean: Dear, I've been waiting for you to come home for over 20 minutes. It turns out you're here, with a new girl? MC: Jean... How did you know I was here? Jean: ...You don't need to know, let's just say we're connected to each other. Even if you hide in space or another dimension, I can still find you. MC: This is why I like yandere girls. Gwen: Lynn! I'm here too! You like me too, right? MC: I'd say yes, so please put away your cosmic net. You know it's not strong enough to hold me. Wanda: Lynn, it's time to help me train. MC: You're already proficient with your Chaos Magic, why practice? Still not feeling strong? Wanda: I'm still not strong enough to make you think only of me forever. MC: ...I already said I like yandere girls, right? Himeko: Mister, you're very popular. World: - Marvel/MCU - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Genshin Impact - Honkai Impact: Star Rail - Other Novels or Anime. - Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated to write more chapters: www.patreon.com/DogLicker

DogLickerGods · 漫画同人
35 Chs

Lynn's idea to change the status of mutants in the world, Jean wants a drink!

Huh? Super brain?

Just kidding.

For Jean's problem, he certainly didn't need the help of his super brain.

Even with Herrscher's super brain, he can exhibit incredible intelligence and computational abilities. His mind works sharply and at an extreme speed relative to earthlings. Herrscher's analytic powers may not be much different from Superman's which can allow him to read information directly from machines.

But this and that are different.

To answer Jean's question, he just needs to use his point of view which is different from others.

As a person from another world who knows the Marvel/MCU plot from a reader's perspective. Lynn actually knows that many of the problems that occur in the Marvel/MCU world can be solved easily, it's just that people in this world often think too much.

They can solve the problems they have in a simple way, but maybe because of the character design created by the author, they have to solve every problem in a dramatic and suspenseful way to entertain the readers.

The problem of social discrimination experienced by mutants is the same.

Although this is a bit difficult, but as long as the mutants have a good method to change the human view of them.

They can definitely gain independence.

A harmonious relationship between mutants and humans is also possible.

This is Professor X's goal to make mutants coexist with humans.

But it's different from Professor X's method, which is too humble.

Lynn actually has a better method.

His methods can even be used to show how powerful and useful mutants are to human society.

This method will also show how dominating mutants are, but in a good way of course and not like Magneto's method which will make mutants even more hated by humans.

Jean, who saw Lynn frozen with a thoughtful expression, waited patiently.

Finally she saw Lynn smile and say: "I have a good idea."

"Really?!" Jean was curious, so she sat closer to Lynn.

Her emerald green eyes looked directly into Lynn's blue eyes.

Seeing Jean's beautiful face so close, Lynn pretended not to notice and took out his cell phone.

Then under Jean's gaze, he logged into his browser and typed "Superhero" into the search bar.

After entering further, a series of articles, photos, and videos about superheroes appeared. Since Marvel's plot was still in its infancy, things about superheroes were actually not quite popular.

Other than the legendary hero in the United States known as Captain America decades ago.

The currently popular superhero is Iron Man.

It's Tony with his armor who acts as a superhero.

Many articles and news shows how positive Iron Man is after he helped many citizens by dealing with thieves, robbers, terrorist attacks, evil mutant attacks and etc.

The latest is the news about Iron Man successfully stopping the Green Titan. Many people know that Iron Man teamed up with the police and military to capture the Green Titan.

Many people also cheered knowing Iron Man actually managed to defeat the Green Titan. Although it is rumored that the Green Titan managed to escape again from the siege, many people already see Iron Man as a superhero who will protect their safety.

This reaction was small at first, but it became a chain reaction where Iron Man became a popular superhero in the United States.

Jean, who saw the things about Tony Stark/Iron Man displayed on Lynn's cell phone, was in a daze, especially when she saw many positive comments from people on the internet who were basically humans.

"Lynn, this is..."

With her intelligence, Jean knew that Lynn was trying to pitch the idea of being a superhero to her.

But she and her friends had also done this before, okay? With a group called the X-Men, they had also acted as superheroes to stop Magneto's plan to wage war against humans.

Even so, what was the result? Although they succeeded, there was no praise.

Many humans were even more afraid of mutants and hated them even more.

Jean smiled wryly, and was a little disappointed.

"Don't get me wrong, Jean. I know you and your friends have acted as superheroes in the past."

"And even though your group managed to save many citizens. Not many citizens think positively of your mutant group, in fact they are even more afraid of mutants, right?"

"Um." Jean nodded, that was the way it was.

"Do you know why many humans continue to fear mutants, even when those mutants try to help them?" Lynn asked with his hand on the sofa, one hand starting to type something on his cell phone.

Jean pondered for a moment, but she quickly shook her head. "I'm not sure... Maybe because a lot of the news on TV says a lot of negative things about mutants?"

"A lot of people tend to be influenced by the news, right?"

Lynn nodded. "That's one reason, but there are others."

"There are other reasons?" Jean tilted her head in confusion.

Lynn continued. "Jean, although humans tend to follow public opinion, even when they don't know the truth."

"Not all humans are blind and stupid enough to continue following public opinion that is secretly created by the government to deceive them."

"It's really just the ignorance of those who don't know mutants well. Many of them only know from the news that mutants are nothing more than human-shaped monsters and that they have an aggressive tendency to attack people and destroy the environment around them."

"But not everyone is blinded by the news on TV. You can see for yourself here."

Giving his cell phone to Jean who looked confused and curious, Lynn let Jean look at the articles displayed on his phone first.

From her vantage point, Jean could see several articles in which people had positive opinions about mutants.

Many of them were people who had been rescued by mutants, and became fans of some mutants.

For example, there are people who say how cool it is that mutants can shoot fireballs, jump high, run really fast, and fire many other supernatural abilities.

Some articles say how grateful they are to the mutant group called X-Men and say the mutants in that group are good mutants.

There are even some photos showing images of Jean and her friends fighting evil mutants.

There is a photo of Jean with her Telekinesis ability, she threw a 5-meter rock at a group of evil mutants who were about to attack innocent citizens.

There is a photo of Ororo manipulating lightning in the sky to attack the evil mutants.

Scott with lasers shot from his eyes.

Logan with his iron claws.

Alex with his fireball.

And some photos of other mutants in the X-Men are also shown while fighting.

While there are still more people who hate mutants, there are also some people who have good feelings towards mutants.

That's what the things Jean saw on Lynn's phone proved.


"Why did I just find out that good things about mutants are on the internet? Even Professor X and my other friends in the X-Men don't realize this."

Jean was dumbfounded, she was happy to see that people had positive opinions about mutants, but she also found it strange that the news on Lynn's cell phone seemed to have never been found until now.

In fact, there were many mutants at Xavier School, including her. No one realized that they had fans on the internet, even though they also often played the internet like humans.

At least for her, Jean only found out about this from Lynn.

Lynn smiled wryly. "Yes, that's natural. After all, the good things about mutants on the internet are always blocked or hidden by people behind the scenes."

"It takes effort that normal people wouldn't make to find out positive news about mutants hidden on the internet."

"Incidentally, I have a little skill in that field. So I was able to see it from my cell phone."

Koko who was watching the movie Nemo where Nemo was being chased by an evil shark and almost eaten. She turned her head when her host mentioned "having a little skill" which was actually enough for him to dominate the worldwide internet.

The host is humble, she likes to pretend.

Koko turned only to see how shameless her host was, of course.

She continued watching TV again while using Mao Chan's stomach as a pillow.

"Mao~" The sleeping Mao Chan gasped, she seemed to be silently complaining to the silver-haired little girl who was using her body as a pillow.

"...." Koko ignored Mao Chan's protests even though she understood her language.

She pretended not to understand.

"No wonder not many people know. The people behind the scenes must be the government, right?"

Jean gritted her teeth, she was of course annoyed with the government for deliberately manipulating the news about mutants behind the scenes.

Although she knew this wasn't the first time the government had manipulated news about mutants, but when looking at what the government had done so far.

She couldn't help but hate those people.

Fortunately she was still rational, and refrained from being impulsive enough to kill those people. Because she knew that was not the solution, and would only add problems to all mutants.

"Most likely, yes." Lynn nodded, he could see that Jean hated the government.

But he could also see that Jean was smart enough and not impulsive enough to solve her problems by killing the government.

"So Lynn, in the end what can mutants do to change the situation?" Jean asked seriously.

She was now completely convinced that Lynn could actually solve the problems that many mutants had been experiencing all along.

As expected of the man she liked.

Lynn was very reliable.

With her gaze slowly narrowing, she thought, "It would be great if he could be mine and stay with me all the time, wouldn't it?"

'Huh? What was I thinking!'

Jean blushed, she felt that ever since Lynn had calmed Phoenix down last night. She often had dirty thoughts about Lynn.

Even now, when she saw Lynn so close to her, she sometimes thought of pouncing on him and pushing him down.

Fortunately she was still able to suppress the bad thoughts in her mind. Otherwise, she was worried that Lynn would have bad impression to her.

Lynn felt there was something wrong with Jean's wolf-like gaze when she looked at him.

Maybe it was his illusion that Jean wanted to push him down?


Never mind, now he still had to answer Jean's question.

Lynn took hie cell phone that was in Jean's hand, then he started looking for something again on his phone.

It didn't take long, just a few seconds, then he showed Jean an app.

"This is an app that I recently created and it hasn't been officially launched yet. Once it's launched, I'm sure it will be very popular around the world."

"But that aside. It's a social networking app and video music platform where users can create, edit, and share short video clips complete with filters and accompanying music."

"With this app, users can quickly create short videos that are unique and easy to share with friends and people around the world."

Just hearing this, Jean was already amazed as she looked at Lynn.

"It's a cool app. But Lynn, how does this help with the mutant problem?"

Hearing this, Lynn smiled and said: "I intend to let mutants become internet celebrities with this app."

"Don't worry about the government manipulating the things in this app. They can't even afford to do so, especially when I won't allow it."

"So Jean, you and your friends can start posting good things about mutants here."

Lynn began to give examples. "For example, post about the daily activities of mutants at Xavier School, let people see that mutants are actually not much different from humans. They can study, play games, socialize, and many other things that are basically not much different from humans."

"And also show people what mutants can do with their super abilities."

"For example, a mutant introduces that he can manipulate fire and throw fireballs to make bonfires and etc."

"Mutants can also post videos of them in action to defeat the bad guys and act as superheroes."

"I'm confident with all the mutants displaying their positive image on this app. It's only a matter of time before people around the world learn that mutants aren't bad and start putting their colored glasses aside."

"Even mutants can have their own fans with the followers feature in the app that shows how many people support them."

"Many people can also use this app, however it is also meant to be used by everyone in the world so that many people can get to know mutants better."


Lynn spoke for a long time to introduce the features of the app he had created and how useful it would be to make mutants famous with their positive image.

If Professor X was here, Lynn was sure the bald old man would be very excited about his idea.

Even now, Jean looked so excited that it was hard to hide her beautiful smile.

She hugged Lynn happily. "Lynn! You're amazing!"

"This app might actually work and be the solution to the mutant problem all along."

"Thanks Lynn! You're the best!"

"By the way Lynn, when did you start making this amazing app? And why do you only seem to want to launch it now?"

Lynn who was being hugged was of course delighted, he could feel Jean's breasts pressing against his chest vigorously.


It was easy to make a man like him happy.

To Jean's question.

He scratched his cheek. "Well... It wasn't that long ago that I made that app. Maybe after I got home from Tony's party? I just had the idea then."

"And it just so happened that it was finished yesterday."

He also pretended to cough and said: "You don't have to think too much. I originally made that app just for fun."

Looking at Lynn who seemed to be avoiding telling the truth. His eyes also seemed to avoid while saying that.

Jean felt that Lynn really made the app when he heard her complaining about the mutant problem at Tony Stark's party.

And the reason why Lynn only wanted to launch the app now. It was because she had just asked for his help.

This means that Lynn has prepared this app just for her, to help her when she needs it.

Jean was so moved, she hugged Lynn tighter on the sofa.

Her gaze narrowed with love as her head was buried in Lynn's shoulder.

Lynn didn't know, he patted Jean's back and said: "Jean, we've been chatting for so long. Are you thirsty?"

"Yes, I'm thirsty." Jean replied.

She raised her head and came face to face with him.

But she did not let go of her embrace.

"Alright, let me go get some cold juice from the refrigerator."

"No, let me get it myself" Jean replied, but she still didn't let go of him.

Lynn was silent.

"Okay, if you want to take it yourself. Why are you still---"

He didn't finish his sentence because Jean pushed him down, making them both lie on the long sofa.

Then Jean raised her head, her long red hair tickling his face, her emerald green eyes flashing with red light and those sexy pink lips said:

"The drink is in front of me. Lynn, you have to be quiet for a while."

Without waiting for Lynn to reply, Jean cupped his cheeks with her both hands and instantly silenced his mouth with her mouth.

She kissed him, put her tongue in his mouth, and made the kiss passionate.

Lynn enjoyed this kiss, he even twisted his tongue to reciprocate Jean's greedy tongue in his mouth.

And hugged her slender waist tightly.

As Lynn and Jean were immersed in the thrill of kissing.

They completely forgot the presence of the one little girl and the alien cat currently sitting not far from them.

Because Koko and Mao Chan were sitting quite far in front, and even they must have been facing forward because they were watching TV.

Those two definitely won't be looking back anytime soon, right?

But what they didn't realize, even though Koko and Mao Chan didn't look back.

Their extremely sharp ears were basically raised.

With their super hearing that was fundamentally different from normal little girls and normal cats.

How is it possible not to hear strange noises in the back?

They're just pretending not to know!


Author note

To be honest, I don't really like politics and I don't really understand it. So I'm going to solve the political problem in a simple and at the same time less cerebral way. I originally thought of building a mutant country, but hey that's too much trouble and the theme of this book is about yandere girls. There are also characters from other universes that will come one after another in the future, and the purpose of their arrival is only to create a bridge so that the MC can go to other universes to get beautiful girls that suit his taste (author's taste).

By the way, the MC will first focus on making Marvel/MCU girls into yandere before playing to other universes. So even though I said there will be characters from other universes, it doesn't make the MC will actually go to other universes. At least for now where Jean isn't 100% Yandere yet, Gwen isn't yet, Emma isn't yet, and the other girls I'm planning in Marvel/MCU aren't yet either.

Creation is actually quite easy, I just need motivation and ideas to do it. I would appreciate it if you guys support me by making reviews, throwing power stones or joining my pâtreon.

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