
My Villainous Mother is the Feared Lord Fiancée.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially when that woman was a mother. Lady Lucinda would do just about anything to keep her adorable little boy out of the clutches of her ex fiance; his apparent father, so it was no suprise when she signed the contract offered by the most feared Lord of their continent . The man rumored to have killed every fiancee sent his way. It takes a devil to know another as she wasn’t surrounded by good rumors either. A witch, a venomous bitch, two faced hag— what names hasn’t she been called . But Lucinda was willing to walk through hell itself if it meant to keep her precious son with her. So signing a contract with the Evil Lord was nothing especially when she already danced with the rumored devil. Fighting through the dictation of society views of being a single mother wasn’t easy, but she now has the alliance of the infamous evil lord . On her journey of vengeance she realized she would not just be fighting the battle of a single mother but the disgusting views imposed on women and the way they should appear. Coupled with fending off her white loctus of a step sis. When their time spent together rekindle the flames of her secret passion stolen by her detrimental family, she just about realize, why not have her revenge in style. even if she has to claw her way to the top of the fashion world, she would drag her hopes and dreams harbored by her child self. Secrets of the past threatened to swallow them all and when enemies from both side bring dangers to her facade of a small happy family. Would she be able to fight the tides of conflict unscathered and will she realized that just maybe her relationship of convenience wasn’t a facade after all... Lady Lucinda: “I don’t know if i should kiss you or stab you”. Lord Silas: “Why not both. The pain adds to the pleasure deliciously”. What to expect; A cute conniving boy child. A villainous mother. A psychopathic Lord. Face slapping, drama, sweet moments, mature content both intimately and gruesome. And so much more. The bookcover art does not belong to me. credit goes to the real owner.

VickyWinter · 历史言情
39 Chs



"...In conclusion i think you might be loosing the the deed promised by lord- your honor?" The young lad sitting beside the judge adjusted his spectacle and peered questionely at the older man. The carriage was dark and the road was rough and riddled with potholes. The journey over all a difficult progression. His fingers curl around the parchment as lightening strike illuminating a gasply pale expression. The young man eyes widen.

He has been studying under the honorable judge for months now and after each case, he was always smug and ready to brag to the young lad about his ways, putting lowly women in their place with every case. This was the first time he saw such pale features, he would have said it was because they lost the deed from duke Magnus but something about his expression was off. His face was ashen, frown lines potent and a dark wide eyed look that stared into space like he was facing a ghost. This was the face of a man fear stricken to the core.

The judge has been quiet ever since they left the house of justice for their trip to one of the lesser regions for another case.

A rush of low mumble was only shown by the movement of his grey mustache.

The young lad leaned in, his brows furrowed "sir?"

"The time is nigh.." he heard distinctivly as the thunder rumbled above them.

"I'm afraid I don't understand-" the sudden neighing of horses over the pounding rain cut through the air and the exclamation shouts of the coach man as the carriage swerved sharply with a rockey jerk. As he dived to protect the old man, for a moment he saw his eyes closed accepting their fate and a faint whisper from his dry cracked lips he read as "the devil..."

The young lad woke to searing pain at the back of his head, his ear ringing and vision blurry. The corner of his lips hurt.

The distinct sound of a door ripping open above them with force suddenly brought back rushing sound of heavy rain to see a dark dressed clocked figure reached in and pull out the old man groaning beside him.

The alarm and wariness of the situation sent him shooting up and clutching his head.

"Wait, we have no money!" He grunted " just travelers. Take our possession but leave him-"

Awareness of another presence prickled his skin and the hair on the back of his neck stood on ends. Then he saw him. The figure emerged atop their upturned carriage and leisurely strolled towards them. His body instinvely tensed as if in the presence of a dark predator. His throat felt lodged and he suddenly felt the instinct to back away and save himself.

He towered over the old man and bent to take him from the other man grip.

A startling fearful cry renched from the old man as he tried to crawl backward but failed "Run lad! Its too late for me. T-the d..devil- the devil is here!"

The other accomplice turned to him and pinned him with a stare, that sent him tumbling back. Demon. A flash of lightning reveled his eyes of the most unusual of colors like auroras and the niveren ocean rolled in one. Deep and deadly.

His fearful gaze snapped to his mentor to hear a pained cry. The clocked person with the build of an imposing man was clutching his grey thinning bearded chin and pushing back the old man face to the assault of the rain.

"Remember me?" the masked man spoke. Amusement dancing in his tone. The sound of his voice dark and gravelly, grave like the thunder that rumbled around them.

He raised a spike rod and with a brute force, stabbed it into the judge's thigh. The old screamed in pain.

"I-I'm sorry.. I didn't know she belonged- arghhhh!!" He twisted the spike.

"Shuuuuu..." their attacker breathed. He slowed to a whimper taking in heavy breaths with rain.

His tears was washed by the rain and the blood pooling his cream trousers. The lad covered his gasp with shaky hands.

"What's the problem your honour. You like games don't you" the cloaked mask man grinned menacingly.

"Luckily for you I don't want to play games today" he raised the spike high, his target the wrinkled neck of the judge.

"You'll loose her!" The abrupt words spilled from his lips as a last ditch effort hence slowing the weapon a hair breath from his neck.

The man blue eyes flash as he raised a questioning brow.

"I-if y-ou kill me. S-she be blamed—Ah wait"

"-just think of it. After the judgement passed on her. I suddenly die on my way to another hearing. She'll be blamed.." at the sign of the man brewing over the thought the old man confidence grew. The blue eyed man gaze flickered to his accomplice beside him. The other man shifted on his foot his grip tightening on the box in his grip.

He chuckled more certain " she's already called the witch. They'll come for her. No hearing just death". His gruff chuckle grew louder. The young lad shook his head. Shocked his mentor dare provoke the man whose grip still held strong to the menacing weapon.

"She'll be burnt on a stake like the witch she is!" he chocked up blood and grinned.

His heart was beating fast. Aware this might not work. The devil cared for no one.

"Its your choice-"

With a flash of anger on his features Silas released his grip on the old man's coat.

The man attempted to sit up with a triumph smile "you made a-"

The next second The viscount was in his face. A heart beat later, a twist and startling blinding pain renched a blood curling scream from his lips, his fearful gaze shifted to his hand where the rod was jammed through the back of his hand.

Another scream sounded away from them. It was the young lad.

The judged turned slowly in fright to Silas to see his menacing gaze that made his body tremble.

"This.." Silas hissed through clenched teeth ".. hand you use to judge their fate shall be the beginning of your downfall".

Silas slowly withdrew the rod to more screams of pain and stood to his full height. With a belittling look down at the old man. His gaze slowly shifted to the lad.

The lad whole body tensed and with an embarrassing rush of warmth , he realized he had wet himself.

Instead of walking over to him. Silas raised one leaned finger over his lip.

"Shuuu..." he grinned wide, his eyes curving to a dangerously disturbing expression. Before they turned and disappeared into the night.

With them long gone. The young man shakily crawled to the older man moaning in pain.

The man coughed up blood as he look up at the young lad still fearful gaze.

"We.." cough and chuckle "..might be the only people to meet the devil and live to tell the tale ". He whizzed and coughed up more blood to the worried shouts of help of the young man now in worried tears.

Holla everyone! and welcome new readers. author love you all, even as you continue to support me through slow updates ( not by choice but circumstances). Happy reading !✨

VickyWintercreators' thoughts