
My Tsundere Omega

"Who do you think you are, do you believe you can escape from my clutches" the Alpha said immediately locked his lips in a fiery kiss. . . . "Wifey I know you have fallen for me" he hugged him tightly in his arms and whispered in his ears "don't be so full of yourself" . . . Life takes a turn like a storm in the sea after finding out his secondary gender as a Omega and to marry a mate selected by the government because of a reason, that is the so called high level pheromones match. Let's see how he will cope up with the problems and leads happy life.

Little_Treasure007 · 都市
18 Chs

Happy Co-Operation

"Rei chan I think there is some misunderstanding" Itsuki smiled awkwardly at Takumi, then he turned his sight to his brother and said Mr.Asahi isn't a pervert, but infact he is your fated alpha".

"whaaat..." Rei looked at the smirking Takumi who was looking elsewhere. Rei snorted in anger and turned his face.

Itsuki sighed at his brother's childish behaviour, then he looked at Takumi, and asked "Mr. Asahi are you here to pick up Rei chan".

"I just came here for a visit, I will pick him up tomorrow.... moreover it's a little awkward to call me like a stranger, so brother in law you can call me Takumi." Takumi said with an angel like smile on his devilish handsome face.

After chatting for a while Takumi left....

"Brother I haven't seen little fatty Sora chan, who is looking after him?".

"oh..I have been so busy recently so I left him at Aoi 's place, so that he could play with Haru and Haruka". Itsuki said while texting in his phone.

Thinking about these two children he really felt a little sympathetic. Four years ago Aoi got pregnant accidentally after a one night stand and gave birth to twin boys Haru and Haruka. He doesn't know who the other man who made him pregnant .when the truth of pregnancy was known to uncle and aunt, they became very angry and forced him to abort the child. But, Aoi refused, he fought with his parents and left the home. Since then my playful cousin became serious about working hard to buy milk powder for the little cuties.

And now he is working part time as well as studying in the University.


***Asahi groups***

'knock' 'knock' ' knock' Daniel knocked the door thrice and entered.

"President, here is the contract you were asking for" Takumi received the contract from his hand and checked it carefully.

After a few minutes,

"Daniel, everything is okay, Tomorrow you ask Chief secretary Takanashi to bring him to the Imperial hotel straight from the hospital." Takumi said while reading the contract.

"President do we have no other way..." Daniel asked with a sad smile on his usually cheerful face.

Takumi closed the document and he leaned on his chair with a tired look in his face "do I have any other choice... it's all for his own good....I person like me doesn't deserve love...go and contact Jeremy, and say this contract is okay, if there's any corrections I will contact him later ". Takumi sighed and continued doing his work.

Daniel felt very uncomfortable seeing his lonely look from the side. Why god.... he gave everything to the demon lord looks, money, wonderful parents and loving siblings, but why he didn't gave him a chance to experience this happiness like a normal man. Although he has everything in his life, he is a alone. He is also a person who wishes others comfort him, hug him and kiss him.... Controlling his complex emotions Daniel left the office.

The next day,

Rei was saying goodbye to his brother, currently he was hugging his brother tightly. His glass coloured eyes glistened with tears flowing down his soft pink cheeks. "Congratulations my baby brother, now you are big man now, if anyone bullied you in your husband's house you should call me immediately, I will come kick their asses".

"yes, brother" Rei broke the hug and the wiped the tears from his eyes and laughed at his brother's joke. Then he hugged Nagi and Sora for a while and separated.

After saying his goodbye to his beloved family Rei, finally got in the car and left.

After driving for half an hour the car finally stopped in front of a luxurious hotel. This is capital's no 1 hotel 'The Imperial' why am I here?.

So Rei turned and asked the chief secretary Takanashi who came to pick him up. "Ano.. Takanashi San why are we here? Shouldn't you send me to Mr. Asahi place."

"I'm sorry madam, president asked me to bring you here before sending you home" the chief secretary said in a polite, respective tone.

"Takanashi San do you know the reason, for asking me to come here". Rei asked her confused.

"Sorry madam, I don't know" Takanashi San said and started walking to the private room booked by Takumi.

After knocking she let me inside the room and stood outside. I walk in nervously because earlier I sensed my mate is near me. Thinking about the kiss and those stuffs from yesterday makes me feel a little hot.

I adjusted my breathing to make me look like I'm not affected by his pheromone. I sat in front of him.

I looked at him....he looked at me , for more than five minutes, finally he made the move to stop this staring contest.

"Read it, if you have any other requirement you can ask for..." saying this Takumi placed a document on the table.

Rei was confused, why is he giving me some company document....Rei picked up the document, at the first glance the title attracted his attention. He was shocked.

Taking a deep breath he asked "what is this about... this... prenuptial marriage contact" he asked him to clarify about it.

"Yes, As you have read, this is prenuptial marriage contract" Takumi casually drunk the red wine in his hand in a elegant manner. He gestured him to continue reading it.

Party A : Asahi Takumi

Party B : Izumi Rei

Condition 1 : Party A and Party B should be only mates through papers work, without any emotional strings attached.

Condition 2 : Party A and Party B should not have any affairs. For a lifetime They should be true to eachother, .

Condition 3 : Party B should co operate with Party A to put on a show in front of others, that they are in loving, harmonious relationship .

Condition 4 : Party B should maintain a distance of one feet from the opposite sex.

Condition 5 : Unless both the parties agree to get divorce, they will be a couple for a lifetime.






Condition n : Party B shouldn't fall in love with Party A and they should maintain a respectful relationship.

"What is the meaning of this Mr.Asahi...." Rei asked in a cold tone. He indifferently looked at him, waiting for his explanation.

Takumi looked at him like this, he a little guilty in his heart. Without showing any changes on his face he said "As you have seen, I want you to be my nominal wife. I will give you every rights like money, luxury, status, protection etc. I will fullfill everything written in the contract. As I have investigated, I know Mr.Izumi is a person who hates to be dominated by an alpha...here I promise you, I will not suppress you using alpha pheromone and not control you to do

thinks that you do not like."

"As for what I want from you is a relationship without love....you shouldn't fall in love with me as per contract stated....so do you agree ?". saying this Takumi gave the pen to Rei.

Rei thinks this Mr.Asahi's words sounds reasonable, he wants to agree to sign the contract but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. His mind is telling him to sign it, you can a live good life without being a sex slave to an alpha. His heart his telling him to not to sign it, it's wrong...After struggling internally for a minute or two he agreed to go with his mind, to sign the contract 'I can live a good life without being controlled by Alpha pheromone , although I'm a little bit, tiny bit interested in him, it can't stop me from realising my dream to be free from Alpha's control. I don't think I will fall in love with him. Moreover I can't get such a good opportunity again, So Rei, sign it confidently'.

Rei took the pen given by Takumi, he was about to sign it, then he stopped and looked at Takumi. Takumi was puzzled by his pause and asked "what happened".

"Mr. Asahi...um....the contract doesn't mention anything about our physical contact..." To hide his embarrassment from the other, Rei tried to look as calm as possible, but the red tips of ears betrayed him.

Takumi looked at him, one word came to his mind 'cute'...."Don't worry, we will only have intimate contact during the special periods. So don't worry about it....or do you want it to be included in the contract".

"NO....no need, I believe you Mr.Asahi" saying this he took the pen and sign it. Takumi was a little worried whether he would say to add about the conditions about intimate contacts in the contract... he deliberately left the loop hole...because he can't guarantee about it. But fortunately, Rei didn't find anything suspicious.

Takumi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him signing the contract. Then he took the contract to signed his name and gave it to Daniel for further process.

Takumi took Rei small white plam in his hand for a handshake and said "Happy co-operation".

Rei smiled and said "Happy co-operation Mr. Asahi, let's live a good life together".

Hello babies I want to know how you feel about my novel...is it good? or is it bad?...... please comment about it.... for me to know more about your thoughts, which will give me an additional boost to update fastly... good bye..

Little_Treasure007creators' thoughts