
4th Class: Who's who?

Kim: I couldnt even tell Nick that I will be studying in the Philippines... Should I call him?? I hope he's not busy... the day has just started anyway., so....

Calling Nick..... . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hmmm, maybe he's busy... one more time

Calling Nick....






Oppa! Good morning 🤗 I just want to....


Did he?? Did he just end my call?? 😣

Calling Nick..... "The number that you have dialed is either busy or unattended. Please call again later..."

Hmmmmm 😣 maybe he's just busy..... or asleep...

Kim has started to lose hope and jump into conclusions. Speculations keep on popping in her head that drive her crazy.

Kim: Am I getting fat? Am I already old? Am I ugly??? Or maybe... there's someone??? Yeahhh, maybe he's cheating on me! What if this woman is younger than me?? More beautiful than me?? Oh I can't let this happen! Only one way to find out. I will go to his apartment and see if he's having an affair!

Sunny: KIMMY YOU'RE SO NOISY!!! You PARANOID! Get off of your bed and help me clean the house!

Kim: Im sorryyyyy😰 coming....

Sunny: My in-laws are coming to visit, so I want this house to be spotless. Did you understand? I want to show them that this place is suitable for me and of course, for our angel 👼. So don't stress me out or you'll meet our ancestors in no time.. Arraso!??

Kim: Understood Eunnie 😔

Sunny: Very good 😊 I love you! Hmuah! 😘 Now let's go to work soldier!! Move move move!!

Kim: Yes general, I'm moving... where's the broom, duster, mop,.....


... Baguio City, Philippines ....

Vincent: Damn it so cold today 😰 I need to adjust to this weather real quick or else, I'll get sick in no time... This city will always be the best. This is the only city in the Philippines to have this kind of weather..... except to the nearby mountains. This city is already over crowded. I think we need a new plague... hahaha no i was just joking.. better get up now Vincent, you need to go back to JMC. I wonder if a lot has changed in that academy...

JMC is one of the most popular English academies not only in Baguio City but also in the whole Philippines... for English learners like Koreans, Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese. Nowadays, they are expanding their market in different countries like Vietnam, The UAE, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia. Vincent had taught in this academy before he became a bartender.

He would never forget the times when his students made him cry. He got attached to them especially with the kids because he's passionate in teaching. All his students had loved him that all of them had cried when they left the country.

... Hey Lyn! What time is your break time? I will go there to talk to Head Teacher.

... Same time, 11:10am. She told me to bring your resumé and some ID pictures for compiling so that next week, you could already start.

... that quick???? Really??

... yeah! Just bring those things and see me later, im having my class...

... ok, see you later then ________ (error...message not sent)

Vincent: Rrrrrighhhtttt.... I need to buy some load to message her.. Better get ready..,


.... Seoul, South Korea ....

.....Nick.... Nick!! Stop it!! Hahahaha what are you doing!! Uuggghhhh 😚 did you like it?? You were like an animal., you were so wild last night!! Rawr!!!

Kim: Eunie!!! Stop that!!! Oh my god... 😵 I dont want to think like that! Hmpf! 😠

Sunny: Hahahahahaha Kimmy my dear! Look at your face. 🤣 Were you nervous?? Or angry?? What if he's really cheating on you?? What would you do???

Kim: Enough with that sister, we are already here.

(Knock knock knock) Nick.., are you there?

(Knock knock knock) Nick.., I'm here, I'm going in now...

As Kim types the password and opens the door, she got shocked of what she has seen...

Sunny: Ohhhhh boy.....

Kim: Who are you?? Where's Nick?? Where's my boyfriend??

Unknown lady: Your what!!??

Kim: My boyfriend, Nick, where is he??

Unknown lady: Oh, Nick!! Your girlfriend is here.., and you???

Sunny: Her sister 🤨

Nick: Kim! What are you doing here?? Why didnt you message me???

Kim: I did! I even called you! And who's that lady??

Sunny: Yeah! Who's that bitch??

Nick: ahhmm, just our neighbor. She's just asking for help on hoooowww tooooooo open,, i mean she's borrowing a hammer! Yeah,, oh here it is.

You can just give it back whenever you want 😁 byeee

The lady walks away pretty disappointed and a little bit angry...

Sunny whispering: "Do you even believe him? It's pretty obvious that he's lying!! Don't fall for this Kimmy, we already caught him in the act!"

Kim: Hmmmmm, Why didn't you answer my call??? You turned it down! You ignored me. 😭

Nick: No no no no, I was just asleep, maybe I pressed it unintentionally. Really! I have just woken up just a few minutes ago..,

Kim: Really??

Nick: Yes! Of course..., by the way, why are you here?? You even brought your sister.

Kim: well,, Im just worried because last time you didnt talk to me. I also want to say that..,,

Sunny: Go! Say it!

Kim: I have decided to study English in the Philippines. I wanted to tell it to you personally that's why we came here.

Nick: Is that so?? Then that's Great! I mean... How long will you stay there??

Kim: You look happy...

Nick: No no no no no, Actually im really sad but if it's for your..... our future, then why not? Right? You will improve your communication skills then.

Kim: Really?? Hmmm but Maybe I will stay there for 6 months. My flight is in February. I still got less than 3 months to be with you.

Nick hugged her and he showed that he loves her no matter what happens. On the other hand, Sunny is just looking around his apartment when suddenly....

Sunny: Oh, what's this??? 😳

What in the hell does a thing like this is doing in here??! 😡!

Kim: Eunnie, Let's go! We need to go home now.

Sunny: yeah! Just wait a sec...,

Sunny's POV (point of view): I know this guy is up to something. I should have known it from the start! He's not good for my sister and this thing right here, it's a bra! And look at the size of it! I'm sure it's not my sister's. Hers are pretty small.. frankly...

Then suddenly, she remembered "Nicks's Neighbor" ....

😱 oh my god! This suits her! Im sure this is her size! There's no doubt about it!

Kim: Eunnie!! Come, let's go.,

Sunny: Alright! Alright! I'm coming!


Head Teacher: Vincent! How are you? It's nice to see you again! How long has it been? 2? 3 years??

Vincent: I think it's been 2 years? 😁 are you guys still in-need of extra knowledge?

HT: Of course, but then we have a few students nowadays cuz it's lean season. You will start by having 2 students and it would increase gradually as time goes by if you keep your popularity just like the old times ☺️.

Vincent: Great! I can't wait to start my class! 🤗

HT: I'll message you for more information, but what you need to do now is to process all the requirements written here and make sure to finish all of them by the end of this month. You'll start on the first Monday of December.

Vincent: Alright! Thanks HT, that means I've only got 1 week left. 😁

HT: yes, so make sure to review and study being a teacher again. You can borrow some books here so that you will be ready by Monday.

Lyn: Vincent! There you are! We will be having our lunch, wanna join us??

Vincent: Yeah sure! I miss this place. Almost nothing has changed huh...,,

Lyn: Yeah, you're right. You know the owner. This is not his only business. Remember last time he had a Korean restaurant, now he has 2, and a Café! It's like every year, he is establishing a new business.

Vincent: Wow, I want to have those kinds of businesses too someday..., so what's for lunch??

Sophia: Lyn!!!! Why did you go to the club without me! 😤 I wanted to party too! Oh! Who are you?

Lyn: Oh Sophia, this is Teacher Vincent, my batch mate, best friend and a former JMC teacher. But actually, he is coming back to teach. He's going to start on Monday!

Vincent: hiiiyeah, Hi there.

Sophia: oh Hi! Sophia at your service uh!

Lyn: hahaha enough with that, im hungry. Let's eat!

Vincent: I cant imagine there are a lot of beautiful women this time.

Lyn: Who? Sophia?

Vincent: No. I'm talking about the students. Wow, I miss this environment, surrounded by beautiful students. 😋

Lyn: Hahaha don't you want the teachers?

Vincent: I don't like Filipinas anymore.., "these hoes aint loyal" do you know that song?

Lyn: Nope

Vincent: Either do I. I was traumatized from cheating you know.

Lyn: yeah, tell me about it! How did you and Lisa break?

Vincent: wh@t??? C@nt t@lk im e@t!ng....

Lyn: Hahaha let's talk about this next time then.


".... Baby, are they gone? Let's continue what we were doing... I want more of you baby..." 😋😋😋

Who's that lady?

Who's Sophia?

What are they up to?

What's their lunch? No one answered Vincent...

Do you guys smell breakup?

Are girls trying to fish this time??

Let's find out....

MrBartendercreators' thoughts