
My Skeleton System

James was the worst of the worst when it came to living as a human. Living most of his life as a bandit, he finally reaped that karma and it was most assuredly poor karma.

Matfield · 奇幻
15 Chs


James couldn't see himself continuing to grow on this floor as the other monsters simply didn't give enough experience. He decided to continue to go down floors since that seemed like the most logical choice. The third floors monsters were still skeletons, but these were all equipped with weapons and some had armor that made it slightly more difficult for James to kill.

Even though these were harder to kill, they only provided eight exp and that still didn't satisfy his needs. He did manage to bring himself to level eight before finding the next floor. During this time, he managed to get enough bone material to craft a helm, chest plate, arm guards, leg guards, and a buckler shield. He didn't get to eat much of the bones since he was focused on crafting armor, but he could feel that he was getting close to gaining another stat point.

Finally on the fourth floor, James decided that this was far enough and decided to find a room to settle in for a while. He had already found a few rooms on his way down so he was hoping to find one to fortify for the time being. It took him around twenty minutes, and a few fights with hard to kill monsters of his own kind, James located a room. The room was probably only around fifteen feet by fifteen feet square so it wasn't exactly large, the only thing was the monster standing in the middle of the room.

This was his first time seeing one so far, but what stood in the room was a zombie. This creature could only be described as fearsome to his current self. James didn't have an analysis skill yet, but he could tell that the zombie was quite a bit stronger than himself.

Skeleton - Level 8

Titles - None

Exp - 0/80

Hp - 100%

Mana - 60

Str - 6 -> 10

End - 6 -> 10

Spd - 8 -> 12

Mag - 3 -> 6

Skills - Stealth (Lvl 1), Devour (Lvl 1), Sword Mastery (Lvl 1), Necro-touch (Lvl 1),

Bonesmith (Lvl 1)

SP - 0

Given some prep time, he could beat it at his current level, but he would would end up in pretty bad shape and didn't want to be defenseless after the fight.

'Guess it's time to push to level ten and see what happens.' James thought to himself.

Usually, when a person hit level ten, the skills that they had acquired would translate into a class. James wasn't sure what it would be for him, but he hoped it would be something that would give him an ample boost to fight back against his new prey. With that, he set off to fight some more skeletons. Ten minutes into his search, he came across a skeleton that was slightly different in the fact that it had robes and a staff. Very quickly, their battle became a fight for survival.