
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · 奇幻
22 Chs

chapter 21

Next day as he woke up his head was buzzing constantly, surely due to the drink he had yesterday.

Getting to know from the library that in this world a child matures at the age of 13 and can start drinking he gave it a try.

Now he understood when he ordered this drink why he was given looks of pity by the staff they knew this will happen.

As he was moving out of his bedroom to get fresh, his door got knocked "a moment." Said Dale going towards the door.

Answering it he saw a staff member with a sweet juice and a fish marinated with something that had citrus like smell.

"This will help with the hangover, we saw you yesterday night taking your drink to your rooms comfort and knowing what will happen in the morning."

"Next time be careful with those drinks, the ones which people your age drink is only available in noble circles." Said the staff member. "Thank you." Replied Dale taking the breakfast in his hands, waiting for the staff to go on so he can get back in.

As soon as the staff member went he closed the door and placed the food on the dining table in kitchen and covered the dish with another plate and the juice with a small lid.

Doing this he quickly got fresh and had a bath, wearing just a shirt and some shorts from the inns wardrobe.

Having his breakfast he changed into some simple but expensive looking clothing and went down to the reception asking for directions to a clothing shop for males. Getting the directions he went ahead and reached there in half an hour.

As soon as he entered he got hear "How can I be of your help sir?" turning around he saw an old man in a butlers clothing with a hat and monocle.

"Actually I am looking for a plain full black suit the type you wear at funerals. Do you have something like that?" "Yes we would be able to provide you with one of that, but pardon my curiosity whose funeral is it?"

"My parents." "Please pardon me with my insolence, it would have been very painful for you." "No problem. Oh and I will also need a black shirt with a white bow tie."

"Yes-yes, anything else? And I am really sorry." "No, and I said it is ok and let's leave it at that." "OK, please have a seat till we get your things packed." Getting a seat he waited as he was told.

After a while he spotted the old man with some bags, coming in his direction. "So, how much was will be all this?" "As we made you remember something unpleasant we have provided you with a special discount as compensation, the real value of this is 4k gold but you just have to give 2k."

Taking out 3k gold coins he placed it on the counter and said "And as I said it is ok, but seeing you insist I will accept some of your goodwill."

"Now can you tell me where the church is and also how can I find a place from where I can write a letter to someone?"

"The church huh? It is just in the area where the library is. Do you know where is the library is located?" "Yes I know, now please tell me about the place for writing letter."

Taking out a map the old man said navigation his finger across it "Yes, from here which is our shop you have to go there, then at this place, then straight from here and you will reach that place, on the board outside it should be written message office."

Confirming it once more he went towards church and took a couple of hour to reach there, going in there he asked if could arrange funeral of two people in some days.

He was told a time and date of morning 11 in 4 days but he has come before the given time to oversee the arrangement of everything.

Coming out satisfied from the service of the church he went to the place from where he can write letter and reaching there he got in and went to the counter asking for the things he could write a letter with and got a letter envelope, a seal and a pen.

Writing this letter to MR. Vamp inviting him in the funeral of his parents. Placing the seal on it after warming it a bit he wrote the address MR. Vamp told him at the corner of the envelop and posted it in the equivalent of speed post , which was provided here as express delivery.

All this cost him around 50 silver as the paper is rare commodity and the pen was magic based and is now permanently his.

The employee at the counter said that it will work for 30 more years if provided with magic stones each time the one on it got exhausted.

As it was getting late he and his work was finished he went back to the inn, reaching there he ordered 3 to 4 dishes as he hadn't ate a thing after the morning, placing the order he went to an empty seat and sat there waiting for his food.

After an hour of wait he was finally able to greet his food which he quickly devoured and took a burp. Sitting there for a while to get comfortable with all the food in his stomach.

As he was waiting he thanked MR. Vamp in his mind for selecting a decent inn for him because seeing him spending so much till now no one has troubled him to extort money.

Getting his weight in place he went back in his room took a bath and went to sleep. Next morning he just roamed around getting familiar with the town, eating and went to sleep. This was his schedule for next 2 days.

On the morning of 3 day he got his things done till 9 am got in the clothes he bought for today and reached the churched at 10 am. There he had already booked a place for the funeral.

Giving the caskets to the church he explained how he want them at display for 20 mints and after those 20 in next 10 mints he wants them buried.

Examining the whole process he waited till the time of funeral came, when it came he got to the beautiful graveyard and waited for that one guest he called.MR. Vamp didn't disappoint him by taking any time in arriving.

Thanking him for coming he quieted down, "No problem, they have beautiful beds for their eternal rest they will surely be very happy."

"Thank you, but the caskets are a gift from a higher being." Said Dale, "Oh, ok." Replied MR. Vamp.

They stayed there for a while standing in silence, when it got time to get the caskets down and buried he helped with it and surprisingly seeing him MR. Vamp also helped with it.

After all the ceremony he went out of the church with mister Vamp and had his lunch is a restaurant.

Seeing him with this person many people started speculating who was he and why were we both in get ups like we have to attend a funeral.

Dale ignored them enjoyed the feeling of completing his one which of at least burying his parents.

He was very upset in his previous life as he was not even able to attend the cheap funeral his rest of the family arranged for his parents in the name of formality.

After his small talks with his guest he and his guest got on their own ways, he went back to his inn and changed into soft cloths taking a bath and sleeping till dinner.

Waking up due to hunger he just ordered his food in his room. It arrived in half an hour, he swiftly finished it and went back to sleep.


Dale was sitting in his living room practicing his breathing exercises, for the last month he had been continuing on his breath training trying to make his body stronger.

As he completed his last cycle his door was banged a few times getting up from his place he opened the door and saw no one as he was about to close it he heard "I am down here."

Seeing down he spotted a dwarf with a long rectangular case in its hand,

"You must from that smithy sir, please come in and pardon me for I was not expecting some of your calibre to come." Inviting him in, he closed the door.

Prompting the dwarf to get comfortable at the sofa set he asked his name. "My name is Thorin Bombur." Said the dwarf.

"So Mr. Bombur. Why a master at its craft is here in place of a normal delivery boy?" "I came because I wanted to meet the person who designed this weapon and am surely in front of him."

"How can you be that I am the person you are looking for?" "I saw the armour you made when I was getting ready to come here before seeing it I would have not believed that this weapon was designed by you."

"But seeing it I changed my mind it was one the level of my best work, and I can say for sure it is a new armour concept."

"If you come with me to register under your name, anyone else would need to pay you and have your permission to make even something similar to it."

"The price will be decided by the blacksmith organisation in which you have registered it." "It is almost evening now if you wait tomorrow morning at the shop I can come. What do you say?" "Well you are right and I should get going too. See you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow."

Leaving him till the inn's gate he went to order his dinner asking for it be delivered in his room, he went back to his room to get check get fresh and bathe for a few hours till dinner.

As he got out and wore his clothes his dinner also came which he ate in haste so that he could take one small glance at his new weapon.

Finishing his food, he took out the katana and placed it traditionally at is stand on the table in the middle of his room and left the bokken in the box for now. Turning of the lights he went off to sleep.