
My redemption

Anya Montgomery, once a queen of designer heels and champagne brunches, now faces a reality as harsh as morning coffee. Thrust into the CEO seat of her father's ailing tech empire, her reckless past casts a long shadow, making investors warier than vultures at a buffet. But beneath the glittering surface, a new fire burns in Anya's eyes. Driven by love for her ailing father and a desperate need to right past wrongs, she embarks on a crash course in corporate warfare. Ethan, a brilliant colleague scarred by his own losses, becomes her unlikely ally, their contrasting strategies forging a formidable team. The boardroom becomes Anya's battleground, each investor meeting a high-stakes poker game. She swallows her pride, dances to the investors' tune, and fights tooth and nail to save her father's legacy. Yet, the ghosts of her past threaten to derail her at every turn, whispering doubts and fueling public scorn. As the pressure mounts, the line between fierce ambition and emotional burnout blurs. Anya grapples with the cost of redemption, her vulnerability exposed under Ethan's unwavering gaze. Can she reclaim her father's trust, the critics, and prove that the tigress within can roar not just with defiance, but with the fire of a true leader?

Funke_Apatira · 青春言情
32 Chs

Chapter 21: Into the web

As the weight of her father's legacy and the ticking clock of Sarah's fate pressed down on Anya, her mind raced, searching for an escape from the seemingly impossible choice presented by the failsafe. Ethan, his face grim, stood beside her, the weight of shared history and uncertain future etching deep lines on his brow. Maya, ever the pragmatist, offered cold comfort, "There may be another way, Anya. A hidden subroutine, perhaps, a way to disable the failsafe without destroying Phoenix."

The words sparked a flicker of hope in Anya's chest. She poured over her father's notes, deciphering his cryptic scribbles, searching for any hint of such a backup plan. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, Sarah's unconscious form a stark reminder of the urgency.