
My Possessive Vampire Mafia

'What would you do when you get entangled with a blood-sucker creature?" She worked for the ruthless devil mafia to pay off her family debt. Alexander was cold-hearted and distant when Sam worked as his right-hand woman. He was trying to be distant himself because he didn't want to get attached to anyone.He was running away from the fucking truth, the damn truth that he was not entirely human. With each passing day of fighting and getting along sometimes, she melted the ice around his heart with that bewitching sweet smile and those ocean blue eyes that he loved so much.

Kailykilimo · 奇幻言情
152 Chs


Sam entered her room with dropped shoulders, her eyes darted around. Her mind was screaming to her while her heart bled internally, she couldn't believe this is the last time she was going to walk into her room.

Her vision was blocked with tears, her knees became weak. She sat on her medium-sized bed.

Hot tears flowed from her eyes when she recalled she was never coming back, she rested her elbows on her knees, burying her face in her palms.

She sobbed heavily, gripping her beddings tightly. She grabbed the photo album from the bedside table and placed it inside her backpack.

She searched in the drawer and picked the medicine and aid kit too, since she's working with Mafia, she needs to be prepared for anything, they can be ambushed anytime, without a warning.

Sam grabbed her white sneakers and slid inside, she was tired of wearing the six-inch stiletto heels. Her legs were sore from the day's activities. Lisa bent over and pulled the wooden box from under the bed

Lisa glanced at the wooden box with sad eyes, she caressed it countless times. The corner of her lips curved into a bitter smile.

" It's so sad all my dreams are shuttered, l need to forget everything and move on. It's worth the sacrifice because I'm going to protect the ones l love, my family, my everything."

She smiled broadly when those thoughts crossed her mind, Sam raised her hand to her face, wiping tears from her eyes using the back of her mind.

Sam took a few deep breaths, she picked up her backpack from the bed and approached the door, she closed her eyes slightly heaving a weak sigh. Sam turned her head slightly to glare at her room for one last time.

Her lips curved into a faint smile, she raised her hand, twisting the doorknob. Samantha walked out of her room, her heart was heavy inside her chest, she leaned on the wooden door for a few minutes, closing her eyes slightly.

She was fighting with her inner self, she wished she could go back in her room and spent more time there. So she's going to leave the place she once called home?

Sam exhaled deeply, running her slender fingers through her silky hair. She descended the wooden staircase carefully.

Salvador's family sauntered towards their daughter instantly when she stepped her feet on the ground floor, they wanted to hug her forever, they didn't want to let her go. The thought of her leaving once again broke their hearts into a million pieces.

" Sam, are you going to leave us again? l would like to go with you. Can you take me with you?" Skylar wrapped his hands around her waist tightly, he didn't want to let Sam go because he was afraid her sister would disappear into thin air.

" No, l can't go with you, Skylar." Sam patted his head gently, " I'll come back someday, okay." She bent to his level and hugged him tightly, she closed her eyes tightly, tears flowed nonstop.

" You're the reason I'm leaving sky, the thought of losing you when you were four years old, was tormenting. The heavens gave you another chance to live again, l won't allow that life to be taken away by that savage called Alex."

Those words echoed inside Sam's head, she hugged Sky more tightly. Sam planted a soft kiss on his forehead, standing in a straight posture.

" Mother, father." Sam called her parents with a weak voice, " l would like you to start over again, away from here." Sam's parents glared her with creased eyebrows.

Salvadors didn't want to leave the village, they were used to it. The neighbours are kind-hearted and caring, the weather is favourable and the soil is fertile too. They doubt if they'll ever find such a nice place.

" It's not a good idea for you to continue living here, Alex's rivals mafia will try to use my family to trick me into doing what they want."

Her lips curved into half a smile, Mr Jason nodded his head in understanding because he knew how the mafia works.

" You're the reason I'm taking this path and.... it'll be heartbreaking if l lose any of you. Please be careful out there okay." A tear dropped from her left eye, its hard to say goodbye, especially to people you love endlessly.

" We'll take care of ourselves dear, take good care of yourself too. I'll harvest the grapes tomorrow so that we can get some money to start a new life." Mr Jason patted her daughter's back slightly, pulling her into his warm embrace.

" We'll miss you dearly, please take good care of yourself. Stay strong, Okay." Mrs Sarah pulled her daughter into her embrace, tears flowed from her brown hazel eyes.

It's difficult for a parent to watch her child walk into danger and there's nothing she can do about it, her stomach swirled each time when reality hit her.

She can't believe Sam is going to work with the mafia, it's like walking in the garden of thorns barefooted. Sam wriggled from her mother's embrace, giving her the sweetest smile that never existed in this world.

Sam placed the wooden box on the table and opened it, her parent's eyes widened when they glared inside the box.

" l would like you to start over using this money, l used to think of opening my small clinic here in the village someday, l began to save when l joined university."

Sam's lips curved into a bitter smile, she had big dreams. She thought of bringing health facilities near her village because the hospital is far from their village, some patients die on their way to the hospital.

She wanted to make it easier for them, she wanted to make them feel cared for.

" Mother, you'll use the money to open a coffee shop or a knitting workshop. The rest of the money, you can use it in doing something else."

Sam tried to reason out, her parents were proud of her. She's such a brave girl, it's so sad that...her dreams are shattered.

" Thank you, dear, we'll try our best to fight hard so that we can be able to see you again." Salvador's family joined into a group hug, they hugged each other tightly, this might be the last time they're hugging Sam, who knows?.

Sam pulled from their embrace, wiping tears from her eyes using her white knitted sweater. Her lungs felt sore, she can't hold back tears, her emotions got the better of her each time she thought about leaving.

" l need to get going mother, take good care of my pappy." She bent slightly, brushing its back soothingly.

" Sure, there's no need for you to worry about it." Mrs Sarah smiled brightly at her daughter, Sam turned back to glance his father, their eyes locked. She breathed heavily.

" Father, take good care of mother and Skylar." Sam gave his father's shoulder a slight squeeze, pressing her lips into a thin line.

Mr Jason nodded his head in response, he'll protect them with his life, he can't stand a chance to loose again. It's already painful for him to loose her daughter to the mafia.

Sam was escorted with her family outside the gate where Leon's car was parked, They hugged each other tightly, Sam cried once again, she never thought She'll leave her family one day.

Alexander watched Sam hug her family goodbye, for the first time in his life, he felt bad for separating her from the people she loves. Alexander was seating at the backseat in Leon's car, watching Lisa cry helplessly.

" You need to go inside, it's getting dark." Sam watched her family go through the wooden gate, she exhaled deeply before walking to Leon's car.

Sam entered inside the car and sat on the backseat, she glared outside the window when the car pulled off. She didn't want to glare at the heartless mafia leader beside her because he was the source of her suffering.

Sam felt like piercing a dagger in his popped Adam apple on the throat, she didn't want to glare at his face. She might end up doing something that might place her family in a difficult situation.

Alexander's worried face retrieved back to normal, he closed his eyes slightly, leaning his head on the backseat. Although his eyes were closed, his senses were more alert than ever.


Meanwhile, Edwards's car pulled outside the electronic iron gate of the most luxurious apartment. Edward turned his head gently to glare at Diana who had already fallen asleep.

Diana had already given him the address and her house number before she fell asleep. Her black hair was scattered on her face, she seemed peaceful while asleep. Edward's lips curved into a half-smile.

" Why were you crying? what happened to you, Diana? did someone you love broke your heart as Sam did to my fragile heart?"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Kailykilimocreators' thoughts