
My Own Little Nightmare

As if times weren't hard enough living as a male omega, his estranged uncle decides to leave 23 year old Kai in millions of debt. Ultimately the Yakuza have no options but to keep him as a 'Pet', however they soon begin to unravel a silent web of lies wrapped around Kai's family. 25 year old Mizuki Daiki, next head of the clan, hates the mere sight of this boy more than anything but... why can't he stop thinking about him?

Caitlin_Kennedy_5410 · 都市
4 Chs

Cold As Ice...

I will never forget...The way his lips curled when they touched him. Or the piercing blue eyes that made even the superior of Alpha's doubt their capability. I couldn't pity him nor admire him all i could do was stare in awe at a once smooth nape that had been mutilated. Red raised lines swept the bottom of his black fluffy hair as it blew in the nights breeze. I thought at that moment you were 'Mine', but the truth was you were never anyone's. And that made me want you even more...

9:18 pm Okinawa, Japan.

It was peaceful like any other day. Gun in holster, knife trusty beneath the sleeve. Trains rattled by in the distance and the usual squeals of cliche high-school girls stung at his ears. Everyday was the same, there were some who knew you and others that feared you. Despite it all this man could walk through a rush hour train station and people would part like Moses was crossing. Respect came with the territory but it made it all too boring.

Sitting elegantly, under the sunset hue in the park central with his long black suit ,legs crossed was probably one of the biggest threats in Japan. Mizuki Daiki. Currently awaiting to take leadership of the biggest gangs in all of Japan, the Shikoku Gang or the S.G . Finally time had come for maturity and as his cigarette smoke blew through his plump scarred lips he thought that nothing could sound worse than being ordinary. He liked this on the edge lifestyle. Pink Sakura blossoms fell onto his sunshine blonde hair, it was bright and stuffy as summer was approaching but wildlife was at it's peak. Geese swam on the lake constantly yelping for food, birds tweeted sweetly in wake of mating season and of course dogs were practically left to roam. Including his very own little Chihuahua...

"Oi boss, I'm bored any jobs today?" Daiki peeled down his shades in annoyance. Yes, this dog was very troublesome, he had too much enthusiasm and energy but had quite the big bite. Sighing heavily Daiki sat up and began scrolling through his phone for messages leaving his poor mutt to wait. Sometimes there were a million jobs for Yakuza to do. Territory meetings, debt collections, family meetings or just generally dealing with whatever they sold. But this day there were three errands.

Daiki, "Tch! Only debt collections again? Come on old man give me a shootout at least. Kazuma your with me." Excitedly his little pup ran to catch him up knowing this one would provably be pretty juicy considering the stakes. Daiki formlessly shook his head watching this little nuisance practically beam at the collection charge. Kazuma wasn't a bad kid. He was 18 and naive, formally just a typical high school brat with a convenience store job until one day he snapped. Studying and family pressure broke the kid from deep down. He started selling himself to guys and anything else to rebel against his values. Daiki's father found him outside their clans nightclub overdosed, assaulted and bloody after fighting with the clan guys about money. He simply said 'If your going to kill yourself at least do it for me, brat.'. Took him home, raised him back to health and the kid never looked back, he just attached himself to Daiki and accented the Yakuza lifestyle.

Daiki was zoning out and reminiscing as his pets bleach blonde head bounced around waiting for a job. Sometimes he wondered if Kazuma ever thought about going back to normality, every now and again they'd stop by the convenience store he used to work at but he never raised his head to look. I think he killed that part of himself the night Daiki's father took him in.

"Kazuma, your going too fast. They won't run if they value their lives right?" Kazuma spun around childishly, with a glint in his eye.

"I'm betting on it boss." Daiki sighed and continued following him until his phone began ringing. Knowing it would usually be the Head at this hour Kazuma very quickly straightened up. Daiki pulled it out casually and answered before his face took a big dip.

"Dad? What's up?"

In a deep calm voice so smooth it made you shudder spoke. "We have a problem Mizuki." Immediately his back was up, it was so rare his father admitted something had gone south. Although, all of the jobs today were easy?

"Which Job? Did he run, stab someone?" A long pause followed. Then Kazuma startled as Daiki looked at him intensely. Then a question most voted taboo to ask was thrown at him full force.

"Kazuma you're a Beta right?" Like a bolt of lightning shot through him he nodded profusely. Daiki could see the panic on his face, secondary gender had faded over the past decade with medication to manage it all but what job could bring such a question to light?

"Yes he's a Beta why?" Feeling a little inferior Daiki lit up a cigarette as he listened until his flame stood solid in balance.

"We have an omega we need to collect from, he accumulated it from a second party but the twins aren't answering anymore. I need a Beta there in-case it's his time of the month. Surely you trained him to be tolerant." Daiki didn't want to smoke anymore, this was so surprising it made the ash fall onto his fresh black suit.

"Why did you ask me that boss?" He didn't realize it at the time but Daiki had been stood there stone faced for a few minutes with Kazuma eagerly waiting to hear the plan. Secondary genders...were the worst once upon a time. Each person is assigned at puberty with their secondary gender, you are either an Alpha, Beta or Omega. Betas which made up 70% of the population were always pushed aside as their gender didn't affect daily life, they were the closest thing to human so they lived that way. Majority say we developed this genetic makeup from wolves but no-one really knew where or when this secondary gender became part of humanity. All people knew was there was nothing they could do about it. No science or dedication could change someones gender it was imprinted into their DNA.

Alpha's were 'blessed', usually gifted with a strong physique and capabilities academically. If anyone wished to be a second gender it was to be an Alpha. They were envied, they were worshiped. Their main quest was to find a mate and reproduce, they also had a very high reproduction rate, their sperm was extremely potent. They usually gave birth to Alpha's having a strong genetic efficiency so Beta's and Omegas from all over would try to court them in order to have strong children that would do well, not only that but they knew an Alpha would be wealthy and have a good lifestyle so it ticked all of the boxes. The only painful affliction an Alpha faced would be that of the 'Rut'. When an Alpha goes through a period of estrous, they are extremely fertile but struggle to keep their sexual desires in check without medication. It is an instinct to breed so strong they can have convulsions, sweat profusely;y and find it difficult to calm their masturbation without a mate so sate it.

Omega's on the other hand were 'Pitiful'. They shared an extremely unique genetic characteristic, the fact was despite their primary gender, Male or Female they could give birth to children. Male's are born with a womb inside of their anus making it also possible to conceive a child. People from all over the world still complain about them today. Mostly about their 'Heats', once a month much like natural women they go through a cycle of ovulation which is referred to as 'Heats' during this time an Omega with cry out for a mate using pheromones in the hope of getting pregnant. Alpha's can usually detect when an Omega is in heat through their smell. Often it's sweet and enticing so much so it acts like an aphrodisiac. It's almost impossible for an Alpha to resist an Omega in heat therefore they were branded a nuisance for 'Seducing' well off people in an exchange for money or children. Physically they opposed the Alpha's, Omega's are small and neat usually, even the males are very feminine in their weight and body structure. Male's Omega's were even rarer but their fate still remained the same. They were often refused work because their heats brought them 'Inconvenience' and schools would also not accommodate any time missed from heats so majority of Omega's dropped out with minimal qualifications.

"They never stood a chance huh?" Daiki walked heavy footed alongside his pet feeling a sickly pain in his gut.

Kazuma, "I'm only guessing but your a...Alpha right?" Sheepishly he mumbled to Daiki after observing his troubled expression for a while.

Daiki, "Why? Because I'm the son of Yakuza I should be an Alpha is that what your saying?" Kazuma could tell he hated talk about these things. Whenever other clan members spoke of any sort of secondary gender Daiki would leave like he hated it. But it was obvious, sometimes Daiki let out pheromones that could kill and he never lost a fight even though he never stood foot in the g6ym to train. The way his toned beige muscled creeped from his shirt and his nice sharp canines that made him look animalistic when he smiled...All of it were traits of an Alpha.

Kazuma, "I just think your pretty well off that's all. Nice body, Nice smile , Good sized Dick." He said cheekily but Daiki wasn't laughing at all if anything he was menacing. Kazuma felt his mouth dry up when those golden eyes peaked from his sunglasses. The walk was quiet and people weren't out at this time of night but it was loud. Kazuma's heart was pounding as Daiki gripped his face inches away from his, so close his breath made his hair flutter.

Daiki gripped him with a vicious low tone giving him goosebumps, "First of all don't ever look at my dick again, and second... Don't you ever assume someone is well off just because their an Alpha. People die by our hand every single day, some of those are Alpha's. I don't check their secondary gender when they die because I couldn't care fucking less understand? An asshole is an asshole it doesn't matter what they are." It was short and sweet but Kazuma got the message. Nodding with pitiful tears in his eyes Daiki clicked his tongue and let go. They were silent the rest of the way their but those eyes never left Kazuma's mind, burning bright with anger. It was only natural for this to happen. Daiki's father was an Alpha no doubt, his presence was so strong it made you weak at the knees and Daiki shared that but suppressed his dominance a lot of the time.

"Let me in you fucking brat!" They both stopped outside a very run down apartment complex in the suburbs. It's walls were peeling with mold and all of the railing had rusted from neglect. It even smelled 'Poor'. How someone got into these situations and still had the nerve to gamble really did annoy him. Kazuma walked up to two men around the age of 27 while Daiki carelessly sucked on a cigarette. It was always someone pitiful hoping if they ran or hid all of their troubles would go away, it was so tiring dealing with the same old selfish people.

One man was quite well build, he was muscular and wore his stubble proudly whereas the other was quite unkempt and pudgy but no doubt they were twins. Aki and Hirono were long time members of the Yakuza they were just bred into the lifestyle, Aki was always chewing his toothpick and carefree while Hirono would eat snacks and act like a spoiled child 90% of the time. Complete.Polar.Opposites. Still they had the same brown dog fur hair that stuck out randomly and deep brown eyes, they were pretty intimidating unless you were Daiki.

Aki, "Thank God. Daikiiii!" He moaned childishly. he looked pretty pale and worn out. Throwing his cigarette down he trotted on over to see why these two usually capable men were acting like kids.

Daiki looked over at Hirono and observed a trickle of blood slowly making his way down his wrist. Instinctively he grabbed it to see if it was a bad wound, Hirono showed him in disbelief.

Hirono, "Little brat bit me when i tried to force my way in." It was only natural to smirk.

Daiki, "Don't be so butt-hurt over a bite, how olds the kid? Her parents home?"

Aki, "21 I think. It says here...21 year old Omega, debt of 1 billion yen accumulated by Mr Kano Inumaki?" Daiki snatched his phone and began reading intensely. From first glance it was clear this kid was next of kin and that's why he got caught in Yakuza territory. Next of kin usually meant there was no other family at that age. All of a sudden barging in and kicking this kids ass wasn't his main goal anymore.

Daiki, "Move." he said harshly but was stopped by a stern hand. Aki looked very dauntingly at the door.

Aki, "Kid said they'll set off a pheromone bomb if we go in, said he's been saving it just for us." Daiki laughed in disbelief, that was the oldest trick ion the book but he had never seen it since being small. Omega's sometimes, as a defense mechanism, used their pheromones to force an Alpha into rut however if multiple Alpha's are present they get possessive with a mate and fight for the right to breed, the perfect distraction unless they were caught and raped.

Enough was enough he thought there was only one way to see what they were dealing with. Kazuma was quickly snatched from place and promptly put in front of the door.

Daiki, "On the count of three jump over the railing."

"Three" With that Daiki kicked the door so hard it sounded like a gunshot had went off. Kazuma stood there in shock alone in front of an empty doorway feeling the air of the other three jumping slide down his back. All of a sudden a cloud of smoke so potent it made his eyes sting consumed him.

Daiki, "It wasn't a bluff huh?" Hirono landed in a pile at the bottom of the stairs while Aki tried to soothe his aching back.

Aki, "You could have gave more notice !" Daiki wasn't listening, he could feel the sweet aroma of heat envelope him, it was comforting yet made a hot swelling in his stomach unbearable. Covering his mouth he looked up to see Kazuma hadn't moved an inch.

How could he? Feet planted to the floor like roots, eyes wider than a mile. Surely, he was seeing things. Daiki started to get impatient and threw a pebble off his head but he didn't even twitch.

Hirono, "What's wrong, she dead?" Suicide was also a easy way of of debt so expecting as much the twins sat on the steps eating Poki sticks. Daiki clicked his tongue and stormed past the two up to the second floor his hand tightly grasped around his mouth. Pheromones this potent could send even the sanest into abyss he thought. Kazuma's face stopped him first, he looked almost starstruck like he was looking at a celebrity.

Daiki, "The one time I actually WANT you to talk you don't huh? What the fuck are you looking at?" Kazuma finally came back to reality, and gave Daiki a small smile with those green eyes gleaming.

Kazuma, "It's not a kid...its a man." Both twins shot up in alarm. Surely that couldn't mean...

Daiki, " A male Omega?" Kazuma nodded while wafting away the pheromones from the doorway, Beta's weren't strictly affected by an Omega's heat rather it was like walking past a pie shop, the sweet aroma draws you in but doesn't make you want to eat it.

Kazuma, "It should be better now I can't smell him much anymore." With that Daiki stormed through eager to see this rare Omega, wood from the broken door frame crunched under his feet while his head of fluffy blonde hair ducked beneath the door-frame. It was...disgusting in here. Old convenience store bento and noodle pots littered the floor and the trash looked like it had been there for weeks. It was musky and damp but a nice scent almost like canned peaches kept poking at his nose.

Daiki, "Pardon the intrusion, we're from the Shikoku. We're here to collect." Hirono and Aki both peaked from the doorway, the boss sounded a little gentle today compared to his usual 'Give me your fucking money or I'll kill you'. Silence followed, where the hell was this guy? Maybe he'd crawled under the rubble or something? Impenitently Daiki began sweeping trash with his feet, so this place did have a floor after all. It wasn't until his foot moved a rather large bag did he hear a sound very familiar. Clink Clink.

Kazuma, "Careful boss, I think it's a guy because of those posters and stuff but who knows..." Daiki continued moving the trash noticing a popular rapper poster on the wall, funny it was also the same artists Daiki liked. Everyone looked in confusion and their beloved both got down and dirty fishing a very hefty chain from beneath the luggage.

Aki, "Ain't that one of those S&M things, I've seen that shit in town plenty!" Kazuma gulped rubbing his neck, he also recognized that type of chain. It was a 'Pet' chain for Omega but he'd also felt the harsh metal against his neck. Daiki studied it for a moment, there was no rust or food on it, 8if anything it was the cleanest item in here. Instinctively he pulled it and heard the tiniest little yelp in the distance. The twins dramatically unloaded their guns and pointed at the bedroom , this place had a spooky feel to it. It was oppressive, as if something was waiting to take their very souls.

Daiki, "Go downstairs."

Kazuma, "Ehhhh? But boss-"

Daiki, "DOWNSTAIRS!" He yelled furiously. When he was pissed off you did what he said or else. Like little kids they dragged their feet to the concrete below and stood arms crossed in a huff.

Aki, "Ain't that kid too unstable? What was that for?" Kazuma suddenly felt a wave of guilt.

Kazuma, "Of course he's mad idiot. Omega kid left with a billion in debt and probably had to sell himself to survive, have a little compassion will ya?"

Kazuma had a point...but that wasn't why Daiki asked them to leave. It was clear to him that this Omega wasn't stupid in the slightest.

Daiki, "Oi brat, you can come out of your own accord or I'll drag you out how about that? This chains connected right?, You tried to hide it." Yet again there was nothing. Daiki tried to sound less intimidating but there was nothing he could do so he had only one option. Rattling boxes and furniture began rattling his ears as his firm hand began tugging and following the chain. Eyebrows furrowed he noted how light the other end of the chain was, almost as if a little dog was left here to rot and he was pulling his carcass through the wreck. Then all of a sudden there was tension! Like someone had placed a boulder on that dog...

Daiki, "Tch enough!" With a huge yank a ball of skin came tumbling out of the bedroom. His charcoal hair was matted, wearing only boxer shorts and a stained white T-shirt. Daiki simply looked on in awe, usually he'd have beaten them for giving him a hard time however...there wasn't anything to beat. This kid was skin and bone curled up like a hamster.

Daiki, "O-Oi? Why didn't you just come out when I asked you too?" Blood dripped to the rubbish below, lacerations around his neck were deep and the wound looked like it was festering. Suddenly he felt awful for tugging at this kid, why did he have a collar on anyway. It wasn't like anyone was here to keep him?

This was a mess, this whole job was just one big fucking mess and Daiki didn't know where to start. What kind of person lives like this he thought? Did this kid choose this or was it the uncle? Despite it all he wanted to get out of this place.

Daiki, "I ain't gonna hurt ya so stop hiding now, okay?" He didn't even quiver, Daiki sighed and waltzed over peeling this kid out of the ball he was in, smudging his hands in the blood dripping from below. It was hard work but eventually he turned him around the other way. His legs were bruised and one of them looked broken. Still, the kid didn't move his hands away from his face.

Daiki. "Look, I ain't stupid your not dead but I ain't leaving either so look at me." It was still so pungent in the air, his scent maybe he didn't take suppressants or whatever but still it was a hard smell to swallow. Slowly, the kids hands began trembling feeling the breath of this large man over him. This man smelled sweet and strong, he didn't need to look to know it.

A small course whisper said "Let me go..." Daiki flinched, so he could talk?

Daiki, "No can do amigo, I still gotta do my job but maybe I can help you out huh?" The kid let his tense body relax a pulled one hand away from his face. Daiki felt intense shivers run down his back so bad his leg buckled. Staring back was the clearest crystal blue eye he'd ever seen, they were mesmerizing. The way dark blue speckles peppered his iris reminded him of the sea. It was true they were beautiful but the look he gave Daiki was Cold as ice...