
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · 漫画同人
104 Chs

Destrution of CCG(3)

With the words of their King spoken, the hundreds of ghoul of the [Aogiri Tree] charged towards the hundreds of investigators that had in them investigators of rank [Associate Special], [First Class], [Rank 1], [Rank 2] and finally [Rank 3], these being commanded by the [Special Associate] class with [Quinques] rank [S], [SS] and even [SSS].

Using the highest ranking [Quinques] in their hands, the low ranking investigators charged towards the hundreds of ghouls wearing robes and the [Aogiri Tree] logo on their backs showing that they are members of the organization and subordinates of the [One-Eyed King].

Once close to the investigators, the ghouls and the humans of the [CCG] had their first fight on the second day that the presence of the [One-Eyed King] was made public, being the first confrontation where the ghouls were victorious and the humans lost.

Although that will be registered in the near future, on the other hand in the confrontation of ghouls against humans, several figures could be found that showed a high talent when fighting. And among one of them was a young man with blond hair of androgynous appearance with eyes of a color with red with soft features making him look like a girl with several seam marks on parts of he body with a bangs held by a hairpin forming the number 13, He wears a white shirt with a button on top of the white shirt with few unbuttoned top buttons with a black pants that reach just below his knees, and black braces with yellow polka dots, instead of shoes he wears a slipper.

The blond haired boy known as Juuzo Suzuya, had a joyous smile on his face as he threw several [S] rank [Quinques] knives at the ghouls approaching him.

Grabbing several knives in his fingers, Suzuya threw them at various vital organs of the ghouls piercing through the head, thorax, heart, eyes and organs. Once with his enemies being stopped by his injuries, Suzuya seized the moment and with other rounds of knives took his lives. But to be safe Suzuya finished off the corpses.

"Those were strong, maybe [A] rank? ~" Suzuya spoke to himself, as he picked up his knives from the corpses of the pair of ghouls on the ground.

Sensing the danger at his back, Suzuya quickly grabbed the knives and threw them in the direction of danger as he dodged the attack, it being a [Kagune Bikaku] that smashed the ground where he was. As she used the thickness of the [Bikaku] to protect herself from the knives which were buried in her [Kagune] from him.

"You were close ~" Suzuya replied with a smile on his face as he felt the danger that the white-haired girl with a black lock and a fox mask on her face, made him feel.

"You have good instincts" -answered the girl with white hair with a black lock towards Suzuya, who had a calm smile on his face,

"And you have great strength" -Saying that, Suzuya quickly took out several knives hidden in his white shirt and ties towards the girl's eyes, limbs and heart.

Akira seeing the various knives coming in her direction, blocked them with her [Bikaku]. Once blocked she pointed her sharp point in the boy's direction.

Suzuya seeing the incoming attack only smiled enormously and approached her, once being close to her jumped over the [Bikaku] that with the help of his [Quinques] in the form of a throwing knife he was able to land on top of the [Bikaku].

Squinting as she saw Suzuya alighted on top of hers [Bikaku] hers and approached her, Akira manipulated his [Bikaku] from his to appear a sharp point under the boy. Which as if he could feel it, he used his throwing knives as a defense to block it, which in doing so gained momentum that threw him into the air. And once airborne with extraordinary sleight of hand, he was able to draw and throw several knives that were aimed at her head, eyes, heart, and limbs.

Retracting her [Bikaku] to protect she from the dozens of knives, Akira watched in surprise as the boy turned his [Quinques] into two throwing knives that began to shake at a rapid speed along with lightning bolts that ran through it making it sharper.

Activated once he [Quinques], Suzuya increased he descent speed towards the [Bikaku] which was protecting the girl, and with he electric knives running through it increased its edge and trembling at an extreme speed increasing its dangerousness even more. a range [SS].

Suzuya cut towards the [Bikaku] which did not last a second before being cut by the knives, watching with wide eyes as her [Bikaku] cut easily, Akira could only see how the knife was heading towards her face.

* Fsh * (Sound of wind cutting)

* Clink * (Metal vs. Metal Sound)

Suzuya watched with a look of astonishment as a simple feather-shaped projectile collided with his throwing knives and sent him a couple of meters back, thus taking advantage of the flexibility of him. Suzuya landed he healthing 5 meters away from the girl.

"It's a shame ~" - Suzuya sighed when he saw that he could not finish off them enemy - "I hope to fight with you again in the future~" - Suzuya greeted with a smile towards Akira, who could only raise her arms and return the greeting, as she watched as the boy went to other ghouls and finished them off easily.

Coming out of shock to see that she could have died without Frank's interruption, Akira looked fondly at Frank, who intervenes when he could to the ghouls who were about to die. Saving dozens, but without fully intervening to develop the strength of his subordinates.

Frank seeing Akira's gaze, he just smiled kindly. Which in doing so he could see an imaginary smoke coming out of Akira's head, along with a blush that he unfortunately couldn't see because of her mask.

Walking away with a blush on her face, Akira began to fight with other investigators. While Frank kept an eye on the battle using his [Ukaku] to defend the ghouls who were about to die, saving dozens of lives. Although he sadly he could not save everyone, but compared to the life he saved, few deaths were in his presence.

Frank could only put those thoughts aside, while he concentrated on saving the ghouls, while he also paid attention to the [Associate Special] class investigators. Since they could kill several ghouls if he didn't pay attention.

Frank also looked curiously towards the only [Special] class investigator who was on the scene assisting and giving orders when needed, while he kept his attention on the young blond haired androgynous man.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be Juuzo Suzuya, and the older man Yukinori Shinohara" - whispered Frank, as he looked from time to time at Suzuya and Shinohara, who had a [Quinque] class [SS] - "Once I'm done with the [CCG] I should recruit them "- making a mental note to recruit Suzuya and Shinohara, Frank remained on his throne while guarding the battlefield and intervening when one of his subordinates was about to die.


Several minutes had passed since the battle between the ghoul and the humans began, since then the humans had been slowly but steadily backing away. Since the ghouls were stronger than they thought, the weakest being an [A] rank while the strongest a [SS] rank.

And all without the [One-Eyed King] himself rising from his throne, since just by using his [Ukaku] he could prevent the deaths of several ghouls, and although some [Associate Special] and [First Class] class researchers They came to him, they were killed in a swift manner with the only proof of their death being a line a few centimeters long and wide, caused by a feather.

Shinohara, upon observing the state of the battle, could see that they had lost more people than the ghouls - "And all this without the [One-Eyed King] personally intervening" - Shinohara whispered as he watched with narrowed eyes towards Frank, the which had an attentive gaze, while observing the battlefield.

Taking his gaze away from Frank for a moment, Shinohara turned his attention to Suzuya who had eliminated several [A] rank ghouls and some [S] class, using to their full potential the [S] rank knives that once activated would have a rank power [SS].

Sighing in relief and with a proud smile, Shinohara looked at Suzuya with a fatherly affection - "It seems I will have to go in" - Shinohara said to himself, as he watched Frank rise from his throne, which made the investigators recoil with cautious eyes. While the ghouls backed away with a look of respect in their visible eyes.

Grabbing the two iron briefcases beside him, Shinohara approached with a firm look on his face towards the [One-Eyed King], who kept a serene gaze with a soft smile on his face.

Suzuya seeing how his mentor was heading towards the [One-Eyed King] also approached him, Shinohara seeing Suzuya at his side could only shake his head - "You shouldn't be here Juzo, I can't assure you of your safety. When I face the [One-Eyed King] "- to which hearing Shinohara's words, Suzuya smiled bigger.

"Don't worry, with me by your side we can better fight against the [One-Eyed King]" - sighing upon hearing Suzuya's amused tone, Shinohara could only deny as a smile grew on his face.

"Then I'll give you my back, Juzo." Seeing the confident look on her mentor's face, Suzuya just nodded with a huge smile on his face.

"Leave it to me"-.

Frank hearing the conversation that Shinohara and Suzuya had, couldn't help but smile more kindly seeing their close relationship as if they were a father and son. Which Shinohara does, since he regards Suzuya as one of his sons.

Once the two of them were within 2 meters of the [One-Eyed King], Shinohara activated one of his iron briefcases which contained a [Quinque Bikaku] that was shaped like a long butcher knife, while Suzuya activated. his [Quinque] causing the electricity that enveloped the two knives in his hands together with a tremor that made his blade extremely sharp.

Pointing the edge of his blade at the [One-Eyed King] - "It is an honor to stand in front of the [One-Eyed King], and I am grateful that you have not killed innocent lives in [District 1] or any other, sadly it is time for your reign to end. Since our mission is to finish you off, "Shinohara replied as he looked towards the [One-Eyed King].

Frank upon hearing Shinohara's words, smiled kindly in his direction- "It is also an honor to be in front of researchers like you" -he replied as he watched the two- "How about you join me?"

Surprised upon hearing Frank's words, Shinohara let out a joyous laugh upon hearing his words- "I'm sorry to tell you that I will have to disappoint you, but I will not join you. I have to eliminate the ghouls who want to harm humans, even if you and your subordinates don't. I cannot say the same of the others "-.

Frank only nodded before Shinohara's words - "Well you won't have to worry about that in the near future, once I destroy the [CCG] and unify the ghouls and humans. Your worries will disappear, but for now I suppose we will be enemies for the moment "-hearing Frank's words, Shinohara was still surprised to hear his words.

"Well, let's dance" - the instant those words left the [One-Eyed King's] lips, Shinohara watched in shock as hundreds of feathers approached him and Suzuya.

"Dodge and protect yourself Juzo!" - Shinohara replied as he used his butcher knife to block the feathers, while he also dodged, until he reached a building to use as cover.

On the other hand, a few moments before, Suzuya hearing the screams of he mentor could only shout a - "Hai!" - to continue to use several knives to block the feathers that are directed towards him, while also avoiding the buildings. , once in the buildings Suzuya leaned against it to use it as a cover, while looking at her mentor who did the same - "This is exciting!" - hearing Suzuya's scream, Shinohara could only smile ironically at the look and Excited smile on Suzuya's face.


[Extra Scene]

Several meters away, a team of several people could be found. being more specific 7 people, the 6 members wearing a hooded raincoat, while the one who looked like the leader was not wearing.

The members of that squad known as [Squad 0] or [Arima Squad], go towards the support signal made by a member, warning that the [One-Eyed King] will begin to fight with the [Special] class investigator Yukinori Shinohara and [Rank 3] investigator Juuzo Suzuya.

The white-haired man also known as Kishou Arima, headed out with his squad consisting of Take Hirako, Hairu Ihei, Koori Ui, Rikai Souzu, Shio Ihei, Yusa Arima.

"It seems that we will not be able to have that talk" - Arima said to himself, as he looked into the distance at the place where the [One-Eyed King] was located that would unify the ghouls and humans, leaving those thoughts aside, Arima continued with his stoic gaze towards the aforementioned coordinates.


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