
My Heroic Beast King

So the warriors here are Heroes, huh? A Shinobi can deal with that, but even I can see that this world is flawed or else there would be s many villains as there are. I didn't ask to be flung here, but I will make the most of being a hero, right Mama Nagant? yeah, I will be the best!

Leo_Chen_0529 · 漫画同人
10 Chs

Chapter 9:




Naruto opened his eyes because of the consistent noise he was familiar with. However, the scene before was something he was not. Why? Because his mindscape was no longer the sewers he had grown up with. Instead, it looked like the real world's Bolivia Salt Flats. With the water all around him looking like an exact replica of the sky. There were a few clouds here and there, but he also noticed that one of the clouds looked...green. Weird.

Naruto sat cross-legged and looked like his current nine-year form while his reflection looked like his old shinobi self. Across from him sat a man in white silk robes with spiked-up red hair and a goatee but his reflection was all the Tailed Beasts he come to know throughout his life.

"Kurama? What is going on? I have not heard from you in a while." Naruto admitted. Usually, the old fox had something snarky to say during his old adventures and he admittedly missed the back and forth.

The red-haired man chuckled a bit at that. "You can blame that on us trying to fully reform ourselves in this world…it is going to be a slow process, that is for sure. However, there is one problem."

"What would that be? Is it related to the others and this new form?"

"Yeah and before you ask, they are asleep for now. Think of it as a hibernation of sorts until we can figure out a long-term solution and we all agreed on one thing." Kurama explained before he sighed. "Since we are from another world, we do not have an anchor to this world and if we are not careful, we could disappear forever. That or the painful process of returning to our old one since our anchor is there."

"Right, an anchor? This world's Nature Energy is not going to cut it?" Naruto asked thoughtfully and Kurama smirked at the look before that became a little sad.

"To a point it is, I mean, looked at our current form! Nature Energy is different for each world and it can be fickle, which is why I do not suggest a human like yourself attempt to go Sage Mode, it could outright reject you...or worse." Kurama explained. "But for us, it is still on the fence because of our own nature. We are pure energy after all. As for the anchor, if you suddenly developed a Quirk like the humans of this world, we would be ok."

"I am sensing a but there." Naruto stated, thought he found it odd that the Nature Energy of this world would reject him. What did Kurama know that he did not?

"Yeah, you are kind of too old for that. Izuku was an outlier after all with the Quirks. That is why…I need you to get used to the idea we may fade from this world entirely if we do not succeed." Kurama replied with a sad smile.

"WHAT!? No, I cannot accept that!" The nine-year-old shouted as he hopped to his feet, much like his mirror image. "You have been there throughout my life! You are my brother and what about the others?! Are you all that ready to give up?!"

"Of course not!" Human Kurama bit back, baring his sharp teeth. It was a front of course; he was deeply touched that Naruto basically considered him family. Him and the other Tailed Beasts. "I am just saying it is a possibility. I have lived a long life and I am still raring to go, but if it comes to that, I have no choice but to accept that. I just…wanted to warn you of the possibility that we could be separated."

"I still do not accept that…I will find a way to anchor us to this world. I have no idea how to do it, but I will figure it out! That is a promise and you of all people know I never go back on my word!" Naruto insisted.

Kurama laughed out loud. That was for damn sure. "I believe you, brat. Who knows, with your luck, it might just fall into your lap after doing something extraordinary. Until then, keep living your life in this new world and grow your family like you always have."

"You bet, but I have one question. What is with the change in here?"

The ancient fox man raised an eyebrow at this longtime friend. Both of them could admit that Naruto was not smart, but this new world was working to fix that. The schools here treated him like a human deserving of education as opposed to the Academy back in Konoha. That Mizuki was a piece of work going behind Iruka to fuck up Naruto's education. Not that the blond helped himself back then.

"Because your circumstances have changed, Naruto. You are no longer being held back by the education system here and you have actual friends that you are starting to trust, unlike in Konoha." Kurama explained. "The war certainly did not help but it did accelerate things."

Naruto gained a sour look. He…could not refute that. Growing up had been hard and by absorbing his dark side, he learned what he kept hidden from himself. Deluded himself into thinking they would have been his friends no matter what. They were only comrades because they stayed in the same village. Comrades of convenience. The views of the older generation were negative towards him and so children learned from them to hate him. They had only begun to trust him as the war started. Maybe he could have really changed their minds after the war.

He had gained the trust of these new people from another world rather easily and maybe that was how it was normally. He did not know, but he would have to tell them of this at some point.

"I can see you find truth to my words." Kurama stated with a frown. "But do not worry too much about these new humans…and the giant rat man. I believe you will be fine. Now go find your anchor, I will be watching."


Naruto opened his eyes to a humorous sight in Tamao's hospital room. The street-tough Rapt attempted to play guitar while Tamao laughed at his attempts. Meanwhile, Soga stared at Naruto and wondered how the blond could have slept with all the noise going on around him.

As Naruto watched Soga tune the guitar for Tamao and scold her for not using an instrument that other people, much like himself, did not have access to, Naruto smirked at his third group of friends he had formed. It had been a few months since Tamao's release from the Queen Bee and they were already comfortable around him. He had his school friends who were training with him to become full-time Pro Heroes, he had his Vigilante Friends who were just trying to make Narahata a better place to live in, and he had Street Tough friends who cared for Tamao while Iwao was off in China to get to the bottom of Naruhata's Villain Factory problem with Trigger since the gangs there were supplying the main culprit here.

But there was a smaller group too, the street fighting tournament with Mirko as Tigerbunny and Tatewaki, a guy who fought Quirkless because he had a time field quirk that was not much use otherwise. And this one had him worried. Rumi was losing control of the Underground as more of All for One's thugs bled in and started spirited away more and more. Tatewaki was the most recent to go missing and he had been searching around for his friend ever since. When he brought this to Sir Nighteye's attention, the man went white. Their fear that All for One was behind the Villain Factory had been on the nose and now he was once again taking people from the underground.

However, Mirai opted not to inform All Might of this just yet because the man almost died from their last encounter and if Naruto's Entrance into this world hadn't distracted the both of them, then Mirai feared his vision of All Might's Demise would have come about or worse.

If All for One had his friend, Naruto had a feeling he would be meeting him at some point. As he learned with Sasuke, you cannot save them all. But he would always still try. He would beat it out of the rubber man that Mirko was going to have him fight soon.

"I suppose I could play something for you even though I have not done so in a while." Tamao replied before giving Naruto a smile. "Think of it as a thank you to you all, even Naruto. Thank you for you guys all keeping me company even if my dad asked you to and for Naruto's little miracle in speeding up my recovery." Naruto just waved at her with the little sun tattoo on his hand.

After playing a small song, there was a clap from the doorway, making most of the boys freeze up when they saw a scruffier-looking Iwao with a beard. "It sounds beautiful, Tamao." Iwai replied after a moment of the boys, mostly Rapt, freaked out at seeing him after a few months.

"The beard's gross." Tamao deadpanned after a few moments.

Like he just noticed the hair on his face, Iwao chuckled as he messed with it, "Ahh yeah. Been roughing it awhile."

"Frankly, I do not really care where you've been slumming around. You cannot just abandon your family." Soga grumbled out even though he enjoyed giving his company to the man's daughter.

Tamao just snickered at the comment. "It is okay, really. My old man is only good for taking up space anyway." Iwao just rolled his eyes. He should have expected that, even though they had secretly been in contact while he had been in China, they still had to work on their father/daughter relationship.

"Whatevs, I am outta here." Soga replied as he got up to leave and both Iwao and Naruto noticed that Tamao and Soga seemed sad at his leaving. It seemed they had gotten used to each other and didn't know they liked one another yet.

Iwao just smirked though and said, "Sorry, but could you stick around? I have got another errand today."

"Tch." Soga sounded off as he took his seat next to Tamao now instead of near the window. "I ain't the one you should apologize to."

"No, you are right," Iwao replied softly with a small but sad smile. "Sorry Tamao, I just have to catch up with an old pal and give them some info I learned. Soon as this shit is off the streets, the sooner I can rest. I will be right back."

"Shave off that grimy beard, okay?" Tamao replied with a snarky smirk, getting he man to laugh as he called for Naruto to follow him out of the room. Once out of the hospital, Iwao asked for a recap of what had been going on.

"Seriously, you all got yourselves in some weird shit, especially with you being friends with an underground market, Eraser Head, and Midnight. I am glad you got your Quirk Analyst friend in contact with Koichi. The kid is good, but does not have much balls. Glad to see he is picking up great ways to use his quirk. Also, I am sure your street fighter friend is fine, seemed like he could take care of himself like you have."

"I hope so too. Now let's get your info to the local police chief. I gotta tell you, Tsukauchi has been chopping at the bit to end this." Naruto snickered.

"True, but I am more worried about you since the guy who has my quirk will soon be after you after the stunt you pull. Him and his employer. I'll give you a few tips as we walk." Iwao replied, unnerved that quirk was with someone else now. Seemed that the Quirk Boogieman was still around after all.


After meeting up with Tsukauchi's boss, Iwao checked up on Crawler and Pop Step as the former was trying to deal with another 'villain' hopped up on Trigger. This one just made the guy's head turn into a fire engine.

Since Eraser Head was not around today, Naruto as Akatsuki jumped in to get the runaway quirk user away from his older friends.

Seeing them deal with and tie up the Triggered guy, Iwao chuckled to himself. "They do not need me anymore. They are doing just fine."

The man walked away with a grin as he went off to shave.


"You ready to die, kid?" The man known as the Rubber Menace sneered from across the ring Mirko had chosen for their fight. It is actually an abandoned basketball court in a run-down building, so any slams would be extra punishing. "I will admit you were a surprising rising star here, but you have been up against chumps who are not much work in actually taking down. I am your worst match-up because your little shocks and punches will not do much for me. My Quirk is Shock Absorption!"

"Oh? Not resistance or nullification?" Naruto questioned with a raised eyebrow as he got into a stance.

"What? Do you need to clean out your ears kid? I said Absorption!" The big-lipped man roared back at the kid, annoyed that he had to repeat himself.

"Absorption, huh? Then this will be over soon. I am sure there is only so much punishment you can absorb." Naruto explained before grinning darkly. "And I have a lot of pent-up anger thanks to a friend who is missing."

"Feh, sure kid, keep telling yourself that and you will end up with that other kid you hang around with."

That…was probably the wrong thing to say to Naruto at this point. With eyes flashing red for just a moment, Naruto ran at his opponent with more speed than he usually showed these street fighters and that made the big-lipped man pale. He was reminded of one of the higher up's current favorite and gulped.

Naruto snorted to himself as he stopped holding back a lot of his power. Even as a 9-year-old, he had more skill and power than some well-equipped street brawler. As it stood, only Mirko as Tigerbunny and the fighter known as The Rapper could give him a challenge. Sadly, he currently didn't have access to Kurama's power or the full power of the Sage because his current small body just could not handle it. But he would and soon!

Still, with each punch he sent to the man, they might have been absorbed but the man still felt each and every one. It was almost enough to put him on his knees. "That all you got, kid?" He panted with labored breaths that put the crowd on edge. Feeling a bit more threatened, he brought out his spiked metal bat that he only used when his limit was almost broken. He hated to admit it, but Naruto's punches were absurdly strong for a kid's. He also noticed that Tigerbunny lost her bored look and was focusing intensely on this fight. So, she had a soft spot for kids huh? Well, who knew?

Naruto rushed in again, rolling his eyes at that man's bluster and use of a normally deadly weapon. He was not a novice though. He turned his foot metal and kicked the weapon away and then brought his foot down diagonally, creating a gash in the man's chest. Shocking and bludgeoning attacks, the man may have been able to absorb, but not slashing and piercing!

Feeling the pain and seeing the blood, got the man into a frenzy as he barely managed to dodge Naruto's punches and kicks. However, the tables seemed to turn when he managed to shoot some Trigger and punt Naruto into a nearby wall, quieting the audience in fear of the man. He was not known to use Trigger. But he did and now he looked more like a bodybuilder instead of the skinny prick he usually is.

Naruto got up and wiped the blood from his mouth. So, the prick wanted to play hardball huh? Well, Naruto could play that game as well. He turned a hand into a blade and the other into his usual taser form. "Had to use Trigger to get at a kid's level? That is just sad!"

"Kids like you should not be this strong!" The man raged, starting to lose his mind. "I'll flatten you!"

"You can try." Naruto responded with a deadly smirk before the two rushed at each other again. Using his taser hand, he hit the older man's pressure points in one arm and with his other hand, created another gash in his chest. Still, this did not bother the Triggered Rubber Man as he just laughed, his mind gone to the world.

"Pretty sure you should just finish him off now." Kurama spoke in his mind in a bored tone. Opponents on drugs always made things boring to him.

"Right." Naruto replied as he dodged a wide swing. But why not end this with a bang? Creating a small and low-powered orb of energy in his taser hand, he thrust it into the man's stomach. His quirk took more of the force of the orb, but in the end, the older man was shot away into a crumbling wall with a cry of "Rasengan!"

"HOLY SHIT! The kid beat the rubber man like it was nothing!" Someone in the crowd shouted before they all cheered for the kid. If they were lucky, they would get to see him fight The Rapper!

Naruto smiled at the street fighting crowd but the victory felt hollow without his friend nearby. Mirko was great, but she had to keep up a tough leadership act to keep these thugs in line.


"Tell me Number Six, how are you fairing with the additional quirks?" Orochimaru asked as he observed a few remodeled villains he and his brother created within the confines of Onomura Pharmaceuticals. It might have been a shell company purchased by All for One, but it did legitimate pharmaceutical work for the public. It was just that most of them had no idea what he and his brother had been doing here. It was humorous.

"I am doing great doc." Six snarked with a smirk. The snake man was his favorite of All for One's scientists to deal with. Make no mistake though, he knew when not to trigger the man, but they have built a report over the years that this was the norm.

"Good, good. You should start to move this place soon, but I doubt that is the priority on your mind. Does your heart still burn to kill the kid who humiliated you on your last getaway? Or should I say ass, you have to admit, if it had been anyone else, you would be laughing your ass off as well!" Orochimaru roared with laughter of his own.

"Yeah boss, it does and I know the cops are on to this place. Do not worry, I will manage both." Six replied with a cruel smirk. "He won't know what hit him!"

Orochimaru just smiled pleasantly as he said, "I am sure you will see it through." Before putting two glowing green fingers to a nearby wall and formed a perfect circle. The result was a glowing green Ouroboros symbol with a darker green within. He walked through it and Number Six was alone with his murderous thoughts.

"The Captain is still a threat to my plan on getting rid of the blond kid since he helped those pathetic vigilantes. Let us see if we can find a weakness, eh Bomber 1?" Six asked a very tall and winged red creature. Heh, he was glad the Doctors found a use for that idiot group of street fighters.

As they left, they passed a recently emptied cage with clumps of white hair on the ground.


"Merry Christmas!" The Naruhata group plus a few more shouted in glee.

"It was cool of you to get us into your Christmas party with the Feather Hats." Kyoka stated with a cheesy smirk. Normally, she would not dare go to a party due to her introverted nature, even if she was the daughter of two famous musicians. However, Naruto was her friend and she supported him where she could…just like with her parents.

It had nothing to do with her meeting Pop Step, The Feathers, and the Mad Hatters!

Ok, maybe a little, but could you blame her? She loved meeting local talent as much as she loved meeting major talent. Again, blame her parents for her interests.

The one thing she did not like about this party, was the fact that Captain Celebrity was here. He was too…cocky for her tastes. She did find it funny that Izuku had no issues with the guy and filled out a whole notebook on the guy's quirk, much to his concern and confusion. Thankfully, his boss, Makoto asked Izuku to keep that information to himself and to secure it in a data pad for better security and access. She had been impressed by his Quirk Analysis.

Still, Kyoko was mostly here because Naruto asked her and the others to come. He was her second favorite singer next to her mom and felt it was worth it.

"I know the group is kind of big but I thought why not invite you all as well," Naruto replied before he froze. "Oh crud, I forgot you do not like big crowds. Are you going to be alright?"

Kyoka snorted, "Thanks for thinking of me Whiskers, but I can still handle a crowd. I have had to go to my parents' concerts, after all. This is cake compared to that. Both still drain my social battery a lot."

"Right," Naruto replied with a soft smile. Her life to him was really contradictory if you asked him. An introverted musician in training who wanted to make it big in the music or hero world. She really was something. "Enjoy the party then and if you feel tired or need to go home, I can help with that."

Naruto did not see Kyoka's slight blush at his thoughtfulness as he walked away to mingle with the other guests. She did not like to admit this, but Naruto had really grown on her and she really liked him, but she was not blind. He and Momo seemed to really get along like Mei and Melissa did, not to mention some of the other partygoers like Kazuho and Koichi, and the leader of the Mad Hatters and the leader of the dance crew. They…would make a good eventual couple with both being her best friend of either gender. She just wished she had a chance with either of them. Yes, either because she found out that she liked both boys and girls.

A stray thought made her think she could be with both but that might be a bit odd in their society. Ah well. She had plenty of time to figure it out because she was still young! And don't get her wrong, Jamming Yay and Static Green were great, even Purple Rain too, but Naruto and Momo just got her.

Looking around, she found the perfect person to distract her mind in Makoto, Captain Celebrity's Boss! She must have all kinds of stories!


A little while later, the party was winding down to an end. Momo had offered to take everyone home because she could, but Naruto and Izuku stayed behind to help clean up with the Naruhata gang,

"Hmm? Party's over? On to the next job, I guess." Captain Celebrity muttered sleepily as he got up in a zombie-like state, having fallen asleep during the party at some point. His usual workload came to the forefront of his mind as he got started again.

"Relax Captain" Makoto chuckled, happy to hear her boss was ready to go. "This is a time for you to rest, so enjoy it. I do not have you booked for anything until New Year's Eve anyway."

"Okay, okay, but know I am ready to put my back into it. This year, next year, and so on." The Captain replied happily and it also made Makoto happy because her plan to make him a better hero was working. Sometimes overworking someone helped. Not to mention the man's wife would be happy about his change as a hero instead of letting fame get to his head and honey traps that wanted in his pants and money.

"Well…it is true there will be plenty to do for the next six months preparing for your homecoming but after that, you will have time to really take it easy." Makoto replied with a knowing smirk, his stay here in Japan was never long-term.

"Huh? Homecoming? But I have got….um all those lawsuits."

Izuku stopped to give the Captain a deadpanned stare. His interest in heroes and quirks never went away and he has been continuing his research on all he could. Besides All Might, there weren't many good heroes over there. In it for the fame and other things. It was getting better with All Might in Japan but it was still annoying. "Those do not last long." Izuku deadpanning, getting Naruto to snicker.

"Correct." Makoto nodded to the young green-haired boy. "Your little sabbatical here is coming to an end, boss. The lawsuits should be wrapped up in court by year's end. With that, they will reinstate your license in all those states. And the restraining orders? We are working on settling with those parties too. Besides, most of the suits against you amounted to entrapment of some kind."

"Eh? They did?" Chris asked dumbly, causing Naruto, Izuku, and Koichi to give him an annoyed look as they smacked their foreheads. This put Chris even lower in Izuku's opinion…which is ironic given that his favorite hero was All Might who was also an idiot.

"Honey traps, paparazzi trouble…just a mess of frivolous litigation. Frankly, you are an easy mark." Makoto said right to her boss's face before an evil smile crossed her onto her face, remembering their first meeting. The hero system really sent him down a frivolous path in America where everyone treated heroes like rock stars and celebrities. It really does go to one's head. "In fact, I have got my own evidence against you, if it ever comes to that. Heh." This just caused Pop Step to high-five her.

"Please Makoto. I only ever want you as a friend and ally!" Chris pleaded and even he knew at the start of his career here that he tried to get in her pants. It was ingrained into his being from his time in America. It was a habit that was hard to break and it was only thanks to Makoto overworking him did he ever do that. "Never as an enemy!"

"This means you are going back home, Captain?" Koichi asked, trying to keep the hopefulness out of his voice. Their working relationship was strained because he treated women better than men given his old lecherous ways. He had mellowed out a lot but he and Koichi still butted heads on occasion.

"I suppose so…" Chris replied with a happy smile but it was also sad too.

"Good for you man." Naruto replied cheerfully.

"But going home does not mean I will be welcome there. Things are still rocky with my old lady." Chris replied sheepishly, making the younger crowd give him strange looks. They had no idea he was married, not with his old attitude!

"Actually," Makoto replied with her knowing smirk. "You are scheduled to be there when your wife gives birth next month, so that will be a good chance to discuss where you two are headed."

"Huh? Gives birth? My Pamela?" Chris replied, his brain short-circuiting. When it finally rebooted, he nearly shouted his shock despite the little singing triplets that had joined the Feather Hats not long ago sleeping on him. They fell asleep just like him as the party was winding down. Momo had offered to take them home as well but Makoto said they would handle it. "I am gonna be a DAD?! First time I am hearing about this!"

Makoto nodded in affirmation. "When we met, here is what she told me, 'I know my husband's got a good heart. He is a little too soft-hearted, in fact, he is in no place to raise a child at this point. So, I have decided to raise our baby on my own.'"

"Did Pamela really say that?" Chris asked nervously because they did not sound like his wife at all.

Makoto snickered at that before saying, "If you want the full transcript, it started with, 'That no-good worthless idiot-'"

"Fine, I believe you. I get the gist." Chris stopped her for both his mental health and to save the teens and kids from her mouth, who were just laughing at him at the implications. He knew his wife better than that and the nice version was what he would usually translate for himself anyway. No need to subject the kids to that language, even if some of them were vigilantes and probably heard worse on the streets. Besides, he was pretty sure Pamela was what the Japanese would call a Tsundere. A foul-mouthed one but one all the same. "No need to add insult to injury."

"So, if his wife said all that, why did she change her mind?" Koichi asked with Izuku insanely interested as well given what he knew of Chris.

"Might be because of what I told her." Makoto replied cheerfully.

"And what was that?" Kazuho asked.

"Leave this to me."

"Oh, I feel much better now, right Koichi?" Naruto replied with a high-five to his older friend.

"Oh yeah, sounds like the Captain has nothing to worry about then." Koichi replied positively. He also wondered if Chris having a kid would mellow him out even more and he would be more tolerable.

Izuku smiled brightly knowing one of the American heroes he followed would finally be a better hero. New dads often did that. "Congratulations are in order and to Makoto for helping to improve you as a hero and a person, we can clean up this party so Makoto can rest!"

"Oh? Is that a speed challenge?" Naruto asked his green-haired friend who just smirked at him in return.

"Just do not overdo it." Makoto replied nervously, already seeing the lights begin to flicker, something Naruto warned her earlier that if that were to happen, it would either be Denki or Izuku.


"Even though I should have taken Miss Yaoyorozu's offer of sending you three home, it is dark now and I am sending you home in a taxi," Makoto said to the sweet singing triplets. She still had Yaoyorozu's phone number…for future use…after all. "Just bring the change and receipt to our next meeting, okay?"

"OK!" the girls replied happily yet still tired as Makoto called for another few taxis for Naruto, Izuku, Koichi, and Kazuho.

"So looking forward to next year!" Makoto stated happily to herself, she already had plans to include them in the Feather Hats lineup.

"Kids…" Chris replied dreamily, his mind still high after being told that he was going to be a dad. "Real cute, aren't they? I would not mind three rug rats of my own, running around at home. Whaddaya say to that, Makoto?"

Smiling at the fact her boss could still put his foot in his mouth, she corrected him while the others snickered. "That sounds like a discussion for you and your wife. Asking me is just begging for more misunderstandings.

That seemed to wake the big blond man up from his…stupor. "OH! Would not want that!"

"Heh, it must be a blond thing to put feet in their mouths." Naruto commented aloud.

"Uh…Naruto? You are blond." Izuku replied nervously.

"Yeah, I know. I have done that so many times in the past and I doubt I will ever stop that." Naruto laughed but Izuku frowned at Naruto basically calling himself dumb. He knew for a fact that it was not the case and Momo and Melissa had asked him where that came from. He did not have an answer for that and as the scene soon changed, it forced him to give up on that line of thought for now.

Suddenly, they all had to brace themselves as strong winds were pushed their way from a giant winged beast that flew overhead. It was a bizarre-looking creature because it had the body of a fat guy but with no other features other than a wide mouth.

"Holy shit! We got a gigantic flier up there!" Koichi shouted in panic.

"A villain?!" Kazuho asked because that is what the creature looked like to her. Especially when it swooped down to take the retreating taxi. "NO! The girls were in that taxi!"

"Damnit!" Koichi roared, feeling useless in this situation, Not noticing that Chris was already on his way to intercept the creature to get the girls along with Naruto and Izuku entering battle stances as they observed around them. "If they are dropped from that height-"

"Fear not! I will best this villain and rescue the girls in one fell swoop!" Chris shouted and he flew after them. When he managed to put a hand on the taxi, he felt relieved as he spread his flight force field to the four people inside. Thank goodness! I made it in ti-

"Nah, I am not gonna make it that easy for you. Heh." Number Six chuckled to himself on a rooftop as he observed all of this with a remote in hand. With a simple press of a button…the creature exploded, taking the taxi with it.

Sounds of screams all around as people feared the worst but after a moment, Chris came out of the resulting smoke half burnt up with the girls all in one piece in his arms and a moment later the shell-shocked driver fell down as well. He was so glad he had the forethought to extend his flight force field to them…even if he had to take a lot of the explosion damage. "Are you three okay?! Not hurt I hope!" he asked as the triplets cried into his arms and were more worried about him since he looked rough. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Naruto and Izuku zip away to look for the one to detonate the monster. He would vouch for their quirk use later because he knew Naruto at least could handle whoever did this.


As soon as the monster exploded, Naruto scanned the roofs of the many buildings and spotted a familiar scarred man grinning down at the scene with malice. "Izuku, use that new technique to get us up there somewhat stealthily." Naruto asked/demanded as he pointed to the man on the roof of a nearby building.

Seeing this and Naruto's serious face, told Izuku to just do as he was asked. No amount of his reservations about using quirks in public was going to stop his blond friend. It also helped that this situation required a hero and he felt he could handle that. Putting a hand on the blond's shoulder, green static electricity surrounded the two of them as they phased into it, and soon that electricity made a sharp snap a few times as it traveled up to the man. Almost like it was following along electrical lines.

"Hmph. Flight, plus explosives. We can make great use of this. Could be strong enough to dent the mighty Captain Celebrity. Not to mention my own abilities mixing with this could surely help me kill the super quick brat that outed me at the crab shop." He paused in his analysis as a sharp snap caught his attention. Green electricity revealed the brat he wanted to kill plus a friend, making him chuckle. He had already figured out Captain Celebrity's little trick with his quirk to save the girls, so he could play with these brats. "Well, if it isn't the cheeky little brat from the crab shop."

"Seriously, you are behind this attack." Naruto deadpanned, "What is the real plan here?"

"What? Can't I enjoy a little of the world burning?" Number Six chuckled menacingly before his attention went to Izuku, who did look nervous. "I see you brought another and he is definitely not the crab chick, so that means no Fat Gum this time either?"

"Answer the damn question!" Naruto growled out, his eye flashing red for a second.

Careful brat, your kid body can not handle too much of my energy yet….but it is a good way for it to relearn. Kurama mentioned in his head.

"Ooooh, scary!" Six laughed. "I never planned on telling you anything…I have gotten stronger since last we met." With that, Six induced his 8-second super speed and got between the boys. Izuku was shocked because he had not expected that and Naruto did not expect him to get faster in that state. That was concerning! Six just laughed as he sent two super speed punches to throw Izuku away and then six to Naruto who had to up his game.

Naruto growled to himself because he still had to hold back a lot. His 9-year-old body was not used to a lot of what his older had been able to do. And the annoying part was that there was only an eight-year difference…even if Naruto had put in a lot of work for that strength. He was getting there but it was still annoying.

Still, he could match and exceed a lot of what Six could do. The only thing he had to worry about was Izuku…he probably should have told the boy to leave as soon as they got up here. Ah well. It was good experience for him and would drive him to get stronger.

Wait…why was he reacting to these punches far slower than normal?


"Ah, so you noticed!" Six shouted in glee as he backflipped and pinned Izuku to the ground as he was getting back up and put a knife to his throat. "Your old friend's time field quirk! It would be a shame if I took Greenie's here as well. That would be two friends you have lost. My boss was…entertained when he gained this quirk to experiment with. We even figured out how to replicate quirks…do not ask me how because I am not that smart."

"And people called me a monster?" Kurama groaned in annoyance as he felt his power being taken in Naruto's anger. The ancient fox just shrugged and let it happen.

Six did not have time to react because Naruto had turned into a blur even for his super speed. One moment Naruto was there and the next he was gone. Taking advantage of that distraction, Naruto broke Number Six's arm and freed Izuku from a potentially fatal wound. Then he smashed his foot into Six's face, breaking his nose and sending him into a metal door leading into that building's interior.

"What the fuck!" Six shouted as he held his nose to stop the bleeding…he could not do much for his arm right now. He then noticed Naruto's eyes were blood red and had slits in them...instead of the weird ringed blue ones he he used his quirk. That was not normal. Before Naruto could do anything else to him, he felt the familiar sensation of the wall behind shift into a portal and a pale hand grabbed onto his shoulder. "Heh, time's up. You and the Captain's will soon be up as well. I will make sure of that!" And with that, he was pulled into the portal that soon closed up after.

Izuku laughed nervously at the situation they survived. He noticed that Naruto's eyes changed from blue to red to blue again and was more curious about this change than the fear effects. His analytical mind wondered if this was connected to his ringed eyes as well. Questions for later! "Thanks, Naruto, looks like I still have some catching up to do, but are you going to be ok?"

Naruto closed his eyes and took a breath to calm himself down, hoping Izuku would not question the red just yet. He was not ready for that conversation. "No problem but that is what the training is for. And I would never lose to someone like him."

"I figured as much; your quirk is too cool for that…but what did he mean by the other person he mentioned?"

Naruto growled to himself. "He was referring to a friend I meet when I go street fighting with Aunt Rumi…she won't be happy about this."




After the Christmas party incident, Captain Celebrity had some good fortune sent his way. His act of selfless goodwill in saving the triplets and the taxi driver drove more people to like him and his popularity shot up not only in Japan but America too when they heard of his exploits. Also, looking like he went through a buzzsaw and a bomb helped a lot more than he cared to admit. He wanted to look cool his way but people did not care.

Plus, it was all caught on video, making all the better, especially when he announced that he would soon be returning home to America. It had always been the plan, even if he did not think so. But people seemed to understand that he was leaving so he could start his family in back home.

With that news, however, people still wanted to throw a big farewell party for the man. Makoto was thrilled when she managed to get a venue even bigger than the Naruhata Community Hall in the Tokyo Sky Egg of all places. It looked more like Seattle's Space Needle than an egg, but that didn't matter.

The reason for getting such a big venue, other than to show off her many skills in business management, was twofold. To skyrocket the Feather Hats' popularity with the event and to bring in a huge party with many different heroes attending the event! After all, the place could hold a maximum capacity of Fifty Thousand people, so why not go all out? That sent the Naruhata group over the moon with excitement and anxiety because they had to perform at the event!

While the team practiced their butts off, the vigilantes still had a job to do in ridding the world of the Villain Factory. That was Sir Nighteye's task to Naruto…at least it was until the man heard about the event from the small blond.

"I can see this working in our favor," Mirai replied pleasantly. "I have been keeping an eye out for things and to that note, I know Toshinori has been meeting Tsukauchi for lunch more often. Getting the information we have accumulated these past few months to him will be vital and it shows we as heroes are still willing to work with the police. The question is, how do we do so without looking suspicious?"

"I get it. It would be weird if All Might gave it to him out of the blue since this has been more of a side project for you." Naruto replied with a shrug before a smirk worked his way to his face. "But since I have been working with a small vigilante group that has worked with an Underground Hero like Eraser Head, I am positive we can get the info to Tsukauchi still."

"Hmm, that is roundabout but will have to do. I will also contact Nezu to see if he has any additional information that we may have missed." Mirai stated, but a ping on his computer sounded and Nezu's face showed up in a gif with him winking. All that information was sent over in a secure email.

"It is frightening that he can just do that." Naruto deadpanned.

"As probably the most intelligent creature on the planet, he can and I am past the surprise of it all." Replied an exhausted Nighteye before he smiled at Naruto. "Good work on this case. When you become an official hero, I have no doubts that you will be fabulous. So, enjoy the going away party for the captain. Also, let Makoto know that All Might, Lady Nagant, and myself will be attending."

Naruto just smiled as he was given a calling card to give to Makoto, who he knew would love the possible networking opportunity.


At the next Feather Hats meeting where they mostly showed their progress on their routine and Makoto shared her progress with the event planning and what heroes would be attending. So far they had Team Idaten, Midnight, Present Mic, maybe Eraser Head, Beast Jeanist Ryukyu, Uwabami, Mirko, Maybe Fatgum, Edgeshot, Snipe, Jet Burn, Gang Orca, Wash, Manuel, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and many more. "I tried to get Endeavor, but he was not nice with his rejection."

"I could probably help with him..." Naruto replied with a mischievous smile, promising pranks on the fireman that his children would enjoy.

"How?" Koichi asked, a bit nervous about his question as he saw the look on his younger friend.

"I am friends with Shoto his youngest son, I can convince him to show up at least," Naruto replied as he walked up to a stunned Makoto and handed her a business card. "Also, expect All Might, Lady Nagant, and Sir Nighteye."

"HOW?!" Makoto asked in a now dead silent room. She could not even convince her brother, whom she suspected had connections to All Might's agency, to give the man an invite. "No seriously, this is amazing but how?!"

Naruto shrugged as he scratched his chin. "My mom is Kaina aka Lady Nagant. She adopted me not long ago and while it is not official, I am pretty sure she is dating All Might. Also because Lady Nagant is publicly his partner/sidekick, I am at Might Tower when I can be."



After getting in contact with Aunt Nemuri, who was highly concerned that Naruto was doing vigilante work, she met him at Eraser Head's unofficial satellite agency…only because the man frequented the place so much to meet with some of the black market and Detective Tsukauchi himself. Partially using the place to get his lifeblood…coffee. Koichi and Kazuho also showed up because they helped him compile all they had with his own that Nezu and Mirai gave him.

When Kazuho and Nemuri saw each other again, they hugged each other happily, making Koichi question how they knew each other. The girls just gave each other a knowing smirk and just said it was from a job.

"Can we move this along? None of this nostalgia is logical right now if you want to present information to the police and get this Villain Factory under control." Eraser Head said, cutting into their happy time. "But I do question how you, Naruto, know Nemuri." He already knew that Koichi and Kazuho were Crawler and Pop Step respectively…they did not hide their identities will. Especially Koichi. Seeing Naruto now, he could see him as the elusive Akatsuki. Did he care? Not really. The kid was good for Underground work.

"Well, she is an unofficial aunt and my sister, Himiko, loves her." Naruto replied with a shrug. Kazuho suddenly remembered a little blond girl hanging close to Naruto and his group of friends at their first concert. It was cute!

Aizawa just rolled his eyes, of course, this kid would have the connections.

Nemuri smirked at her old classmate before opening up the provided laptop and plugging in a heavy-looking thumb drive. "Nice work on getting all this. I can also see three different patterns, signifying three different sources. You three sure worked your butts off!"

"Um…that's not me in the pics." Kazuho defended, hoping she didn't get in trouble for being a vigilante.

"That one guy…The Crawler was it? Heh, heh. Yeah, what a champ." Of course, Koichi had no reservations and was not subtle at all. The heroes in the room knew who they were and what they did. They also had little issue with what they had been doing. Just viewed it as more Underground work.

"Pick a story and stick to it, kid. We know and do not care that you are a vigilante." Aizawa deadpanned, deflating Koichi's ego before it ever began.

"No matter. This is great," Nemuri chimed in with a giggle. Most of what I am seeing here counts as self-defense and citizen's arrests. Though you guys did hurt a lot of people early on."

"That?" Kazuho asked while Naruto whistled innocently. "The old guy who punches people? No connection. We also have not seen him a bit."

"Okay, fine. We will focus on everything after the summer." Midnight replied, "But I have to ask, who gave you the other information?"

"Sir Nighteye and Principal Nezu." Naruto replied, making everyone look at him in shock again.

"Nighteye, I get because he likes Underground work but I had no idea my boss was looking into this," Nemuri said as she shook her head, missing the contemplative look Aizawa had. The man was now considering working at U.A. like Midnight and Present Mic wanted. "Anyhow, consider these logs of yours in safe hands. Thanks for your help! And you should know there is a good chance that all these villains in Naruhata are linked to a massive criminal enterprise. The data you have provided here could help the authorities solve this case…finally."

"I am just glad to help however we can. I have been kind of scared that having these pics on me could actually get me in trouble with the police." Kazuho admitted while Nemuri just waved her off.

"True, but Makoto did say once that we should give our information to a hero we trust instead of cops. I am glad Naruto brought us together for this." Koichi stated.

Naruto just nodded along. "Even if they cannot get everything, I still hope this future raid will get my friend back. Technically speaking, Aizawa did save the Eel Boy."

"It was not your fault either of them got taken, Naruto." Nemuri reassured Naruto as she hugged him while Aizawa looked uncomfortable at any amount of praise.


As the Captain Celebrity's Farewell Event started, with the Naruhata Crew and Captain Celebrity's cheerleaders all working in tandem, there were a few who did not attend. This being Fat Gum, his crab idol uncover cop friend, and Eraser Head. Aizawa was not heartbroken he could not attend because he was an introvert by nature and hated large gatherings. Shame.

While they worked with Detective Tsukauchi and the police force to bring down Number Six's operations, the Naruhata crew were having the time of their lives. Not only were the people attending being entertained by Present Mic's commentary and self-inserts for his radio show but also singing along to the famous store jingles that Captain Celebrity sponsored, a bit of karaoke from them and major heroes of the area, and amazing feats from the heroes themselves. Like circus tricks from the various members of Team Idaten for fun and because they knew they could easily handle that, and an impromptu fashion show thanks to Beast Jeanist and the various heroines…who ate up the attention. The Wild Wild Pussycat even performed synchronized dance just for kicks. To the shock of many, Endeavor but on a little light show. Much to his own annoyance but Naruto had been very convincing and it made his kids happy. He could deal with it.

The one thing the crowd became on the fence about was when Captain Celebrity kind of made a fool of himself in front of the crowd by showing off his kid and tired wife's picture…and then calling his wife only for her to dress him down over the phone. The picture…had not been very flattering to her but he loved it because it showed they were making progress in their lives. A lot of people would liken this new behavior to an old anime character from Fullmetal Alchemist. It was cute but very awkward.

Thankfully, Makoto sent Naruto out to change the situation the American Hero put himself in. "Come on Captain, give your tired wife some rest. This event needs more life and I have the perfect way to do it!" Naruto shouted, having no issues being in front of such a large crowd…much to people's amusement. He also felt like showing off to all his friends again, who he knew were in the crowd.

"Oh? How do you plan to do that kid? Sing another of your famous songs that change the world around you?" Chris laughed out.

"Exactly." Naruto replied with a mischievous grin, "How else are we going to show the world how the disgraced American flyboy climbed his way back and made a hero's comeback?" Chris just deadpanned at the lame joke, but still, the crowd ate it up.

(Please play Hero's Comeback. The first Naruto Shippuden song)

With a nod to the Feather Hats' band, they began to play a bombastic beat that got everyone's blood pumping. "Far away, somewhere they are calling right to me! Battle's underway and now we'll gather like a storm, see?" As soon as Naruto began to sing, his child form disappeared in his place was his older form, complete with a black and orange jumpsuit and his red and black sage coat. After that, the Tokyo Sky Egg and even the crowds disappeared to reveal black storm clouds that formed into the various gigantic villains that Captain Celebrity fought while he had been in Japan. Oddly enough, some of them were modeled after the famous movie Kaijus.

"I'm coming back, I won't be leaving this early. So say it if you're ready to go, are you ready?!" it was funny, in this song, Naruto acted as the Captain's hype man and as a 'villain' as he directed the fake thunder cloud kaiju at Chris, who took them down with little problems. They were both having fun with this and Naruto knew the crowd was eating it up. "My body's shaking, at my core I feel nothing. A new power ringing out like it's stomping' I can't escape so let it just call me. You'll never stop me now because it's my new story."

"Come on! Everybody stand up! I know it's hard but today's our best shot, cause now we're building up speed, we can't stop! Ain't nobody slow me down, just watch me. Yeah, come on! Everybody hands up! We can have a hero's comeback! So come on over and we'll start the countdown! Let's go now 3,2,1 make some noise!" Naruto sang as Chris finished off the cloud monsters. He made the crowd appear again as if in midair and the entire building roared with approval.

What no one expected was for the remains of the cloud monsters to combine and reform. That form was a giant nine-tailed fox that suddenly imploded to reveal Kurama's red-haired human form, who looked shocked to even be there. Kurama knew this was just a shadow clone with his form over it but did not expect to be part of the song. Chuckling to himself as he grabbed a mic while Naruto smirked and Chris looked on curiously, he sang his part, "Hey yo, what's your game? So let's risk it all, bet everything! Fall down? Get up and we will win, get it on! It's not another secret or another liar's session. These feelings gonna break and crystalize into a weapon!" With that, Kurama's form burst into smoke as he dropped his mic.

The next person to take up singing was Chris himself, much to his shock, but he felt like he knew the words without ever practicing! "This courage burns so loud, the crowds are screaming louder! So I hold my head high, though it's crushing me to hold out! Push it all aside, we can laugh for today. Victory will shout, stop running away!"

The Tokyo Sky Egg came back into view for everyone and on either side of Chris was Naruto's older form and Pop Step. They smiled at each other and finished the song for the roaring crowd. "Everybody stand up! I know it's hard but today's our best shot, cause now we're building up speed, we can't stop! Ain't nobody slow me down, just watch me. Yeah, come on! Everybody hands up! We can have a hero's comeback! So come on over and we'll start the countdown! Let's go now 3,2,1 make some noise!"


While various heroes did a few more acts for the crowd…mostly to let Captain Celebrity to call his wife to cool down her rage of exposing her and their kid to 50 thousand people, Naruto ran up to his group of friends. "Hey, have you seen my mom and All Might?"

"Sir Nighteye mentioned they were running late thanks to a traffic incident that All Might felt he was needed at. They should be here soon." Momo replied sadly before perking up with a nervous smile. Also, to cut off Tenya's ranting that the otherworldly blond was upstaging major heroes like Captain Celebrity….and his brother. Shoto just shook his head as he gave Naruto a thumbs-up for the performance. "Nighteye only got here because of his faster-than-normal driving." That just meant the man was a reckless driver. It was so bad that he often had to get a new car.

"I am not surprised by either of that." Naruto deadpanned before smirking. "Everyone having fun at least?"

"You bet, Whiskers!" Kyoko cheered with a giant smile, after all, she got to experience Naruto singing again. In her opinion, if more musicians had the ability to change the world around them, they would be a lot more popular.

"While this is not my thing and I would rather be sleeping, I am having a great time." Hitoshi mentioned with a tired smile, his training still taking a lot out of him.

"You are still doing pretty good man," Denki replied to Hitoshi before turning back to Naruto. "This is great. I do not know how you know so many great people man! I can brag about knowing you!"

"Yeah, Mei and Melissa are missing out! This is so fun!" Himiko cheered. "You, Aunt Nemuri, and Aunt Rumi look great up there. Please get me an autograph from Pop Step!"

"Could you get one for me too?" Izuku asked with a small blush. Idol Heroes were rare, so it would be valuable to him. "This is all so exciting! Also, who was that red-haired guy? Another person from your old village?"

"Heh, I will see what I can do and yeah, you could say that. Maybe I will tell you about him sometime." Naruto chuckled while Kurama chuckled in his head. "Oh? It looks like Makoto is waving me over. I will see you all after the event!"


Naruto and Koichi got to Makoto at the same time. It seemed like she was looking for either of them to just help her. "The Boss is due back on stage in a minute. Would you both mind fetching him for me?"

"Sure!" Koichi replied pleasantly before the two ran down a random hallway, trying to think like the big blond guy. "Where you do think he ran off to?"

"He was taking a phone call from his wife, so he probably wanted to be somewhere there was a lot less noise." Naruto deduced as they ran. Seeing a sign that read Observation Deck, he said, "Let's try there. I doubt many people would be over there with all the excitement in the dome."

"Huh, good idea," Koichi muttered as he was temporarily distracted by the gift that they passed. "Oh! Gotta go there after."

"There he is," Naruto replied as they slowed down. The view of the city was beautiful from the observation deck, if a little disorienting if you had vertigo. But the Captain was not paying attention to that. No, he was quietly talking to his wife.

"Hey, Cap, they need you upstairs," Koichi said, catching the man's attention, who just nodded their way.

"I know, honey. I know. I am the absolute worst. I was not trying to break any promises but I got a little carried away." Chris said lovingly into the phone as he started to get up to go. "Right, sure, there was nothing little about it. You are right, as always…hey, honey, they need me now so I will call you back."

He said that last part seriously because all three of them noticed something strange. Koichi pointed out a fire going on in one of the buildings, a certain pharmaceutical that was currently being raided and giant flying created headed their way from it. Very familiar-looking flying creatures!

"Oh shit! Those are just like the ones at the Christmas party!" Koichi yelled, making Chris look at him in shock, but it was Naruto's words that chilled him to the bone.

"So it would seem. Looks like the speedy scar face is making good on his threat to kill us. Brace yourselves!" Naruto roared as the building shook because the flying beasts crashed into the building where they were and exploded on impact.


As the explosion rocked the building, multiple heroes' eyes narrowed. That did not sound good, but right now their priority was keeping the crowd of fifty thousand people from panicking. They all looked at each other and then went to the main stage to announce that everything would be ok because they were here.


"I got you Koichi! Now cling to the side like me!" Naruto shouted above the winds of the high tower they were outside of now. Clinging to the side with Koichi in one hand. The observation deck was toast, but they were just glad Captain Celebrity extended his flight force field to them as well.

"HOLY SHIT! They really are trying to kill us!" Koichi freaked out with wide eyes when he looked down as he did as he was told. "Wait, you can do this too?!"

"Yep. Worry about that later, looks like another is coming our way!"

"Nothing I cannot handle!" The Captain shouted as he punched the beast away. "How are you boy holding up?"

"Just dangling from a very high spot…" Koichi yelled, feeling useless in this situation. After all, he still relied on having an All Might to give him the courage to do hero work.

Knowing how his friend was, Naruto growled, "We have got to get you out of needing a hoodie to be a hero…but that can wait, brace yourself!" The reason for this was because a more massive six-armed flying beast rammed into the side of the building, exploding against it before it 'saw' Captain Celebrity holding the building up so it would not fall from the many pieces it lost. It smiled and brought out three fists to slam into the man. Thankfully his flight force field absorbed it so he felt nothing.


"Heh, right where I want you, Cap." Six chuckled to himself on a rooftop with binoculars. "When Hostages are threatened, your speed and power do not mean squat when you are forced into a single spot. Now it is just trial and error for my three-exploding beasts."

Looking around for a moment, he found his other target in Naruto. "Oh, and you are out here too. This makes everything so much better. I will take you on myself. You both die here today!" Six laughed as blood red wings burst from his back, looking very similar to the beasts that were attacking. Then a third eye opened up on his forehead. It kept track of the beasts while his main eyes got tunnel vision on Naruto. His mission was to kill Captain Celebrity, but he had a person vendetta against Naruto for making him look like a fool.


"Bring it! I am the one you want, Villains!" Chris roared out while holding the building up. It left him vulnerable, but he did not want anything to happen to Naruto, Koichi, or the building full of people. If he could hold out for help, then they be fine, after all, the building was full of heroes…most of those heroes could not fly. Shit. "Another explosion or two won't be enough to make me crack!" Dumb bravado it was.

The answer was the giant flying villain bringing all six fists down on him, wrecking his suit, body, and force field, but he still held on strong!

To the side, a stroke of very dumb luck happened. The gift shop that Koichi had been eyeing earlier was hit and a certain hoodie flew out and hit him in the face. "What the…A SKY EGG EXCLUSIVE ALL-MIGHT HOODIE? YES! I can do this now!" Koichi shouted confidently as he managed to hover in midair while putting it on.

"Again with the hoodie," Naruto smirked sardonically before he was punched off the side of the building by Number Six himself.

"NARUTO!" Koichi and Chris shouted in panic.


"EVERYBODY, LISTEN UP!" Present Mic shouted to get everyone's attention when the building seemed to have lost power and blocked communication with the outside world. His fellow heroes were working on a solution to deal with this villain attack. That meant he had to fib a little to keep everyone calm. Can't have fifty thousand panicking this high in the air and he was just the man for the job! "This nasty shaking? This downer of a blackout? It was all caused by a minor earthquake! That is what they are telling us! Until we get the green light, I am gonna need you fine people to sit tight!"

In the next moment, Pop Step, Midnight, Uwabami, and the Wild Wild Pussycats went around to see how people were doing and how they could help. They were experts in rescue operations after all.

While the rescue heroes worked with the crowd, Best Jeanist and Endeavor took charge of the combat heroes in the building's control room. Makoto and a few techs were looking at the building's schematics to see where they could go to get out of the building safely and see where they could help.

"Look, there is a small access hatch at the top of the dome that we can unlock manually," Makoto explained as she looked it over. "That does not exactly help us get to the ground, but…"

"It is enough." Best Jeanist replied calmly, "Those capable of flight will exit that way and make contact with the outside. They will need to get in touch with the police, fire department, and the Sky Egg facilities management. Also, be sure to place an emergency post on the Hero Network."

A rumbling of the building made them pause for a moment before Pop Step ran into the room, looking a little panicked. "I still cannot find the Captain and now I cannot find Koichi or Naruto!"

Those who knew the boys narrowed their eyes and gained a sharp edge over them when Makoto asked, "You don't think they are defending us from this threat, right?"


"Oh right, he can summon animals." Chris chuckled to himself as Naruto shot back up into the air on the back of a giant bird, he was pretty sure he saw in a video game once. He then looked to Koichi who was hanging upside down in front of him. Defending the man from taking any more hits from the beasts circling them like vultures. "Also, when did your pot shots get powerful?!"

"Heh, Naruto's friend is a great quirk analyst. Helped me make some awesome moves to be of more use. I just do not use the melee ones because Pop does not like them. Reminders her too much of Knuckleduster." Koichi explained as he shot a few gravity shots at the beasts to keep them away. So far, he counted three of them…and the one thing that got Naruto.

"Kid, you force yourself not to use those awesome attacks and make yourself look lame as you run away from villains and get heroes like me to help you because of a girl? Kid, you got it bad." Chris laughed out before it turned into a whine. Seems these beasts got a rib or two.

"Got what bad?" Koichi asked with a clueless expression.

"ON YOUR LEFT!" Chris shouted, forcing Koichi to shoot the beast out of the sky for a moment. He took a breath and smiled at Koichi. He had been harsh on the kid in the past, but he was really proving himself now. "Worry about that later, Koichi. We need to hang in there until help arrives."

Chris just smiled at his partner for this, but his mind went to where his wife was in America. He had to survive this, for her and their kid.


"Are you about done, Toshi?" Kaina asked and All Might landed next to her and the car. They were already late for the Sky Egg Event and she was pretty sure they were missing something important in Naruto's life.

"Sorry, I am done now, but that was compulsory for me. And on the bright side, everyone on the highway is safe." Toshinori replied with a cheesy grin. That is until an alert sounded on his phone in their car and on Kaina's phone. When she looked at it, she paled considerably. "What is going on."

Kaina gained a cold look before fury overtook that. "The Sky Egg is being attacked by bomb villains!"

All Might lost his smile as he took hold of Kaina and rocketed off to the event, breaking the sound barrier.


"Oh? You were hiding some power yourself!" Six shouted in glee as he saw Naruto atop a creature from a video game. He was not expecting that, he thought the brat could only summon normal animals. That and the appearance of red energy made this fight more interesting. "Seriously, out of all the Pokemon you summon, it is the Gen 1 bird people forgot about? What is this thing's name again?"

"Fearow." Naruto growled out in his one-tailed form. Uh, Kurama, I think you gave me too much. Wait, why doesn't this hurt?

Simple, brat, your body remembers this power. I feared your nine-year-old body would not be able to take my power. Seems I was wrong but I do know it cannot take our later modes right now. And if you could it would only be for a few seconds. Still, it seems your tough training to regain your old power is working!

The other thing that kept the one-tailed form stable was the use of his Rinnegan. Something both he and Kurama could feel. It was unspoken between them that they understood and it gave Naruto an edge in this fight.

"Well, whatever kid, your big bird is nothing compared to my devil form! I am going to enjoy killing you!" Six shouted as he flew at Naruto, who just looked bored now. The blond flipped off the bird as it collided with six in a double suicide explosion.

"So you have regeneration as well, I should have known since those beasts you brought along can do the same when they blow off their hands." Naruto grumbled allowed.

"I guess you can say that brat, but it works in conjunction with another born from the combination of Overclock and your old friend's time field ability. Not even my maker knows about this yet! I can control time to a degree now!" Six taunted.

Having summoned another flying beast to stay afloat in the air, Naruto frowned. Six's powerset could be a problem, but he still felt he was faster. That plus Nagato's flight ability would make sure he won this. She once more sent a flying creature at Six, summoning more and more to dive bomb the man, creating heated shock waves all over the sky.

It even sent a helicopter holding Tsukauchi and Eraser Head towards the tower faster, saving Chris and Koichi from a fatal blow from the explosion beasts. Next, Naruto sent off his fingers as a mini-missiles shot toward the man, shocking him for a moment before he just laughed it off.

Naruto was actually caught off guard when Six turned into a bolt of lightning and knocked him out of the sky for a few seconds, but Naruto righted himself and working with Kurama, used his energy tail to wrap around Six, who could not keep that form for very long. The caustic energy of the fox burned the man as he shouted in agony. He had not expected that at all.

Naruto then used his own body as a yo-yo to pull up to Six and shouted, "Shinra Tensai!" Rag dolling the man in the sky for a moment thanks to broken wings. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw he saw other heroes show up to save Chris and Koichi.

"ARGH! I WON'T BE ROBBED! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU! WORLD STOP!" Six roared as he took out a device and pressed the button, detonating the beasts around the tower, breaking nearly all the cables Best Jeanist used to prop up the tower, making it begin to fall as It took all Chris had left to keep it standing and shield the heroes from the blast. "HA With this next attack, no one will be left to stop the inevitable! Witness another ability I can do with their combined power!" Six's body began to glow radiantly in his devil form, almost making it seem he was about to use his lightning ability again. Instead, the world was inversed in color as the flow of time stopped around them. But only for 8 seconds.

It was enough time to get in the middle of the nearly falling tower, however, he would shatter at the sound of "Rasengan Bullets!" To the rest of the world, it just seemed that Six appeared there instantly, making the heroes worried he would cause another explosion to make things worse, only for Naruto to throw a small swirling sphere, forcing the villain to be blasted away.

"Brat! Keep him busy a little longer until we can stabilize this thing!" Endeavor screamed at the small blond, trusting Naruto to have it handled until he could intervene but the lives of fifty thousand people were more important. However, his impromptu weld of the Sky Egg failed and the supports shattered as the tower began to careen to the ground.

At the same time, Six was roaring back into the fray, glowing like he too was about to explode with a vindictive look on his face. "We all die together!"

For Naruto, time seemed to slow down. If he was older and had access to all his powers, he could save everyone with no problems. But he was not and could not see a favorable outcome in his panic. Kurama sighed in exhaustion, Kid, I can feel All Might seconds away. That brought some relief to Naruto, but he had to be able to do something! Kid…I will give you my power but you will only have a few seconds with it. Make it count!

The world stayed slow for Naruto but now he was not panicked. He was in full Kurama Mode and he understood why he only had a few seconds in this mode. It felt like every cell in his body was being overloaded and it was painful! But he had a job to do. Seeing All Might almost there, he decided he would leave him to take care of the falling Sky Egg. Naruto shot right to a frozen Six, and planted his fist in the man's stomach to throw him high into the air, high above the clouds. There he formed his famous Rasenshuriken and threw it to Six, killing him instantly. Kurama released the form and Naruto fell from the sky, his body in complete agony.

To the rest of the world, All Might and Lady Nagant came just in time. They saw All Might catch the Sky Egg with little issue and set it gently on the ground while Lady Nagant joined the other heroes in their rescue efforts. A moment later, the sky itself erupted in a bright light of swirling energy, the end result of the Rasenshuriken. Aizawa was the first to see Naruto falling out of the sky event and he tried to catch him with his capture cloth from the helicopter but he was not quirk enough. Thankfully, All Might was.

The day was saved but people had so many questions!


Questions that All Might and All for One both had as the old villain watched his enemy catch the boy. "Quiet the spectacle, was it not?"

"Oh yes, but it is always sad to see one of our experiments pass. We will not be seeing little Six again." Orochimaru sighed with an annoyed expression. "But I see now that this is the same person that fell out of the sky portal that night of your fight with All Might. It makes me question if this boy's powerset can even be taken via your quirk."

"There are very few that can resist my quirk." All for One admitted but a smile soon crept on his face as his red eyes watched the scene of All Might landing safely on the Sky Egg had had saved. Bringing a hand up, he pointed two fingers in the direction of All Might. "He may be one of them, but if he had an anchor this this world, I might get all that I have been fighting for in one simple theft."

"Now that that is a thought." Orochimaru chuckled darkly. "Seems like it is time to force a change of the guard."

"Indeed, what better way for people to lose faith in their Symbol of Peace." All for One's face became downright demonic as light shown from his outstretched fingers, casting a myriad of shadows over the man's face with glowing red eyes. "For if you can make God bleed, people will cease to believe in him. Heh, there will be blood in the water and the sharks will come."

With that, a single purple beam of energy shot from the ancient man's fingers and traveled to All Might, piercing him through the chest and scaring the shit out of the crowd. Thankfully, Lady Nagant was nearby to catch Naruto and All Might before more damage could be done.

As the sounds of sirens overtook Orochimaru's malicious laughing at the scene before them, A calmly smiling All for One guided him into the purple misty portal of their escape. "Now, let's get you that combat quirk. Things are about to get difficult if you do not have one."


Naruto awoke a few days later in Might Tower's infirmary with Recovery Girl looking over him. "Man, I thought I was over ending up in the hospital." Naruto groaned to himself out loud.

"With whatever stunt you pulled, you are very lucky to be alive." Chiyo admonished.

I told you Kurama rumbled from within. Naruto hated feeling weak, but to feel this weak…it was ridiculous. They both had fought hard to reach their old level and then some dimensional rift took that all away and left his family since birth on the brink of existence.

"I get that a lot." Naruto grumbled.

"That is a habit you should never have." Chiyo yelled at him, bonking him on the head with her cane.

Naruto chuckled as he sat up, barely affected by the cane as Tsunade and Sakura hit him harder when he did something stupid. "I know, Granny Tsunade gripped all about that before, I will be better."

"See that you do. I can not have you taking after All Might bullheadedness." Chiyo replied with a nod to herself. "Now, there are a few things that happened while you were out that you should do about."

"Oh? What is that?"

"My surgery." All Might's voice said from another bed as a medical curtain was pulled back. He was currently in his smaller form but he looked dead tired, causing Naruto to worry. "It would seem that right after I rescued you, an old enemy cheap-shotted me. Took out a lung."

"He will survive…mostly in part to you." Recovery Girl stated with a smirk at the smaller blond's look of shock.

"Me? How?"

"Your invention of the food pills. It gave the medical industry the kick in the ass it needs to advance." Chiyo chuckled. "Prosthetics were on the decline for a while but now that they revamped the technology, many retired heroes can feel somewhat normal again. And because of that, research was done on bionic organ replacements. They figured the first they would work on was either the heart or the lungs. Thankfully for All Might, they started with a lung. Now he is in recovery. You showed the medical industry that we can not all rely on Quirks only to save us all the time. Imagine if All Might lost more than just a lung!"

At Naruto's green look, Toshinori laughed weakly, still recovering his usually endless energy. Surgery and his body getting used to a new lung was still very tiring. "For all that you have done, it may seem small but it is big in the grand scheme of things. Plus, your quick thinking of taking out the instigator for the attack has given me my justification to ask you for something, almost like you acted without having to think about it. Like a true hero."

"What is that?"

"Will you accept being my successor?" Toshinori asked.

"What? Like upholding your ideas as a hero? Be the next Symbol of Peace? That should not be too hard once I am back up to full power." Naruto replied with a shrug. "Besides, I am already doing that for my old Master in Jiriaya. Bring peace to the world and all that."

Both Toshinori and Chiyo blinked at him before the doctor hero chuckled to herself. "Told you he would not get it. Be more specific you old fool."

"Right," Toshinori grumbled before smiling at Naruto. "What I am trying to say is that I want to give you my quirk, called One for All. I do warn you that the same man who I have been fighting for decades and the one who took out my lung will probably be after you next."

"I was not aware that quirks were transferable."

"Normally, they are not. This one is special because it was All for One's, the guy we are talking about, brother that originally had this quirk. It was originally useless to him because all it was able to do was transfer to another person. However, All for One gave him some power stockpile quirk and it somehow snowballed from there. I am currently the Eight Wielder of One for All and would like you to be the Ninth." He paused to look at Chiyo for a moment and said, "And the only reason I am telling you this in front of her is because she already knows and is part of my circle of trust."

"I could probably guess who the others for you are," Naruto commented, ignoring Kurama's roar of unending laughter at the fact he once again dumb lucked into something. This time the one thing they were actually looking for, an anchor for this world. "Assuming that this All for One can take quirks and do what he wants with them would make One for All a strange opposite and counter to his quirk. It would also explain how one of my teachers lost their quirk."

Toshinori blinked at that. Kaina mentioned he had been working with teachers like Rumi to up his skills. He had to assume this other teacher was his mentor on the streets as a vigilante. A quirkless hero? That was something and it had to be Knuckleduster, that old guy was a tough bastard according to Tsukauchi.

Naruto shrugged with a smirk on his face. "Sure, I would be happy to be your successor, both in quirk and ideals. I figured this type of power came with enemies and I am no stranger to that. Heck, I fought a self-proclaimed god before just for the power I have and used against the instigator of the Sky Egg incident. Whom I later found out was also a student of my old master."

Both adults looked at him with perplexed and disbelieving expressions. "Oh right, I have not told you my past yet. Look, I am from the giant portal in the sky you mentioned some time ago and tell you what, you let me form my own circle of trust, which I already have. This way I can tell you all about my past and a couple of secrets you should know."

"That works for me and give me a week or two to heal." Toshinori stated, neglecting to tell the younger blond that people were already calling for his retirement. It would not be for a few years at least and David was almost done with an invention to turn the ember of One for All into a new quirk entirely. This way, he could still do hero work and retire at his own pace. "Then we can share our secrets and give you my quirk early. Mirai convinced me that I should give it to you sooner rather than later so you can get used to it and grow with it. Which I admit was smarter than what I had planned."

"Let me guess, you were going to help train me and give it to me at the very last minute." Naruto deadpanned.

"That about sums it up, yeah" Toshinori replied with a wince.

"You are right, that is dumb. How have you become the Symbol of Peace with logic like that?"

"THANK YOU! That is a question I have been asking his whole career!" Chiyo shouted in glee that finally some understood!


It was a few weeks later when Naruto brought all his friends together at Might Tower. His hero training group with Izuku, Hitoshi, Himiko, Mei, Melissa and her dad David, Shoto, Tenya, Denki, Kyoka, and Momo. His Vigilante Friends in Koichi, Kazuho, a returned Iwao much to Koichi's delight, Rumi, Nemuri, and Makoto. Hey, if Makoto's brother was trusted enough by All Might, then Naruto felt it was ok for her to know. Rumi and Nemuri were practically family anyway, so it just made sense to him. All of All Might's circle were already there and it was smaller in comparison.

The only reason Captain Celebrity was not here was because he could not even keep the secret of his child's birth. Naruto liked the guy now, but he still had a long way to go.

"The reason I brought you all here is because I want to reveal my past to you. I trust all of you and feel you can handle three major secrets." Naruto announced, making Mirai smile that his prediction was correct. The secret of One for All…and dimension hopping would be safe with this group. "The first thing I need you all to understand is that I am not from this world and for that, I technically don't have a quirk."

"I knew Chakra was too versatile to be a quirk!" Izuku shouted with glee before a look of confusion overtook his face. "How is this possible?"

"I suppose I should start from the beginning. It would also explain the red-haired man from my song…and the fox if you were paying attention to the cloud formation before he showed up…." Naruto began to his enraptured audience.


"My brother is an alien; this is so cool!" Himiko shouted after the story of Naruto's burden and where he came from. They saw Kurama as more of a sentient quirk since that would be their equivalent. Plus, their relationship now was more like that than a traditional antagonistic demon. Kaina was still salty about Kurama's early behavior even if she understood what he was going through.

"I mean…yeah. You are technically correctly." Hitoshi said, feeling more tired than when he woke up this morning. To hear that one of your first friends was from another world entirely was pretty mind-blowing. "It would also explain the giant portal in the sky I saw one night. Here I was thinking it was from me not sleeping enough."

"You sleep enough." Denki deadpanned. "I saw it too."

"What? Did you think that was the cause of your brain short-circuiting?" Kyoko joked before turning to Naruto. "It is still crazy to think you used to be older in that world. The Syfy writers of books and movies would be freaking out about now if they knew."

"So, you guys just believe me? You also do not hate me?" Naruto asked nervously and in a small voice. Honestly, that had always been his biggest fear. It was why he never told anyone of his status back home until the war started.

"We could never hate you." Kaina replied as she hugged him from behind, the other adults nodding their approval.

Mei's huge smile was accompanied by stars in her eyes. "This dimensional travel is the stuff of dreams! I could try my hand at it if you really want to go back."

"That…is not necessary," Naruto replied after a moment. "I think that world is better off without me and the Tailed Beasts. And if I am reading the room correctly, more people that accept me."

"Of course, we accept you," Momo replied with a smile. "It was hard to believe at first, but it was too elaborate and detailed for it to be anything but the truth."

"Yeah, it makes me want Chakra too so I could learn Genjutsu to do the crazy stunts you pull off while singing," Kyoko replied with a large grin. "Having you here is enough. Thank you, for bringing me into your group."

Izuku looked at his friend and smiled. "This is great stuff to know and explains all of your abilities. They had been fun to analyze but difficult to understand. Would Kurama mind coming out again? I have questions regarding their power and this world's version of Nature Energy. It would make sense if he or any of them knew."

"Or!" Melissa chimed in from her screen, "If you have anything else you managed to bring over from that world. Those ninja tools are cool and all but they were very similar to tools used here way back when. Plus, those Chakra, Blood, and Food pills were revolutionary!"

"I agree." Momo replied, "I will be using those in the future for my quirk."

"Well…I do have Jiraiya's books."

"Jiraiya? That guy who trained you and pushed you off the cliff?" Rumi asked way too nicely. In fact, the aura of all the adults brought a sudden tense atmosphere. If they could meet the guy…he would be dead again.

"Yeah," Naruto replied nervously before he pushed on, not wanting them to suddenly ask him to try and use the resurrection jutsu just so they could kill the man all over again. Both for his sanity and he was pretty sure the old pervert would get a kick out of so many women killing him. He could never tell exactly with that man. "While most of his books were for adults, he did write another story that would be more popular here. It was there because of the war he was in at the time."

"I get it," Iwao spoke up. "People wanted a different view of life than the one they were currently in. What were his 'adult' books."

Naruto looked uncomfortable. "He liked to tell people they were erotica, but after he made me edit a few of them, I found out they were sappy and sometimes trashy romance novels. Probably because he could never get Granny Tsunade to go out with him...and by the way, Mom, you will not have to have talk with me." That seemed to unfortunately bring back that earlier tension.

Makoto cleared her throat next to her nervously laughing brother. "That being said…I know a guy who would be happy to republish those books so you gain a little more money."

"Not that he needs it with the money from the food pills coming his way." Chiyo muttered aloud next to Kaina, who just snickered.

"And you know, why don't you continue his adventure book with stories and your own experiences from your world? Should be a fun read." Koichi thought out loud. Momo nodded to herself so could read both series, something Naruto noticed. She was a fan of romance novels after all.

"That is actually a good idea for you, Koichi." Kazuho snickered but she was happy for Naruto. To her, it seemed like a weight had been lifted from Naruto's shoulders with him telling them all this information. It would also explain a few of his songs.

"I should not have to mention it," Mirai said, standing next to All Might and Gran Torino. "But this information stays between us unless Naruto would like others to know. This rule is especially for the final secret."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Iwao stated, making others nod along.

"I am curious about the need for this final secret though," Momo mentioned. "I doubt it could top being from another world and have ten chakra beasts inside you."

Naruto chuckled a bit. "This secret almost makes me wish you ran screaming when I told you the others because it can be dangerous to know. Plus, it is a secret about this world." When people got serious again, he sighed and continued, "All Might, you want to lead this one?"

"If you wish," Toshinori replied before he stood next to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder. "This secret does involve me. You see, I am the eighth holder of my quirk, known as One for All and it is transferable. The plan to was give it to Naruto because I believe he has what it takes to be a great hero and so I can retire soon…eventually."

"LEAD WITH THAT NEXT TIME!" Izuku shouted in excitement while others stared in shock. He was a bit jealous that he was not chosen, given his status as an All Might super fan, but that was soon washed away with the knowledge he had his own super awesome quirk and technically, this would work as a great anchor for Naruto and the Tailed Beasts.

One lengthy explanation later and the group now understood what One for All even was and some like Iwao now understood who took his quirk away and how Six had it. All for One. The quirk boogeyman.

"See, when I got my old power back, I was going to eventually take the number one spot anyway," Naruto explained factually. It was his new goal since he could not be Hokage anymore and this was the next best thing. "The problem is maintaining that peace. This is why I want you all to know this secret. To eventually take down All for One and become the new Pillars of Peace alongside me."

After a moment, Izuku nodded to himself and said, "I am in! This is what the true essence of being a hero is! You can count on me!"

"You would all drive yourselves crazy without me." Hitoshi mentioned as he threw in his lot.

"More like we would drive you nuts." Himiko laughed as she agreed.

"I would love to. I feel this is what you have been training me for. Plus, with our resources, we would pull this off." Momo stated with a smile and a slight blush.

"You will need me and our babies!" Mei shouted for her and a giggling Melissa.

"You will have mine and eventually all of Idaten's support!" Tenya shouted.

"Yes, I will support you as well," Kyoko replied with determination in her eyes. "Musicians are like heroes too and I can be both!"

"I would be honored; this will be fun!" Denki replied excitedly.

"I will be you helped me a bit with my father and to spite him." Shoto paused for a moment before asking. "By the way, why is my father not a part of this?"

"Because I doubt old Flame head could deal with knowing this and his one-sided rivalry with All Might. After what I learned about him, I just do not like him either." Naruto replied, hearing Toshinori ask Kaina if Enji really was his rival. Ouch, I do not think that is a burn even Endeavor can handle.

"I knew there was a reason we were friends." Shoto replied with a small smile.

"I may be small time; I will still help all I can." Koichi stated, happy he was included.

"Me too!" Kazuho replied, looking at her little brother figure proudly while all the adults promised they would help in any way they could. Off to the side, Makoto gushed about knowing the future top heroes and what networking opportunities it could provide, even if she currently worked for Captain Celebrity. She could take the Pillars of Peace internationally if she was good enough!

"Seems I was right to trust you, Naruto. Now it is time for the transfer. Eat this!" All Might laughed out loud as he gave Naruto one of his golden hairs.

"…What…" The whole room was dumbfounded at the action.

"Just use blood. It would be faster." Himiko offered.

"That makes more sense," Naruto replied as he instructed All Might just to use a pin to bleed them both to get the job done. Chiyo agreed after a moment and provided the pin, praising the kids for being smarter and less gross than All Might.

After that, Naruto started to meditate in the famous superhero landing pose.


As Naruto went inward, he saw his mindscape had changed once again, but only slightly. It was nighttime now. Looking around, he could not find Kurama anywhere.

"We are in uncharted territory now. If we fade…just know I view you as my brother as well. It has been fun." Kurama stated resolutely from all around him.

"Wait, Kurama! I promised I would save you! All of you!" Naruto shouted as a sudden storm brewed all around them, his mind and body in chaos. He was soon dragged under the water and as lightning flashed, he saw the silhouettes of 8 people staring back at him before they dispersed as a giant castle rose from the water all around him.

Naruto writhed in absolute agony as the quirk worked its way into his body and mixed with is other abilities, but as his pain worsened, so too did the storm around him. With each flash of lightning, figures could be seen in the clouds. Both Tailed Beasts, Vestiges of One for All, and the Sons of the Sage.

As Naruto fought the storm and the pain, he clung to one idea that had always worked in the past and it had been a good way to combine his powers all his power before. Begging for a way to calm the storm, he threw caution to the wind and ignored Kurama's warning about this world's Nature Energy before he was fully anchored.

As Naruto opened his now neon green eyes, he soon learned that had been a mistake.

He should have just endured.

A/N: Please Support Me On patreon.com/The_Alchemyst