Previously Named: The New Commandment of Faith What if Izuku Midoriya was instead born a female? And not a powerless female. What if she was born with the powers of The Commandment of Faith Melascula? Join me as I tell you a story about a Girl who will become the number one Hero. Of course, it would be boring if it was just her alone. Let's give her a system as well as another 'friend'. This will currently be updated when I feel like it (I of course do not own My Hero Academia nor Nanatsu No Taizai) Cover art used was made by: The Golden Smurf Previous Covers edited by: Any Manga art used is from the official MHA manga and/or Fan Coloring
Characters thinking ' '
Characters talking " "
Characters thinking/talking at the same time "" "" / "" "" - intense moment
Strong Opponent talking / thinking 'Shit' - thinking "Shit" - talking
All Might OFA activated 'I AM HERE' - thinking "I AM HERE" - talking
Present Mic cutting me off- "OH YEAH"
(I clearly don't own MHA or any images I use in this fanfic/story)
"T- That's mean Kacchan... Can't you see he's crying..?" A young Melascula says as she stares down The bully her knees and arms shaking and even with tears in her eyes she still takes a firm stance. To protect the boy "Just because he's Quirkless... doesn't mean you should be a bully!" Her shaky voice from nervousness becomes bolder and louder with conviction as she balls her sweaty palms into fists The bullies standing Infront of Melascula consisted of her 'Best friend' Katsuki Bakugo or as she calls him 'Kacchan' and his two lackies.
"Ya hear that? MnM. thinks she can beat us with her little Protection quirk!" Katsuki says while he and his two 'friends' laugh at the girl who in their words 'Think she's a Hero'. Katsuki then brings his right fist to his palm punching it causing an explosion to go off from between his hands causing Melascula to flinch.
"You shouldn't have tried protecting this weakling... NOW YOU'LL BE THE ONE GETTING BEAT!" Katsuki shouts as he rushes to Melascula with explosions popping in his hand. Seeing this his two goons following behind him rushing Melascula
"-What's her name again? Midmorning or something?" A black haired boy with an Odd hairstyle in the Aldera Junior High uniform asks a taller pink-haired girl. "Her name is MIDNIGHT, Zeldris, and the reason I like her so much is because of how... 'Expressive' she is." Melascula says looking away from embarrassment after the last part.
Meanwhile Zeldris hearing her mutters something about "Expressive more like pornstar..." Before he straightens up and walks Infront of Melascula and stops before looking at her with a serious expression
"I wanted to ask you... You're going to U.A. correct?" "Uhh, yeah? Why do you ask?" Melascula asks stopping right Infront of her class door "Then that makes us rivals. I'll be meeting you there... at U.A.!" After he finishes his speech he walks of to his class sending a wave as he walks away"
Yeah, the same to you." Melascula quietly says as she walks into her class and takes a seat in the second to last row as she begins listening to her teacher talk.
"Alright settle down class... Now, I should pass out these handouts for your future plans, but I know you're all... Pretty much planning to be Heroes!" He shouts with a smile on his face as he tosses up the papers. The students hearing this shout in agreement and begin showing off their Quirks they all use their unique powers, all except Melascula and Bakugo.
"Yes yes, I know you all have wonderful Quirks but please remember Quirk use in school is prohibited..." The teacher now with the smile on his face gone begins picking up the papers he tossed while wondering how he still hasn't lost his job.
"Hey, teach... Don't lump me in the same group with these bottom of the barrel rejects." Bakugo says w- "HEY LET ME HANDLE THE INTRODUCTIONS!" What the... Present Mic?!? "YEP! NOW LET ME DO MY JOB. SHOO!"
"THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR KATSUKI!" One of the students said while raising their fist in anger "SHUT UP YOU EXTRA!" Bakugo shouts with explosions crackling in his palms "Oh, if I remember correctly you wanted to U.A. right Bakugo?" The teacher asks while as he finishes picking up their papers meanwhile the class starts muttering in disbelief saying things like "U.A.? That national school?" or "It was in the top 0.2% this year." and "There acceptance rate is also really low."
"Doubts like that... ARE EXACTLY WHY YOU GUYS ARE JUST EXTRAS! I aced the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who could possibly get into U.A. I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero!"
"Oh yeah, Midoriya didn't you apply for U.A. as well?"
"Yep, I am!" She says while closing the book she was writing in. The book was titled Hero Analysis and Weakness No. 13 "Tch... Hey MnM, You tryna compete with me or something?" He says with a angry look as he glares daggers at her. "Well we are both trying to get into U.A. so yeah, in a way I am competing with you." Hearing this Katsuki lets out a grunt and settles back into his seat.
Melascula after finishing school is seen walking home underneath a bridge with her face buried in her notebook as she passes a sewer drain *GLOORP* "Hm..?" As Melascula looks behind her she comes face to face with a Villain made entirely from what looks like greenish mud
"Finally a decent body to hide in... Sorry kid it's nothing personal I just can't let HIM find me." With all that being said the Sludge Villain rushes at Melascula trying to hijack her body.
Seeing this she outstretches her arm with her index and middle finger pointing towards the approaching villain and her thump covering her ring and pinky making her hand appear as if it were in the shape of a gun pointed at the Villain who was now mere inches Infront of her
"Dark Flame."
Out of the sewer steps a tall man with Blond hair spiked up and dark eyes. This man is the No. 1 Hero and the Symbol of Peace, ALL MIGHT. "Hm this is odd... The substance on the walls and floor... There's no doubt about it, This is the villain I was chasing... Did another Hero come by and defeat it? Then why did they not hand him over to the police..."
He wonders aloud as he begins gathering the Villain in a few bottles. As he finishes he jumps off towards the police station but misses one of the bottles falling out of his pocket as he continues along his way.
*BOOM* An explosion goes off nearby Melascula not expecting the loud sound audibly jumps before turning to see what made the sound. "Weird... That's the third attack I've witnessed today... And those explosions-" *BOOM* 'They almost look like...'
She immediately starts sprinting towards the explosion she was almost home but she had to make sure it wasn't who she thought it was. There's no way Katsuki decided to become a Villain. Sure he was a bully and loved picking fights but she knew him better than anyone else after growing up with the boy. 'There's no way... Not even if hell froze over would Katsuki become a Villain!'
As she makes it to the crowd of civilians watching the Destruction she notices that It's the same sludge Villain she fought earlier only this time he has a hostage... 'Katsuki...'
"AAARGH!!" It was an ear piercing scream from Katsuki as he kept letting off explosions trying desperately to escape the Villain trying to suffocate him. 'Darn in conditions like this... I see Kamui Woods but he can't handle explosive fires like this well... I also see Mt. Lady but this is a Single Lane street she can't move properly here... Maybe the Fire fighters? No they are holding off the Civilians... Death Arms can't get a proper grip on that Villain because it's made of mud... The Heroes can't do anything here.'
Melascula seeing the panic on the Heroes faces quickly came up with a plan and ran towards the Villain 'If I can pull him out of the Villains grip I can use my flames to blow him to bits. I just need to get Katsuki out of there!'
She leaps forward throwing her bag directly into the Villains eye 'First I blind him then, rescue Katsuki.' She begins digging of the mud to reach Bakugo. She digs and digs until he arms are tired but its working and she finally makes a way for him to breathe by getting the sludge Villain out of his mouth. She fully expected him to start shouting at her saying 'GET OUT OF HERE!' or 'I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!' But she would have never expected to see the genuine fear on his face nor did she expect his next words
"MnM LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!" She hadn't noticed in her panic to rescue Katsuki that the Sludge Villain had snuck a tendril behind her as it slipped through her Barrier of Darkness and edged closer... closer... Until...
*Grab* Melascula is caught off guard as she's suddenly lifted in the air and off her feet. The sludge Villain is ripped of her and Katsuki as she looks up to see him "Don't worry. You have nothing to fear... BECAUSE I AM HERE!" All Might says as he winds his fist back for his signature attack as he shouts "DETROIT SMASH!!!" As he punches the sludge Villain making bits and pieces of it scatter. The wind speed alone that was created from his punch was able to create a tornado that changed the very weather.
Afterwards the Heroes collected the Villain's scattered body and to police finally managed to get him into custody. The Heroes kept telling Melascula she behaved to brash, while they kept praising Katsuki, they were both silent throughout the whole ordeal.
"Now Now, I'm sure the girl understands. If you wouldn't mind I'd like to have a chat with her." All Might says while picking up Melascula and leaping off towards the city area. After he finds a nearby spot where they aren't any civilians he quickly sets her down before continuing.
"I do apologies for grabbing you on such short notice but I have something important to ask you. I do ask that you don't freak out." Before Melascula could get the chance to ask what he meant. His body had already begun shrinking with steam coming off him and before her very eyes All Might became... Small Might???
"You're probably wondering why I look like this... It's a long story but the cut it short it stems from an injury I got from a really powerful Villain a while back... Since then I've only been able to use my Quirk a limited amount of time per day." He says as he lifts his shirt revealing the nasty injury.
"Because of that I've been looking for a successor to take my power and under my training... Become the next Symbol of peace. And after seeing how you ran in there when the other Heroes didn't I knew it had to be you." He says with a smile on his face
"So... What do ya say?"
And with a firm smile on her face Melascula responds... "No thanks."
Stay tuned~