
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · 现代言情
157 Chs


Qin Li threw down the host who had done half the interview, ran to the window, opened the window and looked out.

Yan Sen rode on a tall horse, wearing a white suit, the whole person straight and strong.

Hearing the movement, he also raised his head, and a pair of eyes were illuminated by the sun, which appeared crystal clear, like the clear lake at the foot of the Alps, emitting Yingying blue light. The contour of his face is deep and beautiful, and for a moment, it really seems that time has gone back to a certain century, and entered the fairy tale era.

One looked down from a high place, the other just looked up from a low place, the two eyes were facing each other, looking at each other far away.

Qin Li looked at the man on the horse, only felt a heart beating, he was like a little girl in love for the first time, full of pink teenage heart.

Under the command of the director, the camera quietly slid close to the side, capturing the super-feeling interaction between the two people in this second.

Yan Sen grabbed the rope with one hand and held it out toward her with the other, making a wordless invitation.

Qin Li turned downstairs, leaving the director and the people of the program behind.

There is a prince waiting for me, the rest is a cloud!

Originally, as long as the romance is in place, no matter how old the psychological age is, you will be moved.

She walked down the hall, put her hands on the doorknob, hesitated, then pulled back.

The sun rushed in like an elf, instantly engulfing the darkness of the room, because the light outside was too bright, she did not see the man in full dress.

When Qin Li ran out, the door seemed to be the boundary linking the two worlds. At this moment, he was like Cinderella found by the prince. When he stepped out, he seemed to change the original track.

After a pause, she stepped out without hesitation, waiting for her man outside.

Seeing her run out from behind the door, Yan Sen breathed a sigh of relief, the corners of his mouth turned, and a smile spread across his face. He leaned down and held out his hand to her.

At this moment, it is really wind stop, cloud stop, all things stop, only I move.

Usually that careless rough man, now appear especially gentleman, let people can not help but believe that he is a noble descendant.

Qin Li, with his help, climbed onto the horse's back, and Yan Sen held her bracelet around his waist and whispered, "Hold on tight."

She gave a whoop and put her arms around his waist, and then he squeezed the horse's belly, and the horse took off at once.

The two were riding along a country road. The rape flowers planted in early spring have opened a large area, and the mountains are all golden, especially beautiful.

Yan Sen said the road was where Princess Sissi was photographed. When Qin Li closed her eyes, she had a picture in her mind of a single princess who met her prince on the roadside and began a romantic and beautiful love.

It is a paradise road, because it is beautiful enough; At the same time, it is also a romantic path, because it fulfills love.

Although, the car of the shooting team has been shooting alongside, but this does not affect Qin Li's good mood at this time.

She leaned her face against his broad back, put her hands around his waist, closed her eyes, heard the sound of horses' hooves, the breeze with the flowers blowing on her face, the sun was warm as spring. For her, this is the most romantic thing in her life.

In the blink of an eye, they reached the lake at the foot of the mountain, and the two continued to walk along the lake for a while. The water of the lake is calm, and the green glow is intoxicating.

April, spring flowers, looking at a lush. With its brilliant colors and the snow on top of the mountain, it is fair to say that this beautiful scene is God's back garden.

Fascinated by people and scenery, Qin Li felt as if he were dreaming, wandering into a fairy tale far from the real world in a trance.

At this moment, Yan Sen stretched out his legs and jumped off the horse neatly. But he did not rush to help Qin Li off the horse, but let her sit still. The white horse also stood obediently, a man and a horse stood quietly like this, watching him motionless.

Although Qin Li did not move, but a heart was beating wildly, she seemed to realize that something was about to happen.

Then the music starts. It's Bruno's "marry me." Yan Sen jumped up with the rhythm, the old words and tunes have no new ideas, but Qin Li was moved not to do.

It doesn't matter how well he dances, what matters is that he is willing to change and pay for her. Exposing his stupid side to her just to make her smile. Qin Li felt that the man himself could marry.

When the music was over, Mr. Yan knelt down on one leg and pulled a suede box from his suit pocket.

The lid of the box clicked open and a diamond ring lay quietly inside.

"Qin Li, will you marry me?" Yan Sen paused for a moment and immediately added, "As long as you are willing, I will take care of you and love you for a lifetime."

Qin Li's heart was stuffed full, almost without hesitation to nod, she climbed off the horse and stretched out her hand toward Yan Sen.

Yan Sen slipped the ring on her finger, then stood up, threw his arms around her waist, bent down and kissed her.

Behind is the magnificent mountain lake, the front is a pair of lovers kissing each other, even the science director engaged in shooting for many years, are a little moved by them. Silently sigh in my heart, young is really good, so that even such a magnificent scenery, has become a foil to their love.

This moment, can be frozen into the most romantic moment.

Witnessing his successful proposal, the filming team, including the director, couldn't help but clap their hands and express their congratulations with applause.

Qin Li reached out and hugged Yan Sen, and the waves were rough in his heart. Between her and Yan Sen has always lacked a little something, today this a lack of the east wind finally came, let the two people come naturally, repair the results.

Yan Sen reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes and said, "We will be happy in the future."

A vow, simple, not much fancy in it, but contains a lot of heart.

Qin Li nodded.

"Ok, OK, the bride-to-be can't shed tears anymore, otherwise the makeup will be burnt and the camera will not look good."

Qin Li carefully wiped away tears and asked, "Still shooting?"

"Of course." Pointing to one of his assistants, he said, "Take her to the car to change her clothes."

Qin Li turned to Yan Sen in surprise, and Yan Sen nodded to her with a smile and said, "Go."

Qin Li followed the assistant to the van, and the assistant handed her a white wedding dress.

Unexpectedly, Yan Sen is prepared this time, prepared very well. Not only the proposal, even the wedding photos also thought of together, no wonder yesterday the section director complained that Yan Sen took him as a photographer. Think of his mind, Qin Li heart filled with honey, with excited and excited mood, put on a wedding dress.

She pulled the door open, and the sound of the door clatter drew everyone's attention.

Yan Sen was talking to the director, see her get off, eyes stay on her, can not move away.

The director patted him on the shoulder and said, "Boy, you are lucky to have a good wife. This life is worth it."

Yan Sen subconsciously nodded, chest assembly cooking, can help him farming, will also use the brain to make money, really is a good wife!

Yan Sen went up and grabbed her hand and asked, "Is it cold?"

In April at the foot of the Alps, the temperature is only ten degrees, wearing a bare-shoulder-bare wedding dress is indeed a little thin, but Qin Li's heart is warm. And this fire burning in her heart, even the snow on the top of the mountain can melt, how can she feel cold?

* * *

Soon after the people of the show left, the news of Yan Sen's successful proposal spread across the village of love, and everyone came to congratulate them.

Since Qin Li promised to propose, it is necessary to strike while the iron is hot, and quickly get the certificate to do the wedding, and take the beautiful girl home that is the first thing. So, Yan Sen put aside everything else in his hands and began to plan the wedding intensively, inviting the village priest to be their officiator.

Qin Li went to a dress shop in town to rent a wedding dress and, after several tries, finally got her size right. She had few friends in Germany, except Qu Danni, who was both her guest of honor and her maid of honor.

One night before the wedding, Qin Li Yansen rushed to the next room, and Qu Danni sleep in a room, and boudoir whisper.

Qu Danni took her hand and asked, "Have you really decided to marry?"

Qin Li nodded, "We are single, why not marry?"

Even if you don't look at her face, you can feel the firmness of her tone, Qu Danni is both exclamation and envy.

"Li Li, you have taught me a lesson. No matter how difficult the past was, if you make up your mind to change, you will have a better future."

Qin Li added, "Although the road to change oneself is full of thorns, if you are not careful, you will be pierced by the head and blood, but also believe that the future will be better."

Qu Danni one startled, then relieved to smile. Yes, all the get, is to pay for. Therefore, while admiring the success of others, you should also ask yourself whether you have the courage to challenge.

"Thank you for asking for leave to attend my wedding."

Qu Danni, "We are best friends, say what thank you."

At this point, she was about to say, "Are you going to tell your family about your marriage?"

Qin Li shook his head, "I have made up my mind to live here and do not want to be involved with them." Besides, I know my mother's personality very well, and if I invite her to the wedding, she will rely on strict sen and then make all kinds of weird demands, just like she did to Sun Yi. I managed to get rid of them, and I don't want to jump in and get caught again. I don't want to go down the old road."

See her emotional, Qu Danni busy soothed, "I can understand, I will always be on your side."

Qin Li paused and said, "In fact, I feel bad in my heart, who doesn't want parents around when they get married?" Before and Sun Yi, my parents did not approve, but also quietly married. Now Yan Sen and I, did not expect to hide it from them..."

Qu Danni listened to her say so, the heart is very sympathetic to her, so say, on the importance of having a good pair of parents.

Qin Li laughed at himself, "Fortunately, Yan Sen is an orphan and has no parents or relatives, so we are half equal and matched."

Smell speech, Qu Danni immediately picked up the mouth, "Don't Belize yourself." Although you have no parents, you have so many friends and villagers. We are all witnesses of your love."

Qin Li braced himself, "Yes. You're right."

* * *

The next day was the wedding.

Germans do not get married, that is, they go to the Civil Affairs Bureau during the day to get a license, go to the church in the afternoon to hold a wedding ceremony, and then find a place to eat at night.

Know that there is a special love of the couple to get married, God is also very helpful, the sun shines on the earth, the stone brick road shines bright.

Qin Li, wearing a wedding dress, walked through the red carpet and came to Yan Sen.

Yan Sen heart moved, looking at the church was fixed on the cross of Jesus, and asked, who brought this woman to him?

The priest turned to the new man, "Miss Qin Li, do you take this man to be your husband and make a marriage contract with him?" To love him, to care for him, to honor him, to accept him, to be faithful to him till the end of time, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, in beauty and in ugliness, or for any other reason?"

Qin Li suppressed a heart that was beating wildly, and subconsciously nodded vigorously, "I would like to."

The priest asked again, "Mr. Yensen von Walden, do you take this woman to be your wife and to be betrothed to her? In sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, in beauty and in ugliness, for any other reason, love her, care for her, honor her, accept her, and be faithful to her till the end of time."

Yan Sen looked at his soon-to-be bride and nodded without hesitation, "I do."

The pastor asked the crowd, "Will you all testify to their marriage vows?"

"Yes," was the unanimous answer.

The priest smiled and said, "Now let the couples exchange rings."

Yan Sen slipped a platinum ring into Qin Li's hand, and Qin Li took the male ring from the maid of honor and put it on Yan Sen's finger.

After the ceremony, the priest said, "The groom kisses the bride."

Yan Sen lifted her veil, then bent in, put his mouth close to his, and kissed her lips.

The following immediately applauded, with everyone's blessing, Qin Li married himself in this way.

She hopes that this time can be lucky, find their own happiness, a lifetime of happiness will not deteriorate.