
My Fucked Up World Traveling System

Status: Indefinite Hiatus. We live in a world where monsters dominate the earth, causing humans to be pushed into small colonies that are barely thriving, unable to fight back with our useless weaponry. But once we were on the brink of extinction, people began obtaining magic systems, which allowed us to push back and gain some of the lost land we had once. … Three years later, in a small house on the outskirts of the New York safe zone, lived a 15-year-old boy named Alex with his aunt and uncle, since his parents were killed in a siege of monsters three years ago. Today, Alex would be awakening his system, which would allow him to become an adventurer to fight in the dungeons or the monsters in the wilderness. … They soon arrived at the ceremony, and it started shortly after with hundreds of young men and women awakening their systems with their families watching. Eventually, it became Alex’s turn, and he stepped up to the awakening stone and pressed his hand against it. [Searching for Innate System] [No innate system has been found] [Providing A Normal System To The User] [Error] [Ding! Two powerful goddesses have granted you a system] [Host has acquired the World Traveling System] [The host is the first one to receive a Universe Tier System] [Giving Rewards] [Rewards will appear in the host's status] [The host will be taken to God Space] —- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hqJrcdgr I don't own the cover; all credit go to the creator.

Reacix · 奇幻
137 Chs


3 weeks later,

Three weeks passed with the head maid coming in a few times a day, handing us all the workload and becoming jealous and irritated upon after us in bed together and exiting the room.

After making sure the head maid left, Aurora and Amia then discarded the list that had all the work they were supposed to do, putting it in the dumpster outside before returning to their fun times together.

On this day, the head maid was once again making her way through the hallways, checking a few areas to see how well the new maids did.

Seeing the dust on a small shelf in the corner of the hall, "They missed many spots. I should go reprimand them, but before that I'll check other areas to deepen their punishment."

She started to inspect every single area of the entire palace besides Aergia's room, as she didn't want to disturb her, making sure to find every single speck of filth or dust and write it down in her notepad, so she could further increase the workload on Aurora and Amia.

After checking every nook and cranny of the entire palace besides Aergia's room and writing each of them down on her notepad, she headed towards the room where Aurora and Amia stayed with an expression that showed her displeasure.

She soon reached the door to their room and knocked twice, just like every other time before.

"Come in."

She opened the door and entered, closing the door right after as she turned her focus to the two beautiful silver-haired women lying on the bed in front of her.

"You look irritated; what's wrong? Did you get off the wrong side of the bed?" Aurora flashed a grin.

"You know what you did; I have a list of all the things that need to be cleaned or fixed and I want them done within three days or I will go to Goddess Aergia myself." The head maid ignored Aurora's words, trying to keep her irritation from showing.

She set the list of chores on the desk, where she always set them, and exited the room, slamming the door behind her.

3 days later,

After not entering Aurora and Amia's room for three days to let them do all the undone chores and to take a break from seeing them as it began to drive her crazy, the head maid came in front of their door after inspecting the entire palace like before and knocked twice.

Like every other time, Aurora said, "Come in," but this time with a mocking tone, reigniting the irritation within the head maid.

The head maid chose to not enter the room straight away, allowing herself to calm down for a few minutes before she turned the doorknob, opening the door and entering it.

"What took you so long? I said you could come in 5 minutes ago. Are you only here to waste our time?" Aurora said, her grin even wider than before.

I told you three days ago that if you don't clean and repair the palace, I'll report it to goddess Aergia, and you two will accompany me and bear witness."The head maid's previous irritated look turned to that of a sinister grin.

"No thanks—"

Aurora was interrupted by the palace suddenly shaking as dust and some small pieces of the ceiling fell to the ground.

"What is happening?" A loud shout was heard from the direction of Aergia's room.

*Crack!, crack! Cracks began forming within the walls, floors, and ceiling of the palace as chunks of the ceiling fell onto the place where they stood, along with the walls collapsing in on them.

From a distance, where the palace was once, all that could be seen was a large pile of rubble, not leaving even the smallest structure behind, as Aergia stood on top of the pile of rubble with a look filled with displeasure.

Within a corner of the rubble were three women, two of them covered with demonic energy, while the third was covered in rubble.

Getting out from under the rubble, Aurora and Amia were unscathed as they looked around and found the head maid trapped in the rubble next to them with blood flowing out of a wound on her forehead.

'I assume this has something to do with not repairing the palace.' Aurora thought as it was the only thing she could think of that could've caused this to happen.