
my flower that blossoms in June

24 year old Akira M. Martinez grew up in the rugged streets of Detroit and hated every single second of it. Akira never had a place to call home and refuses to make one in the place that robbed her of her family that she once held close. So years after she lost everything she simply goes to a shady club and drinks her sorrows away only to have a one night stand gone wrong. Now having to face the situation of her becoming a parent and is questioning everything as to the hows and why she is where she is in life. Now trying to find someone to help her on her journey well hoping to succeed in doing so. 26 Year old Darian J. Stone-Michaels has always loved his job of being the CEO of the business his father had passed down onto him after he had graduated college. But for the first time in years his business hit rock bottom losing a partner from his business and so he goes out for a drink only to have a one night stand that has some recollection of only to find out that he now not only is a father but now he's got to get married not for his company's sake but for this kid he going to have soon. But as Darian lets Akira stay in his place he comes to learn more about her but doesn't want to fall for her as his work is his first love and always will be it's only a matter of time till we. an ask if he will ever love her or love on general?

TeddybearFelix · 现代言情
30 Chs

My months that passed preparing to be a mom

November 11, 2020

Detroit, Michigan (The Marta Station)

"Boarding all passengers for next train to New York." The PA announced as people were moving to get on the train. "Sorry excuse me." I said as I was moving through the people.

"Ticket please." The lady standing there said. I pulled it out and she stamped my ticket. I quickly rushed to get on with leaving this old place and try to leave the memories behind.

I sat in the vacant seat next to a teenager who was drawing on her tablet. I just decided to try to sleep if possible. Which was impossible being that the train was moving on really bumpy tracks. "Hi ma'am, how old are you?" The girl asked.

"I'm in my mid-20's so not that old." I told her. "So you're expecting?" The girl asked me. "Yeah I'm 2 months in." I told her while holding my belly. "Wow you and your husband must be excited for your first kid." The girl said making me stiffen in sadness.

"The father is not in the picture." I told her. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry." She said putting her tablet in her bag.  "My name is Casper." She put a hand out towards me. "You can call me Akira." I shook her hand smiling.

"Stop 1153 to Sacaton, North Carolina is now arriving." The voice on the overhead speaker said. "Well that's my stop, it was ice talking to you Akira hope to you see you again." Casper said grabbing her bag and walking out of the train. I waved goodbye and turned back around while waiting and watching people coming on and off the train.

"Next stop is to New York,New York." The voice said and people were starting to sit down or hold on to the rails as the door began to close. "Wait!" I heard a voice scream. She ran in right before the door could close completely and plopped her self on the seat next to me.

As she sat the doors to the train began to shut and began to move on much more smoother tracks. I began to fall asleep waiting for the train to get to New York so I could get over the past and start brand new. "To new beginnings as a mom of one." I thought to myself as I fell asleep in my seat.