
The Grand Court

Grand Library of Kingdom Laravi

"The book can be here somewhere", whispered Arthur looking for the book 'Legends of Golden book'.

It's been 10 years since the appearance of The Golden book. Golden book was the only way to connect to Planet Cornelia even that was stopped.

Few hours ago

7th Prince Arthur's Palace

"Your Highness, your Majesty has summoned you at the court" said Arthur's secretary Peter. Arthur sat there by the window thinking deep about how to get the throne. He didn't have any work to do as the King never let him participate in any official works. "You should go see him while I clean up the room".

"What do you think he'll tell me now?" Arthur replied looking out the window. "Whenever he calls me, he always complains on how I couldn't learn any royal etiquette and is a disappointment". Peter smiled softly, "No matter what his Majesty says I know how brave and kind your highness is." Arthur looked at Peter with puppy eyes, "you think so?"

- "I take it back."

- "Alright I'll go see him, after cleaning up prepare my horse. I'll meet Brother Arwin and Edward."

- "Yes, your Highness."

Arthur walked out while Peter gave a heavy sigh, "He can be so handful sometimes".

Court room was at the central of imperial palace and Arthur's palace was situated at far south. "It's so tiring".

After 10 minutes of walking fast he reached the courtroom. Guards in front of the door bowed, "Your Highness".

-"His Majesty summoned me".

One of the guard said, "Yes your Highness, I will tell his Majesty" and got inside the courtroom.

-"Your Majesty, pardon me for my interruption 7th Prince Arthur is here".

-"Let him in".

-"Yes your Majesty".

Guard walked to the door, "Your Highness".

Arthur got in and looked around, 'Why did he call me in the middle of foreign trading meeting?' he thought. Arthur bowed in front of King, "Father, how is your health?"

-"Why you want it to get worse?"

-"No, why would I want that? I don't want treason."

Arthur chuckled. King Louis clenched his fist, "I've heard you visit Arwin and Edward often?"

Arthur's eyes widened in surprise, 'how did he know?' He looked at the long table and saw his brother, Crown Prince Harriet, grinning. Arthur murmured,"Him again". King Louis asked, "What? I can't hear you if you talk like that".

-"I bumped into them once or twice, is there a problem your Majesty?"

-"You do remember it's forbidden right?"

-"I did not arrange a meeting, I bumped into them. And I know the consequences of sharing confidential matters with them, even though I know none. My position is not significant at the imperial court".

King Louis sat there silently without saying a word, it was indeed not a problem if Arthur met his brother's, who stripped off their Royal duties and chose a commoners life on their own will, because he was not an important member at the court.

-"Father, may I leave?"

-"You may".

Arthur took a glance at his brother whose grin turned into clenching teeth. He smiled at him and left.