
My Delivery System

Being reincarnated in Chainsaw Man isn't as easy as it seems, and even more so that he's apparently reincarnated as the older brother of the second protagonist of the story Asa Mitaka. But with the [ Delivery System] he will survive and protect what's important to him in this shitty world he's living in. A/N : A fair warning this is a crossover fanfic, while there isn't any additional crossover yet, there will be in the future. Current Crossover Series : Chainsaw Man Kenichi The Strongest Disciple

Charlottes · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Devil Hunter

Finding a devil wasn't easy as it seemed, he learned it the hard way, hours of using his scooter, refilling it a few times, he still wasn't able to find any.

It's like they're hiding from him or something, why was when he needed something it would be harder to find.

Looking at the time on his flip phone, it was almost 6 PM. If this keeps up he would have to go home because he didn't want his sister to worry.

Hiru decided to look one more time, if this was unsuccessful then he would try again tomorrow.

He drove his scooter in one of the poorest districts of Tokyo. The hygiene of this place is so bad that normal people usually don't go there because it stinks.

It's like all of the trash of Tokyo was thrown into this place, not to mention the crime rate of this place is the worst of all japan.

That's why people normally don't go here, because there's a high chance a criminal would take an interest toward you and might do something bad.

Either way, if that were to happen he wouldn't hesitate to use this dagger and make its first kill a human being.

While he may despite doing such a thing, he wouldn't mind killing if it's to protect himself and his family.

So, no he wasn't above murder, he would kill if necessary, but he was no psychopath he'd probably hesitate the first time.


After almost finishing a round of ride in this terrible district, he was about to give up searching for devils and would continue tomorrow but with a stroke of luck, he found one.

"Ah, it's a devil." The devil was outside the abandoned compound building, which was in front of him.

Hiru looked at the characteristics of this particular Devil and knew that it was weak and something that he could kill with a decent amount of effort.

He decided he would kill this Devil, as he got closer to the Devil, he realized that this Devil is based on an eggplant therefore it would be called 'Eggplant Devil'.

'To think people feared eggplants…' Hiru couldn't help but thought, however he wasn't here to judge.

He parked his scooter near, he had to be real careful because he didn't want the Eggplant Devil to notice.

After that, he went as stealthy as he could to avoid being seen or making too much noise.

Hiru prepared his dagger as he got closer and closer to the Devil, his heart rate went up significantly, even though this wasn't his first time seeing a Devil.

This was his first time trying to kill one though, now that he was in a range that could stab the Devil.

Hiru didn't hesitate as he raised the dagger above and tried to stab the Eggplant Devil.

Unexpectedly it's 'Eye' opened, and it made him realize no wonder he couldn't see any of the Devil's eyes in its front, it was behind it all along.

Then purple like tentacles suddenly shoot behind it's back, at this moment it was either get hit by these purple tentacles and risk dying from an injury or…

Continue his action of stabbing the Eggplant Devil and killing it first before it could injure him.

The answer is simple, it's the latter!

He knew that if hesitate here there's a high possibility of a permanent injury from those purple tentacles or maybe death that's why, he would risk everything with this single stab hoping that it would kill this Devil immediately.


And it did without much resistance, as the dagger was so sharp that the Devil was immediately cut into half before its tentacles reached him.

Its purple blood was splashed around his body, but he paid no heed to it, as he immediately fell into the dirty ground, breathing hard, as if he just ran an 8 hours running marathon without stopping.

"Ha..hah..hah..fuccck.. that was way too close." Then after that, he suddenly started laughing hard, this was his adrenaline rush speaking.

After his adrenaline rush stopped, he decided to check if there was truly a 'loot' dropped from the Devil he killed.

Lo and behold.

There is indeed loot dropped from the Eggplant Devil, it's just as the description says.

With a grin on his face, he quickly took the items that were dropped from the dead Devil.

"Is that a stock of bills?" Hiru took it and truly it was real money, each of the bills was 10,000 and there were 10 of them.

So he got himself a 100,000 yen, while it may not be plenty, he could still pay their apartment rent for 2 whole months!

But that wasn't all, there's still a few items in the ground and he pick it one by one.

[ Actually Vitamin D - The 'Actually' part is important, this item can make a certain part of the male body grown an inch. ]

The system laid out the details of one item and Hiru was speechless. "What the hell.."

He wasn't sure what to think about it, but he'll take it, after it's kind of useful and a waste not to use it.

After all, growing an inch is sort of a big deal for men, and it wasn't like he's lacking in size, in fact he's above average at least for asian size.

He could never compare to those BBC or whatever they call it, Gigadick or something.

Hiru would use it later, now his attention was back to the other 2 items.

[ Skill Book (Purple Devil Eggplant Tentacles) - The name is pretty much self-explanatory, but for the sake solid explanation, by learning this you would have the ability to create 4 purple tentacles, which could be hard as a steel or soft as a cotton depends users will.

-Condition if the user doesn't have a mana, blood is the alternative, each second the user uses this ability the user would lose a drop of their blood for each second of use. ]

Okay, what's with these drops having to do with lewdness?!

Eggplant doesn't have much of a relationship in a sexual way, except for the fact that they are often used as a dildo for the desperate.

Regardless of potentially becoming a tentacle man, who preys upon girls.

It does seem a useful skill outside of pleasuring some people's fantasy!

Having one or two tricks is useful.

While the Skill Book may be useful, it was nothing compared to the last item.

[ Eggplant Gun - If the user uses this to a target, they would immediately become an eggplant.

-Condition there's only 7 ammo available and there's no way to refill it unless you kill a similar Devil. ]

It was stupidly overpowered that he doesn't know what to think of it, to think he'd loot something this useful from a weak Devil.

He doesn't need to think about its implications as it's quite obvious what kind of power this silly looking gun holds.

Honestly this Eggplant Gun looks exactly like a plastic toy gun that anyone could see in a kid toy shop.

Either way, he couldn't be happier with it, he got another trump card in his hand, if he met someone or something that he felt his life would be endangered if he didn't do anything, he wouldn't hesitate to use this.

After taking every loot that he took from the dead Devil, he was about to leave the place, however he heard someone yell in his direction.

"Ahhh! Hey! That Devil was mine, it was reserved!"

Curiously, he stared at the person responsible for yelling and froze when he saw their appearance.

A dirty blonde hair, an eye patch that covered their left eye, a unique set of sharp teeth that looks similar to sharks rather than humans.

And behind them was an orange looking creature that looked similar to a dog, but anyone in this world would recognize this thing isn't a dog, but a devil.

Behold Denji, the first protagonist of this world he was currently living…

Hiru knew that he would see him sooner or later, and he was prepared for that day to come, however the reason why he froze is not because he met Denji here and now.

But of simple glaring fact…

Denji got BOOBS!

Now that he got a closer look, Denji's hair was a bit longer than what he remembered from the anime.

Because of that, he couldn't deny the fact that the Denji of this world isn't a man, but a woman!

'What the heck is going on?!'

A/N: Introducing Denji! But with a twist instead of the male version it's a female one! Denji's name is still the same, since I can't think of a fitting name for a girl version of Denji.

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 5 advanced chapters

there and would increase in the future.