
Chapter 1

Tokyo, Shinjuku Ward.

As evening approached, the sky was dyed a golden-orange color by the setting sun.

Compared with the busyness and dullness of people on the streets during the day, Tokyo at this point is extremely lively.

High school boys and girls wearing different styles of school uniforms can be seen in almost every corner.

At this moment, they were in groups, chattering to each other constantly about the interesting things that happened in the school today.

A social worker returning home from work has ended a tiring day. He thinks of going home and enjoying the dinner prepared by his wife, and his face is filled with a smile of relaxation and happiness.

"Will Asuna go to the shrine today?"


"As a shrine maiden, Asuna works really hard."

"It's not hard. I'm honored and happy to be a miko."

"Asuna, you are really the kind of person who will never complain no matter what you do. But since Asuna, you are going to the shrine, then we won't wait for you to go back together."

"OK, be careful on the road."

At the entrance of the private Sakurasai Academy in Shibuya, a beautiful girl with long chestnut hair named Yuki Asuna was saying goodbye to several of her friends.

After watching her friends leave, Yuuki Asuna glanced at Not far away, on the top of the mountain juxtaposed with the setting sun, he raised his arms and stretched slowly.

Under the light of the setting sun, the faint smile on Yuuki Asuna's face looked very charming.

"...Next, it's time to go to the shrine"


The shrine Yuki Asuna belongs to is called Haen Shrine.

Although the shrine is not famous in Tokyo, it cannot be compared with Inari Shrine, the representative shrine in Tokyo.

But the history is also very long.

I heard my grandfather Yuuki Tendo once say that Yuen Shrine has a history of at least two thousand years.

Moreover, their family has been serving the gods of Yuyuan Shrine for generations.

Unlike other shrines in terms of location, Haenen Shrine is located on the top of a mountain.

If you want to reach Hanen Shrine, you must walk up 999 steps and then pass through the torii gate to reach it.

Under normal circumstances, when you arrive at Yuen Shrine, your physical strength is almost exhausted, so few people are willing to spend the effort to come.

This aspect also accounts for a large part of the reason why Yuen Shrine is not famous.

Ever since she was appointed a shrine maiden by her grandfather when she was a junior high school student, she has been going to the shrine once a day.

For Yuuki Asuna, she has long been accustomed to this journey and does not feel tired like others.

The area occupied by Yuyuan Shrine is naturally not as wide as those famous large and small shrines in the world.

However, the main shrine buildings, the three important facilities of the shrine, such as the main hall, the coin hall, and the worship hall, all exist.

It's just that it hasn't been renovated for too long, so it looks a little dilapidated.

After cleaning up at Mitarai, the hand water house, as usual, Yuuki Asuna walked straight to the main hall with her schoolbag on her shoulders.

In people's perception, this shrine is the place where gods live, but this is indeed the case.

"Lord God, I'm back."

As Yuuki Asuna's words fell, the hall where no one was enshrining the statue was suddenly covered with sacred bright yellow light, as if in a divine realm.

Then – the light converged towards the center, forming a golden figure.

I saw the figure waving casually, and the sacred light around it dissipated in the air like a broken mirror.

The golden-white light dissipated.

At this moment, a person appeared in front of Asuna Yuki, wearing something similar to Wearing an onmyoji's white hunting clothes, holding a pure white folding fan in his hand, a young man with an unblemished handsome appearance.

This is the god served by this shrine – Yuen

"Asuna came earlier today than yesterday."

A faint smile appeared on Yu Yuan's face, and his tone was very gentle, but not as arrogant as the legendary gods.

Every move was full of strange charm that cannot be expressed and described in human words.

Even if he is already very familiar with Yu Yuan , Yuuki Asuna will often suffer from brief spells of confusion because of this.

"There were no club activities today, so I came here early."

Yuki Asuna put down the schoolbag hanging on her shoulder and took out a box of fighting game CDs recently released in Tokyo.

"By the way, Lord God, this is the game you want. I went to the store to buy it early in the morning today."

Yuuki Asuna's tone was a bit resentful.

When she went to the game store this morning, she was accidentally spotted by a female student from the same school. You must know that the Neon Game Store not only sells this kind of fighting games, most of them are Yes, the plot line is GALGAME and pornographic games.

Therefore, it is difficult for a girl to enter a game store to buy games without being misunderstood.

Fortunately, the female student is not a talkative person and did not spread gossip in the school.

Otherwise, she would be today His mood was not as perfect as it is now.

The folding fan in Yu Yuan's hand turned into dots of light and disappeared into the air, and he took the game CD handed over by Asuna Yuki.

He stretched out his other hand lovingly , gently rubbed Yuuki Asuna's head.

"Asuna, thank you so much for your hard work."

"No…it's not hard, this is what I should do."

Yuki Asuna lowered her head slightly shyly, her little hands pinching the corners of her clothes at a loss.

Although she was often treated like this by gods when she was very young, after all, she is now a sixteen-year-old girl. She is being treated like this again. You will feel embarrassed to be treated like this, but of course, you are more happy than shy.

Unknowingly, Asuna has also grown up…

Noticing Yuki Asuna's shy look, Yuen felt that time was fast in her heart As time goes by, I can't help but sigh.

I remember that when I first met Yuki Asuna, she was still a little girl who could only bab and scream, being held by her parents.

Unknowingly, she had grown into a young girl..

After recovering from the sigh, Yu Yuan smiled slightly and asked:"Asuna, do you want to try this game together?"

There is a space in the main hall that is isolated from reality, which is where he usually lives.

There are computers, game consoles, etc., in short, all kinds of modern electronic equipment, and experiencing these games is one of Yu Yuan's few interests one

"Lord God, I really want to stay, but the homework assigned by the teachers of each subject today is a bit too much...."Yuuki Asuna looked a little disappointed.

If the homework could be a little less, she could stay with Kami-sama for a little longer.

"In this case, I can't stay."

As soon as the words changed, Yu Yuan suddenly said in a joking tone:"How about… let me help Asuna with her homework?"

"Mo~ Lord God, don't tease me!"Yuki Asuna rolled her eyes with some annoyance.

"Ding ding ding——"

Just then her cell phone rang. This was the alarm clock she had specially set before arriving at the shrine.

Yuuki Asuna took out her mobile phone from the inner pocket of her pleated skirt and turned off the noisy ringtone. She raised her head and said to Yuen with reluctance in her eyes.:

"Lord God, I must go back to do my homework now."

Every day, Yuuki Asuna has a plan.

When to do homework and when to finish homework, the time is all fixed.

It's not that Yuuki Asuna herself wants to do this, it's just that she has no choice.

As a person The eldest daughter of the Yuki family has many things arranged at home, such as practicing piano, etc. In short, you need to set aside time every day to deal with these things.

Yu Yuan nodded slightly:"Go, but remember to be careful on the way back, and pay more attention to intersections. careless"

"I got it!"

Yuki Asuna nodded seriously and put the schoolbag she had put down on her shoulder again.:"...Lord God, I will leave first."

"Be careful on the road."