
My Cultivation Journey To Immorality

A guy reincarnated into a modern cultivation world ruled by women just what kind of trouble will he stir up?

Preston_Shaw · 奇幻
5 Chs

Chapter 1

Why does life have to be so disappointing? Why do we have to live in a world where we can't do what we most desire?

I think about this quite often and to those who don't know or care my name is Kurt Swarts, I'm just your painfully average nobody.

You're probably thinking, what do you mean a nobody, well let me tell you.

I have no friends no social life nothing.

Never had them and most likely never will.

I live alone, have no family, and I am still a fucking virgin!

I never even kissed a girl before, let alone had a girlfriend!

I'm a scrawny little shrimp with the blandest-looking appearance and zero sex appeal.

I even have a tiny dick!

So yeah I am a nobody!

I've got nothing and will someday die and turn into nothing!

But thankfully whichever glorious God in this universe was about to change all of this.

Now without further introductions let's begin.


It all began on a regular day.

Kurt had recently turned 18 and was just a single day away from graduating high school.

In fact, he just finished the final exam for the year now all that was left for him was to put on his cap and gown, get his GED then head home.

So he can plan to go to whichever college would take a loser like him.

But just as he was in the locker room putting on his cap and gown for the upcoming graduation ceremony, something unexpected happened.

He slipped on something he had no idea what and cracked his head open on the floor.

Yeah, not exactly the best way to go.

Definitely not the coolest either.

Anyway, that's how he died and went to hell for fapping too much, or at least that was what should have happened right?

No instead of hell he woke up in a room lying on a soft bed with all white sheets.

"What the fuck! where am I?" Said Kurt in a deep masculine voice.

But wait a minute he didn't have a deep masculine voice!

The voice Kurt had now was deep and manly nothing like his original high-pitched squeaky voice.

What was going on right now?

'Did they get me to a hospital? No that didn't make any sense because I'm in a classroom!' Kurt thought as he frantically looked around the room.

He didn't understand what was going on but he knew he wasn't gonna stay here.

Kurt in a panic threw himself off the bed and ran over to the door but before he even touched the handle, the door swung open.

"Where do you think you're going!" yelled an angry feminine voice.

Kurt was understandably surprised by this and fell backward landing hard on his ass.

He groaned and looked up angrily at the woman who suddenly barged her way into the room.

Only to see a pair of massive tits looming over him.

'Holly shit! Those are some monsters! They gotta be H cups' Kurt thought as he stared intensely at the woman's pair of boobs.

The woman was tall with a pair of long legs, had wide hips, and was dressed in a nice blue blouse with pantyhose.

She had her long black hair tied in a bun, held a clipboard in her hands, and wore thick-framed glasses giving her sexy teacher vibes.

However, Kurt didn't notice anything else about the woman other than her tits which he still couldn't stop staring at.

The woman noticed his staring but instead of getting upset, giggled and gave Kurt a seductive grin.

"Hello, Kurt Hammer was it? In case you forgot there is still one final test to take before you graduate and that's the sexual portion of the exam so let's get to it stud!" said the woman licking her lips in anticipation.

She then picked Kurt up with a single hand and threw him back onto the bed a few feet away, like he weighed nothing at all.

Kurt had no idea why she called his last name hammer, how she did that, or what she meant by a sexual exam but more importantly why did she call him a stud?

Nervous and puzzled he fumbled around on the bed as the woman approached him, moving as slowly as she could while taking off her clothes.

Kurt didn't know what was happening anymore but his john sure did as he was rocking a full hard-on right now.

Kurt embarrassingly looked down at his crotch expecting to see his pathetic four incher poking out, only to be shocked at what he saw.

First of all, all that Kurt was wearing was a white bathrobe.

Second of all, his body was no longer skinny and pasty but instead muscular and bronzed.

But most important of all his dick was huge!

'I don't...get what is...what?!' Kurt was beyond confused right now he was downright stupefied.

Nothing made sense anymore! But Kurt didn't even have time to think as the woman had finished undressing and was dripping wet at this point.

"I'm ready, let's go handsome!" said the horny woman, now wearing nothing except her pantyhose.

Kurt was unsure of a lot of things right now but he did know one thing.

He was gonna be in for a crazy ride.