
MY COUNTRY: The fate of a young mother

My country [A suffering young mother] Synopsis. When a young school teacher needs money to pay for her child's critical condition which surgery was needed,she seeks help from a dubious man to raise the money, then she will have to face dark consequences. This story, is all plotted in Nigeria. Will this woman, make it through the dark consequences? Will she loose her daughter?? How will life be for her?? Let's read this interesting story to find out.

Testimony_Elman · 现代言情
4 Chs

Small bullet

"what to do about what?" A voice said...

Matt came in view with his whole gang, all dressed up baggy dirty clothes. Some had bandanas on their head while some had cigarettes in their mouth.

Matt had dreads on, and his face was designed with few scars. He had a stone like face and a mascular body. His muscles were something else and his walking steps were very intimidating.

Jane's mum wasted no time in intervening

"Matt my beloved!" Shae said and pulled him in for a hug.

"Momma! How are you?" Matt said

"See me now, I'm fine" Jane's mum said while using her hands to show her body.

"Big Bros, how are you?" Jane asked.

"Big sis!" Matt said and pulled her in for a hug.

"You've come, welcome. See how you are looking good" Matt teased.

"Thank you" Jane said and smiled.

"Your body is telling me that baby bullet is trying." Matt said.

"He is really trying. without him, I wouldn't have graduated, and serve" Jane said, and they all laughed.

Matt averted his gaze to Felix who had been quiet all this while.

"Who is this?" Matt asked. Jane's mum was quick to answer.

"He his Felix, Jane's school mate."

"Hi...." Before Felix could finish his statement, Matt interrupted.

"What are you looking for here?" Matt asked.

"Uhmm, he forgot his texts book, so....he came to collect it." Jane quickly answered.

Matt scanned him from the crown to the sole, before walking to him. He placed his hand on his shoulder and said.

"My guy, what is your agenda?"

"No.... Agen...da I.. I .. don't have a..ny agenda.." Felix stammered fearfully.

" This book matter that we are talking about, it might be a style that you wanna use to enter my sister, sake that you like her." Matt said.

"No, it's not like that, I'm not doing anything." Felix shivered while talking.

"You are too big for my sister, let me get this straight, you like my sister." Matt said

"No.. yes .. yes I like her but as a friend. I ... I'm... Just as as a friend. I don't wanna be in a relationship with her." Felix stammered.

Matt palmed Felix shoulders and one of Matt men blew out the cigarettes smoke at Felix face, making Felix to cough a bit.

"I'm a guy like you. I know where you are, but you see this my sister, she's my senior sister. I don't use her to play at all." Matt said.

"At all." Mortuary who was one of Matt's men added.

"Are you hearing me? If you fuck her up, the whole army, navy, police, mention them, in this republic, will not be able to save you. Are you hearing me?" Matt said.

Felix simply nodded. Matt then turned to his mother.


"Yes my son."

"I brought gift for you." Matt said and stretched out his hands with a bundle of money in it.

"Oh my son, any time I see you,I know that something good is coming." Jane's mum said while smiling.

"I heard that we have visitors, that is why I came to pay homage. Take care of yourself, I'll be going now." Matt said.

"Less I forget, reverend said that he wants to see you." Jane's mum said.

"Kpako! (meaning local or fake)for what na, anyways, I will see him." Matt said and turned his back to leave.

Then he remembered something and turned to Jane.

"Big sis, is there any problem? What to do about what?." He asked.

Jane looked at him blankly trying to find a suitable lie. That was when Felix chipped in.

"About serving in the east."

"Yes" "yes" Jane and her mum said together.

"She wants to do something about traveling to Lagos." Felix further stated.

Matt turned to look at Felix, and then back to Jane with a questioning look.

"Yes, I want to transfer to the east."

"Are you sure?" He asked.


"So there's no problem? In that case, I'll take my leave." He said and moved with his squad.

"Mama mama! Mama mama!, Don't worry, we will see you later." A girl from Matt's squad hyped.

"See how they are fine. God please guide them for me." Jane's mum said as they stormed out of the house.

*******An open field in kabume*******

A man in white robe, which was a dress for reverend father's, walked up to the corner of the field.

It was considered as a field not just because it had grasses or so, but because that was where boys played soccer.

He waited there for a long time before Matt sighted him and ran to him.

"Ah.!! Father, three gun shots for you. How are you? My mother said you wanted to see me, 'oya na' (means different things but in this case , it means okay) I've come."

"Your mum is worried about you, and here you are playing football."

"She's not supposed to be worried about me, I do take care of her." Matt said.

"Are you taking care of yourself?" The reverend asked.

"Ah!!! Rev, check me out. I'm forever gallant." Matt said while turning, so that the reverend can see him closely.

"Matt, there is a path that seems right unto a man, but the end of it is destruction. Refrain from your ways Matt."

"First of all, I'm small bullet not Matt, secondly is it because of that that my mum is panicking, I am strong, well fit and built, God is with me." Matt said.

"And that same God said I should warn you. Matt, what have suddenly become of you. You used to be my brightest student in Sunday school classes. Now look at you."

"Rev, God is too slow. He didn't even walk, talk less of run. God is not fast at all. see government, our leader is a block head. How then do we survive? We need money for our basic needs. All these are not gist so stop squeezing your face.

If I have just one hit tomorrow,and bring a good tithe to the church, won't you pray for me?" Matt said.

"God forbid." The reverend simply said.

Just then, a girl from Matt's squad, came to meet him.

"Boss, mortuary is calling."

Matt picked up the phone.

" Mortuary how far?"

"Boss, there is one of my guy, he is a driver for a commissioner's child. He just called me and told me that his boss is carrying a whole lot of money to their house right now."

"Correct!" Matt shouted.

"The guy just texted me now that they will soon leave the bank."

"What road are they taking?" Matt asked

" Road sixty six."

"That's even a good road to rask them.

All you have to do now, is to assemble guys. We will join you guys soon." Matt said and ended the call.

"Babes, let's go" Matt said while facing the girls, and walked out of the reverend.