
My Bothersome Life

I was captured and put onto a stake to be lit on fire as part of the ongoing witch hunt conducted throughout the land. I had to do something. But, this life really sucked. This all started when I was accidentally killed by God. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you. It was just that I was overworked lately by my superior and I just wanted some time to relax and vent my stress out," he confessed. "So, while I was snacking, I accidentally dropped one potato chip into the human realm where the child tripped over the potato chip onto a den of steep stairs." God guilty admitted. So I reincarnated into the most adorable girl with the largest orange-speckled eyes that contrasted her pale white skin void of any imperfections. 'How could someone look this pretty?' I thought as I admired my new appearance. I was nowhere close to this pretty in my previous life. Did God put me into this new vessel as an apology? But some things were too good to be true. *** "We can do this the nice way or the hard way," My fiancé’s brother started off. "The nice way is where you willingly come with us back to the first district and the hard way is where we forcibly take you back, which would be hard for all of us," Lucius gave me a warning. Why was my life so depressing? He practically meant I didn’t have a choice! *** Few months later, I was at a party that I planned to escape from my fiancé’s family. "I still get to continue with my naps on the weekends?" I tried to confirm with them. No one answered as I almost cried from giving up my rare nap times from the mess I got involved with. This life was too bothersome!

hye4654 · 奇幻言情
703 Chs

Fantasies are Not Reality (3)

"Eliza, you really don't want to do this," a familiar girl was trying to pull away someone in the garden.

How did someone manage to trespass the stringent barriers to get here? I knew how much security there was near the gates to keep certain people in and out of the mansion. I gasped as the two of them managed to disguise themselves as servants. It was the same idea I used in the past. How did they perfectly replicate the uniform that the Roselia family had changed after my previous escape?

"You really don't want to do this," I joined her.

"The Roselia family are really scary people," I warned the both of them.

They froze, looking up at me who was on the balcony. I stiffened as the twin sisters with their luscious ash brown hair were tied up in a bun. My head throbbed as I remembered meeting them in the third district. The girl called Eliza was the one who played a cruel prank on me, trying to kill me in the process. She had also followed us to the hotel that Luke and I stayed in back then.

"You!" Eliza remembered me as well.

"Luke isn't here anyways. He left a few hours ago to someplace near here," I hoped they wouldn't get caught.

Although I still had a grudge against Eliza, I had nothing against her twin sister who tried to save me from her. I placed my light novels on the table to jump off the balcony to join them. I lightly stepped on the ground in front of us to lead them out. However, Eliza slapped my hand away, refusing my offer.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands," she turned her head.

"I apologize for my sister," the other girl shot me a look to forgive her sister.

"Ever since your partner visited her school, he was all she could think of," she explained.

Checking up how I was doing, my marble rang to show it was a call from Luke. This was an extremely bad timing as he wouldn't be pleased to figure out that we had unwanted guests. But at the same time, if I didn't accept the call, I would be the one in trouble. He would immediately come back to the mansion.

"Hide!" I showed them I was about to accept the call.

The girl dragged Eliza to hide behind the bushes as she refused to listen to her. I gulped before trying to act that things were as normal as possible. I walked to position the camera away from them before I smiled. Luke studied where I was from looking at the scenery.

"I'm just exploring the garden," I explained.

"But you don't like the garden that much," Luke knew me too well.

"I changed my mind," I picked a rose from the ground.

It was true that I would rather spend my time indoors to relax on the couch while stuffing myself with desserts. I rarely visited the garden since I was used to how everything was perfectly arranged. What was I supposed to do with a bunch of flowers?

"Let me go!" Eliza's muffled voice came from the bushes.

"Is there someone there?" Luke stiffened when he heard her voice.

"How would anyone pass through the gates?" I avoided his eyes.

This was bad. I could already see he was contemplating on whether to return to the mansion. His eyes were full of suspicion as I brightly smiled to cover for her mistake. There was no way Luke would leave them alone for trespassing his house.

"Let me see him!" Eliza rustled the bushes.

"Keep it down! He's going to figure out at this rate," I spun to their direction after blocking the camera with my hand.

"Figure out what Rika?" He heard my voice.

My jaw almost dropped as I forgot to mute myself. At least there was no physical proof of them here. I could make up anything I wanted as long as it made sense. I continued to smile like nothing was wrong, "nothing. There's nothing for you to figure out."

"It was just one of the servants," I quickly made up an excuse.

"I didn't place any of the servants in the garden at this time," his eyes narrowed.

"It was one of the servants' pets that can talk!" I recalled how some animals here were very intelligent.

"And none of the servants has pets," he pointed out how they were all highly programmed robots.

"What if I said I was just escorting some unexpected visitors out?" I gave up.

I stiffened when the girl wasn't able to hold her sister down anymore. Eliza popped up from the bushes right where the camera could record her. Wearing servant uniforms, they seemed more suspicious than ever. Her sister joined her as she jumped at her to bring her back down. It was obvious Luke was thinking of them as trespassers now as they used the same thinking I had to leave the mansion.

"I know them. They're from the third district where we had our first mission!" I decided to reveal.

Luke seemed to recall Eliza, who had followed him the closest in front of the other girls. His crazy fan who admired him with all her fantasies inside her head. He had no way of knowing she was the one behind the prank as I decided to keep it hidden.

"Your crazy stalker fan followed you all the way here to the point she figured out the servant's uniforms," I sighed.