
My Best Friend is the Demon King

What would it be like...if you suddenly had a stranger as a roommate.....however he's a 2000 year old demon that possesses many abilities that are frankly......well WEIRD and seems to make your life worse rather than easier when random monsters,creatures and demons barge into your life and carry on a war that began over a millennium ago?........I guess that's my life now......(Some one save me)

Jason_Antwi · 奇幻
17 Chs

The Demon's Shadow.

"Huh? What'd you say?!" "Tsk..Shut UP! LET'S JUST GO!!", Junichiro said, pouting whilst pushing Diavolo along with him. They reached his apartment in a short time after. " You know you have to shower right?" Junichiro stared at him blindly. " Sh-Shower?", Diavolo just down at him and Junichiro let out a deep sigh."Just get in here,throw some of this shampoo on and turn that knob and just soak in the water a little bit, but hurry up...I want to shower too." After a few minutes, Diavolo still wasn't out of the bathroom and Junichiro was a little confused. "Hey I told you to hurry it up in there-- what the hell are you doing ▪︎▪︎▪︎!" Just as his hand reached for the door, it flew open and Diavolo was standing just an inch away from him. His body was still glistening with the water from the shower and his wet hair draped all over his face. Junichiro froze up completely as his face turned as red as a tomato. "Why do you keep staring at me?--Is something wrong with my face??" "Mmhnn•••...shut UP and wipe yourself off!!", Junichiro blurted out nervously as he shoved a towel in his hands." Diavolo just blinked aimlessly and began to wipe his body off with it. Junichiro rushed into the shower to catch his breath. "Really--this guy has no manners! Parading his build like that...I can look like him too I just don't have the time.....,Anyways..." Junichiro began to strip before getting into the shower. Right when he was in the middle of washing off,Diavolo burst in,held him close and covered his mouth. The shower wasn't exactly huge,so his body was lightly brushing against Diavolo and Junichiro just wanted to die. With his muffled voice he tried to call Diavolo out but He gestured him to be quiet. They were in that same position for a few seconds before he let him go."WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, YOU WEIRDO!! YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT AND--" "It was here....." "Huh?What are you talking about? "A demon.....A demon was here....."