
My Beautiful Master Is A Yandere

Yan Shun. The Eldest Brother Of The Divine Sword Peak. Or...the weakest of the Divine Sword Peak. All four of his Junior Sisters hated him to the bone. The reason? He really doesn't know... He only tried to save them, but that always led to a big problem which made him look like the bad guy... And if he's the bad guy...obviously, there's a hero... He didn't know...but it seemed that the world was always against him... But, his fate changed... When, Luo Xueying, his beautiful master... Confessed to him... "Beloved disciple... Truth be told... I... I love you~!" [The Affection System Has Been Activated!] "Uhh...?" . . . Addition Tags: Anti-Hero MC, Beautiful Heroine, Calm MC, Devoted Lover, Extremely Handsome MC, Reverse Rape, No-Yuri, No-NTR, Mature Beauties, Divine Goddesses, Immortal Goddesses, Yandere, Demonic Goddesses, Witches, Immortal Fairies, Ancient Beauties, Unparalleled Sect Masters, Evil Empress, Gorgeous Empresses, Battle Between Harem, Yandere Harem

LuknameFanfics · 漫画同人
55 Chs

My Master Is Now My Girlfriend...?

As he walked towards his Master's residence, the peak of the Divine Sword Peak, he couldn't help but feel his heart starting to beat faster...

Although, he may seem like a bad person, after all... the world is pretty much against him...

He's still pure!

He never actually kissed someone!

"Haaaaaa... Calm down! You can do this!" Yan Shun took a deep breath, calming down his nerves.

But, even after taking a few breaths...he couldn't simply calm down!

After all...his Master had a very special position!

One of the Divine Fairies!

The strongest in the Holy Land Of The Beginning!

The Sword Goddess!

What if the sect was against their relationship!?

And what about her enemies!?

Yan Shun could actually become their target!

"Ugh... just take a deep breath and calm yourself," Yan Shun murmured, trying to untangle the knots of his racing thoughts.

Summoning his last reserves of resolve, he rapped gently on the door...


"Shun'er... The door is unlocked..." A voice, soft as a whispered secret, floated from within.

As the door swung open, there stood his Master, bathed in moonlight, adorned in a silk nightgown that draped like stardust.

A symbol of beauty unfurled before him, and he couldn't help but be captivated.

The faintest tinge of pink brushed her cheeks, a testament to the flames that danced beneath her composed exterior.

His heart tightened, caught in the rapture of the moment.

His gaze lingered, tracing the lines of her figure, but he swiftly shut his eyes...

'Compose yourself!' He urged inwardly, as if repeating an incantation to calm his fluttering heart.

"Mas... Huff... Master... I stand before you to answer your confession," He spoke with a voice as tender as a whisper, his heart a drum in his chest, threatening to shatter it.

Yet, he wasn't alone in his tempest of emotion.

With Yan Shun's words, Luo Xueying's heart galloped, each beat a thunderous echo of her feelings.

The world seemed to spin as her heart sought its escape route, her legs involuntarily tensing beneath her.

Though Yan Shun's new look was apparent, it was unimportant at this instant.

This was a moment that transcended mere appearances.

"And...? What is your response?" Her question trembled on her lips, an inquiry tinged with a blush that she tried to hide by looking downward.

For her, this threshold was monumental.

Like Yan Shun, she was pure.

No man had breached her boundaries; even a father's touch had never strayed into her world.

Yan Shun had been the one to bridge that gap…

With Yan Shun inching closer, bridging the gap between them, he offered a smile as though presenting a cherished gift.

His touch against her cheek was a feather-light caress, and his words, dripping with sweetness and devotion, flowed like a serene melody...

"Master... my heart resonates with yours... I...Love You..."

Time seemed to hold its breath as their souls stood bare beneath the moon's tender gaze.

And then...

Beneath the soft moonlight's caress...

His Master's face, as if sculpted with the gentlest touch, radiated an otherworldly light.

Her lips, painted a passionate shade of red, drew ever closer to his own...


Yan Shun experienced something magical – the tender press of his Master's lips against his own...

The touch was gentle, yet it felt like a jolt of sweet electricity, their heartbeats harmonizing into a single melody.

In that exquisite moment, the universe seemed to hold its breath, giving their love a canvas as vast as the sky...

As she finally pressed her lips against her beloved's...

Luo Xueying's eyes shimmered with teardrops, a testament to her overflowing emotions...

Since their earliest days, an unexpected closeness had tied them together...

A bond so strong that it led her to bring him to the Sect, even though she knew his talent was mediocre...

When Yan Shun believed she was secluded in cultivation...

She was by his side, watching over him...

Her tear-kissed face held a mixture of vulnerability and adoration...

The soft touch of her disciple's lips against her own felt like the realization of a cherished dream...

Amidst these swirling emotions, she knew about the complications of this relationship...

Yet, in her heart, those concerns faded, overshadowed by her unwavering love for Yan Shun...

She didn't even care if the whole world could go against them...

To her, he was the sole focus, the man who had captured her heart completely, who was worthy of being her lover.

Their lips parted with a gentle slowness, and right before Yan Shun's face materialized a hologram, but he didn't let it bother him...

At this moment, his Master was all that truly counted...

Indeed, the focal point of his world should be none other than his Master...

Sporting the softest of smiles, he delicately brushed away the tears that graced his Master's cheeks, yet her teardrops showed no sign of abating...

Foreheads met as their hands intertwined...

"Shun'er..." Her voice, soft and sweet, called out to him.

"Yes... Mas... No... Ying'er?" He tenderly spoke her name, a wide grin illuminating his face.

Luo Xueying's cheeks flushed with even deeper embarrassment, yet something changed after that kiss with Yan Shun – she felt a sense of belonging, finally.

"I... Love... You..." Her hold on his hand tightened, words resonating with her profound emotions.

"I love you too, Ying'er," he replied softly.

In that very instant, their lips united once more...


This time, it was Luo Xueying who took the lead, pressing Yan Shun beneath her as they tumbled into a passionate embrace, lips lingering in tender contact.

Her heart seemed to burst with exhilaration as their lips met...


'Shun'er~♥... I Love You~~♥...'

'I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...I Love You~~♥...'

'You're Mine~~♥ For All Eternity~~♥♥♥!'

[Ding~~! Luo Xueying's Affection Grade Has Reached Obsession!]

Lying upon the bed, Luo Xueying found herself atop Yan Shun, their legs interwoven in a tender embrace...

Delicately, she traced circles upon his chest, a gesture of reluctance to release him from her hold...

"Mas... Ying'er?" His voice, a gentle whisper, reached out to her.

"Yes, Darling~♥~?" Her response was painted with a sweet, affectionate smile.

"Um... so, you're my Girlfriend now, right?" He inquired, a hint of uncertainty tinging his words...

After all, he needed to confirm... he was new to this kind of thing...

Luo Xueying simply affirmed his question with a nod, seeking solace by resting her head upon his chest...

"Darling~♥~ I have another question... How did your appearance transform so profoundly?" She inquired, her curiosity unabated...

"I don't know... I only recall consuming some sort of herb..."

"Alright~~♥!" She harbored not a shred of doubt.

Yet, as her gaze settled upon his lips, memories of their sweet, comfortable kisses surged back...

A fierce desire to taste them once more overwhelmed her...


She couldn't help back and just kissed him...


However, she got a little bit too excited...

She started to use her tongue to attack Yan Shun's mouth...

They were both new to this thing...

However, they quickly got onto it...

—Smack~♥! Chuuh~~ Churup♥...Churp~~♥!

They exchanged saliva, sucked each other's tongues...

They tried everything...

And as their lips parted...


A bridge of saliva could be seen between their two wet tongues.

"Haaaaaa~~♥" Luo Xueying took deep breaths, steadying herself.

"Huff...huff..." And so did Yan Shun...

As their gazes locked...Yan Shun was about to kiss his beautiful master once again...but...they were interrupted.

Luo Xueying's Communication Jade started to ring...and immediately she checked the message...

She wanted to continue her session with her beloved after all...

However, her face frowned as soon as she saw the same message, she looked at Yan Shun for a moment...


She kissed his lips for a moment, before vanishing...

"Darling♥! I'll be back... I just have some things to do~! Wait for me~♥!" Were her words before she left...

At that moment...

Yan Shun closed his eyes, as he murmured to himself...

"My Master Is Now My Girlfriend...?"

A big smile spread across his face as he confirmed that same fact...

"Oh! I forgot about the System!" He exclaimed as he had completely forgotten about the System...

He now can get his rewards!

"Claim the rewards!"

[Ding~~! Rewards from the target 'Luo Xueying' being claimed!]


You have received...

Top-Notch Sword Talent!

Top-Notch Sword Comprehension!

The Throne Sword - Dawn Of The Night!]

[Ding~~! Rewards are being implanted...]

At that single moment...Yan Shun felt his mind becoming clearer...

As if he was in a hot spring...relaxing...

[Ding~~! Rewards Implanted!]

[The Throne Sword - Dawn Of The Night was stored in the inventory!]

Eager to test his new talent, Yan Shun, stepped outside his Master's abode and grabbed his training sword...

A sword made out of a special kind of wood!

As he felt the sword in his hand...it was like...there was a special connection between him and the sword...

And unconsciously, he started performing the Clear Sky Sword Art...

Before, he could only use the first Sword of that same art...and this art's grade was only Spirit!

The worst before Human Grade!

But now...he easily performed the Clear Sky Sword Art...and as he performed it...he even corrected its mistakes...

And the Clear Sky Sword Art...could be now...instead of a Low Spirit Grade...a Peak Spirit Grade...

Gu Youwei, Yan Shun's First Senior Sister, strolled the pathways of the Divine Sword Peak, her steps measured and deliberate...

However, a serene breeze caught her attention, its calming touch prompting astonishment to ripple through her.

"What an aura of purity... Could it be Master's Sword?" Her thoughts pondered aloud.

Against all expectations, her feet carried her toward that very same tranquil zephyr...

And upon arriving, her eyes widened, and a gasp of disbelief escaped her slightly parted lips...

"Eldest Senior Brother!?"

I Love My Writing~!

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