
My Apocalypse System : Incubus Lineage at start

Albert travelled through the world of apocalypse , Zombies and Monsters are rampant and The human has dominance over less than 5% of the world land . Awakening the incubus system in the last days , Albert did nothing but continuously increase his charm . It wasn't until his charm reached full level that he realised , Things are different from what he thought. Human women don't even feel a shred of feeling of him . Till one day Albert left the city for the first time , he found out he had more than one cheat and the secrets of his 'Incubus lineage' [ Congratulations to the host for successfully enslaving a 'C' Rank monster : Incubi ( Female ) . Obtained : 500 spiritual values ] [ Congratulations to host for successfully summoning a 'D' rank undead : Dire wolf ( undead attributes) . Obtained : 500 Mana value ] [ Congratulations to the host for successfully creating an army of '100000' undead . Reward : a lottery .... Or do you need another cheat????? ] Looking at His harem full of Monster and Zombie girls , followed by his undead empire . Albert replied : " No need "

Saltedfish_me · 奇幻
14 Chs

Chapter 13 : Lily Vs Diana, Instant kill

" What's the matter darling, do you really not want this child ? " Seeing Albert's mouth twitching from time to time, Lily can't help but have weird thoughts in her mind.

He might have accepted her wholeheartedly but the matter of a child is still too sudden and it's natural for him to have a hard time in figuring out what to do.

But if the current him is not ready to bear the responsibility of a parent, she can only get rid of the germinated seeds in her womb and may try to conceive an offspring on a later date.

Though her initial objective was to use Albert to have a healthy and strong child but if this child comes between their relationship then, she can only be sorry for the child and get rid of it before it can completely crystallize.

After all, in her impression if the new children can't become the proof of love between the two, they are no different from the mindless slave that her previous shells had given birth to.

" Fool ! How can I not want a child with you? You are my 'wife' and woman, it's not too late for me to ask you to give birth to plenty of my children, not to mention One is far from enough. " Sensing Lily must be thinking something weird, Albert hurriedly flickered on her forehead and began to coax her in a gentle tone. Looking in his eyes even Lily can sense the joy hidden in it and receiving his approval, a big boulder seems to have shokeen off from her heart, as she smiled and said with a doting face.

"If darling don't hate it, then I am willing to give you thousands of strong and powerful children. And Unlike Humans, all of them will have a higher a potential and lifespan, they can accompany us for a long time. "

Although her words were sugar coated and flattering him but Albert noticed she was actually reluctant to let him go back to humanity and is full of insecurity if he will leave her alone.

"Lily !! You don't need to have any superficial thoughts. The most beautiful human woman is not necessarily as beautiful as you. What's more your own potential is several times higher than people of other races. There is no reason for a lonely person like me to leave you. "

" Secondly, I really want to create our own family, please help me find a suitable land on the surface, the underground world is a bit too dump and it might not necessarily be a good place for the hybrid children. " Albert looked thoughtful for a moment and comforted her with great enthusiasm.

Hearing this Lily seems to have calmed down and nodded her head silently, his words aren't without a base. The child between a peak level Monster and Demon has never been heard before and because of lack of information there is a serious need for several precautions.

" I think I know about a very good place. " Lily Whispered and Albert smiled in response.

At this time, the two of them were already too tired and wanted to rest for a while as with the tactical understanding they stopped talking but their eyes weren't even closed half-way that the ground began to shook violently.

If not for the cave being several hundred metres below the ground due to which the effect reached here is minimum otherwise Albert has no confidence in surviving an underground cave collapse on his own.

The most amount of damage that he has suffered is also just some dust particles falling in his eyes and nothing more than that.

Soon he discovered that the ants on the surroundings corridors and long paths have all gathered here and moving their antennae they are trying to express their thoughts about something.

It took a few seconds before Lily shut them down and using her skill tried to contact the ants on the upper level tunnels and ground and finally got to know that there is an enemy attack and a very strong group of Awakener has appeared here to 'kill' her.

Lily was shocked at first, then a trace of murderous intent past her eyes and taking a deep sigh, she stood up from the bed and stretched out her jade hand in the air, the next moment the door of the wooden almirah burst opened and an oversized cloak flew over to her side and without wasting a single second, Lily tightly wrapped it around her body.

The cloak was blue in colour, it was neater and elastic than any other clothes in Lily's collection and with it's abnormal durability, tearing it with a knife or sword seems impossible. But the most important point is not this, the second Lily put around the cloak, the whole thing turned into a liquid and after a moment of pause, it transform into a Lady's full body combat suit and only her head was sticking out of it.

" Lily !! "

Seeing this Albert frowned but he knows the facts, the ground above the surface has vibrated with a heavy impact and Lily seems to know the reason behind but because his strength must not be upto the standards, she thought of leaving him here for safety purpose.

" Don't worry Darling, there are only a group of weak awakeners on the other sides, they must have come from city A to test my strength, it's no big deal and usually happens on a regular basis. "

" Then, why are you wearing a combat uniform ? "

" I can't think of any reason to show my naked body to a man other than my husband. " Lily looked at him with a speechless face but then with a confident expression she continued,

"Anyways, this group of weak chickens is no different from children fighting against me, it would be better if they have brought any A ranked awakeners, I can loosen my hands on them for disturbing our two people's world but what a pity, other than that old man 'Ted', there is no one who can reach it in a nearby place. "

Albert's mouth suddenly twitch with a unbelievable look. Ant Queen's own rank is B class and she is assuring him that fighting several A rank is no big deal for her.

But when he thought about it again, he can be sure that Lily has tens of thousands of years worth memories and using the experience as a base she can burst out with a force far stronger than her own stats.

As for the fact that Lily wore an uniform, he felt embarrassed because he has always that she usually stays without clothes, but it turns out all of this was a special privilege belonging to him from the very start.

He took a deep breath, standing up from the bed he comes closer to her side and take a deep look in her eyes.

" I naturally believe your words but you see the current me is also not a human and I must learn battle tactics and the likes from watching the battle between you and other humans, lest one day when I will be hunted down by a group of human and because of no prior combat knowledge, I might be beaten to a paste by low ranked awakeners. "

Lily wanted to refuse at the moment, but with a pause she thought about it and after convincing herself nodded her head.

" You have a point then, follow me but you can only watch everything from some distance. "

Saying she left for a tunnel like passage and after a few minutes came back with dozens of male clothes for Albert, he was still naked at the moment and she can't possibly bring him out in such a embarrassing state.

Moments Later, Albert wear a black shirt and matching pants, the top two buttons of the shirt were left open showing his perfect chest line. The black tail's transformation was turned off and only a pair of goat horns were left on top of his head. Because removing his horns will turn his appearance back to Albert's original face and Albert with a demonic transformation has a slight facial difference with his normal looks.

It's just to prevent others from knowing that Albert is still alive because by this time several reports might have been passed to higher level management regarding his death by Man-eating ants and in such situations if he goes back alive, they might kill him for knowing Ant Queen's secret.

Sometimes the enemy is not a person of foreign origins but your own family.

Lily looked at his attire with satisfaction, this is her man who is countless times more beautiful than any other male creature on earth.

Soon, she brought him to a tunnel that directly leads to the ground and had a staircase made of stones for their convenience to climb up.

Of course, this is only limited to the two of them, the regular ants had no such aesthetic needs for a proper staircase, they can climb anywhere and anytime with ease, the stairway only delays their original speed.

After five minutes of straight rushing both of them got out of the hole like entrance and found out that time was still in the afternoon as the scorching sun was hovering over their head continuously burning the land with heat in the middle of afternoon.

Perhaps, it was because there were several other people standing at this place with a cold expression on their faces that the sun's heat doesn't seem to have affected them much but rather a tense atmosphere was created because from now on whatever happens is not a child's play but serious workout.

Just as the two of them came out of the entrance, Albert's eyes fell on a petite figure with shoulder length blonde hairs, short blue skirt and white shirt with matching blue jacket, and like him she has also noticed Albert's existence which she was previously completely unaware of and in an instant a nameless fire rose in her heart, in a fit of rage taking a jump, her leg appeared beside his face with a thunderous movement , ready to hit and sent him flying far away.

Even though, Albert had his attributes soared by several times in a very short period of time, he was self-aware that he wasn't her Opponent, even blocking this single kick can cost his life and other than believing Lily will not let him suffer any harm he has no choice as he pretended to be calm.

But because the momentum of that kick was so strong and the speed was lightning fast, his body reflexives automatically raised his elbow to guard his head.

" Weak chicke..." The blonde Loli sneered but the next moment her expression changed slightly as Lily held her leg in the mid-air and giving a kick on the stomach, threw her away at a distance of more than several dozen metres.

" Hehehe Queen, you fell for it. " The Loli seems to have expected this kind of situation as with an evil smile she stabilises her falling figure and raising her palm, shoots out several football-sized fireballs with a density higher than any other kind of flames on earth.

Seeing his vision being engulfed by densely packed fire balls falling towards them, Albert gasped for a moment. Almost doubting his own eyes, he wondered if this is something a human can do.

There is no battle tactics but only blind fire.

Surrounded by the fireballs in every direction, Lily didn't even panic but covering Albert behind her back, she punched out in the air and caused a strong wave that pushed all those fireballs back to their owner's direction.

Seeing her own coming attack back to her, Loli's laughter stopped abruptly and even a trace of fear appeared in her crimson colored eyes.

This one move has almost drained her of mana and Ant Queen solved it so easily, not to mention throwing it back to her. Does this woman not follow Marital ethics ?

The moment she landed on the ground she was bombarded by Several fireballs at once, the rest of them fell around her creating a dust wall and blinding everyone else's vision.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, Loli's injured figure appeared in everyone's sight. Although she is not hurt to the point of dying but the wounds and burn marks on her entire body are also not low and even the corners of her skirt has almost turned into ash, leaving a white colour male's trousers in everyone's view.

Seeing how loli was beaten back and forth within a short amount of time, her five companion looks at her with a trace of pity and someone even has some strange thoughts.

" This Ant Queen is so strong and even Diana is not qualified to be her opponent. Obviously, she has trained hard and used use us her practised dummies for several months before coming here and strength has naturally reached the breakthrough limit of a C -rank awakeners, but this much strength didn't last against her for a few seconds. "

" That's what you guys are worried about ? I think we should pay attention to her strange hobbies otherwise I guess at this rate she will also join our single dogs union in a few more years. "

"I really mean to know why a lady wearing a man's underwear while fighting against others, isn't showing panties occasionally during or after the fight feminine way. "

Listening to her companion's friendly taunts, Diana remains completely indifferent, her strength is really not good as Ant Queen even most of her party members can suppress her with ease but because of her identity they dare not.

However, she is an open minded person. If she had lost then, it's lost she will not retort to smearing dirt after the fight, even if she wants to act dirty and cheap then, it will be during battle but not after it.

But not being able to land a kick or slaps on Albert's face made her uncomfortable and there was some regret in her heart of missing a good opportunity. After all, with such an incident happening even once will make Ant Queen's vigilance rise up by a lot and remembering a certain not so old incident made her grit her teeth in annoyance but seeing Albert was looking at her underwear with a dumbfounded expression, her face slightly turned red.

" Ant Queen, I thought it was a misunderstanding on my part but to think you really break my property for a man and to protect him you beat the pulp out of me... How am I supposed to forget this bitter experience ? "

Lily didn't pay attention to her words and crossing her arms she remained indifferent.

In her eyes, this loli named Diana's anger is almost meaningless. First of all, the property she had destroyed belongs to Diana's grandfather as his military office, it clearly had nothing to do with Diana currently and Secondly, Albert is her man it's her duty to protect him at all cost. Why is this woman so unreasonable and noisy ?