
Mushoku Tensei: A Beast Girl's New Journey

This is the story of three girls who came back from an anime convention, went to sleep and woke up as dog beast girls in another world. Each of them was saved by young magician boy and they all serve allegiance to him as the story progresses. Note: The covers of my book were not mine.

Good_Doggo2001 · 漫画同人
38 Chs

The Moment We Meet Again

[Saga POV]

After Rudeus invited me to the inn, we entered the room where he stays in and prompted me to take a seat on a chair. He walks towards his bed and begin a conversation with me.

"First of all, I want to thank you for accompanying me, Saga"

"It's no problem, my lord. I'm happy for your companionship"

Rudeus bowed his head as he showed his gratitude to me, so I happily accepted it with a smile. This made him happy as well, which is a good thing to see.

"I also want to apologize again for the whole family quarrel earlier"

"My lord, I already told you that I forgive you, and I hope you can resolve that someday"

Rudeus bowed his head again while apologizing for the argument he had with his father in the bar, so I tried my best to comfort him when I saw his melancholy expression.

"Anyway, let's forget about the bad stuffs and let's move on to the good ones"

"Yes, my lord. What do you wish to talk about?"

"Well, let's see. How about we talk about ourselves"

"I understood, let's do that"

Rudeus and I then proceed to exchange information about our lives and we learned several things about each other.

Firstly. I learned that Rudeus was reincarnated after he died from the previous world and ever since then, he was living in this world with a new identity and a second life.

However, he told me that he got teleported away to a faraway continent a year ago, and was currently traveling his way back home.

Moreover, he also has companions accompanying him in his journey, but they were currently doing their own business today.

On the other hand, I told Rudeus that I used to be a cosplayer in an anime convention and have a habit of eating a lot of foods in my free time.

I also told him that I got into this world after I took a nap in the previous world and I don't know how did that happened.

"I see, so you are the same as her"

"What do you mean, my lord?"

"You have the same fate as Ceobe"


Upon hearing that name, I feel a sense of familiarity as if I already knew who this person is.

"Saga, is something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine. Although-"


As I was talking to Rudeus, the door of the room suddenly open and then a familiar face appeared on the other side of the doorway.

"It's you!"


[Ceobe POV]

After several minutes of escorting Therese and the blonde girl through the forest, we finally made it back to the Millishon.

As we approached the bridge that leads to the main street, Therese turns her attention to us and spoke.

"I guess this is where we part ways. Thank you for escorting us, miss Eris and Ceobe"

"It's no big deal"

"Yeah, we're glad to help, miss Therese"

Therese nodded at us after we commented to her farewell and gratitude. She then turns around and walks away along with the blonde girl who was riding the horse.

"Well, now that's over. Shall we go and bring these goblin ears to the adventure guild?"


I invited Eris to accompany me to the adventure guild so we can get our reward and finally buy the honey biscuits I wanted.

"Please, hold on!"

However, before we could go to our destination, we heard Cliff's voice calling for us. We turned around and look at him in confusion.

"What's wrong, Cliff?"

"Well, there's something I've been thinking for a while now and I wanted to convey it to Eris"

"Huh, what is it now?"

As Eris inquires, he took off the helmet that he was wearing and then bend on one knee before proceeding to convey his thoughts.

"Miss Eris, please marry me!"



What in the ever-loving Holy Beast was that?! Is Cliff actually proposing to Eris? Is this what my previous world call a netorare?

Oh, dear Rudeus, my good sir. I think you have a competition for our lovely red-haired sword maiden over here!!

"Huh? Not a chance!"


Eris immediately rejected Cliff's proposal, causing the poor boy to look at her in utter disbelief. He couldn't believe on what he heard that he looks at me as if he is requesting for assistance.

"Look buddy, if you're asking for help, there's nothing I can do about it"

I said while shrugging my shoulder, in which he grimaces in frustration. Honestly, I feel bad for him, but you know they say, when a woman says no, they mean really it.

"But why... Why would you reject a proposal of a genius magician, Eris!"

Cliff frustratedly asked, wanting to know the reason for her refusal. So, in order to make things clear for him, I have to say something.

"Umm, Cliff. I really hate to say this but Eris already has someone she loves"

"What?! Who is this person you're talking about?"

"His name is Rudeus Greyrat and he is also a magician"

As I answered his question, Cliff was flabbergasted, probably wondering why Eris would choose another magician than him. But then he regains his confidence and asked Eris again.

"What kind of person is Rudeus?"

"Rudeus is amazing. He can cast magic without chanting like Ceobe"

Eris confidently said, boasting about Rudeus' magic. However, Cliff just snorted and defended himself.

"Oh, really. Even though he can do that, my magic is far stronger than him"

"Says the guy whose Exodus Flame got blocked by a simple Water Shield"

"She's right, Rudeus taught her magic and he is a Saint Ranked Water magician"

Eris happily boasted and then she proceeds to list all of Rudeus' good qualities, which I personally agreed on. Then I noticed that Cliff is getting demoralized for every time Eris praised Rudeus.

"I'm going home now...."

"Bye then"

Eventually, Cliff solemnly says his farewell and he walks towards the city.


After Eris and I see Cliff walked away from us, we turn around and head towards the opposite direction.

While we are walking, I spotted a familiar face on the distance. It was Ruijerd and he is currently leaning against the railing of the bridge.

"Ruijerd? What are you doing here?" I asked while we're approaching him.

"Oh, it's you two. If you can see, I am resting"

He replied in a straight forward manner. However, from the smell he was giving, I can tell that his statement is a lie.

Now that I think about it, his smell didn't wear off ever since we left the inn, which means that he was been following us all this time.

"Hey Ruijerd, don't tell me..."

I said while giving him a suspecious look, in which he caught my gaze. Then I noticed a sweat trickle down his forehead, confirming my suspicion. However, I will let that slide for now.

"Never mind, let's get going"

"Huh? What was that, Ceobe?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it"

Eris tried to ask about the look I gave to Ruijerd, but I just dismissed it and prompted her to move on. I also gave Ruijerd a wink in order to let him know that I won't snitch him.

After that, the three of us proceed to head towards the Adventurer guild and gave the goblin ears to the receptionist once we arrived.

Once we received the reward for the quest, we went to the pastry store and manage to arrive just in time before it closes. Then I purchesed the honey biscuits that I wanted and couldn't help myself to take a bite.


Upon biting the Honey biscuit, the sweetness of the pastry melted in my mouth and I was so esctatic of the taste that I could cry any moment.

"This is the best thing I ever tasted in my entire life"

"Oh, really? Let me see about that"

Eris said as she took a bite to her honey biscuit and her eyes sparkles brightly when she tasted the pastry.

"It's very delicious!"

"I know right!"

"Let's tell Rudeus about this right away"


Eris and I quickly gobbled up the rest of our honey biscuits and we head towards the inn with Ruijerd following us from behind.


Once we arrived at the inn, I can already smell Rudeus in the room we are staying in. However, I also smelled another person together with him.

"What's wrong, Ceobe. Why did you stop walking?"

"There's someone in our room with Rudeus"

I informed Eris and Ruijerd, in which they immediately run inside the inn. I followed them from behind and the three of us stand in front of the door. However, I heard something odd.

"Saga, is something wrong?"

Rudeus is talking with someone using Japanese language. Not only that, he mentions a name that I recognized, so I opened the door and saw a familiar person who's sitting next to him.

"It's you!"

The moment when two beast girls meet

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts