
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · 漫画同人
195 Chs

Ch. 159 Sirens

( Yuto Pov )

' Hmm, this is quite nice.' I thought as I activated the Jōgen.

It was midnight as it was my turn for watch duty as I experimented with the Jōgen.

Looking down at my hand, I could see the chakra pathway and the chakra heart.

The Chakra Heart was like the Tenketsu, but bigger and sturdier.

Turning off the Jōgen, I watched the stars.

"Hm?" I stood up as I looked up to see women with wings.

" Harpies?? No. they're Sirens."

I heard their sweet melody reach into my ears. My body felt relaxed before it went into alert.

[ Gamers mind Activated. ]

I quickly looked into my inventory and was about to take out my bow, but I forgot that my bow was broken.

" Sigh, guess I got to this the ol' fashion way." I spoke outloud as I took out a kunai and coated it with white lighting.

* Swoosh! *

Throwing the Kunai as it killed three Sirens.

Their sweet voices turned into screeches as they fell into the ocean.

And just as I was about to grab another kunai, a siren came from the side of the ship.

It came rushing towards me with its talon before I stretched my hand toward it.

I used blood control and squeezed them from the inside.

* Splat! *

Blood flew everywhere after I was done with them as they were left in a mist of blood.

" Ugh, now I remember why I barely use it." I spoke as I was lucky that blood didn't spill on me.

Instead of Kunais, I took out shurikens and coated them with white lightning and threw them at the Sirens.

I watched on as the Sirens fell into the ocean.

I noticed more approached from the distance.

' Sigh, hopefully it'll end soon.' I thought as I grabbed a few more shurikens.

Throwing the shurikens and making the Sirens think they dodged them, I used chakra string to manipulate the shurikens and slice them all in just one flick of my finger.

A couple of minutes later, I'm sitting down leaning against the Mast.

I sat down and looked up to the moon and the stars.

I sighed as I listened to the ocean waves and the wind blowing.

' It should be midnight now.' I thought as I looked down at the system gacha.

' Roll it.' I spoke to Iris.

< Yes, sir.> Iris responded as the gacha rolled.

[ Ding! You have won ' Chanting magic' ]

I frowned as I heard chanting magic.

Holding my left hand up, a book appeared.

' Basic Chanting magic.' I read as I opened the book.

* Flip *

Chanting magic that increases magic attacks was what I read on the first page.

As I continued to flip through the book, I thought to myself.

' This is word magic with a few extra steps.' I concluded as I closed the book.

But thinking a bit more, I realized something.

' This is good in case I have to blend into a world with magic that needs to be chanted. And I wonder what will happen if I change the wording if I add or take away words.'

Many ideas ran through my head as I lifted my head and closed my eyes.

* Step step *

I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the footsteps.

" Can't sleep?" I asked.

Atalanta nodded as she sat next to me.

" Do you think there is something beyond the stars?" Atalanta asked.

I stared into the sky for a second before looking at her.

" I'm sure there is." I responded.

Atalanta smiled.

I took her hand into mine.

Atalanta was surprised, but she gently intertwined our hands together.

" And I'm sure we'll both explore it together." I said as I looked into her eyes.

We both smiled as we let go our hands and sat under the stars for the rest of the night.

I could see the white ribbons gather around the ship.

' It seems Artemis didn't like that.' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.

' She's not doing anything. Is it because of my title as a godslayer?'

I didn't bother thinking anymore as I relaxed my body against the Mast.

" Are those dead sirens?"

I didn't answer as I tried to fall asleep.

" Yuto? Yuto!"

I didn't open my eyes.

/// Bringing you a Chibi Yuto in a dragon onesie. ///

It was the next morning as we sailed towards Thrace.

" You're awake." Atalanta spoke.

I opened my eyes to see Atalanta.

I stood up as Atalanta crossed her arms.

" Did you fight those Sirens last night?" Atalanta asked.

" Yawn!" I yawned as I stretched my body.

Atalanta had a grumpy look on her face as she watched me stretch.

" What's with the grumpy face?" I asked with a smirk.

" Sigh, forget it. " Atalanta shook her head and walked away.

I followed after her into the cabin where we met Peleus, who was looking over at an old map.

" You're awake, Yuto and you as well, Atalanta." Peleus greeted us with a nod with Atalanta returned.

" You put quite the show last night." Peleus spoke.

I raised an eyebrow.

" You were watching?" I asked Peleus.

Peleus chuckled.

" I think everyone heard the Sirens outside." He responded.

I just nodded and walked over to him.

" Are we still sailing towards Thace?" I asked as I looked at the map.

Peleus nodded.

" Jason heard there is a seer there that could help us. " Peleus commented as he pointed at the map.

" A seer? That's just asking for trouble." I spoke.

Atalanta had a confused face.

" And how will that bring trouble?" She asked.

I turned my head towards her.

" Because looking into the future is a curse and a bleessing."

Peleus nodded.

" I see, but we need his help to make it pass the crashing rocks here." Peleus pointed at the map.

" I could help in navigation if that's what you're worried about." I spoke.

Peleus shook his head.

" As much I am grateful for your help, we can't always rely on you. This seer will help in our journey and lessen your burdens." Peleus spoke.

" He's right." Atalanta chimed in.

" You have been trying to do everything yourself. You should trust us." Atalanta finished as Peleus nodded.

I looked at the two of them and sighed.

" Sigh, alright, though you should be careful. The seer could possibly be watched by the gods, especially since he's a seer."

" Don't worry, I'm sure we will overcome any challenges." Peleus smiled brightly as he closed the map.

Atalanta nodded.

" It'll take a few weeks to reach Thrace. I'll be training in the meantime." I told Atalanta.

She nodded as I left towards my room.

/// Bringing you a grumpy Chibi Atalanta. ///

I sat in my room as I looked at my hand as I activated death touch, which aragon tattoo appeared on my hand up to my arm.

' This skill is associated with death, yet I haven't earned the affinity for it. This means that in order to the affinity, I need to learn more of death. But how? I can't just start killing everyone just to find an answer.' I thought to myself.

I tried to come with an answer but got nothing.

" Sigh, forget it." I spoke to myself as I took out the ' Basic Chanting magic.' book and started reading it to past the time until we reach Thrace.