
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · 其他
44 Chs


[POV Dumbledore before sorting feast]

Looking over the great hall I look over at the professors Minerva the ever stead fast supporter. If only she knew I killer her husband and brother in the assault against Grindelwald. Professor Flitwick wonder what he would think of me if he found out that I was the one who made sure he could not find a job. Professor Quirrell or should I say Tom ha the fool thinks he can hide from me with such a shabby concealment Runes. Professor Sprout I am pretty sure she is more loyalty potion than woman now. I have had to drug her more and more lately i need more potions from Snape. Professor Snape the easiest man I have ever manipulated a few compulsions and he is the only target of James potters gang the 'Marauders' what a silly name.

Snape came crying to me only all to ready to make a vow of servitude to me if I save 'Lily'. Stupid man I could have just saved a lily flower and walked away that is why you word the vows specifically. I did not need to Voldemort decided not to kill the Potters I can only shake my head. Not even I saw this coming, but I made sure to be the first on the scene I debated killing the Potters I did not *sigh* I guess old age is catching up on me.

I still chuckle at the fact they where all too willing to abandon their child with a few words form me. 'You will have a hard time raising both' was all I needed to say and bam they took it a step further and cast young Harry out of the family. Now all I need to do is be a shoulder he can lean on. They even decided to have me bind his magic. Honestly I am not a very nice person but hell that was cold.

Yes he will make a great pawn unlike how the potters are becoming more and more unreasonable. Oh how I wish I would have killed them. It would make plans day easier. "ssor... Profe.. Professor.. are you listing to me?" I shake my head and give a grandfatherly smile. "Sorry Minerva I was just in a daze. What was it we were discussing." She gives me a reprimanding look. "I was just telling you the children are almost here." I watch as she walks away slowly rubbing my hands together now all I need is to wait on Harry No-Name.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But dont judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me."

.....Fuck where is the little cocksucker. As the last student gets sorted I can only put on my fake smile and stand up addressing the room "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" I watch in contempt as the students start stuffing their faces....good Merlin the Weasley child is a fucking animal... I have seen starving people eat with more manners than him. Little shit doesn't even know that the food is stuffed with low doses of sterility potions. Population control is harder than I thought. I lean over to Minerva "Where is Harry No-Name at?" I know she knows the child she was there when I placed him at the discussing muggles house.

She looks back at me confused and then in fury hurriedly whispering "I sent you a letter about him there was not letter for him at all.... which means either he changed names or he is ... dead." She just turned away from me. I will need to check out the muggles soon I had placed him there to be molded into a perfect desperate sacrifice, but it seems I did not check sooner. Why was I not notified by the wards that I have placed. I need to know....


After the feast I rushed over to my office. Pushing open the door I look around walking past my first achievement of dark arts. A forcefully bound phoenix, that is a dam treasure trove of parts, feathers, tears, ash, any part of it is tens of thousands of Galleons just farming it for parts. Walking over to my desk I grab a sweet and sucking on the sour ball of goodness. Opening up my top desk compartment I look over the various vials and parchments flipping through the stacks of papers I find the one I am looking for.

Pulling it out I look it over one of my best inventions a real time medical updating parchment looking it over I can see it stopped transmitting over five years ago looking it over I can see the various reports of blood loss, broken bones, malnutrition, and burns. Well they did not hold back I chuckled to myself. Well I guess I will have to make do with the argent blusterous little cock sucker James Jr. hope he lives for now.


*ACHO* Someon... *ACHOO* someone is talking shit.

A/N: A little POV change for something new hope you enjoyed the chapter.