
Multiversal Escapism System: (MHA, Real World, and More soon)

Current world:MHA First series, writing gets better, heavily experimental and not serious Chase has endured a lifetime of hardships--abuse, bullying, and racism, even spending time in jail. Chase has been through a lot and has had some rough times, he has had to learn a spectrum of coping mechanisms. One of those being escapism through culture such as anime, music, and video games. Chase often daydreams about having overpowered abilities or even some mediocre abilities to fulfill his actual goals in reality both large and small. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Chase gains the power to bring items and abilities from his beloved anime and video game worlds into reality. Now, he can turn dreams into reality, from owning a dream car to becoming a billionaire and even forging "deep" connections with his favorite celebrities. (Author's Note: First time writing, it gets better. Will have lemons and sexual content, will contain abuse and some dark topics in the beginning, and I haven't decided on Harem. Absolutely No NTR or Mc r*ping. Might have some netori which is the MC taking other people's girls.) (Additional Author's Note: The MC is not super smart, MC will make mistakes, he is short sighted, he is trying to be smarter than he really is which will lead to some problems, you can insult the MC because he is not perfect.) Will Update least once a week but more like 3 or 4 chapters a week. Probably will upload a good amount fast at least until 25 chapters Disclaimer:The story is fictional and doesn't represent any persons, opinions, things, or perspectives of anybody particular. P.S: This is wish fulfillment if it wasn't obvious/Will eventually be Multiversal This is my first novel please be patient with me and know that I am constantly making edits to make the story easier to read and fix grammatical issues. Just get rid of the dashes Support me on Pa-t-reon pa-t-reon.com/webnovel394

Lee_Bo · 漫画同人
93 Chs

Unlucky Otaku

(Author's note: If you are uninterested in learning about the character of the main character then skip this chapter. This is mostly background and character development.)

My name is Chase, and I am not your typical nerdy Otaku. I mean yes I indulge in a lot of anime and video games and even some of the degenerate stuff as well, but retrospectively I think you would understand.

(AN: Trauma Dump)

Growing up I only had my single mother raising me, my dad had died in a car accident when I was 8 years old. The only saving grace was that my mom had a very high income as a doctor. I was bullied at school a little but nothing major, as I always fought back so they would eventually give up.

Why you might ask? I was one of the few Asians among a large population of hispanics, blacks, and whites. To make matters worst I was skinny. Luckily I am very fast and dexterous and trained in martial arts such as muay thai and brazilian jiu jitsu which meant that I was never bullied for too long.

My mom worked long hours and wasn't their to defend me to watch me so I basically learned how to take care of myself. Being an only child I was often bored until a friend of mine introduced me to the internet. A short time later I bought a PC and I was a full on otaku who indulged in anime and video games. Escaping from my reality and introverting myself from society.

(Author's Note: Trauma Dump Over)

Then, one day, it all changed.

FLASHBACK: 15 year old Chase


Your typical night

Two masked men in black hoodies and jeans approach what they think to be an empty home in a suburban neighborhood. They only think one women lives there, who they assume to be a doctor because of her doctor's coat. She owns a luxury car and a nice home and from scouting the house this summer.

They know her work hours which are a night shift at a hospital far away. They know that she has lots of luxury purses and jewelry from seeing her go to work in a variety of luxury attire.

Parked across the street, the two men exchanged glances. "It's time," Damien said to his brother, Jalen.

There is no security system to the house, which isn't unreasonable. It is a good neighborhood so it wasn't illogical too just avoid the extra cost of a security system.

"Let's just break the window, the door will take too long and we should be in and out anyway, I doubt we will be breaking into a safe or anything." Jalen says

Damien nods and finds a large rock nearby and simply chucks it through the window.


Chase's POV


(Author's note: Things said out loud will be in double quotes or " and things thought or said in the head will be single quotes or ')

"Bro this guy is actually cracked, he's lit 50 going down B main with an AWP" Chase says in astonishment after being killed by the same guy in CS:GO four rounds in a row.

'Solo queue sucks I wonder when my friends will get on' Chase thought to himself

My two best friends Luke and Eddy are the only ones I actually like queueing with and they are actually cool to hangout with and also at my skill level.

*A rock crashes through the front window of the house, Chase's bedroom is down the hall on the other side of the house.

"The fuck?"

I peak out my door and see a rock with shattered glass around and see some movement in the bushes outside the window.

'Really? I'm about to derank, but I can't just ignore this,' I thought, my heart racing trying to calm myself with a joke.

'I have been in some pretty shit situations at school with some big bullies so I can maintain calm and composed in intense situations. Really there is only one smart thing to do.' I try to convince myself as my heart is pounding though my chest and I start sweating.

I recalled the advice my mom had given me – to use the key hidden nearby to access the safe where she kept a gun that was my dad's. She had taken me to the shooting range and taught me basic firearm safety. I wasn't a sharpshooter, but I knew enough to hit a target.

With the key in hand, I rushed to the safe, loading the gun within seconds. 'I can do this. It's just like shooting targets at the range,' I reassured myself.

I saw a man vaulting through the broken window, and as he paused to assess the house, I fired a shot.

My ears started ringing.

'I forgot that I am not using ear protection and I am indoors'

'This shit hurts'

'Oh fuck he is still alive'

"OH FUCK RUN!" the robber screamed.

As he flopped over the window in attempt to jump out the window I shot a couple more times.

I slowly cleared the very few corners very quickly in my house and peaked the window and saw that he was dead in the bush and I saw his robber buddy and shot a couple shots in his direction before I couldn't see him anymore.

"WOOOOO OH SHIT FUCK YOU BITCH" I screamed at him as he ran into the distance.

'I better call 911'

I looked at the dead robber.

'I guess I am a killer now'

I should be good home invasion is self defense.


Flashback OVER


I was wrong.

Hey guys,

Please make sure you read the chapter 0 as their is still a lot of unknowns that may be determined by y'all. I welcome any feedback, comments, or questions.

I thought I should split this chapter after it became too long so please feel free to tell me if I should just write long chapters or multiple short ones.

In the next chapter I give you the darkest version of truck-kun.

Also don't forget to support me by voting, sending stones, and adding this story to collections

Lee_Bocreators' thoughts