
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · 奇幻言情
38 Chs

Chapter Twenty One


The Smiths family were gathered at the cemetery, reporters were everywhere trying to get any piece of news. The news of her death was shocking to the public, different public figure could be seen lurking around. Some still couldn't believe the iconic model and fashion designer was dead, some were there just to gain publicity or just to be on camera.

Many of the reporters were surprised to see their country's superstar at the burial ground because it was unknown to them how he was related to the late famous model and mother to their president, so they must make sure to gather whatever information they can get. They couldn't wait to publish that huge piece of information, that would give them more viewers and also more money.



We were standing next to granny in her coffin, and it still feels like a dream to me, it still feels so surreal to me and I just want to wake up from this dream, so I could see her smile again even for just a bit. The talk Leo and I had was really helpful, and it felt so good to have those pits of frustration out of my chest and speaking of Leonard. I looked at my side and saw him behind me, he was standing behind me trying his best not to hold me because he still didn't want to make me known, he still wants me hidden, and I kind of like it if it will give me enough time to mourn grandma cause having the press on my tail is the last thing I want. It wouldn't be good if the press knows I'm Mr. Celebrity's wife and all sorts of speculations about me will come out; like how I slept with him to get to where I am today or how Grandma took my worthless ass in and made me who I'm today. They are true, grandma really made me become the model and fashion designer, I've always dreamed to be, but I didn't fuck Leo to get there. I will miss you granny, you'll still be my angel and wherever you're please look after this granddaughter of yours.

I looked at the other side and saw Jeanne, Mrs. Smiths, Jenna, and another woman who looks exactly like Jenna was standing at the side sending glares to me once in a while. The hostility coming from them is heartbreaking, I still don't comprehend why they're glaring at me. I'm the wife here, and you're pushing your daughter to go after a married man.

"You okay Ana" Harmony asked and I nodded. She stared at me for a while as if asking me if I was certain, so I nodded with a small smile. She walked to the side where she was standing next to Liam and I can see the way the both of them steal glances at each other. I haven't seen Harmony blush like the way she was now, that definitely means something is brewing up between them, and I wouldn't mind having her as my sister-in-law. We said our last words to grandma before she was laid to rest and right here I promised to fulfill her last words, I'll make this marriage work either by force or by seduction.

We left the cemetery late (actually I did) I could leave granny alone and when I decided to leave I was surprised to see Leonard still waiting for me.

"Let's go you must be hungry, we will stop by any restaurant" he said politely, and I shook my head.

"No am not hungry, I just want to go home" I said meekly, and I was surprise he didn't argue.

"Okay let's go." he held my hand, and we walked to the car, he opened the passenger door for me before walking to the driver's seat. The ride home was a quick and quiet one, after getting home, I took a quick shower and put on the only net see through lingerie I had, and I made a mental note to get more sexy and revealing ones.

I'm going to start my plan of seducing Leo tonight as Harmony instructed; I can remember her words vividly when I told her Leonard doesn't have s*x with me *then why don't you take the initiative or try to seduce him* so I took the latter. There is no way I'm initiating sex between Leonard and me, I don't want him to see me as a sex starved wife. I walked out of the bathroom after taking three long deep breaths, I entered the room and found it empty;where is Leo and as it seemed like he heard my question because he walked in with a damp hair while carrying a tray filled with food.

"Diana are you done, I brought fo..." the remaining words hanged on the air when he saw me naked well practically naked because I was only on my black panties, I didn't wear a bra, so my boobs are clearly visible.

"Diana let's eat." he said after clearing his throat and I smirked before looking at him. My plan is working already, good.

"Am not hungry, Leo." I said with a low sultry voice and I saw him stiffen as he dropped the tray on the table before turning to me.

"But you need to eat, you haven't taken anything since morning. I've promised grandma to take care of you, so be a good wife and eat your food." he said, and I smiled as he coaxed me.

"Fine." I said, and reluctantly walked to the mini dining table in the room and sat on the chair with crossed legs, giving Leo the best view of my milky skin and thigh. I watched him gulped down nothing and I pretended not to see anything, I went back to picking on the food.



What the fuck!!!!! What on earth is Diana wearing, does she know what that dress is doing to me, to my little buddy;I can feel my little buddy twitching and rising slowly. Oh, god, this is temptation. Those perky boobs and her ass, God! Leo don't look, don't look my mind chants, but my eyes betrayed me when it took my direction to her puckered nipples, I breathe out loudly, which caused her to look at me and I got full view of those rosy lips I've been dying to taste. Those sexy ass that I so want to spank, grab and rub as I kiss her crazily.

"Are you okay?" she asked, and I nodded dumbly still staring at her boobs.

"Am fine Diana, eat." I forced myself to say, she shrugged and continued eating, and after a while she dropped her spoon.

"Am full."

"Okay." I stood up to clear the plate, but she held my hand.

"What about you?, you didn't eat anything" she asked with a pout on her lips and that made my breathing hitched.

"Am fine Diana, am not hungry." I quickly carried the tray and rushed out of the room as if my heels were on fire, gosh I haven't seen this side of Diana before. She doesn't wear such provocative clothes, so what happened. I came back to the room after jerking off in the guest room with the thought of Diana naked in my bed as I take her. I saw her lying on the bed, so I switched the lights off and climbed the bed and just as if she was waiting for me, as soon as I laid down she clung to me like a koala, I froze for sometime when I felt her warmth and boobs pressed on me, Stop Leo this is not your first time having a woman on your bed or seeing a woman naked. I breathe out slowly before closing my eyes.




I woke up and found myself wrapped in Leo's arms. Didn't know we cuddled last night, I was too tired to care. I felt something poking my belly, so I looked down and saw his hard on, I blushed lightly, good to know I was having an effect on him, very soon he wouldn't reject again. I smiled when I remembered his shocked face when he saw me last night and his hard on he tried to hide.

Good job, Diana, you are making good progress. I inhaled his scent before going back to sleep.