In a world where the sands of time can be manipulated, a young and unproven time-traveler, Damien, finds himself navigating the complicated labyrinth of adolescence in a boarding school brimming with secrets. As he grapples with shifting social dynamics, unpredictable alliances, and the cutthroat hierarchy of cliques, he must also face terrifying monsters that crawl out of the shadows, threatening the school's existence. Each night, the line between ordinary school life and survival blurs as Damien steps up to confront the unearthly horrors that lurk within the school grounds. With each passing day, he becomes entwined in a web of mysteries and friendships that push him to his limits, all while battling the relentless enemies that arise from the dark. Will he survive the demanding school life and manage to keep his secret ability under wraps? Or will the monsters finally expose the truth and break down the walls of the boarding school? In this gripping narrative, the clock is ticking, and Damien must make every second count. Step into a world where time is your weapon, friendship is your shield, and courage is your only hope. Prepare to be captivated by this exhilarating mix of teenage drama and supernatural thriller, where monsters aren't the only thing to fear.