
Moon and Back

How far are you willing to go for the ones you love? And how far are they willing to go for you in return? Is love a delusion, a fairytale or a lie? Let's ask Lisa.

Lorelaii_ii · 现代言情
23 Chs

Chapter 6

Thaddeus had completed his mission. He had killed Christopher. Now the time had come for him to hide his traces or he was going to spend the rest of his life in juvenile prison.

Thaddeus had blood stains all over his white Topman striped shirt. If anyone found him then he was going to jail. This was Doomsday. He had to come up with a plan fast.

"What will I do he wiped the blood off his face?" he sighed.

The blood had a familiar smell. It's not like Thaddeus never had a sore before. There was a smell of iron coming from the knife he used.

"What the hell bro?!"Thomas came running if the search of Thaddeus.

He had taken too long 'taking a stroll' as he left the group saying.

"Shut up," Thaddeus said with anxiety and fear filled all over his face and blood, of course.

"Who else is coming behind you?" Thaddeus asked lifting the body of poor, unresponsive Christopher.

"Why did you do this?"Thomas asked in a low tone. His tone was almost as silent as the stagnant river that was some feet away.

"This is no time for questions. Help me clean that blood off the ground. I'll be back." Thaddeus left instructions as he carried the body to the river.

Now Thomas was scared. Today was too much for him.

Firstly he and Marilyn, his girlfriend, had a fall out.

Secondly, he had never seen a dead person before; Or better an assassinated friend before.

Lastly, for some reason, he had to get rid of the traces the murderer had left.

Quickly, Thomas ran to the boy's shack, hoping he could hide the fear in the wind that hit his face as he ran.

As soon as he arrived he opened the door to the shack not paying particular attention to whatever Natasha and Carl had been doing. He took a bucket from where cole was showering.

Cole had been showering for quite some time. He did so because he feared being seen naked by Natasha if he left the shower anytime soon and also he feared the fact that he was going to disturb the lovemaking Natasha and Carl was up to.

The fear drove Thomas out of the house and back to the woods almost invisible. In his bucket, he had taken some washing powder and some other detergents he thought would clear off both the scent and the mark the blood would make on the sand and dried tree branches.

"I thought you had backed out. You would have been next," Thaddeus said to breathless Thomas in a tone he had never spoken in, apart from the tennis tournaments he and his dad had on weekends.

"I need you to explain to me what happened, "Thomas said trying to gain courage over his low and squeaky voice.

"You don't need to know anything," Thaddeus said quickly switching his tone to the humor tone he always used on Lisa.

"Don't you think that I can match the dots of everything that happened?" Thomas asked courageously knowing that Thaddeus was cornered.

"So you do know what happened. Then why bother to ask?" Thaddeus asked as he spilled the detergents on the dried-up blood on the ground.

The moon's light had given the blood on the ground a significant silvery shine that was noticeable from a meter or two away.

"Is it because of Lisa?"Thomas asked fearing what Thaddeus' move would be.

"Yes. It is. I love her and if I can't have her no one can." Thaddeus said covering the ground detergent with sand.

Thomas was now filled with laughter. He so much wanted to giggle but this was the wrong time to.

"You sure?" Thomas asked bringing out a small giggle from his mouth.

"I'm going to take a shower back at the shack. I don't have time to explain."Thaddeus said but didn't walk back to the shack.

It was like he was waiting for Thomas to do more so that he was untraceable.

Thomas knew that these traces would be easily found so he spilled some methylated spirit on the scene and started a fire.

From where Lisa had sat it seemed like The Boys Cult group was now initiating another dude.

"What do you think is happening there?"Lisa asked the other girls she was left with.

"Boys will be boys," one girl said as she was filling her nails. She had been filling her nails for almost an hour. It seemed like it was a stress-coping mechanism.

Thaddeus put his shirt on the fire. He didn't want anyone to know that he had killed Christopher.

When he thought of what he had done it was haunting him, and multiple questions ran rampant in his head:

Did I do that?

Was it all for Lisa?

If she finds out I'm the killer will she ever love me?

Thaddeus, together with Thomas, headed for the shack.

"Oh and Natasha and Carl are having something," Thomas said just before they could get up the stairs near the shack.

"Damn. So I'll have to take a shower with the nerds in the next shack," Thaddeus said trying to raise the trauma he had built in Thomas

"This is between you and me," Thaddeus added, with a cold look in his eyes.

"I'll catch you later." He added, hugging the fear out of Thomas. This was Thomas' first time going to camp and with all this trauma I doubt if he was ever coming back.

Thomas could smell the blood as Thaddeus hugged him. As soon as Thaddeus broke off the hug and headed to the other shack.

Thomas went back to the Campfire where he was uninterested in the truth or dare.

"Did you find him? And why did you take so long?"Roxy asked.

He had two options here. Either to tell the truth and risk being the next to be slaughtered or lie and keep both his friendship and life safety.

"Yes, I did he had reached very far with his stroll," he lied.

"Should we continue?"Roxy asked.

"I don't think so, I'll meet up with all of you tomorrow," Thomas said both traumatized and astonished.

Thomas left the group and walked towards other groups trying to get off the fact that lured his mind. The fact that he was an accomplice to the death of Christopher.

"Have you seen Christopher?"Lisa asked him as he approached the group.

He didn't know what to say.

He thought and escaped from reality to his wildest fears:

His life in prison and failure to get to Oxford.

The only way he would ever get to Oxford university now was if he lied his way through.

"No I haven't," He said as he walked passed the group.

"Oh and Lisa, keep yourself safe because if he can't have you no one can." He said leaving Lisa and the group astounded.

Lisa was not only confused but also curious.

"Did he send the text?" She whispered.

"No, he could have. You already have his line and he's not into you, "the voice in her head replied to the question she had stressed.

"What does he mean?" the other girl asked.

"Never mind that is how he and I joke," she lied.

"Now where could Christopher be, "Lisa asked in distress.

"Christopher!"Lisa shouted as she started looking for him.