

Chapter 201 Twice

"Explain what? There is no need to explain anything. No matter what you say won't bring back whatever was between us."

Katherine didn't show any mercy on her ex-husband.

"Katherine… I didn't have a choic—" Sect Master Liu tried the same excuse but Katherine cut him short.

"No, don't give me that bullshit. You had a choice. You just chose the easiest route and betrayed the ones that trusted you. All of that to save yourself the trouble," Katherine pointed out while shaking her head. "I'm sorry but I can't. I can't love someone who is this selfish and only thinks about himself."

She gazed at Pearl in Sect Master Liu's arms and gave her a cheering smile.

"I know you have never loved me like you did Pearl. You have made your decision and I respect it. I hope you will also respect mine."

"No! That's not true! I loved you, I still do!" Sect Master Liu called out as he looked at both Pearl and Katherine. "I love both of you equally and always will. If Xuefeng can love all of his wives, why can't I?"

"Hah, if you want to compare to Xuefeng then you should first give the same as he does," Katherine replied with a bitter chuckle. "Anyway, I hope you two have a lovely life. Unfortunately, I can't accompany you."

"Wait!" She was turning around when Sect Master Liu called out after her, his eyebrows knitted. "What do you mean by that?"

"It doesn't matter anymore," Katherine replied casually. "Just a word of advice. If you want to make your wife happy, you should spend more time with her and give her more attention. I'm sure Pearl will appreciate it."

She didn't wait for his reply and turn his back to him, flying back to Xuefeng. He could clearly see it was hard for her as even her face seemed pale but Sect Master Liu didn't make it easier.

"Katherine!" He cried out as he teleported behind her and grabbed onto her wrist to stop her. "Don't leave! I know you still love me! Come back and let's do it right this time. I admit I was wrong this time but if I were to go back in time, I would do the same. Why? Because all I care about are those I love. I would do anything for you. Am I a bad person by prioritizing my loved ones?"

Katherine paused, her gaze locking with Xuefeng. He could see the pain in her eyes but he couldn't win that battle for her. She had to end it by herself.

"If you think this is all wrong you did then I really don't know what to say. Give yourself some self-reflection. Maybe you will figure it out," Katherine replied softly and shrugged his hand anyway.

She didn't look back anymore and simply got close, tugging onto Xuefeng's shirt.

"Can we go?"

Katherine looked so pitiful as if she was already holding back her tears. He didn't hesitate and pulled her into his arms, hugging her head into his chest.

"There, there… Everything will be good from now on," Xuefeng assured as he caressed her head. "I will take care of you now."

She gave in quickly, tightening her hug around him without care if Sect Master Liu sees them or not.

He didn't like that at all.

"I see now… So it's because of him?" Sect Master Liu asked, his face darkening.

"Liu!" Pearl called out worriedly, rushing in front to stop him. "Let's go. You have me now. Is that not enough for you?"

He gazed down at her and she forced a kiss on, distracting his thoughts. He seemed surprised but he embraced her, calming down.

"I have you, but I still want to know," Sect Master Liu continued, as he gazed at Xuefeng. "Did you two do anything even before all of this?"

Xuefeng wasn't scared. He didn't plan to run away from what he did but when he wanted to speak, Katherine leaned over and locked her lips on his. It was her turn to display her affection and she didn't hold back at all.

"Does this answer your question?" Katherine asked back. "All Xuefeng did was make me realize whatever was between us wasn't love. I wasn't happy for a while already and only now I finally feel like I am alive. I don't want to live in a cage of my past feelings anymore."

She paused and helped him, "How about you count how many times you visited me in the last year? If you have problems, let me tell you. Twice. You visited your wife only twice in the past year. Do you think that's right? Do you think you can abandon your wife and expect her to still love you?"

"What…?" Sect Master Liu widened his eyes. "I was cultivating. I thought you understand that. I was doing it for us."

"I thought so too but it turns out I was hurting this whole time. Ask yourself this, what's the point of cultivating so hard if you can't even spend time with your family?" Katherine questioned with a complicated expression. "And it's not just this year. Look back to all the years we have been together. How much time did you spend on your family? We were never your priority. It was all your clan and Sect."

"I…" Sect Master Liu opened his mouth but no words came out.

"Don't say you were doing it for us. What's the point of riches, power, and influence if you are not happy?" Katherine pointed out as tears rolled on her cheek.

She wiped it against Xuefeng's chest.

"I am finally happy as Xuefeng showed me what it feels like to be cared for. If you ever loved me, don't ruin it. Let me leave and be happy," Katherine pleaded as she gazed at Pearl. "Even when I'm gone, you have someone else who is waiting for your care. Don't make the same mistake twice."

Chapter 202 Samira

"Master, I failed your task. I will accept any punishment."

When the Old Master returned back to his main body, he saw his Servant lying on the ground.

"Rise," he ordered calmly. "Tell me what happened."

"Master, your Disciple didn't comply with your request so I tried to complete the mission on my own. I underestimated the strength of the Elemental Bracelet and failed," the Servant announced as he stood up, his head still lowered.

"Hmm? How come?" the Old Master replied with a frown. "I already expected Little Liu to misbehave but to think you couldn't deal with him? How strong is he?"

"I doubt anyone in the Heaven Realm is capable of taking him down. He already has three Elemental Stones and mastered the usage of the Elemental Bracelet. I didn't stand a chance even after hiring tens of experts to assist me," the Servant explained with a sigh. "That's not all. He also has numerous Forbidden Arts as well as Fate Holder Abilities."

"I see. That's definitely more than what I expected," the Old Master replied deep in thought. "Did you discover what Fate Abilities he has? There is no way he also has one of the top ten, right?"

"This Servant indeed discovered it but I don't have good news. The holder of an Elemental Bracelet can manipulate time. I suspect he also has a high-ranked Fate Spirit which provides him with all the Forbidden Arts."

The Old Master paused, sitting in silence for a good minute.

"I think I remember now. I once knew a person who could manipulate time. It seems like he died trying to get the Elemental Bracelet for himself," the Old Master muttered. "Anyway, it seems like I will have to wait for him to enter the God Realm before I can collect the bracelet by myself. It's not that bad. It will give me more time to gather the rest of the Elemental Stones."

"I don't think Master will have to wait for long," the Servant informed. "The Elemental Bracelet Holder told me to pass Master a message. He said he will ascend to God Realm in a year and find Master. He was pretty confident he can achieve that."

"…" the Old Master turned speechless. "Either he is stupid or a genius."

"Master, I would bet on the latter," the Servant muttered cautiously. "He also has a lot of outside help like the Trade Union or the House of Dragons. I don't think it would be hard for him to accomplish this goal."

"Well, that would save me a lot of work but in one year I can at most get one more Elemental Stone. Hmm…" Old Master said quietly as he stood up. "Doesn't matter. I have to get the bracelet. There is no one who will stop me from seeing her again…"

The Servant remained quiet, already knowing when to comment and when to stay quiet.

"Anyway, I found the location of the next stone," the Old Master informed as he extended his hand. "Give me back my Godly Shield. I will need it."

The Servant suddenly paled and fell back to his knees.

"Master, I lost it. My Avatar got killed and the treasure got seized…"

"How...?" Old Master asked sternly, more in shock than anger.

"He was too fast, killing me before the barrier even spawned…" the Servant explained, expecting a punishment but his Master stayed calm, disappearing on the spot.

He appeared again next to his Avatar, far away from his hideout as if long distance was nothing to him. In front of him, a tall mountain covered in a dark red mist and a gigantic snake-like creature wrapped around its peak, seemingly sleeping.

His Elemental Stones shone brightly as he got closer, signaling the presence of another Stone.

"I will do anything for you, Samira… Wait for me…" he muttered under his breath before he launched an attack, waking up the beast.


"Babe, we are close to the Spirit Capital. Wanna come over to us?"

Sitting on top of the Flying Ship, Xuefeng focused on regenerating his lost Qi when Wuying came over and kissed on his cheek.

"Mhmm, one moment. I'm almost done," Xuefeng replied without losing his focus.

After the ambush, it took them few hours to regroup with everyone, and they immediately continued their journey, heading towards the Spirit Land Capital. Their original plan to visit the House of Dragons didn't change at all.

Although it got complicated after Sect Master Liu's betrayal, as long as he and Katherine were fine, Xuefeng was down to overlook it. Naturally, he would never treat him the same as he used to.

The trust was already broken.

"Go on. I will wait," Wuying said softly and sat down next to him, their knees touching.

As if an instinct, his hand shifted onto her thigh, rubbing it casually.

"How is the situation inside?"

They were finally all together but Xuefeng didn't stay with them. He was forced to take his time and replenish the Qi he used in battle. Because he basically emptied his Qi, he could only use Fate Stones as there was only one kind of Qi in the air.

He also wanted to give the girls time to get to know each other better.

"We have been chatting," Wuying informed casually, before assuring, "But don't worry, there is little tension. Katherine is quite understanding and Nuwa didn't explode too much."

Xuefeng sighed in relief, worrying about a certain wife with the biggest temperament.

"About Bella, we already knew she will eventually get closer with you so we already accepted her as our sister," Wuying added with a playful pinch. "If there is a lady who joins our group, she is bound to fall for your tricks."

"Ehem, I am not doing it on purpose. It comes out naturally," Xuefeng cleared his throat as he finally opened his eyes. "Anyway, I'm done. We can return."

He stood up while helping her as well when Wuying grasped his arm, asking softly, "Hey… You know there are many of us now, right? Can you give all your wives the love they deserve?"

Xuefeng paused but kissed her right after.

"I don't know if I can, but I will definitely do everything in my power to make you happy because you are my everything."

"Mhmm, I know you will," Wuying nodded in approval. "Just don't overwork yourself."

"Don't worry," Xuefeng assured, pulling her inside the Flying Ship and canceled the barrier protecting them from the wind.

Remembering about a certain dilemma, he pulled out the Godly Treasure he got from the Servant and wondered, "Who do you think I should give it? It can protect anyone who wears it."

"Hmm, it depends," Wuying muttered as she gave him a side glance. "Who do you want to protect the most?"

Chapter 203 House of Dragons

"No, it's not who I want to protect the most but rather who needs it the most. I want to protect everyone equally."

Xuefeng didn't fall for Wuying's trick and suggested seriously, "I was thinking either Wu or Lisa. Both are lacking when it comes to defenses."

"You didn't think about keeping it to yourself? It should give you additional protection if someone tried to kill you," Wuying countered concerned. "What if another ambush like earlier happens again and we are not there to assist you? We worry about you just as much as you worry about us."

"Hey, I will be fine…" Xuefeng promised as he pulled her in and caressed her cheek. "I'm strong and I will keep getting better so I can protect all of you. I already have an Elemental Bracelet that provides me protection. I want to share my blessing with you."

"Mhmm… Okay then," Wuying agreed as she snuggled to him. Only he could bring out her soft and loveable character.

She returned back to the serious leader as they continued walking back.

"I think it's better if Lisa has it," Wuying suggested. "Since Wu can't use her knowledge in business once she follows us, she needs to specialize in something else. We can help her find what suits her but I don't think it will be frontline fighting. When it comes to Lisa, she is already a core of our group with an important purpose. She is really vulnerable so it wouldn't be a bad idea to give her better protection."

"I see," Xuefeng approved with a nod when the door to their bedroom opened.


All his women exclaimed his name and he was momentarily surrounded the moment he entered the room.

"Tianshi, Nuwa, Yiren, Wu, Xinyu, Katherine, Bella, Yi, Wuying, Wen, Shan, Lisa, Mona," he called back with a loving smile. "We don't have much time but I just want to tell you how much I appreciate that you are here with me. Let's create good memories and enjoy lives together."

Seeing their smiles, he reached out to Lisa and pulled her closer.

"I have something special for you. It's an Artefact that will protect you from danger," Xuefeng explained as he put on the necklace on her. "If I could, I would give it to everyone but I only have one so I want you to have it."

"Ah!" Lisa's eyes widened. "I can feel it!"

"Mhmm, since you can't battle, I thought it would be fair to give you some defense," Xuefeng added softly. "Do you want to see how it works?"

"There is no need. I just heard the Artefact's Spirit. He said I'm his new master and he will protect me from anything he deems dangerous," Lisa replied happily as she hugged him. "Thank you~"

"Mhmm, you are welcome." Xuefeng rubbed Lisa's back and gazed at the rest. "Are we ready to leave? We should be approaching the Capital, right?"

He was glad none of his wives seemed envious about the gift. It was the most logical solution after all.

"Yeah, we are close. We can fly directly into the Sect's territory and then find ourselves a place to stay," Xinyu explained as she gave her mother a glance. "We can stay in my place if you want. I have a big mountain only for myself with a spacious mansion as well. It's close to the center of the Sect where we can make use of the Sect's resources."

Xuefeng caught that, guessing Xinyu just knew more about House of Dragons than Katherine.

"Oh, sure. That would be perfect," Xuefeng nodded in approval. "I heard House of Dragons have a place where one can get great Arts, right? I hope we can all visit it."

"Yeah, it's a place called Dragon Tower, located in the center of the Sect. It's actually the most important Artefact in the House of Dragons," Xinyu replied before suggesting, "Let's go up on the deck. I can show you around as we fly through the Sect. We are supposed to stay here for a while anyway."

The original plan was to stay in the House of Dragons and use its facilities to improve their overall strength and cultivation. Even though they didn't need to hurry and Ascend within a year, Xuefeng still wanted to meet that deadline for his personal satisfaction.

Since their time was tight, they had to make the best use of their next year.

"The Capital consists of nearly half of the Spirit Land. It's the biggest city in the Heaven Realm," Xinyu informed as they crossed the gigantic Safe Zone barrier. "Because of that, it allows many Sects to have large territories for themsevles, creating small cities within the Safe Zone."

Xuefeng could immediately feel the powerful Spirit scan his body, realizing it was definitely much stronger than other cities. He could break through a Safe Zone barrier using his Judgement Vine but it wouldn't be possible in this place.

It took them a while to even reach their destination even though their speed was faster than many. Although it was early in the morning, the traffic in the sky was slowly becoming dense.

"We are here. The main city of the Spirit Land Capital. Can you see that tall black tower in the distance? That's the Dragon Tower I was talking about."

Xinyu didn't even need to mention it as his eyes were already glued to the massive structure. The black tower was so tall it disappeared in the clouds and even pierced on the other side.

"It's the oldest and most important treasure left behind by our Ancestors, the same ones who created the Ancient Realm. It contains so many treasures, arts, and secrets that so far only half were discovered," Xinyu introduced, surprising everyone.

"How come?"

Xinyu smiled at his question.

"That's because it's not as easy as you think. Dragon Tower is not controlled by anyone. It's acting on its own. The most we can do is refill the Artefacts that were taken out from the lower floors but the higher the floor, the harder it is to enter inside. Even I only reached the sixty-ninth floor and there are almost a thousand of them."

Xuefeng's eyes momentarily brightened.

"Can we check it out now?"

Chapter 204 Dragon Tower

"So beautiful…" Yiren muttered with her eyes shining. "And it's turning gold!"

Just based on the Dragon Tower, Xuefeng could tell why House of Dragons was the strongest Sect in the Heaven Realm. Besides being tall, the black tower had a sculpture of a black Dragon wrapped around it from the bottom to the top.

"Yeah, this is our pride and the main reason why every cultivator wants to enter the House of Dragons," Xinyu replied proudly. "Only by becoming a member of our Sect can you enter the Dragon Tower."

Just as she spoke, the tail of the Dragon sculpture lit up with its gold light spreading upwards. The Black Dragon looked as if it was turning alive.

"Oh, someone is trying to climb the tower," Xinyu pointed out.

"What does it mean?" Xuefeng asked with interest. Together with them, everyone else surrounding the Dragon Tower switched their attention to it.

"You see, when you enter the tower, the Dragon sculpture outside will lit up with gold. You can't reach the higher floor without being noticed. Whenever someone breaks through the fiftieth floor, they will gather major attention since that's where the Artefacts begin to tempt everyone," Xinyu explained. "This one already reached the forty-ninth floor."

"It seems like his run is over," Xuefeng noticed. The gold light stopped moving just as fast as it launched.

"Like I said, it is not that easy. Normal cultivators with the peak of the Celestial Stage can reach at most the third section. If you are a genius with a Nine Elemental Core, you can reach the fifth section. Only the peerless geniuses can enter the higher floors in the sixth and seventh sections," Xinyu informed as she brushed through her hair. "I can testify that it was so hard I almost died there."

"Huh? How come?"

"Because of the tower's pressure," Xinyu replied as her body shuddered. "The higher the floor, the better the Artefacts but also the stronger pressure affecting all your movements. Every ten floors create a section where the pressure change is minor but once you want to enter the higher section, the pressure jump is massive. When I entered the seventh section, I felt like I'm carrying a whole building on my back."

She pointed at the Dragon sculpture and added, "You can even see the brighter points. That's where most cultivators stop to get the best Artefacts for themselves. Since you can only take one Artefact in every section, it's best to pick one right before entering the next section."

The more Xinyu spoke, the more excited Xuefeng was. He loved challenging his own strengths and proving he was the best.

"Close your mouth before your saliva starts dripping out. We can feel how eager you are go try it," Nuwa commented as she poked him with her shoulder.

"Hahaha, I am!" Xuefeng burst out laughing, pulling her into his arms. "How about we bet who can reach higher?"

He believed Nuwa was one of the most powerful in their group who were able to challenge him.

"Tsk, you wish. I only bet when I know I can win but my body is not as strong as yours anymore. I will go at my own pace this time," Nuwa denied. "We all should make the best use of this opportunity so let's not treat it lightly."

All his wives agreed in a union, bringing him down to Earth. They were not in a place to play around, but he still couldn't help but ask the most important question.

"What's the highest floor anyone has ever reached?"

Before Xinyu could reply, they heard Sect Master Liu's voice coming from the Flying Ship's entrance.

"The highest ever recorded is four hundred ninety-ninth floor but that person died a long time ago. I'm the current record holder and I reached the twenty-fifth section."

Xuefeng turned and saw Sect Master Liu walk out with Pearl hugging into his arm. It has been hours since he saw them but judging by Pearl used her new man as support to walk, Sect Master Liu didn't need much time to move on from his feelings.

"Do you think you can beat me?" Sect Master Liu asked with a smile.

Xuefeng didn't even need to hesitate.

"Actually, you weren't even on my target list. I will naturally aim for the highest record, not yours," Xuefeng replied with a shrug. "Don't worry, I won't take your position as Sect Master. I don't have time for that."

"Haha, good luck with that," Sect Master Liu laughed, clearly in a good mood, and gazed at his daughter. "Xinyu, I will leave everything to you. Register everyone before you enter the Dragon Tower to avoid any problems."

He didn't wait for an answer and simply jumped down the Flying Ship, leaving them to themselves. This whole time he didn't even glance at Katherine.

"Xuefeng, I hope you break his record," Katherine wished out loud, causing him to smirk.

"You don't have to worry about that. Consider it done."

With Xinyu's help, getting multiple new Disciple Tokens wasn't an issue. Wherever Xinyu showed up, the Elders jumped around her to satisfy her demands. She was still the Sect Master's daughter, probably second in command in the House of Dragons.

"Miss Xinyu! Good Morning!"

The moment they arrived at the base of the Dragon Tower, the Elders and guards called out excitedly which gathered even more attention on them.

"Hello, we would like to enter the Dragon Tower," Xinyu cut it short as she sent more than a dozen Disciple Tokens to the Elders.

It created a small commotion in the crowd while the Elders brightened.

"Of course! One moment, we will register the entry," the Elder replied as he began right away.

Xuefeng couldn't help but glance at the giant board filled with hundreds of names constantly swapping places. Few names were also high-lighted compared to the rest.

"One can only enter the Dragon Tower once a year, while those in the Dragon Steps can enter more often depending on their rank," Xinyu explained before he asked. "Dragon Tower record is the main factor for your placement in the Dragon Steps which is why they hang the board right at the entrance."

Right when she spoke, two new names lit up on the board and Xuefeng could finally find himself.

[9. Liu Xinyu ]

[500. Liu Xuefeng]

"I'm impressed. I didn't think we would meet someone in the top 500 who has never visited the Dragon Tower," the Elder called out amazed as he passed back the tokens. "Remember—"

"Don't worry, I will tell them the rules inside," Xinyu cut them off, leading them inside. "Let's go."

Chapter 205 Cursed Fragments

The entrance to the Dragon Tower was right beneath the tip of the sculpture's tail. It was so detailed, it looked as if the Dragon was alive. Walking underneath it, Xuefeng felt invisible pressure surrounding him from all sides, but it was so insignificant that he almost ignored it.

"I wonder if it's a sculpture or an actual Dragon," Yiren wondered as she grazed her fingers on the golden surface. "I can feel the essence of a Dragon inside of it."

"That's what everyone says too but in our history, there was no Dragon of this size and power," Drakos replied as he trailed behind them. "Its skin is rock solid, not like any members of the Dragon Race."

"It is believed that once you reach the top floor, the Dragon will turn alive and acknowledge you as his master," Katherine added as she gave Yiren a pat. "Naturally, it's easier said than done."

"So many people in here," Xuefeng suddenly pointed out, seeing a massive crowd inside the base floor.

"The Dragon Tower is massive in size. Since the base floor doesn't have any Spirit Artefacts, it consists of shops and stalls selling goods from the upper floors. That's the only floor where the market is allowed," Xinyu explained. "If you want to sell something once we are done, you can get the best price here. The Sect will buy back the Artefacts you don't need."

"Hmm? Can't we just take the goods we need?" Wuying asked confused.

"It will be better if I explain it once we enter the first floor," Xinyu replied as she led them to the stairs. Each step they took increased the pressure applied onto their bodies but Xuefeng still barely felt anything.

"As you can see, each floor contains tens of Artefacts or Arts located in separate rooms. We managed to label most Treasures on the lower floors but once you reach higher, most rooms are unknown. You won't know what Artefact you will get unless you break the room's barrier," Xinyu introduced.

The First Floor had literally no one inside with a wide corridor and another set of stairs at the other end.

"So it's like a lottery," Xuefeng muttered, walking up to the first rooms which consisted of nicely crafted weapons.

[Black Steel Sword - God Stage]

He only read one nameplate to lose interest.

"I expected something better," Nuwa commented what everyone thought.

"The Artefacts here are weak and mostly picked by the weakest members so we shouldn't pay attention to them. Just because we can easily enter the Dragon Tower, doesn't mean others can too," Xinyu replied with a shrug. "Some Cultivators can't even step into the first floor."

"I see. Is everyone feeling alright?"

Xuefeng checked just to be sure and everyone nodded, giving him some peace of mind.

"If anyone struggles to move further, report it," Xuefeng ordered cautiously. "Tianshi, connect everyone so we can stay in contact."

With just a single tap on their shoulders, the whole group could hear their own thoughts.

'This is perfect. If you guys have any questions during your climb, don't be shy and ask,' Xinyu announced through their connection. 'If you feel like you can't handle any more pressure, don't push too hard. It's best to sit down and start tempering your body with it. Since Dragon Tower entry is limited, we should make the best use of it.'

'The Elders mentioned some rules?' Xuefeng reminded as they all set off to the second set of stairs.

'There are only three rules in the Dragon Tower. You can only break into one room every ten floors, you can't help anyone and you can't use external Artefacts to block the tower's pressure. You have to use your own body else you would be ejected from the Tower,' Xinyu replied while glancing at his Elemental Bracelet. 'If you use it, I'm sure the tower's Spirit won't be happy.'

'What about my own Qi?' Tianshi asked curiously. 'Can I use my ability to my advantage?'

'It is the same. You can use Qi to strengthen your body from the inside but if you create a barrier, you will be kicked out. Even if you help others, you will be the one punished,' Xinyu explained patiently. 'Many tried to cheat the Dragon Tower Spirit but they only failed.'

The rules weren't hard to understand but Xuefeng couldn't help but worry. If even Xinyu who was in the Celestial Stage couldn't reach higher than sixty-ninth floor, how could they? They were still far from the Immortal Stage.

Xuefeng couldn't be more wrong.

When they reached the ninth floor, his wives were not even sweating, gracefully following him while looking left and right as if they were on a sightseeing tour.

'It's because of my Regeneration Ability. Their bodies have been tempered by you for years. They will naturally be stronger than average cultivators,' Ling informed. 'Not sure how much though so we will have to wait and see.'

"I want this," Yiren suddenly called out, gathering everyone's attention.

[Enchanted Beast Token]

"Oh, good pick. Besides the ability to store your beasts, this token will also feed them as well and has a much bigger capacity," Xinyu described. "Just break the barrier and take it."

"Mhmm, go and get it for me," Yiren ordered and a Bat flew out of her hand. It enlarged into the size of the room and smashed into the barrier, breaking it into pieces.

"Wai—" Xinyu was about to stop her when she paused, watching as the giant bat grabs the token from the platform and returns back to Yiren.

"Good boy," Yiren praised before commanding, "Now take everyone and move to your new home. I will call you when I need you again."


Hundreds of bats spawned before vanishing into the new Beast Token. Xuefeng didn't even know Yiren had so many beasts under her lead.

'I thought you would be kicked out for using your Tamed Beast but I guess the Dragon Tower Spirit doesn't mind it,' Xinyu commented before suggesting to everyone, 'You should get a free Artefact as well. Maybe you will find something you want on the Tenth Floor. Once you take one though, you will never be allowed to enter another room in the first Section.'

'So it's permanent?' Xuefeng asked in surprise.

'If it wasn't, the Dragon Tower would run out of Artefacts at some point. Once you reach the higher floors, you will see empty rooms everywhere but above one hundred there will be many to choose from,' Xinyu replied. "For now, you can pick anything aside from the Cursed Fragments and later sell it for Elemental Fragments on the Base Floor."

"Cursed Fragments?"

Chapter 206 Balls

'Here. I was talking about this.'

The Tenth Floor was much more crowded with many disciples sitting cross-legged on the floor but Xuefeng's group headed straight towards the end. Many rooms were already empty while others were eyed by hesitating disciples. Only one room didn't catch anyone's interest.

'Looks like a metal fragment of some sort,' Xuefeng observed, watching a weirdly shaped object. 'It doesn't seem to be broken through.'

'It isn't broken. It is actually a fragment of a certain Artefact but no one knows what kind,' Xinyu explained as she grabbed the corner of his shirt. 'Before you say anything, no, it's not good. There is a reason why they are called Cursed Fragments. Many tried to collect them all but failed.'

'Huh? Why is it still here then?' Xuefeng asked confused.

'That's the problem. You can't take them out of the Dragon Tower unless you collected them all and no one knows how many fragments there are. Some say you have to reach the top floor to collect them all and create an Ultimate Treasure,' Xinyu informed while moving in front of him.

She hugged him in front of everyone and pleaded, 'Please don't do it. Once you take it, you can only pick the Cursed Fragments for the rest of your climb. You will automatically give up on all the treasures from the upper floors. As I said, many tried but only failed and later regretted it. Losing so many high-tiered Artefacts and Arts is really not worth the try.'

Xuefeng couldn't help but give the Cursed Fragment another glance.

'You know the more you say I shouldn't, the more I want to do it,' Xuefeng commented with a smile, causing Xinyu to pinch him.

'Can someone help me hold him back?' Xinyu asked for back-up, squinting her eyes at him. 'You don't understand. The Artefacts and Arts beyond the two hundred and fifty floor are comparable to that of the Godly Treasures and Forbidden Arts. Knowing you, climbing half of the Dragon Tower wouldn't be that surprising. Are you going to give up on the chance to get so many treasures of Elemental Bracelet quality? Even if not today, you are capable of reaching the top one day.'

'I can confirm that. The Art which Liu found at the peek of his own climb allowed him to become the House of Dragons Sect Master,' Katherine added. 'Nonetheless, if Xuefeng decides to choose the Cursed Fragments, I will fully support him.'

'Mom, you are not helping—' Xinyu rolled her eyes when Xuefeng suddenly grabbed onto her head and distracted her thoughts with a kiss. "Mhmm!"

"Calm down my beauty. Can you see anyone else panicking?" Xuefeng asked out loud as he gave her cheek a caress.

His public display of affection attracted some viewers inside the floor but Xuefeng never cared about any of those.

'Don't worry. Xuefeng will choose whatever is best for us. We can only support him whatever choice he makes,' Nuwa assured. 'If there is anyone who can reach the top, it's none other than our husband.'

'I agree,' Princess Shan nodded as she walked forward and gave Xuefeng a rub on his shoulder. 'If anything, you can always test how far you can go and then decide. It's not like someone else will take them before you. They have been here for thousands of years.'

'Mhmm, that's right. I don't need to hurry,' Xuefeng agreed with a smile.

He could tell Xinyu was new to his group seeing her advise him against it before he even said anything. His old wives knew that he would do anything to improve their lives.

'Anyway, give me some time to think. You should go look for your own Artefacts first,' Xuefeng suggested. Aside from Yiren, everyone else was yet to take a pick.

'Hehe, don't mind me if I do! I always wanted to climb the Dragon Tower,' Drakos giggled as he walked off for his picking. 'With my Dragon Physique, I'm bound to reach high floors.'

'You must have also reached high then?' Xuefeng commented to Katherine who stayed behind.

'Yeah, but Dragon Physique can only help you so much. I reached the two-hundredth floor. I'm not sure how strong one has to be to reach the top,' Katherine replied honestly. 'Liu only reached where he did thanks to me and my blessing.'

'So you are saying I could reach higher thanks to it?' Xuefeng said with a wink, causing Katherine to look away.


Xuefeng couldn't help but laugh and then finally focused, reaching with his thoughts to his own experts.

'So? Ming, Ling. What do you think?'

They were the ones with the biggest knowledge of them all. Too bad, they couldn't help him this time.

'I stayed silent this whole time because I have no idea what this is. It could be anything,' Ming replied frankly. 'Unless we can touch it directly, there is no way of telling if it's worth it or not.'

'It definitely looks like it was fragmented on purpose but I agree with Shan. There is no need to risk without knowing its purpose. Find out if you can even complete this tower first,' Ling suggested.

'Do you know any powerful Artefacts throughout history? Maybe this is one of them,' Xuefeng wondered when his peripheral vision suddenly alarmed him.

A group of people was approaching them.

"Miss Xinyu! What a coincidence!"

Xuefeng didn't need brains to know it wasn't a coincidence. Seeing an immediate frown coming from Xinyu, he couldn't help but sigh.

If they were the typical young masters, this would only go one way.

"I am sorry but I don't have time to entertain you. I am busy, so you can go away," Xinyu called back indifferently but the three individuals didn't listen.

"I heard you returned and immediately entered the Dragon Tower. Did you perhaps forget about your promise? I was waiting for you," the man at the front spoke in a pained tone, completely ignoring Xuefeng's presence.

He dressed like a typical Young Master and anyone could guess he spent more time taking care of his beauty than his skills.

"I only agreed to come with you because you didn't want to stop pestering me. Did you really think I would do so?" Xinyu countered as she stopped paying them any attention. "Anyway, go away. I said I am busy."

The man didn't look offended at all, finally gazing at Xuefeng and Katherine.

"I am sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Artefact King, number ten on the Dragon Steps," the Artefact King introduced himself. "What about—"

"Did we ask you to?" Xuefeng cut him off. "Did anyone here start a conversation with you?"

He didn't give him the chance to reply as he answered. "No. We did not. We don't want to know who you are and what you want. She asked you to go away so what are you waiting for?"

The two lackeys frowned but the Artefact King raised his arms, stopping them.

"You must be Liu Xuefeng, five hundredths on the Dragon Steps, right?" Artefact King asked with a smile, causing Xuefeng to almost face-palm himself.

"Is your dick so small you need to compare your Dragon Steps with everyone?"


Xinyu burst out laughing, barely holding herself back. She threw herself into his arms and drowned him with kisses.

"I love you so much."

He naturally embraced her back when the Artefact King finally showed his thorns, calling back.

"I see, so you are with such a loser now who insults people in public?"

He looked across Xuefeng's shoulder and provoked, "You see that room? I bet you don't have the balls to—"

"That room?" Xuefeng cut him off again as he pointed at the Cursed Fragment room. "I was about to get it when you came here with your small dick."


As soon as he spoke, the barrier popped and the Cursed Fragment flew into his hand. Everyone in the room widened their eyes, together with the Artefact King who didn't seem to expect him to actually do it.

'Xuefeng!' Ming suddenly called out in shock. 'This fragment...!'

Chapter 207 Party Pooper

"Hahaha! You got tricked! You chose the Cursed Fragment! Haha!" the Artefact King burst out laughing as he gazed at Xinyu. "Is he really your man? Wasting an opportunity of Dragon Tower caliber?"

Xinyu frowned and glared at him but Xuefeng didn't release her, hugging her closer into his arms.

"Wasting? I wanted to pick this fragment from the very start when your ugly ass came and disturbed us. Don't compare yourself with me. We are not even in the same league," Xuefeng called back with a roll of his eyes. He ignored Ming's excitement, focusing on clearing up the pest first.

The Artefact King didn't pay attention to the insult as he laughed more, provoking sarcastically.

"Ha! I really want to see how you make use of this fragment! Ba! How about you reach the top floor first to take it out? Haha!"

"Is it that big of an issue? Maybe it is for someone like you. As I said, don't compare yourself with me. This Dragon Tower is just a small milestone for me," Xuefeng replied with a shrug as he lifted his sleeve, showing his Elemental Bracelet. "The only thing wasted here is my time on an ignorant like you. Get lost."

The Artefact King instantly froze, his smile slowly faltering.

"Y-you… That's the Elemental Bracelet!" he cried out in a stutter. "You are that man…?!"

The whole Tenth Floor stopped what they were doing, all gazing at Xuefeng in shock. They naturally heard of the resurface of Elemental Bracelet but it seemed Xuefeng's name didn't reach them yet.

'Our man can create a scene anywhere, hehe,' Nuwa commented with a giggle. 'Do you want us to help you?'

'Sure, come over when you pick your Artefact,' Xuefeng replied in his mind before asking out loud, "Do you live under the rock or something? Anyone knows the title of the strongest expert in Heaven Realm changed already."

"You…" the Artefact King hesitated, finally showing some restraint.

"You what? Do you still have anything else to say?" Xuefeng pushed further as he pulled Katherine to his other side. "You came in and disturbed my morning stroll with my wives while spitting bullshit from your mouth. I dare you to look at my women once again."

The Artefact King opened his mouth to speak but Xuefeng cut him off again.

"You call yourself Artefact King yet you don't even know the importance of those fragments. They are not cursed but blessed instead. You don't even imagine the power they hold."

Xuefeng paused as he gazed at Nuwa who came over, "Anyway, it's not like you will ever get to know or witness it."

"Babe, are those men disturbing you?" Nuwa asked softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him as if they didn't see each other for a while. "I already picked the Artefact for myself."

"Don't worry, they are already leaving," Xuefeng assured. "They were just saying they are too weak to climb this tower."

"Oh, I thought we were going to the top?" Wuying answered confused, also coming over. "Did you get the Fragment already? You know how important it is."

"Yup, I got it baby. I wouldn't let anyone else have it," Xuefeng replied with a smile. "Let's get everyone and proceed. I want to finish the climb by noon."

One by one, his wives approached him after finishing choosing their rooms and they moved to the next floor, completely ignoring the shocked expressions. Xuefeng was already used to people envying him. He knew he was the luckiest man in the Cultivation World.

'Okay, am I in trouble?' Xuefeng finally asked while taking out the Cursed Fragment again. 'Tell me we didn't fuck up too much.'

He couldn't feel anything from the piece of metal aside from it having a clean round edge and felt cold to the touch.

'We? You made this decision by yourself. Don't blame it on us,' Ming corrected, giving him a bad feeling.

'Wait… don't tell me it is really useless? You were shocked before,' Xuefeng recalled.

'I don't know actually. It could be both. I thought I felt some strange energy inside of it but the more I looked into it, the less I found. Maybe if we get more fragments I will be able to figure it out but I don't guarantee it,' Ming explained with a sigh. 'You risked too much just to show off to some random idiot. Now we have to reach the top.'

'Don't worry, we will. Since I already picked the fragment, I won't give up till I complete it,' Xuefeng assured. 'I'm actually curious what could be so powerful to force the creators of Dragon Tower to split it into fragments.'

'Even though the Fate Kingdom controls the Realms, we only know about Artefacts that at some point saw the daylight. The Artefacts and Arts in the Dragon Tower were never seen before, especially those from the upper floors. We also don't have any contact with the Ancient Realm so any Treasures coming from there are also new to us.'

'Hmm? How come?' Xuefeng wondered.

'Ancient Realm wasn't created by us. We wouldn't risk taking over such an unstable Realm. This was the reason why many powerful cultivators fled there. They wanted to escape from our ruling but they ended up dying once the Ancient Realm collapsed. Right now, the only way to enter that Realm is creating a Space Passage once it becomes stable enough. It takes hundreds of years for that to happen.'

'I see. It's a shame it won't happen any time soon. If only there was a different way to enter that Realm. Anyone who can freely get inside could claim all the treasures for themselves,' Xuefeng suggested as he grinned. 'What if those Fragments create a portal that opens a passage to the Ancient Realm? Wouldn't that be cool?'

'No, that's impossible. The amount of power required for that would be astronomical. You wouldn't be able to gather enough Spirit Stones in Heaven Realm to fuel it,' Ming broke his dream with a strike of reality.

'Tsk, you party pooper. Let's collect all fragments and find out!'

Chapter 208 Ryan

Even though the Artefact King remained silent and continued his climb without spreading the news, how could the rest of ordinary Disciples resist themselves? The scene was too cool not to share with all their friends.

"Confrontation on the top Dragon Steps! Artefact King versus new giant, Elemental Bracelet Holder Liu Xuefeng! Watch the challenge on today's Daily News! Only ten credits!"

Young boys were running on the streets with a fresh video newspaper, selling them on the streets as well as the air, approaching all flying beasts in the traffic. Even though ten credits wasn't cheap, no one hesitated in buying it.

"Elemental Bracelet Holder Liu Xuefeng claiming to reach the top of the Dragon Tower! Will he claim the top of Dragon Steps as well?! Find out on Daily Ne—"

"I will take one."

Right when the newspaper boy passed by the busy garden restaurant, he was stopped by an extended hand. He immediately got excited but when he saw who it was, his eyes widened.

"S-Sir Morgan!" he stuttered as he spoke his name.

He couldn't be wrong! It was impossible to mistake the top one on the Dragon Steps! This single blue horn, flaming-red hair, and scales covering part of his body. They were the remains coming from his Beast Form.

He was casually eating in the restaurant with his friends as if nothing could move him.


The newspaper boy looked at the rest and almost fell down to the ground. All of his idols were here! Top two! Top three! Top four and five too! All five were eating breakfast without caring about the onlookers.

"Hehe, Sir Morgan is too formal. I'm Ryan. Anyway, can I have the disk?"

Ryan corrected patiently, snapping the boy back to reality. Despite being the top one on the Dragon Steps, Ryan didn't seem arrogant at all.

"Y-yes! Here you go Sir!" the boy called out embarrassed and passed him the disk with a smile. "Sir, it's free for you! You are my hero!"

"Heh," Ryan chuckled as he pulled out an ID card and neared it next to the boy's scanner to pay. "Would I be a hero if I didn't pay? Work hard boy. Maybe you can take over our place one day."

The boy's eyes brightened and he nodded eagerly.

"I will! Thank you!"

He skipped away after Ryan ruffled his hair and activated the disk for them to watch as he returned to eating. The whole confrontation between Xuefeng and Artefact King displayed for them as if someone recorded everything.

The moment Xuefeng confidently claimed he knows what the Cursed Fragments turn into, all of them raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Hey, did you guys hear the news?"

Just as the video ended, a pretty woman of blue hair walked up to their table, sitting right by Ryan's side.

"Yeah, we just watched it. The guy seems legit," Ryan replied as he embraced the woman's waist. It was clear they were a couple as she replied with the same kind of affection.

"Yeah, I heard it as I came back from the toilet. He actually claimed he can get to the top of Dragon Tower. What do you think about it, babe?" She asked worriedly, but Ryan didn't seem even a bit worried.

"What about it? If he can get to the top of the Dragon Tower then good for him. I can't do that. I will gladly give him my top spot on Dragon Steps if he can achieve that," Ryan replied as he eyed his friend's food. "Are you going to eat that?"

They all turned speechless.

"What?" Ryan asked back confused, helping himself by stealing more food. "If he is better than me, I can only congratulate him and befriend him. Maybe he can teach me some tricks."

"You won't contest for the top one spot?" his friends questioned surprised, causing Ryan to roll his eyes.

"You must be crazy. Do I look like I'm suicidal? Haven't you seen the recording? This guy is a monster. He already has three Elemental Stones on his Elemental Bracelet which means he can control three elements. Just this alone should be enough to make you hesitate to mess with him," Ryan pointed out eagerly. "Also, do you recall the girls that followed him?"

"Yeah, I saw Xinyu with him. Never would have thought she would agree to share her man with anyone," his girl muttered as she scratched Ryan's head. "I would never let that happen."

"My Rose, of course, I wouldn't even think about it," Ryan called out as if he was in danger. "Anyway, you get my point. For her to put her pride away only means he is something else. And did you see a beauty similar to her, just a bit older? Don't you recognize her? That's Sect Master Liu's wife. Her mother. This guy had the audacity to get both his wife and his daughter and Sect Master Liu didn't do anything about it. For me, that clearly tells something about him."

"He has balls..." the guys commented. "Maybe he is even stronger than Sect Master Liu already?"

"That's what I'm trying to say," Ryan nodded, finishing his meal. "Let's go. I wanna meet him."


'Yeah, I really have no idea what this is. Those Fragments don't even match together.'

Even after collecting seven Cursed Fragments, Xuefeng could hear Ming's lament at her fruitless efforts to brainstorm what Artefact it was. Their run was pretty smooth so far but while everyone was collecting new useful Artefacts, he was left with a pile of scrap metal.

'Maybe it was really a mistake?' Xuefeng wondered, but Ling quickly denied. 'No. Ming is right. I can also feel faint power inside of it. I just can't tell what it is. It is definitely not Qi.'

'Welp, I guess we can only keep going,' Xuefeng muttered as he gazed in search of his wives. They were still checking out the Rooms to have their own pick while he stayed with Katherine and Xinyu who already did in the past.

"Xuefeng… I have a question."

Xinyu's voice broke his thoughts as she tugged on his sleeve.

"You know, this was the floor I reached when I entered Dragon Tower last month. I was barely hanging on so I decided to stop here," Xinyu added.

"Oh, congrats then. It seems like you improved greatly," Xuefeng replied happily, caressing her cheek as a reward.

She grabbed only his hand and looked up into his eyes.

"That's the point. I didn't do anything that would make me improve this much. Also, I noticed all your wives are doing so well, not even sweating on this high floor," Xinyu explained. "I was thinking that maybe the credit goes to you for that."

Xuefeng didn't even need to ponder on it.

"Of course it does. I have been tempering my wives' bodies for years with my ability. You also received some earlier, forgot?" Xuefeng reminded.

"Yeah… I knew it," Xinyu muttered to herself as she bit on her lip. She eyed his body and then looked around the floor suspiciously.

Katherine and Xinyu exchanged glances before suddenly pulling him inside the empty Cursed Fragment Room. They hid behind the entrance edge and pinned him to the wall, looking at him expectantly.

"Can you give us some more now?"

Chapter 209 Good Cause (*)


Even Xuefeng was surprised by Xinyu's eagerness, his eyes widening on the spot. Usually, he would be down anytime, any day, but right now they were in the middle of their climb with many people around. He didn't mind public places but letting other people see his women naked was the last thing he wanted.

"Don't you think there are too many peopl—"

"Shh…" Xinyu shushed him with a finger before rising on her toes to replace it with her lips. "Don't talk or someone will hear us..."

"Are you serious...?" Xuefeng asked in a whisper, pulling their waists closer.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he got. He already turned into a total pervert with women like this. When they looked at him with those hungry eyes, it was too hard to reject them.

"Mhmm, we want it," Xinyu nodded, caressing both his shoulder and chest. "It would be a shame to waste an opportunity to climb higher. If you can make our bodies stronger this easily, why not improve them further?"

"Will one more time make a big difference?" Xuefeng asked curiously, not expecting his Regeneration Ability had such an impact.

"It will," Katherine confirmed, unbuttoning his shirt to access his carved abs. "Remember our naked sessions? Although your goal was to destroy my curse, you improved my body as well. I can feel that I'm so much stronger now."

"Oh, naked sessions? So you two already got somewhat intimate?" Xinyu pointed out playfully, giving her mom a wink. "Did you do it already?"

Katherine squinted her eyes as she replied back, "What a coincidence, I wanted to ask the same."

Xinyu didn't shy away and instead sucked on Xuefeng's neck.

"Only once," she admitted with a smile. "It felt so good I will never forget it."


Both of them suddenly moaned as Xuefeng gripped their bottoms with noticeable strength.

"Is this something to brag about?" Xuefeng asked softly, giving them each a deep kiss. "Since you two are my women now, I will of course make sure you receive enough love from me. Katherine and I just didn't have enough time to express our love for each other."

He looked her in the eyes and slipped his hand through the cut of her golden dress, grasping her bottom directly.

"I'm sure that will change any time soon though…"

Katherine didn't avoid his gaze at all and her body accepted his touch with no hesitation. Her hand was already roaming on his chest but suddenly crept its way to his lower belly as their faces neared together.

"I was hoping it would be sooner than later…" She whispered in response, rubbing the tips of their noses. "The moment you first touched me, I was dreaming of being filled by you…"


Her lewd words and soft hand wrapping around him caused his erection to jump, filling his mind with desire. He had to give it to her. She knew how to make his blood boil.

"Mom… Is that really you talking…?" Xinyu asked with a cute blush, pushing even her to the edge.

Katherine ignored her question and continued to squeeze all around while stroking on his ear. Their hot breaths quickly mixed together as she bit on his lip before their tongues locked in a scenic battle.

"Hey, what about me?" Xinyu pouted cutely at being left out. She pressed her chest against his own and reached into his pants, joining Katherine in getting what they want.

"Wait," Xuefeng paused, realizing something. "If you want to get stronger, I can simply channel my Regeneration Ability through your bodies. It will be more efficient too."

Katherine had a quick response to this idea.

"Why have one when you can have both?"

She winked at Xinyu and they crouched together while pulling down his pants. Both their eyes brightened at his length, Xinyu showing a yearning expression while Katherine seemed more mesmerized and surprised.

"This…" Katherine muttered as she grazed his erection from the base to the top. "I wanted to taste it for a while…"

"Mom, you sound like a pervert," Xinyu commented, leaning forward to take the lead. "Let me show you how it's done."

She left a soft kiss on the side and shifted to the front, licking him clumsily. Although she already learned few techniques, sucking without hands still required some effort to master.

"Tsk, you act like I don't know anything," Katherine countered and joined her, battling with her tongue to seize the prize. She was the first to swallow the whole head and savored it with pleasure, her eyes closing as her tongue teased him from the inside.

"You two…" Xuefeng sighed as he knew he couldn't stop them anymore. He gathered their hair so it wouldn't disturb them and held the back of their heads.


They moaned again but this time it was from Xuefeng's Fate Qi that sunk into their bodies, bringing them relief and relaxation.

He also started to enjoy this idea when he noticed a shadow approach from the outside.

'You thought we couldn't see you enter here?' Nuwa's stern voice asked in his mind as she peeked inside the room. 'It's too dangerous!'

She immediately rolled her eyes seeing the hot scene but she didn't blame the girls, looking at Xuefeng for an explanation.

'Ehem, I'm helping them strengthen their bodies so they can reach higher floors. It's all a good cause,' Xuefeng explained, causing Nuwa to squint her eyes.

After her, Yiren and Wuying appeared next, filling the entrance to the room. Xinyu and Katherine had unexpected spectators, raising the tension in the room. It was obvious they wanted to join as well but it wasn't a place for such a scene.

'Naughty,' Yiren commented as she covered her giggle with a hand.

When two more of his wives came, Nuwa finally acted.

She walked up to Xuefeng from the side and forced a deep kiss while rubbing on his ear. Being pleasured from both angles, Xuefeng couldn't really hold back for long.


Xinyu's eyes widened at Xuefeng's sudden explosion but she wasn't greedy to swallow it all, sharing with Katherine as well.

'Next time you should be more careful. What if someone else walked in?' Nuwa reprimanded before adding while squeezing his cheeks.

'And you should definitely wait for everyone. Dummy.'

Chapter 210 Climbing

"They have been staying on the sixty-ninth floor for a while. Don't tell me that's their limit?"

Thousands of top Cultivators were already surrounding the Dragon Tower, making it hard to even approach it but for Ryan and his group, it wasn't a problem. No one was bold enough to get too close to them and risk angering the leading young experts.

"I doubt it. They have been stopping at the last floor of each section for a while. Probably to get their Artefacts or rest. That Liu Xuefeng is not alone so he must be waiting for his women instead of climbing on his own," Ryan guessed as he nodded in approval. "Respectable."

Just as he spoke, the golden color on the Dragon Sculpture moved upwards, finally showing some movement.

"See, I told you. I wouldn't be surprised if they continue their run and reach the hundreds," Ryan called out confidently, surprising people around him.

"Are you sure about that?" Rose doubted. "Wasn't the sixty-ninth floor the highest Xinyu reached so far? I'm sure she improved since last month but surely the jump shouldn't be this high?"

Ryan only shrugged and instead focused on the Dragon Tower. "Something tells me we are in for a surprise. If you didn't notice, all of his women climbed this high with him and they are still going. I wouldn't be surprised if they entered Dragon Ste—"


He couldn't even finish his words when his words were cut by the cries from the crowd. Sure enough, when they glanced at Dragon Steps ranking, they saw seven new golden names.

[1000. Liu Yi]

[999. Liu Lisa]

[998. Liu Shan]

[997. Liu Yiren]

[996. Liu Wen]

[995. Liu Wuying]


[750. Liu Tianshi]

"It's good that Dragon Steps only counts Cultivators under thirty years old else all of us would be pushed out of the top ten," Ryan pointed out playfully. "Since I'm first, I don't need to worry about losing my benefits."


Rose and the rest from the top five spots didn't laugh at his joke, gazing at him speechlessly.

"Rose, my love," Ryan muttered lovingly as he pulled Rose closer. "Can you see their names? All his wives took his last name as their own. Don't you think you would sound cute after taking mine too?"

"Tsk, sure, I don't mind," Rose replied with a snicker. "But how about you propose to me first? My clan has been waiting for a long time."

She acted like they already been through this conversation before and judging by their friend's faces, they also witnessed it a few times.

"Ah! Why it has to be so complicated? Aren't you already mine? You loving me is all that matters. I don't care about all those formalities," Ryan lamented before he hugged her from behind to divert her attention. "Anyway, forget what I said. Let's focus on what's important right now. They already broke the daily's record!"

Watching the tower, Xuefeng and his wives already distanced themselves from everyone else. Their position created a golden light on the Dragon Sculpture that was steadily moving up.




"Impossible… How could she temper her body so fast?" Rose questioned dumbfounded. "Did she acquire a new bloodline or something?"

Xuefeng and his women were still moving upwards with no one being left behind while their Dragon Steps ranking continued to go down in number. Xuefeng already broke the top three hundred while his wives jumped a hundred spots with a single run. Only Tianshi skipped ranks as fast as Xuefeng, claiming the top five hundred spot.

Reaching the ninety-ninth floor was a big achievement in itself but since it was their only one, the girls couldn't advance as fast as Xuefeng and Tianshi. Those two have already proven themselves in the Water Land Tournament.

The most shocking though was naturally Xinyu who jumped one spot in the most competitive top ten, taking the eighth spot.

"I doubt that. It takes a long time to assimilate with a different bloodline and she entered the Dragon Tower just last month," Ryan's denied. "I might be mistaken but I think all of it is thanks to Xuefeng. What are the chances that all of his women have such a strong constitution? Unless they were met with some recent blessing, it has to be his job."

It wasn't just him who was speculating how it was possible. More and more details were discovered about them, causing the whole House of Dragons to eagerly watch the miracle unfold.

While they were anxious, Xuefeng and the girls weren't in the hurry at all.

"Wuying! Check that double daggers! Aren't they similar to yours?" Shan called out excitedly as she approached one of the rooms. "Want me to take get them for you?"

Wuying walked up and her eyes immediately brightened. "Can you? I already picked the throwing knives from the previous floor."

"Hehe, I know~ That's why I asked," Shan replied with a giggle and pulled out her new shiny Celestial Stage sword.

With one swing, she broke the barrier and picked up the Daggers before throwing them to Wuying. The two were once rivals in love but now they were sisters who didn't mind helping each other.

"Thank you, they are perfect," Wuying expressed as she tested the daggers with a few cuts. "It's such a shame we can only pick one treasure every ten floors. I wish I could test them all out."

"Yeah, but since we are all together, we can share Artefacts we won't be using," Shan pointed out as smiled at everyone. "Thinking about it, we should start looking at some Arts soon. If we are lucky, maybe we can find some Forbidden Arts."

"Sure. We can all share whatever we get with everyone once we leave," Wuying nodded in approval.

If anyone outside heard them, they would definitely turn red from envy. Many dreamed to enjoyed so many treasures from the Dragon Tower.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Xuefeng called out from the exit before sighing as he gave Xinyu a kiss. "It's okay. Don't push yourself so hard. We can always visit Dragon Tower once again in the future."

Xinyu looked up at him while pouting and sat down on the ground. "Hu… I guess I will stay here and wait for you then."

She was already struggling for the last ten floors but she ended up pushing through this far. Too bad, Xuefeng couldn't help her in any way.

"It sucks to be the first to fall but I knew it would happen eventually. I am actually surprised I reached this far," Xinyu wished as she grabbed onto his hand. "I hope you can reach the top!"

"Mhmm, it won't take long," Xuefeng nodded as he crouched down to kiss her again. His women were adults so he didn't mind leaving them alone for a while.

"I will try to strengthen my body while you are away," Xinyu informed and reminded, "You can still ask me anything if you have questions."

"We will."

He stood up to leave with everyone when he spotted sudden movement in the air.

"Mona!" Yiren called out after the white fox but Mona was like lightning.

Before Xuefeng could react, she was already sitting on his shoulder with three fluffy tails wrapping around him.

"Oh, you recovered?" Xuefeng noticed the improvement from the previous two tails.

"Mhmm, this Tower is good for me. I can recover faster the more pressure it has so I will stay with you," Mona explained before liking her on the cheek. "Maybe I can even recover completely and turn back into a human today."

Xuefeng immediately imagined a beautiful fox lady and couldn't help but swallow.

"Cough, I guess it's another reason to chase the top floor. Let's go!"

His wives couldn't help but give each other a knowing look while Nuwa even pinched his waist.

"Move, move!"