
minato arisato in the world of dc

gilgamesh_heroking · 游戏衍生
2 Chs

meeting my first ever superheroes

suddenly the spandex wearing man landed in front of me with a hope filled smile on his face and said "sorry to bother you sir…" oh he wanted my name "minato arisato" somehow his smile got even bigger

" right mr arisato sorry to bother but the justice league and i couldn't help but notice the inter dimensional traveling that occurred that you did"

he was surprised, he didn't know that he left traces from whatever method elizabeth used to send him to this world "huh i didn't know that i would leave traces"

"it's not too much of a problem oh where are my manners i'm super man " 'what kinda name is that' "nice to meet you superman and are there any problems with being from another dimension that i need to know about" he asked curious about this new world

"no hopefully there isn't anything but you never really know with this kinda thing" superman said as he scratched the back of his head and minato couldn't help but agree 'who knows what kinda effects this kinda this could have'

"Mr. arisato is there anyway i could trouble you to follow me to the justice league's base?" superman asked while giving off a trustworthy aura and he couldn't help but reply "none that i can really think of"

"then come along" superman said with a smile that was like the sun shining above the clouds.

they walked through the streets talking until they reached a wide alley where superman said "superman 002 to the watch tower" suddenly a portal opened from the brick wall and superman went through with minato following him

once inside a giant room was before them filled with monitors, machines, and other equipment, a man in a batsuit seemed to appear from nowhere saying " thank you superman I'll handle it from here"

superman gave a nod and left.

The batman turned around and said "hello minato arisato i'm batman, now if you could follow me" he gave off a feeling of solitude and darkness which made minato feel at ease as he followed.

the two walked deeper into the building and came to a door with no sign batman pressed the button and a robotic voice came out of nowhere "please enter batman" as the doors slid open

minato entered and the room just screamed to him that it was a lab' i wonder if this so called justice league is more advanced than the kirijo group from back home'

"now minato if you could please stand there" batman said as he pointed to the middle of the room and minato did as he was told.

"if you are ready we'll begin" batman said as he looked at the screens. "i'm ready" minato said as batman seemed to do something on the screens that caused the area around him to glow

batman suddenly said " how strange i can't tell exactly how you ended up in our reality" 'i really can't find and known or unknown energy signatures other than the ones that show he isn't from our reality'. minato then said "i couldn't tell you how myself, all i know is that it was necessary for me to survive"

"what do you mean by that?" batman asked with an intense stare "i was sacrificed in order for humanity to survive and i was given a second chance at life thanks to this new world" minato said as he touched his chest.

"so you are a reincarnation?" batman asked with a straight face that gave away nothing. "thats how it seems to me but i don't exactly know how it works"

batman then said "interesting" as he turned and said to himself " i've heard of this type of situation before" minato couldn't help but be curious 'he knows someone who has reincarnated interesting'

then all of a sudden a device that batman was carrying started blaring then when batman held it up a hologram of a woman with red hair came out of it "oracle what is problem" batman asked calmly to which oracle(?) said "the joker has broken out of arkham asylum again

batman then started leaving the room while saying" i'll be back in gotham as soon as possible and minato i will call another member of the league soon so just wait here"

just need ideas on if minato should go with batman or not

gilgamesh_herokingcreators' thoughts