

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

MCOverse · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Chapter 51 - Sports Festival Arc IX

When Ikiru finished moulding the pieces of ice, everyone in the stadium had a different face. "Ahh, I'm sorry. I've never shaped ice like this before, so I made some mistakes," Ikiru said sarcastically. The ice sculptures Ikiru had formed were in Endeavour's shape. At least their heads were in the shape of Endeavour. Their bodies resembled that of a woman with large tits. Some of the audience could not hold back their laughter when they witnessed this funny sight.

Others grimaced when they saw the statues. Shoto was stunned. He was expecting Ikiru to use the pieces of ice against him. Not use the ice to create a trans version of his father. Meanwhile, Endeavour was trying hard not to jump onto the field. Shoto recovered from his shock and activated his fire. He was about to attack when something unexpected happened. A gigantic five-metre-tall trans ice sculpture moved and attacked Shoto.

"What a control! Not only was he able to combine thousands of pieces of ice, but he was able to move them as one. Ikiru Ackerman, everyone!!!" shouted Present Mic in excitement. Shoto couldn't dodge the first attack of the statues attacking him. But this attack woke him up from the shock. Immediately controlling his fire, he began to melt the ice sculptures. By the time he had melted the tenth ice sculpture, he was out of breath.

Just as he tried to control his breathing, he heard applause. "Well done, well done. You're not only good as a cooler, but you're also good as a heater," Ikiru said as he continued to applaud Shoto. Shoto had had enough. "I'm sick of you and your arrogant ways! I'll show you and everyone else!" said Shoto as he used his Quirk with every fibre of his being. One side of the ring froze from the extreme cold, while the other side was covered in hellish flames.

"I think Ikiru overdid it a bit," said Jiro, sweating in her seat. Shoto's flames were so hot that the heat radiated into the stands of the stadium. "You haven't seen anything yet. Anyway, I'll get up, it'll be time for my match soon," Momo said, not sweating an ounce as she got up from her seat. Jiro watched Momo leave in confusion. Meanwhile, Ikiru stood tall in the centre of the ring. Neither fire nor cold could even come close to where he was. It was as if they were avoiding him.

"Always the same lines, always the same words. People who live in their own world, they're all like that. When reality is laid out in front of you, all you do is deny it. Are you strong? Compared to the majority, yes. Can you be stronger? Yes, you can. But it's never enough. Do you know why? Because there will always be someone else. Stronger than you, smarter than you, and work harder than you," Ikiru said. Meanwhile, Shoto had completed his preparations for his attack and attacked Ikiru with all his might.

Ikiru looked at the huge ice coming towards him. The ice was so cold that it chilled the bones of everyone in the stadium. Before the ice could reach him, Ikiru took a step forward. With his step, the sound barrier exploded again. Meanwhile, Cementoss moved to stop the duo. But he was too late. Before anyone could realise what was happening, Ikiru had smashed through the huge ice and the concrete formed by Cementoss. He was standing right in front of Shoto.

"There are two lessons for you today. The first is to pay attention to your actions. Because acting without thinking about the consequences may require you to pay the price for what you do," Ikiru said, looking into the eyes of Endeavour, who was looking at them from the stands behind Shoto. He threw a massive uppercut at Shoto, sending him flying into the sky. "Secondly," Ikiru said as he appeared in the sky right next to Shoto, "Never threaten an Ackerman. Because you are not capable of it!" said Ikiru as he punched Shoto in the stomach faster than the speed of sound. Shoto crashed into the ring, the impact shattering it into pieces. All this happened too fast for anyone to react. While everyone was in shock, Ikiru slowly floated down to the floor, just as he was about to land, "I believe the match is over," he said to Midnight. Midnight immediately woke up from her shock and declared Ikiru the victor. She rushed over to Shoto and made sure he was still alive. In the stands, Endeavour was still in shock. His son, who had both his fire and his mother's ice, had been defeated by someone else.

Ikiru left the ring area. He met Momo at the door to the waiting room. "You have a message from Levi and Mikasa. By the way, All Might just send Endeavour away. I think he's a little angry," Momo said, smiling and handing Ikiru's phone to him. Ikiru nodded and took his phone. Levi had given him information and confirmation about the impact of his matches on the internet and the public. They had previously decided that Levi would use the sports festival to improve Ikiru's image.

Reportedly, the majority of the public had admiration for Ikiru's power and reactions to his behaviour. The reactions were varied but mostly consisted of negative criticism. Levi intervened, creating the illusion that Ikiru was loved by the public. The internet was his playground. The other message came from Mikasa. She told him how much she loved watching him crush others and wanted him to come home soon. Ikiru smiled at that, because the matches he'd been in had increased his libido, and he needed to blow off some stress.

"Don't prolong the match, Bakugo has no chance of winning anyway. If you finish the match in three minutes, I'll only use my physical strength in the final," Ikiru said to Momo, slapping her ass as he walked past her. Momo blushed and walked to the ring. Cementoss had fixed the ring while they were talking. Momo and Bakugo stood in the ring opposite each other. The audience began to speculate amongst themselves about the results of the match. For many, the winner of this match was unpredictable.

With Midnight cracking her whip, the match began. Bakugo immediately used his explosions to charge towards Momo. Momo reacted immediately and created a suit to protect her from the blasts. Like last time, the suit wrapped around her body. Secondly, she raised her right hand and created acetone directly on Bakugo. To outsiders, it looked like water was gushing from Momo's hand towards Bakugo.

Bakugo tried to avoid the liquid Momo sprayed at him. However, Momo's attack was well-timed and covered a large area. Because of this, Bakugo was drenched in acetone. Unable to avoid the attack, he tried to dash forward, aiming to get closer to Momo. Just then, he realised that his blasts were not as powerful as before. Acetone was the neutralising counterpart of the nitroglycerin produced by Bakugo (I am not an expert in chemistry, as far as I learnt from the internet).

After soaking Bakugo, Momo created the titanium-gold staff she always used. She charged forward and attacked Bakugo. As the battle turned into a melee, the excitement of the match increased for the audience. Bakugo was skilful. Although the power of his blasts had diminished, his combat awareness was high, and he was able to move with great flexibility at close range. Momo attacked relentlessly.

As Bakugo leaned backwards to avoid a full swing, he saw a flash grenade lying on the ground. Before he could close his eyes, the bomb exploded. Momo could create from anywhere on her body. And she used it to her advantage. During her previous attack, she created a flash grenade from Bakugo's blind spot and positioned it according to his movement pattern. Timing it to explode just as he dodged her attack, she attacked Bakugo.

Momo's success was easy to describe. But to realise it was very difficult. When Bakugo was stunned, Momo rushed in to knock him out. She swung her staff with all her might and hit Bakugo hard on the head. This was more than enough to knock Bakugo unconscious. And so the match was quickly concluded. The audience marvelled at the swift and perfect battle. Applause erupted from the stands. Midnight declared Momo the winner and announced that there would be a ten-minute break before the next match.

It was the next final match, between Ikiru and Momo. Meanwhile, the students of Class 1-A had different opinions. Many of them had witnessed the strength of Ikiru and Momo during their previous trials and exams. However, they did not expect either of them to reach the final so easily. Momo, in especially, had a very powerful Quirk, but it was very difficult to use. And it seemed more suitable for support than fighting. But when they saw the way Momo used her Quirk, they realised how wrong they were. The ten-minute intermission passed quickly, and finally, the anticipated final match arrived. Momo and Ikiru stood in the ring facing each other.

"As I promised, I will only use my physical strength. The longer you fight, the greater your reward," Ikiru said, grinning at Momo. Momo nodded her head in understanding. The audience had heard the duo's conversation, but couldn't make much sense of it. Meanwhile, the internet was buzzing with some breaking news. The first important news was that the so-called hero killer, the Stain, had reappeared and attacked the Ingenium. The other big news was that the first-year finalists of the U.A. Sports Festival were actually engaged. Of course, this news was uncovered by Levi.

The crack of Midnight's whip echoed through the stadium. And so the final began. Momo quickly assembled a suit of armour. The metal of this armour had the ability to absorb impact, similar to vibranium in the Marvel Universe. Momo then created her staff and went on the defensive. Ikiru, seeing that Momo was ready, made his move. This time he started running directly. He rushed at Momo and punched her. The audience was stunned by Ikiru's speed. "Did I mishear? Didn't Ikiru say that he would only use his physical strength?" Present Mic asked this question in the minds of the audience in the stadium.

"Yes, you heard right. This tells us that Ikiru's Quirk brought him this physical power as well. As everyone knows, some Quirks endow those to whom they belong with certain abilities that make it easier for them to use their gifts. Of course, it would be more accurate to see this as an aspect of our evolution," said Aizawa.

Meanwhile, Momo blocked Ikiru's attack and took two steps back. No matter how special her armour was, Ikiru's pure physical strength was nothing to sneeze at. Since it was within her range, Momo immediately attacked Ikiru. Ikiru blocked the swing of the staff with his arm, sending an uppercut at Momo with his left fist. Momo immediately took another step backwards and spun around. Using the momentum of her spin, she swung her staff with all her might. Ikiru immediately ducked and punched the ground. When he punched the ground, he created a small crater. Ikiru's attack was enough to throw Momo off balance.

However, Momo had predicted that Ikiru would do this. Just as Ikiru dodged her attack, she created a flash bomb and exploded it. Of course, she also created protective goggles. Ikiru was affected by the flash grenade but quickly recovered. It was so fast that it was as if the attack had never happened. Momo also managed to regain her balance in that small moment. Momo used her staff as a spear and threw it at Ikiru. The staff hit Ikiru as fast as an arrow. Ikiru expected such an attack. But he did not dodge.

He grabbed the tip of the staff and was dragged back a step. "You're giving me a weapon? I know we were showing off, but that was stupid," Ikiru said to Momo. "Anything for you, my love. You're going to win anyway, at least show some skills," Momo said cheerfully. Ikiru nodded and started twirling the staff around. Ikiru used many weapons. His favourite of the cold weapons was the spear. But the staff would do the job.

After creating momentum by twirling the staff, he took a step forward. At this time, he loosened his grip on the staff and let it slide in his hand until he grabbed the end of the staff. He then slammed it down with all his might. This smashed a large part of the ring floor. A lot of rubble rose into the air. At this moment, Ikiru began to twirl the staff again, and struck the rubble, sending it like bullets at Momo.

Momo managed to dodge the first few, but many rubble hit her, knocking her out of the ring. So the final match was won by Ikiru, who put on an excellent show.