
MHA: Reality Of Those With Nothing

A young child named Ricolo is born into a cruel world, but is gifted a powerful quirk, that could easily make him a feared villain. But before he could walked down that path, he is suddenly stopped by All Might.

DaoistJIIvmp · 漫画同人
42 Chs

Chapter 26: Ricolo vs Mina




The sound of light footsteps walking through a narrow tunnel rippled out, the steps were so quiet that it could only be comparable to a mouse running. Walking through the tunnel was no other than Ricolo who was approaching the tunnel's exit. With each step he took, the sounds of cheering grew louder and louder.

Bright sunlight poured into the tunnel, as Ricolo entered the sun, walking out of the tunnel. As soon as he exited the tunnel, the massive crowd surrounding him cheered loudly. Directly in front of Ricolo was a square stage, with a set of stairs leading up to it. He quickly approached these stairs walking up them.

Coming face to face with Mina who was standing several feet away from him with a grin on her face. A light breeze blew through the stage blowing both Mina's and Ricolo's hair, the sound of the breeze was soon interrupted by Mina. 

 " Don't think just because you are stronger. That this fight is going to be easy. "

" Trust me. I'm not going to underestimate you. " Responded Ricolo, the grin on Mina's face grew wider as she balled her fists and inhaled deeply trying to shake her nerves. But no matter what she tried, her heart raced. She knew that beating Ricolo in a hand-to-hand fight was practically impossible. Worst of all, she didn't even know what Ricolo's quirk was. 

As Mina tried to calm her nerves, in the stands, a group of students could be seen sitting on bleachers patiently waiting for the battle to commence, these students were Bakugo, Deku, Uraraka, and Iida. Their minds were racing, especially Deku's who was holding onto a notebook with a pen in his hand. 

Uraraka who was staring at Mina, eventually saw this and asked Deku a question. " What's the notebook for? " 

Deku looked up at Uraraka who sitting above him slightly embarrassed before he spoke explaining himself. " Well I study countless heroes, and fellow students to observe their strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics in battle. This is going to be one of the few times, I will be able to observe Ricolo in combat. "

A sweet smile appeared on Uraraka's face as she spoke once again. " Did you write about what I said about his quirk? " Deku quickly nodded and spoke. 

" Of course. It was the first time I heard someone try to figure out his quirk. So, thank you Uraraka " This sudden thanks surprised Uraraka who quickly looked away from Deku, Deku looked at her confused until suddenly Bakugo spoke.

" Hey, Deku. When you get done writing, let me see it. " Deku looked at Bakugo but before he could ask a question, Present Mic suddenly screamed out. 

" The Match Begins Now! "

With this announcement, the rackety crowd grew louder, as Mina slowly began to walk towards Ricolo who did the same, but before Mina reached Ricolo she suddenly stopped in the middle of the arena and spread her feet apart getting into a stance, with her hands tightly pressed on both sides of her chin. 

Ricolo stared at her stance slowly approaching her, his eyes glancing up and down her body, looking for any opening to strike, like a snake. He waited patiently until finally the opening arrived and he dashed forward. 

Even though Ricolo was lunging towards her, Mina didn't move instead, she waited and waited, and in a matter of seconds, Ricolo appeared directly in front of her, throwing a high kick directly at her temple. The kick traveled through the air, powerfully connecting with Mina's guard making her stumble to the side. Before she regained her balance and twirled swinging a back fist towards Ricolo's right shoulder, the fist came mere inches away from his shoulder but before it could reach, Ricolo's right knee shot up expertly blocking the punch. Ricolo smirked at the attack while throwing a front kick at Mina's stomach. 

" Playing dirty are we? " Ricolo taunted, his words covered in amusement, as his kick slammed into Mina's left arm, sending her sliding backward. Finally, Mina came to a stop and responded. 

" Well duh, it's my only chance to win. " After saying this Mina stuck out her tongue, mocking Ricolo who scoffed, and quickly started to walk towards Mina once more, but before he could charge, Mina beat him to the punch sprinting towards him, swiping her hand, shooting out acid. 

The acid flew through the air, forcing Ricolo to dash back gaining distance away from the acid that landed on the floor burning the stone. Mina sprinted over the burning stone, leaping into the air and throwing a kick that Ricolo easily dodged. Mina's body flew past Ricolo, sliding across the floor before she dashed again, throwing a wild punch at Ricolo.

Her left arm flew through the air until suddenly a force slammed into it, stopping the punch in its tracks and making pain course through her body. Mina gritted her teeth confused but before she decipher what happened Ricolo threw another kick, at Mina's head. Mina quickly raised her guard but right when the kick was about to reach, it stopped and went down slamming into Mina's side. 

The force of the kick caused Mina to wobble to the right until the force repeated once more making Mina collapse face-first on the ground. Mina laid on the ground confused, until she was forced to roll, narrowly dodging a stomp from Ricolo. The stomp caused a thunderous bang to ripple out, as Mina quickly rose to her feet. 

As Mina tried to figure out what happened, back in the stands, Deku could be seen writing down notes profusely, his eyes hyperfocused on the battle in front of him. With a gap in between the action, Uraraka figured it would be the perfect time to ask a question. 

" Why is she targeting his right shoulder so much? " Deku shrugged his shoulders and was about to try to give a reason but before he could Bakugo spoke cutting him off. 

" I don't know. But it's pissing me off. It's making her hella predictable. " Uraraka glanced at Bakugo before Deku spoke.

" Yeah. Her eyes have been completely focused on his right shoulder. Like it would be her saving grace if she hit it. But maybe she knows something we don't. " 

" Hey, will y'all stop rambling on focus on the fight? " Said Tokoyami, who was watching, as Mina sprinted towards Ricolo. Throwing a barrage of punches at Ricolo, who easily blocked and dodged the punches until his left arm snapped forward and grabbed onto one of Mina's horns. 

He tightly held this horn, before yanking her head down and slamming a powerful knee directly into her nose. The force of the knee snapped Mina's head back before once again Ricolo yanked her head down and slammed a knee into her face. Blood started to leak out of her nose until she covered her face blocking another knee. 

She kept blocking until she turned her palm grabbing onto Ricolo's thigh, creating acid in her hand forcing Ricolo to let go and dash back. The acid burned through Ricolo's pants and then burnt through his skin. Ricolo glanced down at the hole in his pants before he looked back up at Mina and spoke. 

" You did well Mina. But this is over. " A confused look appeared on Mina's face, but this confused look didn't last long, as the force of the knees repeated five times. Causing Mina's head to snap up, her eyes instantly became hazy, and she stumbled backwards before collapsing on her back. 

" What?! Just Happened?! " Screamed out Present Mic, as the crowd stared at Mina in complete silence. They remained silent until suddenly Ricolo's eyes widened and Mina slowly stood back up with blood covering her face. She locked eyes with Ricolo until she sneered and spoke.

" What did I tell you, Ricolo? This fight wasn't going to be easy just because you're stronger. "

" Are you sure you want to continue your nose is definitely broken. " Responded Ricolo with a smirk on his face, Mina just ignored him and once again wildly sprinted towards Ricolo aiming at his right shoulder. She quickly threw a punch at Ricolo's shoulder, making Ricolo turn his shoulder away and responded with a check hook.

But right when the check hook was about to land, Mina feinted the punch and ducked under the hook slamming her head directly into Ricolo's stomach, while grabbing on his legs making him fall towards the ground. Ricolo quickly fell towards the floor until he reached out and caught himself with one hand.

He quickly pushed off the ground and flipped Mina around landing on top of her before abruptly standing back up and walking away from Mina who was still laying on the ground. Mina stared at him while lying on the ground until she snickered and spoke while standing back up.

" That shoulder of yours must hurt badly if you aren't even willing to grapple. " 

" Yeah. It hurts like hell. But I think it's time for us to finish this don't you agree? " Said Ricolo.

" You took words out of my mouth. " Responded Mina, as she bent her knees and dashed towards Ricolo who quickly threw a kick at the charging Mina, Mina took three more steps until suddenly acid poured out of her shoes causing her body to naturally slip under the kick. The acid completely caught Ricolo off guard, making his kick whiff giving Mina a perfect opportunity.

The sudden trail of acid disappeared letting Mina throw an uppercut while springing upward, the uppercut soared through the air, slamming into Ricolo's right shoulder and popping his arm out of its socket. Ricolo stumbled back in clear pain, as Mina spun throwing a roundhouse kick at Ricolo's face. The kick made Ricolo bring his left arm up to shield his face. But right when the kick was about to slam into Ricolo's guard, it stopped and went downards slamming into Ricolo's stomach. 

Ricolo's body was sent flying, his balance becoming even more unsteady. Seizing the opportunity, Mina threw an overhand at Ricolo's jaw but right when the punch was thrown it was easily caught by Ricolo. Who grinned and with a swift motion, Ricolo yanked Mina towards him and aimed a kick directly at her throat. The kick inched closer and closer, until suddenly, Mina let out a scream. "I give up!" she shouted. Ricolo immediately halted his kick, which was mere inches away from Mina's neck. Ricolo stared at her confused while she put her hands up and spoke.

"Yeah, I know it's not the most climactic ending. But believe me, the last thing I want is to be on the receiving end of another one of your special moves or whatever the hell you hit me with earlier. I'm surprised I even managed to get back up." Ricolo slowly lowered his foot, planting it firmly on the ground, as the crowd erupted into wild cheers.

" How are you so skilled at close combat Ricolo? I even copied one of your moves. " 

" Who knows? " Responded Ricolo glancing at the crowd, hearing this response Mina sneered and spoke while wiping the blood off her face. 

" You just love hiding stuff, don't you? But how is your shoulder? I know I dislocated it. " Ricolo nodded before snapping his arm back into place and speaking. 

"It's fine but, it would have been better if you didn't target it, the whole match. "

" You used my horns against me, so we're even. " Said Mina crossing her arms and looking into the crowd with a grin on her face...

A few minutes later back inside the stands, Deku could be seen staring at Ricolo completely stumped. The page in his notes about Ricolo had only gained three new things, excluding what Uraraka had mentioned prior. Deku wrote down that Ricolo was insanely skilled and that he had an odd move that completely dropped Mina. And finally, the third thing he wrote about Ricolo was that he was dangerous in bold letters. 

Deku stared down at his notebook, trying to figure out anything to write until suddenly Uraraka spoke while looking down at his notes. " Did you figure out his quirk yet? " Deku just shook his head and let out a hefty sigh, seeing this, Uraraka oddly glanced from side to side, making sure that every other student had left the stands. Until she spoke.

" Hey. Deku. Keep this between us, because I'm not going to lie to you, I'm kind of scared of Ricolo. But, I know what his quirk is. " Deku instantly snapped her head back at Uraraka surprised and immediately asked a question.

" Did he tell you or something? " Uraraka quickly shook her head and responded.

" No. I learned his quirk by fighting him in the battle trial. But I didn't tell anyone, so I didn't get on his bad side. His quirk has something to do with repeating actions. I don't know all of the details but I know he can repeat his movements and the forces of his attacks. " Deku instantly began to write this down in his notes until abruptly voice echoed through the stadium.

" Izuku Midoriya and Minoru Mineta. Please get ready for your match. Meet in the tunnels in five minutes. "

Deku instantly closed his notebook, stood up, and walked towards the stairs, but before he could reach the stairs Uraraka unexpectedly spoke.

" Hey! You better win for me, Deku! "

" O-Of course. " Responded Deku looking at the ground, trying not to look Uraraka in the face. Hiding his red face, but in doing this, he didn't see someone staring at him. Hidden in a crowd, was Mineta with a cheeky grin on his face...

Five minutes later: 

Pov: Deku

Whoosh. The wind blows powerfully, as I stand in the middle of the arena facing Mineta who is staring at me grinning for some reason. But, I really can't afford to lose this one, I told Uraraka I was going to win. 

" Are you thinking of someone, Midoriya? " 

What is he talking about? I stare at him confused as Present Mic screams beginning the match. " START! " I slowly begin to walk towards Mineta but he doesn't move instead he keeps on talking. 

" It's quite obvious that you like Uraraka, Deku. " Huh? How did he figure that out? Unbeknownst to me in my moment of surprise, I naturally stopped walking, in that single moment, Mineta acted grabbing onto the balls on his head and quickly throwing them at me, my eyes widened in surprise, as I quickly dashed to the right but to my shock, a ball is already connected with my left shoe. 

I stand motionlessly as Mineta laughs heartily and sprints toward me while talking. " HAHA! I got you Midoriya, tricked by none other than the great Mineta. What are you going to do? You're going to have to accept my damaging volley of punches. That's all you can do! " He quickly leaps into the air throwing a punch directly at my chest, the punch flies through the air before connecting with my chest...But the punch doesn't hurt in the slightest, Mineta stares at me shocked before a worried smirk appears on his face, and begins to throw a volley of punches while speaking. 

" Playing the pokerface game, huh? Trying to act like my punches don't hurt... W-Well. " Noticing that his punches weren't doing any damage, Mineta quickly gulped on his saliva before glancing at the crowd, which was staring at him slightly bewildered. Using this gap in his focus I tightly balled my fist and threw a punch at Mineta, who immediately snapped his head forward staring at my knuckles that were rapidly approaching his face. 

His eyes dilated until he raised his hands just like Mina did during her match with Ricolo and screamed out. " I surrender please don't hit me! " O-Oh, I halt my punch and stare at him perplexed, as a single thought ran through my mind. I kind of, feel bad for him...