
MHA: Reality Of Those With Nothing

A young child named Ricolo is born into a cruel world, but is gifted a powerful quirk, that could easily make him a feared villain. But before he could walked down that path, he is suddenly stopped by All Might.

DaoistJIIvmp · 漫画同人
42 Chs

Chapter 15: Restatement

" Everyone get back! " Yelled out Eraser Head while sliding his goggles on. Classroom 1-A glanced over at Eraser Head before a wave of panic spread through their bodies as they glanced down at the massive amount of thugs walking through the purple portal. Ricolo glared down at the thugs as a surge of familiarity flooded his veins. 

Ricolo was used to seeing low-life thugs in front of him. As a matter of fact. He even recognizes some of the criminals. But he doubts that the thugs would notice him, after all, Ricolo tried his hardest to distance himself from the streets, only keeping his job. 

The sound of chatter emerges through the students before suddenly Deku speaks out talking towards Eraser Head who was about to charge into the crowd of villains. 

" What are you going to do? Your quirk isn't suited for battling a large group. It's best for stealth and one-on-one conditions. " Eraser Head just smirked at the comments before he spoke. 

" You can't be a pro hero with only one trick. " As soon as he said this, Eraser Head leaped down the stairs, engaging with the crowd of villains. The students watched as Eraser Head easily disposed of the phony villains wrapping their bodies with his scarf before violently slamming them into the ground. 

The class watched in shock, until abruptly Ricolo bent his knees and dashed to the right faraway from the class, while he looked behind him. Deku and the others looked at Ricolo confused before a powerful energy washed over their bodies making them sweat instantly. They watched as a purple portal appeared on the ground, before a deep voice spoke.

" You even have better reflexes than thirteen well done. But don't you think it's a beautiful time for the death of All Might? But he doesn't seem to be here. Did the schedules get messed up or something? " Classroom 1-A watched horrified until the ominous purple portal spoke once again. 

" We are the League Of Villians and- " Before the portal could finish his sentence, Bakugo charged in with Kirishima before firing a powerful blast that created a smoke cloud that obscured the class's vision. Deku covered his eyes using his hands staring through the gap in his fingers trying to process the best way to get All Might. When suddenly, in the corner of his right eye, he saw a silhouette lunge towards the portal. 

Right as the figure leaped into the sky, the stagnate smoke cloud cleared with a powerful gust revealing Ricolo right behind the portal his eyes tightly fixated on something. He balled up his fists ready to strike until abruptly he crossed his arms, as soon as he did this, a wave of purple mist shot out. Sending Ricolo flying back, before he flipped and landed on the ground. 

" My, My how dangerous. " Said the portal, Ricolo kept glaring at the portal until the purple mist surrounded him, and he was teleported into an abandoned building. Ricolo could only smack his lips as the sound of rain hitting the ground outside entered Ricolo's ears. Unbeknownst to Ricolo, he was teleported into the downpour zone. 

He glanced around at the barren dirty room, the building windows were cracked or completely shattered with glass shards covering the floor. The floor was made out of some concrete. Which means, Ricolo is most likely on the base floor. Ricolo stepped on broken glass as he exited the building through a door. 

Instantly, his body was covered in rain, making his light blue hair soaked. His hero costume was drenched however, that was the least of Ricolo's worries, because a sudden shout rippled out, hidden by the intense downpour. 

" Hey! There's one! "Ricolo's eyes started to dart around trying to find the source of the voice, until finally, he set his eyes on a group of twelve. The group slowly approached Ricolo with cruel grins on their faces, until a man with spikes protruding out of his back and leathered skin. Spoke in a raspy voice. 

" What a shame, you had to encounter us, brat. " Ricolo just scoffed at the comment, before he spoke aggroantly while calmly approaching the group. 

" Likewise, unlike the rest of my class. I will kill you without a care. " The spiky man's forehead veins bulged in anger, but before he could react, his men lunged toward Ricolo in a wild and disorganized manner. 

Ricolo waited patiently watching the group sprint towards him until he swiftly twisted his body and delivered a strong kick to a man with red hair. The kick connected with the man's face, snapping his head back and causing him to stumble in agony. After a few steps, he regained his balance, holding his bloody nose. Ricolo locked eyes with him, before smoothly ducking under a sloppy overhand punch and swiftly kicking a woman in the knees, making her cry out in pain.

Seeing the rest of his group struggling, the red-haired man reached into his blue jeans, before pulling out a small pocket knife. He juggled the knife in his hands before he bent his knees and lunged towards Ricolo, Ricolo instantly snapped his head towards the man, before a smirk crept onto his face to the horror of the man. But before the man could react a powerful force slammed into his face. Causing his vision to blur, before he collapsed onto the ground while letting go of his knife causing it to fly out into the air. 

The knife flipped in the air several times before it was snagged by Ricolo who twirled and stabbed a woman in the palm before twisting it causing a massive hole to emerge in her palm. Blood poured out her wound, before Ricolo slammed a lightning-fast elbow into her chin knocking her unconscious. 

The woman fell onto the hard ground making a loud thug echo out. Ricolo took a deep breath glancing around while tightly holding onto the knife. In seconds, Ricolo had defeated two, shocking the group who looked at him frightened. Originally, Ricolo planned on killing the group, but in the first exchange. He quickly realized that wouldn't be necessary the group fighting him were nothing but low-level thugs. 

The spiky man sneered angrily before he tightly gripped his fists together and crossed his arms. Without warning, he jerked his arms down firing a barrage of spikes out of his body. The rest of the group surrounding Ricolo glanced back only to have razor-sharp spikes pierce into their bodies sending them flying back until they were pinned into the wall. 

The spiky man started to chuckle evilly as the smell of blood entered his nose. But his happiness was short-lived, as a powerful force slammed into his side sending him, crashing into the wall. He grimaced in pain, before staggering out of the wall. He inhaled a painful breath before speaking.

" So? What the hell is your quirk? " He said, Ricolo glared at the man before he grinned and spoke. While juggling the knife in his palm. 

" Restatement. I can repeat any action that I cause. " The spiky man's eyes enlarged as soon as he heard this but before he could react, the force of the same attack slammed into his body, sending him crashing through the wall. Debris fell onto the ground, as blood poured out of the man's mouth, he held onto his stomach as a single thought ran through his head. 

" The force of that attack was stronger? "

The man's deduction was correct. The force of that attack was stronger. Ricolo can repeat an action in theory as many times as he wants. With each repetition, the force of the attack grows by 1.25 times. However, when Ricolo repeats an action for the fifth time. It doesn't increase by a 1.25 multiple instead it is times by five. 

But the drawback to Ricolo repeating his actions is. After he repeats it for the fifth time, a quarter of the attack is directed towards himself, targeting his ribs. Ricolo truly has a dangerous quirk when he needs to use it to the fullest. However, the strength of this group is something he can defeat with little use of his quirk. 

Ricolo stood in the abandoned building with a bored look on his face, directly next to him, was the spiky man lying face first on the ground unconscious...