
MHA: Body From Heaven

A captivating isekai story set in the world of "My Hero Academia." It follows the journey of Akira Tanaka, a passionate otaku who, after a fateful heart attack, is reborn as a baby in a world filled with heroes and quirks. Akira retains his adult intelligence and memories, making him a unique prodigy. His Quirk, Physical Embodiment, allows him to perform seemingly impossible feats. As Akira grows, he navigates the My Hero Academia universe, attending school and forming relationships with known characters. With his advanced knowledge and extraordinary Quirk, he faces challenges, adversaries, and a deep desire to uncover the secrets of quirks. Little does he know that his journey will lead to world-changing events, as he tests the limits of his abilities and reshapes the destiny of heroes and villains in this thrilling isekai adventure.

Ayakoji · 漫画同人
13 Chs

The Unseen World

Chapter 3: The Unseen World

The suburban neighborhood of the Tanaka family seemed tranquil, but within their modest home, an extraordinary infant's tale was unfolding. Akira had grown, both in age and in his understanding of the world he now inhabited. His Physical Embodiment Quirk was no longer just a curiosity; it had become a wellspring of possibilities that both amazed and perplexed him.

As his motor skills developed, his parents watched with joy and pride, believing their son to be an exceptional child. Little did they know that he was not only advanced but had unlocked a power that could redefine the boundaries of quirk-based abilities in the world of My Hero Academia.

Akira's crib had become his sanctuary, the place where he conducted daily experiments to push the limits of his Physical Embodiment. The more he delved into his quirk, the more he marveled at its versatility. He could control the density of his form, allowing him to effortlessly lift objects that should have been far beyond his infantile strength. His speed, too, had become a source of wonder. With a thought, he could dart across the room at incredible velocities, a blur of motion only he could perceive.

He had even taken to levitating toys in intricate patterns, creating mesmerizing displays of objects floating in mid-air. But these were mere warm-up exercises for the true potential he envisioned for his quirk.

One sunny morning, while his parents busied themselves with household chores, Akira lay in his crib, his tiny hands grasping a plush toy. With a focused concentration that belied his age, he willed the toy to rise into the air. His intense desire to see the limits of his power took root in that very moment.

The plush toy trembled in his hands, and then, as if in response to an invisible force, it began to rise. Akira's eyes widened with astonishment, and a joyful giggle escaped his lips. He was doing it; he was levitating an object through sheer willpower.

His parents entered the room, drawn by the sound of their son's delight. They watched in amazement as the plush toy hovered in the air, seemingly defying gravity. It was an extraordinary sight, one that no parent could have anticipated from their infant child.

Yuko, with her motherly instincts, reached out to touch the floating toy. Her fingers passed through it as if it were a ghost. She recoiled in surprise, and Hiroshi, equally astounded, could only shake his head in disbelief. They had a remarkable child, one who was rapidly becoming an enigma, an infant capable of miracles.

With each day, Akira's control over his quirk grew. He continued to hone his powers, experimenting with the manipulation of not just inanimate objects but also his own body. He had discovered that by altering the density of his form, he could achieve seemingly impossible physical feats. It was as if he could reconfigure his muscles and bones at will, transforming himself into a living marvel.

One afternoon, after weeks of practice, Akira decided to push his quirk to the limit. He lay on his back, his chubby legs kicking the air as he focused intently on the ceiling above. With a determined thought, he commanded his body to defy gravity itself. He intended to achieve sustained flight, a feat that would astound not only his parents but also the entire world if they ever learned of it.

For a moment, it seemed as though the laws of physics had yielded to his command. Akira's body began to rise, inch by inch, until he was hovering a few feet above his crib. He felt the rush of the cool air on his skin, and the sensation of weightlessness filled him with exhilaration. His laughter echoed through the room as he levitated with an unparalleled grace, his infantile giggles punctuating his joy.

Yet, as he reveled in his newfound ability, the laws of the physical world began to reassert themselves. His concentration wavered, and with it, his control over his quirk. Slowly, he began to descend, his tiny body gently lowering to the crib mattress. The triumphant moment was over, but Akira knew that it was only a glimpse of the potential that lay within him.

His parents had watched in awe, their eyes wide with amazement. They couldn't comprehend the significance of what they had just witnessed. To them, their infant son was performing inexplicable feats beyond the understanding of science or reason.

Over time, their astonishment gave way to concern. They recognized that their child was unique, and with that uniqueness came an inherent vulnerability. If the world were to discover the true extent of Akira's powers, he could be subjected to untold dangers.

With that realization, they made a difficult decision. It was time to conceal Akira's abilities and protect him from the world's prying eyes. As his powers continued to grow, it became clear that they would need to take drastic measures to ensure his safety.

The Tanakas reached out to a trusted family friend, Dr. Sato, a renowned scientist and expert in quirk research. With the utmost discretion, they invited him to their home and revealed the extraordinary nature of their infant son. Dr. Sato, though astonished, understood the implications of Akira's abilities.

He agreed to help the Tanakas in keeping Akira's powers a closely guarded secret. Working tirelessly, he developed a specialized containment chamber, a device that would allow Akira to practice and experiment with his quirk without the risk of public exposure.

The chamber was a state-of-the-art piece of technology, capable of neutralizing the outward effects of Akira's quirk. It provided a safe environment for him to explore the full extent of his abilities without drawing unwanted attention. Akira's parents, grateful for Dr. Sato's assistance, installed the chamber in a hidden room within their home, away from prying eyes.

For Akira, the containment chamber became his private haven. It was a place where he could exercise his quirk without restraint, where he could test the boundaries of his power and discover new possibilities. The chamber's technology allowed him to push the limits of his Physical Embodiment quirk while keeping it hidden from the world.

As the months passed, Akira's abilities continued to flourish, and his understanding of quirks in the My Hero Academia universe deepened. He knew that his destiny was entwined with this extraordinary world, and he was determined to make the most of his second chance at life.

Little did he know that his journey of self-discovery and mastery of his quirk would soon lead to an encounter with the heroes and villains of My Hero Academia, as the secrets of his existence began to unravel. The path that lay before him was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but Akira was ready to face them head-on, armed with a power that defied the laws of nature and a determination that matched the mightiest of heroes.