
Me and My Mates Against Fate

A prophecy from centuries ago; it is finally time for it to change the course of nature. Ivy breaks the seal to her powers over the years, bit by bit and now enters the world beyond Earth with creatures only meant to exist in fairytales and mythology, travelling across realm and fighting against her destiny. With members of the royal families of other realms approaching her now and then and finding her mates; it is all so sudden, and her mind cannot catch up. And what will she do when she realizes that she has not one, not two but several mates who keep popping out of thin air. What about her life on Earth? The family she was raised in? What happens when that mafia family of hers suffers due the uprising in the criminal organizations? What is the meaning behind this? And what is the prophecy? Will she and mates manage to survive this? EXCERPT 1- “Okay, okay. If you don’t want that then after you hone all your powers and we mark each other, you will be able to see much of what this darkness holds.” “Mmhmm…” “What happened when I was returning with my ‘brother’?” “We are still on that?” “You asked me ask.” “Your brother was never there, it was me. I morphed into your brother and the water you drank put you to sleep.” “Anything you are not telling me?” she eyed him suspiciously. “Well, Engel came to see that night and I transported your illusioned body to a room in the penthouse.” “Anything else?” “Your so-called mates came to see you the next day.” “Who? Aren’t you my ‘mate’?” she looked very confused at the mention of 'mates'. (Cutting part of the scene) “I morphed into you and gave them a little scare. They must be searching for you right now.” “You are quite sneaky... Can I also morph into another person?” She looked like a curious kitten with all those silly question in Azazel’s eyes. “You can’t…” she looked sullen. ___________ It is my first time writing a novel with dedication and i realized that as easy as it is to make up a story in your head, it is time consuming to write it in reality. Hope anyone who comes across my novel enjoys.

msbutterflies · 奇幻言情
24 Chs

4. Overnight Success

Entering another room which looked like an office, Ivy faced the young lady as she sat on her office leather chair at the table. "You have 5 minutes to say whatever you want to."

After a little shock, the young lady began, "Good morning, ma'am. I am Goldie and I came here looking for a job. I have some designs and I would like for you to see them."

She flipped through some pages of the file she was carrying and put it in front of Ivy.

"You may sit on the couch till then." Ivy pointed towards the couch.

The desk had no chairs for visitors since Ivy preferred keeping distance and she didn't have many visitors either.

Goldie looked around the neatly arranged room while Ivy flipped through Goldie's designs.

It had only been a minute when Ivy's voice broke the room's silence, "You're hired. You can go to the reception for your schedule. You start tomorrow. Also, send Sara to the reception on your way down. She is on the third floor with the designers at the moment."

Goldie was completely shocked at the events. Ivy also said nothing and let her take in the work assigned for the day. After a while, Goldie came back to her senses, "pardon?"

"You're hired. You can go to the reception for you schedule. You start tomorrow. Also, send Sara to the reception on your way down. She is on the third floor with the designers at the moment."

Ivy repeated the exact same words once again.

"I am hired? Just like that?"

"What else do you expect? The designs are nice, they may be similar to my first show's designs but different altogether and perfect for the company's fashion show this year to celebrate its 5th year anniversary."

"Thank you, ma'am," Goldie was grateful and was about to leave when something struck her, "hasn't it only been 4 years since the company into being?"

Ivy smiled, a genuine one at that.

"this company was set into motion 5 years ago. It was my small workshop back then. I had gotten orders from a couple people who liked my designs with exclusive offers though we weren't exactly open for business."

This was not something Goldie expected and was shocked out of the world. 'Today is my day of shocks,' she thought to herself. But then she picked something up from Ivy's words and was deeply astonished.

"Y- you are the owner of Lasting Infatuation...?"

"I am."

Those two simple words were enough to take away the ground below Goldie's feet. In a daze she went through the process and was given another shock at the reception.

Sara was fired and she, herself was to begin tomorrow with a $5000 bonus for coming up to the CEO with her wonderful designs. She had to reach at 7am to prepare for a meeting to be held with the designers and editors.

Up in her office, Ivy was a little happy to tell someone that she was the CEO of the company which was considered an overnight success. She owned a famous fashion brand which she brought to the top by her own hard work and a little help from her family background.

She was obsessed with fashion, style and clothes from a young age. She learned how to sew and stitch in various ways and would also come up with drawings of various different styled clothing.

In time, she made her first dress which was absolutely gorgeous, as her grandfather praised her when she showed him. Slowly, she nurtured her desire and became quite talented in making different clothing pieces.

Her family attended parties of socialites where she gifted her handmade dresses with 'infatuation' as its brand. That was her first step towards this company which now stands tall with pride. Many people grew accustomed with her gifts and brand and would ask about it since they loved the design and style. The quality was also top notch, which assured them it's from something big.

Whenever questioned, she'd say it's a brand a friend of hers is coming up with. No one knew that she gifted her self-stitched dresses until even after she started her company.

She was an orphan, found and doted upon by her adopted grandfather, Michael. She had been picked up on a rainy day from the corner of the elite streets and was taken home by him.

His son, Marcus adopted her after his father's constant nagging and because his wife, Isobel found her adorable. Even his son, Cristian, was overjoyed to have such a cute and tiny little sister.

Her world was huge.

Marcus was a mafia king which made her the princess, though adopted. She didn't have much power over it but she learned a lot from it. She was one of their best fighter and hacker. She was outstanding in all aspects of life which helped her gain Marcus' trust and she made her own small organization while understanding about the underworld along with her company.

The second step towards her company was to get employees who would make the dresses from her sketches. She chose the poor and weak people who were in desperate need of work. She taught them and made one of the apartments gifted by Michael, her small workshop.

To pay the employees, she fought at a place called 'THE CAGE.' People would fight inside a cage while the crowd would bet on who will win and the winner would get 35% per cent of the profit. She could easily make up to a million in a night, if not more. This was used to pay the employees.

The third step was to introduce her brand to the world. After about 100 original dresses were made, she hired a famous fashion blogger and made some commercials on her own and paid channels to show them on TV for the start of a fashion show.

There were only five pieces of each piece at that time and she would use only 25 of her designs. With the gifts she had gave to renowned people, and the blogs and commercials going viral, her fashion show became a success and she earned almost a billion in a night.

The fashion show had turned into an auction as there were limited pieces and all were wanted. This how she set up such a big company and brought it to great heights and was given the title, 'OVERNIGHT SUCCESS'.

No one knew who owned the renowned company which earned the title, 'OVERRNIGHT SUCCESS.' She would get top celebrities and public figures to receive awards in her stead.

She was truly happy to actually acknowledge herself in front someone who wasn't her family. She somehow felt at peace and a sense of relief took over her.