
MCU : Unlimited Potential

A man died from a zap of lightning. He found himself trap within a void filled with darkness with no sense of time. From that moment afterwards, for an unknown reason he was burnt for gods knew how long. Until one day, he managed to obtain the opportunity to escape from the situation and be reborn. what he didn't know is that he was reincarnated into MCU and to his surprise as Tony Stark's son. But that would only be known to him in the distant future. MC will have a semi gamer's system. The system could not actively help him. No AI from the system or any mission/quests or shop. The system help him in tracking his progress and speeding up his learning/training progress. MC will become a mutant in the future but he would not know his ability until his awakening English is not my first language and I'm not using google translate. Expect from me many grammar mistakes. I'm still learning. This fanfiction is purely for fun. May be dropped anytime. May contain a lot of eastern cultivation element.

Donuttt · 电影同人
25 Chs

Kamar Taj [EDITED]

A man and a young boy have been exchanging blows with each other. Sometimes they used their own physical bodies to attack one another. Sometimes they used a magical construct of a variety of weapons - sword, whip, and shield.

The man finally snorted and said, "Enough of this warm-up. Use your full power, Noah." The man was called Mordo, one of the masters of mystic arts. He was Noah's combat teacher, more of a sparring partner. Mordo loved fighting against Noah. As Noah was creative in his uses of eldritch magic. He used this magic like none of the previous masters of the mystic arts.

The young yet mature man only nodded his head. The young man was only about 9 years old but his mature side was something that could not be faked but something only gained after countless years of living. In the void and this three years living in the Kamar Taj under the guidance of his teacher, The Ancient One, Noah finally managed to clear his mind from distraction and keep calm at all junctions especially in combat. Users of eldritch magic needed all the concentration they could manage to perform their magics.

Noah focused his mind, 'Lightning Armor' and purple lighting sparks appeared, surrounding his body. He vanished from Mordo's sight, moving too fast under the naked eye of Mordo. Noah appeared at Mordo's right side. Right before he hit Mordo in face, Noah changed his form, 'Fire Armor'. Just like his previous form but this time, it was as if he was bathing in fire. In this form he was filled with power more than speed.

However, Mordo was not to be underestimated as he had decades of years in combat, something that could only be forged after years of fighting. Mordo relied on his instinct to avoid the attack. Noah kept pushing forward under relentless attack, alternating between his 'Lightning Armor' and 'Fire Armor'. With his heightened perception, he also was able to avoid many of Mordo's attacks as he sensed the incoming attack.

And in the next second he appeared 10 meters from Mordo, trying to change his previous tactic of close-combat. This time, Noah wanted to test his long-range magic. 'Lighting Falcon', A falcon, about one meters in size, was formed from a lightning element in front of Noah. It suddenly flew straight towards Mordo. Noah did not stop and kept trying to form another creature but this time using his fire, 'Fiery Tiger'. Both elemental constructs kept harassing Mordo in a dangerous way possible but Noah knew it was not enough to beat Mordo.

The next moment, Noah and Mordo were exchanging blows whether in close-combat or long-range. Both of them were proficient in both types of combat. Only after about an hour of sparring, they finally stopped their training as they were beyond exhausted.

Noah was satisfied with his training so far. He liked to gain power but he was not a power seeker. He only loved the power that he obtained from his hard work. Hence, his daily training was very important to Noah, that he did not miss any of his training. After all, he did not have anything else to do except his training and magical studies.

In these three years and a half in Kamar Taj, he gained a massive improvement. At Kamar Taj, he could fully train his ability rather than during his time with Layla.

During his first years, he learned a lot of languages that were used to complement his practice of eldritch magic. He did not know why but since he was born, he felt smarter than he was in his previous life, maybe he inherited his father's brain. Well he did know who but he figured The Ancient One already figured it out. Anyways, he was not in a rush to meet his father.

He learnt the eldritch magic under the guidance of The Ancient One, his personal magic teacher. After he became quite proficient in his uses of eldritch magic, creating portals and weapons. He began to have his own idea of using this magic. He found out that he drew upon the dimension's power to use this magic. Usually, masters of the mystics arts would conjure weapons to compliment their fighting technique. Noah was able to do the same. But he was not satisfied with just that. In fact he was also able to form an elemental weapon from his fire and lightning manipulation, or in layman superpower terms, pyrokinesis and electrokinesis. If that was the case, conjuring magic was not beneficial for him as he already possessed that ability.

That's where his creativity jumped in. First, he conjured a sword with his eldritch magic from the dimension's energy. And then he used his mana to fill the sword with one of his elementals. The result was astonishing as the hardness, durability, and power of the conjuration increased by a lot. That was his first combination move consisting of eldritch magic and his elemental manipulation.

He then progressed further with that first step. He substituted the eldritch magic's source which was the dimension's energy to his own mana. His usage of eldritch magic became more flexible.

In combination with his pyrokinesis, electrokinesis and eldritch magic, he managed to create a lot of moves, just like his 'Lighting Falcon' and 'Fiery Tiger'. His skills, pyrokinesis and electrokinesis had a certain limit in their manipulation, restricted in terms of range. His usage of these two skills were mostly in close-combat like his 'Lighting Armor' and 'Fire Armor'. Lightning had more speed than fire elemental while fire has more destructive power than lightning. However, it needed to be mentioned that he possessed two of the most powerful elements on earth. He tried to combine both fire and lightning in one move. But he still did not manage to find the perfect balance between the two. He figured maybe after a few more years of training, he would be able to combine both of the elements.

With his use of eldritch magic, he gained a lot of long-range moves in his arsenal. Using his own mana as the source of eldritch magic, he was able to mold the magical construct to his own liking. He created a mold of animals of his favorite like falcon and tiger and filled it with fire or lightning. The eldritch magic would become the container of the elementals, preventing the elementals' power to lose their energies as they were further away from Noah. Purely using his elemental manipulation to create super long-range moves was really hard. But with his eldritch magic, it became simpler.

He also discovered more usage of his chi as it kept growing in quantity in his body. His fists when enveloped in chi made his fist destructive. He was able to punch with more power than his body actually possessed. It happened again when he tried to kick with his legs engulfed in chi.

In combat, when he didn't manage to avoid some of his opponent's attacks, he would shield the attacked part with chi and hence reduce the damage. If he covered his eye with chi, he would be able to see even further than he was supposed to, which happened to all his senses when he enveloped their respectives body parts.

He concluded, chi was versatile in nature and mainly used across certain parts of the body or all of them. While his mana was his tank for his elementals (fire and lightning) and also his magic.