
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Power Up

-Peter's POV-

Waking up after almost 2 hours, I felt completely normal. Of course, I knew I was supposed to be a 'superhuman' now but it did not feel like anything had changed.

Shit! Did chi really have an effect on my powers? Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I have to go to the conference again, I will find that fraud spider and give it to the Chinese restaurant guy for him to make a dish. As I was having an internal debate about how I will eat that fraud spider, I heard my phone ring.

It was Aunt May. Answering the phone, I said, "Hi Aunt May. What's up?"

She replied excitedly, "Peter, I won a $500 lottery in my office today. We will go to a restaurant today. Get ready at 8, your Uncle and I would pick you up."

Of course, it was my doting old aunt. She could have gone on a date with her husband but she wanted me to join. Rejecting the idea, I teased her, "Hey Aunt May, I do not want to be a third wheel on your date. Uncle Ben and you should go out and enjoy it sometimes. I won't accept a no. So, please go out and have fun as couples do, eat at a romantic restaurant, watch movies, etc. PS Uncle Ben is already surrounded by many women at his office, I do not want any of those old hags to snatch him from us."

In return, well, Aunt May decided to end my whole career in seconds. She replied," First of all, YOU should not tell me about what a good date is. You are still a dense single guy who loves machines more than girls. I have seen your cute little MJ trying to hit on you. Everyone knows that except you. You just ignore that poor lass. Pity on her for liking such a dense guy. Do tell me if you are into boys or even MACHINES. Do not try to hide it from us, we will support you in anything and also tell MJ to find another guy. Hehehehe"

(Ouch. That one there was a violation- Author's thought)

"About Ben, he knows what will happen if tries something like that. All those old demonic hags cannot snatch away my man whose love for poor jokes is above everything else. Also, like you, your uncle is kind of an idiot in terms of love. So you don't need to worry my little Petey. But of course, now that you have said it, Ben and I can really go on a date today. Yesss!"

Accepting my idea, she cut the phone and went back to work. I have also decided I won't tease my 'not so ignorant' aunt anytime soon.

How did I forget that she had survived uncle Ben's poor jokes for years? Whatever. I will just compliment her for some days and she will stop roasting me like her pancakes.

Focusing on my situation, I realized that I registering a lot more information through my senses. It was 7 P.M. and all the lights in the room were off but I could see as clearly as if it was daytime. Further, I could see minute details/ even threads of my jeans if focused my eyes on them.

Also, shittt! Why is there so much noise?! Focusing on my ears, I had to mentally block out specific sounds like my own breathing and heartbeat, all the noise coming from outside, and concentrate to bring my hearing to normal levels. My previous training helped a lot in this.

Now, now, now, the spider was not a fraud I guess. My hyper senses for sure have become superhuman. My strength, speed, durability, and everything else must also have been upgraded, only I haven't tested them yet.

11 years ago both my mind and body evolved. With the mystical chi, the powers and abilities I got this time may be different. Even though I don't have any information regarding the change, taking the example of how chi can increase the healing speed of the body and keep me in peak condition all the time, it must have affected my mutation.

The only thing is that I don't know if the effects are positive or negative. Of course, my training must have also affected the mutations, especially the training of my mind and senses. Training both of them was not natural and required a little bit of out-of-ordinary talent. Both of them affect the natural human body. So, the mutations must have also improved them. I already know that I have superhuman senses now, although the range and further changes have to be checked out.

Due to my previous training, I am pretty good at controlling my strength. This might be the reason that I haven't gone 'Super Saiyyan'. Despite the genetic mutation, my body must have subconsciously controlled this sudden increase in abilities.

I have to test all my abilities and start a new training regime. Hopefully, my master will help me. Yes, he will, or else I might have to 'show him' the effects of my new power up. Hehehe. Excited about the first time I will be able to overpower that weird master of mine, I texted him about the situation and we decided to meet at an empty factory in 15 mins.

My master was surprised but I think he somehow knew that something like this might happen to me. Eh! Who knows what that man thinks if he does think about anything other than his booze and habit of gambling. I just trust my master, the only thing that concerns me is his habit of *bonking* me. Of course, he won't be able to do that now.

So due to all his previous training and the incident that occured 11 years ago, Peter will get different powers and/or upraded version of the ones he would have received originally.

Next 2 chapters will be about his powers and new training regime. I will try to incorporate each and every detail and of course, I have some new ideas too. Do You want a comparison between original Spider-Man and this one or even the Dark Knight and the newly mutated Peter?

Thank You for all the love and Support!

Hope to see You around!

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