
Marvel: Rise of the Undead Monarch

Waking up in a crappy prison cell right in the heart of Asgard was the last thing Johnny expected. And to make matters worse, he found himself right in the thick of all the madness as Odin and Hela wreaked havoc across the Nine Realms! But you know what? Johnny's got a little something up his sleeve – the undead system. He can summon the undead like it's nobody's business. And here's the kicker – with every enemy devoured by his undead, Johnny and his army grow stronger, bringing him ever closer to fulfilling his destiny as The Undead Monarch. ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · 电影同人
62 Chs


"Devouring five regular fighters only netted me 20 Soul Points. It seems holding back won't cut it if I want to improve quickly."

Upon returning to his rest area, Johnny felt somewhat dissatisfied with his recent gains. To expedite his progress and fulfill the system's tasks, he resolved to aggressively accumulate Soul Points starting from the next match.

However, Johnny wasn't driven by bloodlust. His targets were specifically those fighters bearing 'marks' on them.

Normally, after a knockout match, contestants could enjoy up to a month of rest. Yet, Johnny surprised everyone by volunteering for the next match just three days later.

Upon hearing the news, Grandmaster readily agreed, noting the rarity of contestants taking such initiative.

In the blink of an eye, three days flew by, heralding another packed elimination match.

This time, Johnny shed his restraint from the previous game. As soon as Grandmaster signaled the start, he actively sought out opponents with 'marks', swiftly dispatching them with the assistance of the Spectre.

To Johnny, eliminating these criminals exiled to Saka posed little mental burden, akin to slaughtering poultry in a butcher shop—they were mere sources of strength.

In a single match, Johnny single-handedly took down a staggering twenty opponents, earning him newfound recognition from the audience.

"Who is this guy? Why haven't I heard of him before?"

"This is thrilling! Did you see? He took down at least twenty opponents in this match, and one of them survived six consecutive rounds!"

"I'm dying to see this fighter..."

"Did you notice that his victims seemed to have been devoured, leaving behind nothing but skeletons?"

The audience erupted into a frenzy of discussion and excitement.

The match ended in less than ten minutes, reaching the elimination quota. Johnny had amassed a hefty 110 Soul Points in just one match, allowing him to further enhance his fire control skills to level 4, marking another significant leap in his mastery over flames.

Three days later, as Johnny stepped into the arena once more, the audience's passion reached a fever pitch, with the entire crowd chanting his name.

In this bout, Johnny's adversary showed evident improvement compared to the previous two matches, fueling Johnny's excitement further. His keen gaze settled on a fighter bearing the dreaded 'mark'.

Every fighter caught in Johnny's gaze felt a shiver run down their spine.

With a track record of dispatching over twenty opponents in a single knockout match, Johnny's reputation soared. To the audience, it signaled strength, but to fellow fighters, it spelled nightmare.

As the battle commenced, the fighter who recognized Johnny swiftly distanced himself, avoiding a direct confrontation.

But evasion proved futile against Johnny's determination.

"It's you."

Johnny closed in on a fighter with the 'mark'.

This particular opponent was among the stronger ones in Johnny's estimation. Taking down such adversaries yielded valuable Soul Points for Johnny.

"Kid, don't think I'm scared of you!"

Provoked by Johnny, the man's face contorted into a ferocious expression as he gripped a blood-stained iron rod, exuding an intimidating aura.

Yet, after a brief clash, the fighter crumpled to the ground, fear and defiance lingering in his eyes.

Expression unchanged, Johnny swiftly moved on to his next target.

By the time the knockout bell tolled, Johnny had felled a staggering thirty fighters bearing the 'mark'!

Such a record was unprecedented in the knockout rounds.

As Johnny unleashed a massacre, all other fighters ceased their battles, watching in terror as he hunted down target after target. Fearful of being the God of Death's next choice, they stood frozen, witnessing Johnny's solitary elimination of thirty individuals.

After allowing the Spectres to devour the bodies of his fallen foes, Johnny departed the arena, satisfied with his haul of 210 Soul Points.

After two knockout rounds, Johnny had carved out a formidable reputation in the Fighter District and across the city of Saka. Discussions buzzed in the streets and alleys, highlighting Johnny's terrifying prowess and unmatched record.

"This newcomer is downright terrifying. His strength rivals even the Eternal Titan and the Insect Mother."

"True, but even the Insect Queen isn't as bloodthirsty. Almost half the contenders in each match end up at his mercy!"

"Despite his power, I don't think we need to fret."

"Why's that?"

"Have you noticed the pattern? He selectively engages opponents. If someone isn't on his 'list,' he won't act unless provoked."

In the fighter area, groups of acquainted fighters gathered to dissect Johnny's rise.

Meanwhile, within Grandmaster's opulent palace, discussions also revolved around the newfound champion of the arena.

"Master Grandmaster, Johnny's prowess meets the criteria for direct entry into the championship. Shall we bypass the knockout rounds?" Topaz, initially skeptical of Johnny, now stood respectfully before Grandmaster, a complex expression adorning his face.

"No need. Arrange for a couple of elite fighters to join the next knockout. It'll spice things up!" Grandmaster's smile held a hint of mischief.

Topaz, catching on quickly, nodded in understanding.

The championship lineup included not only fighters from the area but also Grandmaster's personally trained elite, boasting skills and strength rivaling top-tier contenders. Such additions added thrill and spectacle to the games, though for the participants, it often spelled despair.

"Why not include Lightning Wolf? He might give Johnny a run for his money."

Topaz suggested, a tinge of reverence in his eyes as he mentioned Lightning Wolf.

"Just make it happen," Grandmaster replied, his tone decisive.


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