
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · 漫画同人
120 Chs


A/N I know he is too weak for a guy who lives in 616, but you gotta keep in mind, he is only level 1. the lowest possible level, and I plan on taking his progression rate at a reasonable speed, I don't want him to one shot one of the most powerful characters in chapter 20 or something, so do bear in mind that this is the first arc, which Is the street level arc and it's supposed to be an introductions/starter arc, of course, there would different arcs like the mystical art, the sci-fi arc, the space arc, and the prehistorical arc, so just bare with me.


As the minute elapsed, Oliver's mana points were depleted, and he found himself panting like a dog. Raindrops tapped insistently against the window, creating a rhythmic backdrop to his triumphant moment. "God, I thought I was going to fail," he groaned, the heavy rain outside mirroring the intensity of his effort, draining every ounce of will, stamina, and mental energy. With a triumphant smile, he assessed the newly enchanted bodysuit. Rain droplets trickled down the window pane, casting a surreal glow on the room. "Looks like someone has been listening," he said, immensely pleased with the outcome.

[ Name: Stealth Weave Suit ]

[ Grade: Green ]

[ Description: A full-body black suit designed for stealth and discretion. The sleek design minimizes noise, allowing the wearer to move silently through the shadows. The suit includes a face mask that covers the nose, gloves, and shoes, all together, adding an air of mystery to its wearer. ]

[ Option: Whispering Shadows (Rank: F) (active) - Grants the ability to meld with shadows, making the wearer nearly invisible in low light conditions for 6 minutes and 20 seconds, 0/1]

[ Durability: 75% ]

"Damn, I AM lucky. Although it's an active skill, it doesn't diminish its value whatsoever. I just have to be in a low-leveled area," he mused, the room now filled with a post-rain calmness. He was extremely happy with the outcome. "Well, now I just have to wait for 24 more hours," he sighed, the cooldown feeling longer than usual. "Well, I am still low-leveled, so," he reasoned.

[ 3 weeks later ]

It was in the middle of the night in Hell's Kitchen, and the rain, relentless as ever, created a symphony on the city streets. A shadowy figure, clad in the dark optioned-out suit, moved with silent precision through an expensive apartment complex. Raindrops traced pathways down the figure's sleek silhouette, adding to the overall atmosphere of stealth.

In a large and luxurious living room, a cacophony of sounds emanated from a wild party—people drinking, some unclothed, others indulging in drugs. It was the epitome of a typical extravagant gathering. Thanks to the heavy downpour, a figure moved with discretion through the city streets, unseen.

This figure, Oliver, navigated the opulent bedroom, his enhanced suit allowing him to move in near-complete silence. Raindrops on the window created a distorted view of the glittering skyline beyond. He silently rifled through the room, the atmosphere inside as chaotic as the storm outside.

"Fuck," he suddenly whispered to himself, frustration mingling with the sound of rain against the window. After a few minutes of meticulous searching, he finally found his target—a box of jewelry. "A box of jewels," he murmured, relief evident in his voice. Opening it, he discovered an array of precious gems. "Oh god, thank you," he whispered, the glow of the jewelry reflecting in his satisfied gaze.

This marked Oliver's third break-in within the past three weeks. The first had been a small success, netting him cash; the second, less fortunate. Today's target, a house occupied by rich and inattentive youngsters holding a party in their parents' absence during the heavy downpour, promised greater success. Oliver always made sure to target the affluent, he might be desperate but he was not a monster.

After securing the jewelry box, he stowed it in his backpack. One might expect the backpack to bulge given the box's size, but it didn't, seamlessly blending into the shadowy figure that melted into the rainy night. The streets, washed clean by the downpour, bore no traces of Oliver's nocturnal exploits.

[ Name: Urban Backpack ]

[ Grade: White ]

[ Description: A slightly worn-out backpack that has accompanied its owner through countless urban adventures. Despite its wear and tear, it remains a reliable companion for the modern-day explorer. ]

[ Option: Spatial Expansion (Rank: F) (Passive) - The backpack's interior seems to defy conventional space, providing twice the space than it was design for]

[ Durability: 64% ]

The backpack proved to be far more valuable than Oliver initially thought. Not only did its weight defy increase, a detail mysteriously absent from the status window, but its capacity was substantial. Luck had indeed favored him when crafting this invaluable item, despite his subsequent failures in granting options to other items. "A lot of items to give options to," he mused, securing the backpack and stealing a momentary glance at his own status panel before heading toward the best exit.

[Name: Oliver]

[MP: 1.24/1.24 (1 MP lasts for 1 minute, 1 MP can be recovered every minute)]


Option: You can grant one item a single option, and depending on either the item's history, production method, use, or significance, it would receive a different option. But it can only receive 1 option, with a 70% chance of failure. Current grade: F, level: 1 (35/1,000) cooldown: 24 hours.]

Stepping out into the heavy downpour, Oliver surveyed his surroundings, casting a cautious gaze to his left and right. "Swift Stride," he uttered, activating the option on his shoes. Although the command felt unnecessary, the worn-out sneakers responded by granting him an instantaneous burst of speed, the raindrops enhancing the overall atmosphere of swift movement.

[ Name: Old Worn-Out Sneakers ]

[ Grade: White ]

[ Description: These old sneakers, battered and worn after many miles, have faithfully accompanied their owner on countless journeys. Despite their dilapidated appearance, they still provide a sense of comfort and familiarity. ]

[ Option: Swift Stride (Rank: F) (Active) - When activated, the wearer gains a temporary burst of speed, allowing for quick and agile movement for 4 minutes, once every day, 1/1. ]

[ Durability: 44% ]

Thanks to these shoes, Oliver deftly avoided potentially dangerous situations, like a recent gang shootout that the police seemed inexplicably indifferent to. The city had become a perilous place to live, but Oliver, no ordinary teenager, skillfully navigated through it. Safely reaching his apartment, he contemplated the dangers that the city now harbored, but his penchant for being overgeared assured his safety, especially with items that bore valuable options, like his trusty Glock.

[ Name: Standard-Issue Glock ]

[ Grade: White ]

[ Description: A standard store-bought Glock handgun, commonly used by law enforcement and civilians alike for personal defense. ]

[ Option: Quick Draw (Rank: F) (Active) - Allows the wielder to draw the firearm with increased speed, enhancing reaction time in critical situations. ]

[ Durability: 78% ]

"You know what they say, once in doubt, bring a Glock," he joked in his head as the Swift Stride skill's effect wore off. "Oh, I cannot wait until I level up, so that I can shorten the duration and the effect of the options," he sighed, not a big fan of the cumbersome process of granting items options.