
Marvel’s new ultimate spectacular Spider-Man

We all know Spider-Man origin but what about petter Parker a different one a reincarnated person how will he change the universe

Deshawnta_Jennings · 漫画同人
3 Chs


They were lifeless I couldn't do anything as they were taken away from me I hated this this hopelessness I would have died too if he wasn't scared by the cops and ran away I just had to get away I was about to run but I just couldn't my body wouldn't move I had just broken down and Cried cradling my parents' dead bodies. They always told me to be strong and that I would be great and that's even if they weren't there physically they were there with me in spirit I stayed there for hours until the police came and picked me up I was brought to the office there I saw captain Stacy who I know from people calling his name as we walked in I sit down in a chair as they talk about something they finish as the person who brought me in leaves as Stacy sit down and beings to talk to me.

"Ok 'sigh' I'm sorry for your loss but you are official an orphan but good news your parents will have sent you all of everything they own to you and you are going to be under the care of Ben and May Parker. I suspect that you know them as you seem happy to hear this well again I'm sorry for your loss" Said captain Stacy He was right I did start to feel happy knowing I wouldn't be going to an orphanage instead I would be in the care of my aunt and uncle.

"Oh ok thank you, Mr.Stacy," I said

That had felt very weird saying from my mouth but I said it none the less but I was only happy for a little bit as flashes of my parents' dead bodies appears in my head again I just couldn't stop it I started to cry again I put my head on my face to wipe away the tears but they kept coming. I was later picked up by my aunt and uncle they were worried about me rightfully so as I couldn't sleep as I kept having dreams about my dead parents telling me I shouldn't have lived and that it was my fault they were dead if I hadn't come on the doorstep they would be alive I screamed it wasn't truly a that they loved me but they wouldn't listen and attacked me only for me to wake up to my aunt and uncle telling me to wake up and everything is ok.

I wasn't fine for a couple of weeks months until a year had passed in fly I had sometimes not slept because I didn't want to exercise that dream again so I would spend most of the day training my body and learning as I found comfort in it I would spend time with my aunt and uncle but also Jean sometimes as das he would come over as during the first week we had there funeral and she and her mother stay at my aunt's and uncles house for that day to help me that was also the day I valid to get vengeance. As one of the last things my parents said to me was to be safe and strong and happy.

"Peter 'cough' I don't have much time 'cough' left Be strong son and be safe we love you do be afraid," Thomas said as he died

"Peter my baby baby oh how I love I'm sorry this happened and that you might feel alone but your not I really wanted to see the man you become because. I know you would be great promise me you will do that achieve many things and be happy my baby boy I love you" Said, Martha

Years past I was 12 now those nightmares I had eventually stopped having those dreams and I moved on best I could and I started to be happy with my life I started going to public school too there I had met some characters like flash, Mj, Gwen, Susan storm, Johnny storm, Ava Ayala, Ned leads at school but I don't interact with them right now as I was still focus on being stronger and waiting to be bitten by the spider.

It was time it was the day before the field trip to Oscorp I was thinking about what I should make my suit look like but I just sleep on it until the time being. (Time skip) We have just arrived at oscorp inc. I was happy as I was excited I was going to get my powers this reminded me of the day Jean got here powers (flashback) I was walking up stairs to jeans room as I had opened the dirt I see Jean lifting her books in the air I was surprised they developed so soon we were only 9 years old but I still accepted her regardless She was sad and scared as she thought that I was going to abandon her but I wasn't I would never were bestie for life and I really mean it.

"So you want abandon me you still play with me" Jean said "Of course not you were there for me so I'll be here for you" I said "now how about I help you with your powers I'm pretty shore I can come up some to help you" I said "I love you Bruce now and forever" Jean said "I love you too" I said (flashback End) after that moment It straighten are bond even further I would often help her control her powers with the theories I even helped her one time when her powers went out of control and she started to her voices in her head turns out to be everyone's thoughts.

Snapping out my thoughts I turn to see ava and sue tell me we are moving on to the spider section where they going to tell us about the things they been doing with them I was excited I was finally going to get my powers just got a couple minutes left we started to move to the spider section as the Scientist start to tell about the spider before say there are 15 spiders.

"But I only see fourteen" Said sue "well I guess they took one out for more test" Said the scientists after a couple of minutes of asking questions We were about to leave I felt a pain on my neck as I slapped the spider I screamed out as that actually really hurt "You ok Bruce" Said Ava "I'm fine just stomped my toe" I Said "oh ok hope your ok we got to catch up the clad already left" Said Ava "oh alright leave get to moving" I Said after that a couple hours went by and I was starting to feel sick as I was finally able to get home coming through the door may and Ben ask me if I'm alright I said I was alright just a little sleepy as I went to my room and fell sleep I had dreams of spiders then my consciousness was pulled into a dark realm as I saw a giant spider as it spoke "you are different from your others special so I will grant you my blessings my name is klutze" It said "What do you mean by others and by me being special " I said playing dumb "you will see in do time now you must leave rise my champion and leave those who do evil know fear" Said the god spider klutze As everything went black as I finally woke up sweating getting up I went over things that happened as memories of lives not mine and knowledge came flooding into my head I almost past out again but I willed myself to stay conscious after a few minutes It finally stop as I looked at myself in the mirror as I was jack I looked like a sculpture come to life made by the gods.

After I got done looking at myself I went through the memories of Batman deathstroke and lex Luther as I could feel my iq rising as I did finally getting done may screamed that breakfast was ready making me realize I slept through the night as I told her I would be down in a minute as I got ready for my new life as Spider-Man!

When I got down stairs I saw uncle Ben and aunt may eat breakfast as I join in we talk as they asked me some questions here and there "So Peter you feel better if your not you can stay home" uncle Ben said "yeah I'm fine just a little headache nothing a little sleep can't fix" I said "well that good have a good day at school" Said uncle Ben " ok love you guys" I said as I started laughing walking to the door only to be stopped by aunt may coming up to me with my lunch I forgot as she tells me "oh Peter don't forget about your lunch and also next on Friday we're going to have guest Anna and her niece Mary Jane are going to be coming over on Friday so be fresh my handsome boy" Said aunt may "who knows maybe you and her might hit it off you get yourself a girlfriend" Said aunt may trying to tease me not getting a reaction.

She stopped as uncle Ben said "May stop teasing the give him his lunch he's going to be late from school and miss the bus" Said uncle Ben "well ok I'm gonna miss you Peter have a good day at school" Said aunt may "yeah ok love you guys" I said heading to the bus stop I happy I could make it there on time as it stopped in front of me getting on I saw flash and his gang of idiots and I saw ave and sue also Ned my best friends as I sit down with them "Hey Wasup did you see the new Star Wars lego set I asked ned sitting down" I said

"yeah man it so cool better than the dark star this new is my favorite one it has around 1,000 pieces" Said Ned as we arrived at school heading off the bus I hear flash shout "Hey puny Parker your a bitch" this beaning said I turn around only to see a fist coming to my way dodging my way. Avoiding his punches I punched him In the chest trying to hold back as he was sent flying back as I was cold to the principal office that day and sent home as uncle Ben came and picked me saying to "felt good doesn't you hit him back" Said uncle Ben "answer the question Peter" Said uncle Ben as his voice snapped me out of my thoughts with me responding "yes that it felt good he bullies me all the time with me not telling you and may so you didn't have to worry" I said

"I know I know Peter but it's not about that it's the way you reacted you didn't think you just did now your suffering the consequences for something you could have just walked right out of" Said uncle Ben "yea I know I'm can we just go home" I asked as we went home

(This is a half chapter I will finish it later today if I can).